* Greg Hinz…
One insider tells me that a combination of the state and national parties and the Rauner campaign is prepared to spend as much as $2 million just on an absentee ballot operation—perhaps seven or eight times as much as in 2010, when Republican state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington lost to Gov. Pat Quinn.
Another source reports that the party has opened 20 field offices just in the collar counties. In comparison, Mr. Brady had three offices in the entire state. […]
Mr. Rauner is “showing leadership, because he’s willing to spend resources” on more than his own campaign, says Democratic strategist and campaign operative Greg Goldner. “He’s creating an infrastructure that hasn’t existed for a very long time on the Republican side.” […]
Mr. Rauner’s campaign—typically as closed-mouthed as someone who’s just had three teeth pulled—won’t say a lot about this. But it is known that the candidate put an emphasis on grass-roots organizing from the beginning. His field operation is being run by deputy campaign manager Mike Zolnierowicz, who handled similar chores for Mark Kirk in his successful 2010 run for the U.S. Senate.
“I think we’re making a historically significant investment,” allows Chip Englander, Mr. Rauner’s campaign manager. “We’re making a big push, an unprecedented push, and it’s paying dividends.”
* Meanwhile…
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie came to Chicago Friday and gave Republican Bruce Rauner $2.5 million.
With that the Republican Governors Association more than doubled its financial support of Rauner’s campaign for governor.
Christie, the association’s chairman and a potential presidential candidate, appeared with Rauner at Portillo’s in River North.
“This is amongst the most important governor’s races in the country,” Christie told reporters.
- Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:34 am:
Did someone say “ground game”?
Sounds like it’s being built and on the way, piece by piece.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:36 am:
===“I think we’re making a historically significant investment,” allows Chip Englander, Mr. Rauner’s campaign manager. “We’re making a big push, an unprecedented push, and it’s paying dividends.”===
Never confuse activity for achievement - John Wooden.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:37 am:
Someone check on On Willy in Oswego, I fear he may have just fainted
- too obvious - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:41 am:
Honestly I don’t see anyone volunteering for Rauner, beyond the patronage class hoping for a state job or contract in case he wins. Plus Rauner doesn’t work for free and most people don’t like to feel like chumps.
- wordslinger - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:43 am:
No lack of work to be done to build a GOP infrastructure. The old one withered on the vine without the governor’s and SOS offices for so many years.
- Soccermom - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:43 am:
OW, it looks like they’re following your advice…
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:45 am:
==No lack of work to be done to build a GOP infrastructure. The old one withered on the vine without the governor’s and SOS offices for so many years.==
Not to mention lack of a guv candidate with the will and means to do it. Brady was the worst possible scenario.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:46 am:
Not at all…
Twenty offices need staff. Data and infrastructure needs coordination.
Same Hinz article;
===Of course, how big a dividend is yet to be seen. Mr. Rauner’s then-fledgling field operation didn’t appear to help him much when he barely staggered across the finish line ahead of Kirk Dillard in the March primary.===
Who do I hold the most revered in that apparatus?
The “Sergeants” - the people on the ground taking the “orders” from Senior Staff, closest to the precincts, doing the grunt work, and while signed leases are “swell”, the reality is Rauner’s Crew is leaning on others to carry water, not Rauner carrying the water for the GOP. It’s mutual up to who is paying the bills.
I have very high regard for “Z”, and “Z” is never a target of mine, but look at this quote;
“We’re making a big push, an unprecedented push, and it’s paying dividends.”
That wasn’t “Z”… Was it? Understand?
- When I'm in the Thompson Center I eat at Arby's - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:47 am:
He got a lot of good signatures for his Term Limits petition, but it’s a lot easier to find a registered voter and get him to sign than it is to find a Republican, Register Him, and get him to go to the polls.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:50 am:
- Soccermom -, I think election night in March sobered them up. Plus, I am not as charming as you.
My fear…is the idea, that this is the end, when this is just a beginning of the beginning.
- Bill White - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:55 am:
Here in Downers Grove, the local GOP organization has been very active for Bruce Rauner. They’ve had people out walking every weekend.
Fortunately for us Dems, the state’s GOP “rock stars” tend to look down their noses at the local PCs.
- Ahoy! - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:56 am:
The Republican’s are finally doing what they should have been doing all along. This is actually good news for our state the Republicans’ are getting back into the political game and hopefully bringing some competition to our state political system.
Competition is good.
- When I'm in the Thompson Center I eat at Arby's - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:58 am:
While being pro-choice would help his electability, this is where it could have some negative effect on him. A lot of the GOP base volunteers are pro-lifers, and I wonder if it might keep some of them from hitting the streets for Rauner.
Then again, he can pay people to do it, so it probably won’t matter.
- hisgirlfriday - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:02 am:
Is this a candidate field office infrastructure being built or a party infrastructure being built.
The Obama campaigns have shown they aren’t the same thing.
- bored now - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:02 am:
this isn’t rocket science, and if rauner’s staff has learned the lessons from republican/conservative success elsewhere, they will have target numbers all the way down to the precinct level. so even if the “rock stars” from the past have turned their noses up at local precinct captains (the same could be said of madigan staffers), if they do want to have a real ground game, they will quickly integrate whatever structure already exists and move to fill the vacuums that also exist. it would do illinois good to have two strong field operations behind their respective candidates (i’m not betting anything on it, though)…
- Apocolypse Now - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:05 am:
Rauner and Congressman Davis hit 5 cities in Davis’ district this last Saturday. Hundreds of people showed up at each location. Ground game is being put in place and is well organized. People were walking for Rauner Saturday, also. Lot’s of people at the Edwardsville location who were new to these events. Oswego, don’t get your knickers in a knot. Much smarter people than you are moving this campaign alone, with enthusiasm and well coordinated organization. Rauner talked about bringing more GOP legislators along to help him in Springfield. Local State Rep Dwight Kay said Rauner is helping the Gop candidates.
- Jechislo - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:15 am:
In a January 30, 2014 WeAskAmerica poll of 1,354 likely voters, Rauner was up by 8 over Quinn and this poll was included in the RealClearPolitics average for the Illinois Governors race.
Your Capitol Fax/WeAskAmerica poll of 7/8/2014 has Rauner up by 12 over Quinn by 51 to 39, but this poll is not included in the RealClearPolitics average.
The RCP average still shows Rauner up over Quinn by +2.7 and the race as a tossup.
No poll since the Rasmussen Reports poll of 4/9 - 4/10 has been included in the RCP average.
How come your poll is not in their averages? Is your poll not considered valid?
- A guy... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:15 am:
There’s plenty of Ground Game going on all over the state. Has been for quite a while. Sorry Willie, this won’t be a self-fulfilling prophecy for your bias against a candidate.
When you deny truth, your credibility takes an even bigger hit. If there’s no ground game, I was out all weekend with several dozen zombies who were a figment of my imagination.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:18 am:
- Apocolypse Now -,
Pats on the back are given after the hay is in the barn, not while it’s still in the fields.
Talking about results before there are results is a Rauner Crew trait.
I remember 7 million phone calls, and nothing done on Election Day for Brady to win.
And, courting all these Dems, will the infrastructure understand that the cake that is advertised is more about moderates and Dems, than Conservatives and especially Social Conservatives.
Why this point?
Are you mining to win, or are you mining I hopes to fool Republicans in July, and not know how it plays in November.
Rauner has yet to be defined too. Today is about the skeletal infrastructure. Mailing me an absentee ballot on my Primary pulls is as bad “Call me Maybe” and saying 7 million calls are a show of impactful GOTV.
Coach Wooden was smart. Achievement is the goal.
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:18 am:
Rauner’s accusing Quinn of corruption or implying corruption, but he has no qualms about accepting money from Gov. Christie, whose administration is scandal-plagued.
How precious. Is that what an outsider would do?
- walker - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:21 am:
As I’ve been saying, if you can organize and buy an effective statewide petition initiative, you can buy and organize some sort of effective ground campaign.
The term limits project was the prototype and launch pad for this piece of Rauner’s campaign.
Maybe they “get” O’Willy’s valid appreciation for a ground game, and this was the only way they could produce one, given how they found the state party.
- Sausage - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:21 am:
Are any of the third parties going to survive their ballot challenges? Last I heard the Libertarians were looking good, Green and Constitution not so much.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:21 am:
Jechislo, maybe they’re just behind.
- A guy... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:22 am:
Grandson, the money from Christie was from the RGA. He was the delivery boy.
Willie, comparing anything Rauner is doing with the Brady effort is utterly asinine. I’ve worked on both. The difference is so far beyond night and day, it’s not even funny. You need a new equation.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:22 am:
Oh - A Guy … -,
I remember all the pizza and beer and phone calls, meaning mothing.
Wasn’t you who told me in the Primary about that 50% Rauner was going to get in the Primary? lol
Wasn’t it you who told me about the Ground Game in the Primary? lol
My credibility is fine, thanks, worry about your own.
- Apocolypse Now - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:25 am:
Oswego all I can say is your advice and results for GOP candidates seems to be zero for zero. Negative vibes don’t help a campaign. My advice to the “Rauner Crew” is don’t pay any attention to Oswego Willy’s advice. The track record is bad.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:29 am:
- Apocolypse Now -, you should stop worrying about me, and worry about your spelling of your name.
===Willie, comparing anything Rauner is doing with the Brady effort is utterly asinine.===
Except for not knowing where any pluses were in March, lol.
Except for the making up of headlines in Ads…
Honesty and integrity, yep, night and day!
- CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:30 am:
“Sheer genius. Wish Commando Make it Up would us about absentees.” NoTaxBillBrady
% of Legit signatures on the term limit debacle never firmly established, but reportedly not much better the remap disaster.
Love to hear the appeal to potential voters
“Hey, I am Bruce “Flip” Rauner. I have had multiple positions on minimu wage, tax hikesm union. I am prochoice and pro gay marriage. I lost $600K on farming in 2012 and have many biz’s with bad records. Vote for me!”
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:31 am:
==- too obvious - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 9:41 am:
Honestly I don’t see anyone volunteering for Rauner==
Of course you don’t…when viewing things from your perspective, especially with Rauner, it’s tough to see much of anything.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:33 am:
Portillo’s? Heh.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:37 am:
- 47th Ward -, you were the first person I thought of when it was Portillo’s
Chain, flashy faked atmosphere, sterile to Illinois flavor, political optics, and fun.
Actually, Portillo’s is a great place for a sales’ call, so the lack of imagination made sense.
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:38 am:
Willy, I think you need to cut the Rauner Crew some slack.
Getting a statewide Field organization is a major undertaking, as you well know.
Particularly for this campaign, which faces some unique challenges. “Lawsuit-proofing” twenty offices from various slip and fall hazards is time-consuming and tedious.
- Shore - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:41 am:
politico wrote this story months ago
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:42 am:
- AA -,
Point taken, you are right.
Lots of Kinko’s in Illinois are making waivers for “Slip and Sue” as we speak.
- steve schnorf - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:42 am:
And Rod thought a senate seat was golden? Man, this is big money. We had no idea here in Illinois just how much our little old Governor’s seat was worth. What’s the over/under now,$50 million? $60 million?
- Wally - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:52 am:
If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes—John Wooden
- wordslinger - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:57 am:
–What’s the over/under now,$50 million? $60 million?–
I’ve been wondering that myself.
My guess is that all the Rauner sources (including Rauner, of course) are absolutely committed to outspending by a significant amount — say, ballpark, $10 to $15 million — all the Quinn sources.
Why wouldn’t you, since you’ve already made such a significant investment? You don’t get a silver medal for coming in second.
I’m curious as to what the Rauner media buying crew is doing now, if they know what resources will be available to them.
Buying up significant amount of fall TV/radio time now could have the added benefits of driving up the prices for Quinn and perhaps giving Quinn backers second thoughts of throwing more money into the pot, knowing that they may not be able to compete at the same levels, regardless of what they do.
- walker - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:00 am:
Apocalypse: I read this as Rauner’s crew taking O’Willy’s advice seriously. Or at least they are substantially in agreement about how critical building a ground game will be. Enough to pay big and staff well for it.
The effectiveness remains to be seen, of course. Again, the term limits effort worked in the field.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:01 am:
“If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” - John Wooden.
- Wally - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:09 am:
Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out—John Wooden
- A guy... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:13 am:
Willie, you defy logic. It’s been written over and over again about the primary cross over effort, which was an enormous success for the unions and Dems. It’s a General now. If that’s the basis for your hypothesis, it’s flawed data.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:13 am:
“Get the ball to Lew Alcindor” - John Wooden
- Wally - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:15 am:
Get the ball to Bill Walton—-John Wooden
- A guy... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:16 am:
Here I thought John Wooden was interested in winning basketball games. Who knew?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:17 am:
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? - Senator Blutarsky.
Thanks - walker -. When I get invited to the inaugural, that will be all the recognition I need.
I think the over/under at $63 and a “half ” million.
“Under” seems logical, but those Ad buys at the end are going to push it
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:20 am:
===Willie, you defy logic. It’s been written over and over again about the primary cross over effort, which was an enormous success for the unions and Dems. It’s a General now. If that’s the basis for your hypothesis, it’s flawed data.===
Well, 60% of those voting in the Primary didn’t want Rauner.
So, you have an “excuse” for NOT having a real GOTV… as flawed data? Um ok, that sounds fun.
- Wally - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:20 am:
And if John Wooden was alive today, he would be saying, “Get the ball to Bruce Rauner!”
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:23 am:
===And if John Wooden was alive today, he would be saying, “Get the ball to Bruce Rauner!”===
And if John Wooden was alive today, he would be saying, “Get the ball to Bruce Rauner, he’s paying for it!”
- A guy... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:33 am:
=== Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 10:38 am:
Willy, I think you need to cut the Rauner Crew some slack.
Getting a statewide Field organization is a major undertaking, as you well know.
Particularly for this campaign, which faces some unique challenges. “Lawsuit-proofing” twenty offices from various slip and fall hazards is time-consuming and tedious.====
Artie A, Hope you didn’t put a lot of time into this one. It’s really a display in silliness.
- Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:35 am:
== Is this a candidate field office infrastructure being built or a party infrastructure being built. The Obama campaigns have shown they aren’t the same thing. ==
An excellent question.
- A guy... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:36 am:
If John Wooden were alive today, he’d say, “Willie, fill up the Gatorade cups and grab the towels. Do it quietly”.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:41 am:
If John Wooden were alive today he wouldn’t care who wins here in November…only that he’s still there in October to turn 104
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:41 am:
===Artie A, Hope you didn’t put a lot of time into this one. It’s really a display in silliness.===
Ah, “Slip and Sue” sued her own town, and everyone and their brother, those 20 offices could be “Slip and Sue’s” payday, with a hint of magic!
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:57 am:
===If John Wooden were alive today, he’d say, “Willie, fill up the Gatorade cups and grab the towels. Do it quietly”.===
If John Wooden were alive today, he’d say, “Willie, fill up the Gatorade cups and grab the towels. Do it quietly. That “A Guy” is too busy yapping to do any hard work.”
Right? Exactly right.
- A guy... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 12:06 pm:
Wow. I’m crushed.
- DuPage Dave - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 12:11 pm:
Let’s not sully the name of John Wooden with trivial political issues. He was a genuinely good guy. This piece in Esquire has many of his words of wisdom:
None better than this one: “Discipline yourself and others won’t need to.”
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 12:31 pm:
Let’s also not forget:
“Don’t forget to pay your players” - John Wooden
- A guy... - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 12:33 pm:
== Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 11:41 am:
===Artie A, Hope you didn’t put a lot of time into this one. It’s really a display in silliness.===
Ah, “Slip and Sue” sued her own town, and everyone and their brother, those 20 offices could be “Slip and Sue’s” payday, with a hint of magic!===
Shocking: Willie Doubled down on dopey diatribe.
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 12:37 pm:
Not only did Rauner take money from a scandal-immersed Gov. Christie, out of the 17 states I reviewed, New Jersey has been the worst in one-year job gains, worse than Illinois.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 12:37 pm:
“Slip and Sue” sued her town. She filed a personal injury lawsuit. She did, she owns it, or sues to own it.
I am surprised there aren’t printable waivers available on the Rauner website.
It’s not like “Slip and Sue” can …magically …make this disappear…
- dupage dan - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 12:42 pm:
=== Gov. Christie, whose administration is scandal-plagued ===
Right. All those reports of federal subpoenas and indictments are just clogging up the nightly news and the NYT. Oh, wait, they ain’t.
- wordslinger - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 12:51 pm:
DD, I don’t think you’ve been reading your NYT too closely. Try “Gov. Christie federal investigation Sandy funds, Bridgegate.”
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 1:02 pm:
code word for go to the nursing homes and fill ballots out for the senile (i have seen it)
- Bill White - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 1:20 pm:
The 2000 IL General Assembly map was not drawn by the Democrats and yet Democrats used that map to win solid majorities.
=== In the 2000 redistricting cycle, the Illinois legislature enacted congressional plans on May 31, 2001. It could not agree on a state legislative plan, however, and the process fell to a backup commission. That commission — with its ninth member appointed by drawing a name from a replica of Lincoln’s stovepipe hat — approved a state legislative plan on September 25, 2001. ===
- K3 - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 1:39 pm:
Shouldn’t these investments been made, say, a year ago? I don’t care how much money you spend, you can’t build a real campaign operation in 3 months. Thankfully for Rauner, Quinn doesn’t motivate many people either. But don’t look for this “unprecedented” investment to magically give Rauner coattails.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 1:42 pm:
Not only did Rauner take money from a scandal-immersed Gov. Christie…
No he didn’t.
It came from the RGA.
- Skeptic - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 1:51 pm:
If John Wooden were alive today, would Rauner try to clout his daughter onto the UCLA men’s basketball team?
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 2:01 pm:
==Shouldn’t these investments been made, say, a year ago? I don’t care how much money you spend, you can’t build a real campaign operation in 3 months.==
You’re assuming they haven’t been building this already for months, which I believe is an incorrect assumption
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 2:14 pm:
===You’re assuming they haven’t been building this already for months, which I believe is an incorrect assumption===
If you count the Primary, you’d be right.
- Modest proposal - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 2:23 pm:
I’m happy rauner is investing in his weaknesses. We need more GOP candidates to invest in there ground game. We got our asses handed to us on the ground in 2012.
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 3:10 pm:
“It came from the RGA.”
For all intents and purposes, what’s the difference? It’s still hypocritical.
Why is Christie an RGA honcho, with his administration’s scandals and his state’s poor one-year job gains?
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 3:17 pm:
Mr/Ms A Guy, rest assured that “Artie” puts as much intellectual effort into my snark as you apparently put forth in your daily batch of hooey posted here that appears to be highly ignored.
- phocion - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 3:32 pm:
You say “Why is Christie an RGA honcho, with his administration’s scandals and his state’s poor one-year job gains?”
How about?
Why is Quinn a DGA honcho, with his administration’s scandals and his state’s poor multi-year job gains?
- Cheswick - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 3:40 pm:
==But it is known that the candidate put an emphasis on grass-roots organizing from the beginning.==
So, it’s grass-roots when it takes money from the top, and lots of it, to muscle your way in the door (or back in door, as the case may be)? Just checking.
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 4:26 pm:
No phocion, Rauner is supposed to be better than Quinn, right? He’s supposed to be the corruption-smashing, job- creating outsider who’s going to fix this mess–different than insiders like Quinn. How is Rauner showing he’s going to be better?
But no. Rauner runs commercials about Quinn’s alleged corruption, then he’s glomming serious cash via a governor who has serious questions about corruption in his administration. It’s hypocritical.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 28, 14 @ 7:06 pm:
To the Post,
I stand by my Comments, but let’s clear where my beef is, and why I have it, and why I stand by my remarks;
===“I think we’re making a historically significant investment,” allows Chip Englander, Mr. Rauner’s campaign manager. “We’re making a big push, an unprecedented push, and it’s paying dividends.”===
Right there.
“…and it’s paying dividends.”
How anything with 20 leases signed points to paying dividends is beyond me in the realm of a Ground Game.
Under promise - Over deliver.
Donald Trump, just in verbiage, is the king of the opposite.
What is the key to a good spoof of Trump?
“It is already the most opulent, incredible ‘X’ in the history of anything relating to ‘X’ and only Trump can do that.”
It is this idea of trying to be so over the top, that to question it, you are a target of ridicule, and if you aren’t being personally targeted, the possible logical refute is met with the “baloney”, “we inside know the truth “, “he/she is crazy to question reality”
See what I mean?
It is so incredibly important to build infrastructure, but to say “dividends” are being seen, when in reality, the past performance is more than relevant to the discussion of humility or reality of what is indeed known.
Remember some interesting “building” ideas of Rauner;
A 1/3 of the GOP GA is corrupt … is corrupt.
The Dems and Indies are wooed, as the conservative base is ignored, or given rhetoric 180 degrees of what is being told to those Dems and Indies (SSM, Taxes)
The base voter for Rauner is not truly defined, because of elusive stances, and changing remarks to whom is listening at the moment.
Building is an “is” thing, not a “done” thing.
It IS going on, not already done.
Hinz calls them all out with the Primary results and I agree.
For me, don’t tell me to interpret your reality, when the reality we all see says something else.
I respect “Z”, the remarks didn’t come from “Z”, but is touted by those willing to be quoted.
Stop yapping about spin, and let those build if they are going to build. Your past, seems to show no dividends, so how about leaving the money talk of dividends out of GOTV.
- Bill White - Tuesday, Jul 29, 14 @ 7:30 am:
Shorter Oswego Willy:
Walk the walk; bleep the talk