Today’s quotable
Tuesday, Aug 5, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* David Ormsby…
On Friday, Governor Pat Quinn reappointed most members of the Budgeting for Results Commission for one-year terms ending on July 31, 2015, including Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon whose relationship with Quinn has cooled on its slow descent into Hell.
- John A Logan - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 9:29 am:
That is not writing. That is literature.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 9:34 am:
Quinn: (To Sheila) Here, take this (Hands Sheila a piece if paper with the appointment written on it), Now I have to turn my back in you.
Sheila: A reappointment. A lousy reappointment after 4 years of service…
- A guy... - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 9:35 am:
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 9:38 am:
Dantes is a little over the top, lol.
Paul Simon was an exceptionally skilled politician. A Downstate liberal taking down a GOP incumbent senator in a Reagan landslide year was one for the books.
Sheila Simon isn’t very good at it at all.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 9:39 am:
Looking at those meeting minutes, it seems like that is a punishment…
- DuPage - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 10:07 am:
Do the commission members get paid? How much? Does it count towards their pension? Exactly what do they do?
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 10:34 am:
Yes DP, we get a per diem of $5,000 per meeting. We try to meet as often as possible. It’s dirty work but someone has to do it. BTW, it does count toward your pension.
- Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 10:38 am:
OneMan beat me to it. What he said.
- Sir Reel - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 10:41 am:
There’s a Budgeting for Results Commission? News to me.
Quinn seems more like a Budgeting for Reelection kind of guy, for example, NRI.
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 10:49 am:
Schnorf, are there any spots available on BFR? Apart from the massive coin, I’d be interested.
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 11:08 am:
Mom, I’ll ask. The money is from a Monopoly set, but it makes you feel real good about serving.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 11:13 am:
Schnorf is kidding. There’s no stipend.
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 11:26 am:
I knew that. (Seriously — I knew that.)
But you do meet in exotic locations, right?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 11:32 am:
You will see Schnorf perched on his antique chair at the antique conference table…even the carpeting is antique at the JRTC.
- Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 11:38 am:
But won’t Sheila’s comptroller duties take time away from the commit…..oh, wait. Never mind.
- walker - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 11:46 am:
Schnorf: I’m glad you’re still at it. I hope it doesn’t give you heart ache.
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 12:42 pm:
Mom, yes we do. Last year serving on the Commission got me to Chicago, Rock Island, Collinsville, and Marion. I’m not counting Springfield since it’s too close to Rochester to really consider it a trip. Year before, I also made Carbondale. Actually the Marion one was truly a delight. I left Collinsville, and since we don’t get reimbursed for expenses I felt no compulsion to take the most direct and efficient route, so I went by way of county and township roads, simply turning south or east when faced with a decision, knowing I would hit 57 if I went too far east. Re-discovered some of the beauty of southern Illinois, some of the poverty, first such adventure in southern Illinois for me since campaign days.
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 1:32 pm:
Man, I really miss Illinois roadtrips. Arcola! Galena! Monticello! Metropolis! (I am in fact a certified Superman of Metropolis.)
- A guy... - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 1:50 pm:
Schnorf: Oh.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 5, 14 @ 2:11 pm:
I an still up for a bus trip…
Early September, leaves changing…
- Shawshank Red - Wednesday, Aug 6, 14 @ 7:43 am:
Not to be “that guy,” but how can something cool on a “slow descent to Hell”?
- down south - Wednesday, Aug 6, 14 @ 8:15 am:
“Not to be “that guy,” but how can something cool on a “slow descent to Hell”?”
If Hell is cooling the Cubs must have won a game.