“Gov. Quinn has been a great friend and a fantastic partner in our work on military families, she said. “And I’m looking forward to doing more work with you in the years to come, because I’m going to be voting for this man. And we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure he gets over the finish line. He is the guy for this state. ”
- William j Kelly - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:01 am:
Everything?!!! Rauner drone strike in 3….2…..
- Demoralized - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:02 am:
They better start exercising that “power” soon. Quinn could use a bit of the fundraising power of the First Family and a nice commercial or two in Chicagoland from them to help Quinn make sure his vote total in Chicago is as high as it needs to be in order for him to win this election.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:04 am:
Illinois is still good for the President.
It’s good optics if Quinn gets lens time with Obama, but that doesn’t physically bring voters to the polls.
Now The First Lady? I think this Democratic woman voting for might have some juice…
- Spliff - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:06 am:
Chicago Yes. Money Yes but some key stops for him downstate might help as well … Peoria, Metro East, Champaign, the Quads and maybe Rockford.
- Under Further Review - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:07 am:
So nice to receive a meaningful endorsement from the First Couple now that they are looking to move California…
- Empty Suit - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:08 am:
Oswego, The buses under the new registration law will get voters to the polls. (rim shot)
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:10 am:
It’s going to take more than that.
- A guy... - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:10 am:
Can’t comment on this one without breaking the rules. So I won’t. Other than…”He is NOT the guy for this state”.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:15 am:
- Empty Suit -,
That is up to the Quinn Crew to orchestrate it.
The Rauner Crew is still auto-dialing looking for “volunteers” without a Field Op to support it. Same Day registration could be good for Rauner too, but that Crew lacks the organizational structure to be impactful, and I point to the Primary and auto-dial calls as an example.
- CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:19 am:
That clinches it
First Flip Rauner falls for the media taunts and offers to raise taxs
Then lst Family goes all in
Whz Next: Durkie & SENATE MINORITY LEADER flipping their support of FLIP tax hike plan?
- 47th Ward - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:34 am:
===Can’t comment on this one without breaking the rules.===
Like Pavlov’s dog. Heh. I’m sure Rich will be wearing out the delete key on this post too.
- Knome Sane - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:36 am:
What else can she say?
- Judgment Day (on the road) - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:38 am:
Nice way of saying “Don’t call us we’ll call you”.
Now IF Michelle actually shows up as a headliner for some Quinn events, then there’s something to it.
- DuPage - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:39 am:
Michelle Obama might help Quinn in getting out the vote in some areas. In other areas, she might get out an anti-Obama vote. She is more popular then her husband though, so overall she might help more then hurt.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:43 am:
===Nice way of saying “Don’t call us we’ll call you”.===
How so?
The President has been visible with Quinn, after the Rauner-backer threw the Durbin funder, Obama had breakfast with Quinn, and the statement reinforces what the President has done, out of his way to do…
… so what do you mean?
- Empty Suit - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:44 am:
Agreed Osewgo. Fight buses with buses.
- East Central Illinois - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:49 am:
She going to send a veggie platter over to Quinn’s campaign headquarters.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:49 am:
We all know the power of a first lady endorsement on political races - even in their home states.
I think it was Frank Billings who won with Grace Coolidge’s endorsement back in 1924.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:55 am:
===back in 1924===
You didn’t have to go that far back in history VMan. Ask President McCain and Senator Whitman how much Nancy Reagan’s endorsement helped them.
- Skeptic - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:57 am:
OW: Off-topic pedantry…but “impactful?” It makes me cringe when football announcers say it (and even moreso when they use its anto-not-a-nym “unimpactful.”) I don’t mean this as a criticism (i.e., don’t change on my account), I just had to let out a scream of agony much like someone might make when they hear fingernails on a chalkboard.
- Cassiopeia - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 11:59 am:
Sounds like another Obama red line.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 12:09 pm:
- Skeptic -
“Everyone’s a Critic!” - all good, no worries!
When I start announcing football games, I’ll change.
- Wensicia - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 12:10 pm:
In four sentences Michelle Obama makes a better campaign speech than anything Quinn has come up with since the primary.
- fed up - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 12:25 pm:
her husband’s Poll ratings are are as bad as Quinn’s good luck
- Commonsense in Illinois - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 12:26 pm:
I can see the commercials now…
- Anonymous Retiree - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 12:29 pm:
Even the Obama’s don’t want to live in Illinois, buying a mansion in California
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 12:30 pm:
It’s the “we’re” and “our” that has my attention, an the President’s actions while here.
On her own, it’s futile, borderline comical as a premise.
With the President, it could have legs.
- fed up - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 12:37 pm:
I see a movie in the making when Blago gets out of prison, Quinn and Obama are out of a job. The three stooges rise again.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 12:40 pm:
Maybe she’ll put Soy Boy on one of her starvation diets.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 1:23 pm:
If that means funder calls, GOTV help, spots and visits to the city, then it’s real.
Some of the Pavlovian responses here are very funny.
- y - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 1:31 pm:
I bet that’s makes Pat feel good. Everything? Maybe a million Illegals can be bused in to vote with no ID’s. Oh they can drive now I forgot, with a IL drivers license issued to illegals. Maybe the POTUS can come back and do some community organizing on the south side. I’m sure with security detail he has the south side would stop the violance as long as they stayed.
- Skeptic - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 1:33 pm:
OW: First you’re going to be Governor, and then you’ll move to the broadcast booth? Awesome!
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 1:41 pm:
- Skeptic -,
Ronald Reagan’s career in reverse.
Money will speak the loudest, for Quinn anyway, but I thought that breakfast with Quinn was a signal, and pretty soon, signals have to equal something.
- WndyCty - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 2:22 pm:
I am enjoying the smug trash talking directed at Quinn & the Obamas as much as I did in 2010 when Quinn won & 2012 when Obama was re-elected.
- Judgment Day (on the road) - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 2:28 pm:
OW, if all Michelle does is talk from afar, it’s just a kiss-off. If anybody in ‘Team Obama’ has any election cachet in an off-year election, it’s Michelle. Probably not much, but a couple joint appearances in some areas of Chicago / interior suburban areas could help create a positive light in an Illinois governor’s race.
When almost all the Quinn related news you have had is negative to at least some degree, positive news helps. Think about it, when the news stories coming out are more about the ‘trackers’ and ‘costumes’ then Pat Quinn’s policies, that’s not a good day. Particularly being behind in the polls.
Quinn has got to start making some headway. Joint appearances with Michelle would offer at least a possibility of help. If she’s not ready to do that (and now’s the time), you have to think that a Democratic strategic decision has been made that campaign resources are better used elsewhere.
my .02
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 2:58 pm:
Quinn had breakfast, publicly, with President Obama.
If they can get them to share a stage, speak at a podium, go to an event, that indeed would help.
A kiss- off? Time will tell, but photographs together…
President Obama could have not had that breakfast…
- Colossus - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 3:13 pm:
I keep hearing about how “the illegals” are voting in Chicago. Can someone help me understand this, outside of a “well, of course THOSE TYPES would do that”, because this seems to be an article of faith among certain demographics and I truly can’t understand where it’s coming from.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 25, 14 @ 4:45 pm:
this fall for the school lunch program photo op needed