Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Quinn updates new TV ad to add Rauner “Not every job should be in America” quote
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Quinn updates new TV ad to add Rauner “Not every job should be in America” quote

Thursday, Aug 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

The Quinn campaign moved quickly to update their latest 30-second television ad highlighting Republican billionaire Bruce Rauner’s record of outsourcing American jobs overseas. The ad now includes Rauner’s own impassioned defense of outsourcing.

Rauner has taken in millions based on his business practice of outsourcing American jobs overseas to maximize profit by exploiting low-wage, no-protection labor markets. On Tuesday, he defended his actions, saying outsourcing was “part of our economy.” and, “No. Not every job should be in America.”

* The newly updated ad



  1. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:18 am:

    The most efficient and rapid action Mr. Quinn has taken in years.

  2. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:19 am:

    I saw the ad this am watching Morning Joe.

    It is much, much better on a big screen.

    The quote is in there (hurrah for trackers!), but it needs to be in a stand alone ad.

    I know it is a bit presumptuous to give Joe Slade White advice, but…

    ..I remember Rich chiding the campaign for calling Rauner unpatriotic. This is pretty freakin bald faced, I don’t love Illinois as much as I have claimed.

  3. - too obvious - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:22 am:

    Look, Rauner obviously can’t be investing here. It might detract from his everything is horrible, constantly badmouthing Illinois shtick.

  4. - Gooner - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:23 am:

    What a blown opportunity.

    The money quote is off in a corner, with four other things going on at the same time.

    In competent hands, the quotes and information should have made this a game changer. The information should be a solid A.

    But they blew it with too much stuff happening There is a complete lack of focus.

    Points off for not doing a good job when Rauner teed them up.

    I give this a D. Somebody should lose a job over this.

  5. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:23 am:

    This theme, btw, is going to be a huge headache for the rest of the ticket:

    “I disagree with Representative Kay and Bruce Rauner that not every job should be in America. I don’t know about them, but I think the American worker is the best in the world, and I don’t know why someone would take pride in shipping high tech jobs to India that could be filled right here by Americans.”

  6. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:25 am:


    They just tweaked an existing ad to make it better.

    Trust me, the ad where Rauner says not every job should be in America 11 times is coming. It will probably be on the radio tomorrow.

  7. - phocion - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:29 am:

    I agree with Quinn. Every job in the world should be in America. How dare anyone suggest that we should exist in a global economy! Take that, you elite capitalists, who want anyone who isn’t American to actually have a job!!!

  8. - À guy - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:29 am:

    Might be gilding the lily here. Remembering the boycott Nike and others who manufactured overseas. Some jobs just can’t efficiently be done here. Folks likely get that. Not sure how this one gets received.

  9. - Thunder Fred - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:30 am:

    The take away is in the tag line. Not sure why the Quinn campaign would spend so much money pointing out that Rauner is a winner. People like winners. People bet on winners. People follow winners. The rest of it just blends in as more political sniping. The negatives all blend together and become background. Bet the message that Rauner is a winner stands out loud and clear.

    Are Quinn’s media guys purposefully trying to tank the race?

  10. - Madison - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    Say what you want about the character of the ad; there will be others. The message is intact, and in a predominantly blue state the message will hit home. Hard. Rauner cannot win this thing without swing, independent and soft Democratic votes. Its an effective spot.

  11. - Norseman - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    I think the money shot should have been weaved in at the end as well. Repetition helps.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:34 am:

    ===Some jobs just can’t efficiently be done here. Folks likely get that.===

    And some are looking for jobs…at $10 an hour…

    …and Bruce Rauner says “Not every job needs to be in America.”

    It’s red meat for the Union Dems, and a reminder that Rauner cares nothing about the people in jobs, just that jobs belong where the profits are the greatest.

  13. - How Ironic - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:34 am:

    @ A Guy,”Some jobs just can’t efficiently be done here. Folks likely get that.”

    I think you are actually saying “Too bad American workers are not happy working for $.10/hour making American shoes that sell for $100+ pair. Thank goodness we can rely on impoverished countries that don’t require adequate safety or age restrictions on their workers”.

    Because pretty much that’s what you are saying. It’s not that the work is ‘better’ its that legally corporations can in effect have legalized slave labor, w/out having to worry about safety or other pesky regulations. I think folks ‘likely get that’.

  14. - Joe - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:41 am:

    Preying off of xenophobia.

  15. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:42 am:

    You old eggheads don’t get it, but the public does.

    Rauner is not profiting or defending making shoes overseas.

    He is profiting from and defending the outsourcing of white collar jobs overseas.

    A decade ago, Indian technology companies started having job fairs in Silicon Valley.

    As Rich just pointed out, Chinese nationals are booming at U of I. Do you think they are there to study poetry, or engineering and biosciences?

    White collar workers in these fields know where the jobs are migrating to.

  16. - The Captain - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:42 am:

    They should have run the audio/video of the quote twice, once when they did and then again right after they talk about how he created an outsourcing company.

  17. - Arizona Bob - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:45 am:

    If a job pays $8 for working a 10 hour day, we don’t want that job here.

    If a job has workers working in a steel mill, walking barefoot amongst metal shavings and being beaten by bosses while working in some of the most dangerous conditions imaginable, as is most often the case in India, then we don’t want those jobs in America.

    If the world is willing to accept burning of coal in China and India, with polluting emmissions at levels worse than those in the US in the 1950s, to provide the cheapest energy possible while killing their people in places like Beijing from air polution, we don’t want those jobs in America.

    The fact is that if we want to compete in the world, we need to level the playing field by not importing products from other countries irresponsibly polluting the world, and abusing workers,to gain pricing advantage over us.

    When we do that and the jobs are worth having safely in the US, we need to have fair and competitive reductions in corporate tax rates to bring the businesses back home and repatriate their assets to rebuild America.

    Until THAT happens, the dirty, dangerous, unprofitable jobs should NOT be in America. I hope that Rauner can articulate that.

  18. - Abraham Froman - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:45 am:

    This message will need to be repeated many times for it to stick but this definitely doesn’t help the Baron get those swing votes. Quinn needs to put this quote on repeat from now until November.

    “Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too.”-Judge Smails

  19. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:49 am:

    AB - Hilarious. “The rest of the world should stop allowing their citizens to be abused by employers like me. But until that happens, I’m going to keep exploiting them.” I agree, should be Rauner’s slogan.

  20. - Skeptic - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:54 am:

    “The rest of the world should stop allowing their citizens to be abused by employers like me. But until that happens, I’m going to keep exploiting them.” Too bad that’s too long to fit on a bumper sticker.

  21. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:56 am:

    Great, Arizona Bob.

    Rauner isn’t attacking American workers, he is defending sweatshops.

    Keep up the great work.

  22. - Steve - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:59 am:

    So ,Pat Quinn isn’t a big fan of the law of comparative advantage in economics. What’s new?

  23. - Yipperdo - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:03 am:

    This ad will hit home with the Made In the USA type of folks.

  24. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:05 am:

    It is an attack ad.
    Blah, blah, blah.
    What was it about?
    Bruce Rauner made money or something.

  25. - Madison - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:15 am:

    You folks defending Rauner put this message in your poll pipe and smoke it:

    “Illinoisans likely to vote: “do you agree or disagree with the economic premise of shipping jobs overseas over the last 30 years is good economic policy?”
    The answer would be felt on the Richter Scale.

    Now one can argue its not relevant to state government perhaps…But this is not a court of law, its a court of public opinion, and this is red meat to the Democratic base.

  26. - MrJM - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:21 am:

    The music in that ad is still sub-wretched.

    – MrJM

  27. - walker - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:25 am:

    This is not =”xenophobia”=, it’s not about =”made money or something”=, it’s not about =”class warfare”=, or any other way you want to try to avoid its message.

    It is about “losing jobs in Illinois”, and that message can be effective with those who haven’t already stopped listening to attack ads.

    The ad could be simpler and more focused.

    Of course the “losing jobs” message can be effective against Quinn too.

  28. - Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:37 am:

    ==Some jobs just can’t efficiently be done here. Folks likely get that.==

    ==So ,Pat Quinn isn’t a big fan of the law of comparative advantage in economics. ==

    Yeah, you guys go with those thoughts and see how far it gets you. Both statements take the word oblivious to new levels.

  29. - Anyone Remember - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:40 am:

    MrJM -
    =The music in that ad is still sub-wretched.=

    Personally, I prefer the other ad where the background music is “God Save the Queen” … .

  30. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:54 am:

    I rate the ad a B-. I think it establishes the outsourcing and profiting from outsourcing.

    As far as showing the races/ethnic groups of foreign workers, that’s the part of the ad that I don’t much care for. I don’t want to pit myself against foreign workers.

    In a recent poll, in which Rauner is winning only by 3, seniors (age 65 and older) favor Quinn by a large margin. These may be the voters most likely to vote in the midterms.

    Rauner’s numbers dropped in this poll. If and when the nursing home/long-term care home ads come out again, that could favor Quinn even more with seniors.

    If there is video or audio in which Rauner says that he didn’t know what executives were doing in the nursing homes or long-term care homes, it could be used in a commercial, along with his quote that he wants to run the state like a business.

    I guess we can expect these types of ads to reappear when more people start paying attention in the fall.

  31. - Arizona Bob - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 1:05 pm:

    =“The rest of the world should stop allowing their citizens to be abused by employers like me. But until that happens, I’m going to keep exploiting them.”=

    Actually, I’m not aware that he invests in any company doing that, are you? If not its just a case of you creating a statement that wasn’t said, attributing it to someone you want to smear, then criticizing them for the statement YOU made on their behalf.

    Right from Alinky’s “Rules for Radicals”, including “ridicule is the most effective weapon”.

    You obvioulsy weren’t sleeping in class.


    =Rauner isn’t attacking American workers, he is defending sweatshops.=

    See above. He said nothing of the sort. The reality that both Dems and the GOP saw that there are incredible amounts of money to be made by exploiting the workers overseas, spoiling the environment outside the US, and allowing the hordes of underpaid, illegally working foreigners coming across our “sieve” Southern border and being allowed to stay here and take jobs away from US citizens.

    If you want US politicians to work against THAT, I’d be in your corner. Problem is that both parties sold out the American people on this issue, and there aren’t enough honest politicians in DC to do anything about it. It’s not a state issue, so there’s no point castigating Rauner for it. Bring it to Durbin, Kirk, Duckworth, Bustos, Foster and Lipinski’s doorstep, along with the rest of the Illinois delegation.

    Then listen to the crickets chirp as you wait for an answer…..

  32. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 1:11 pm:

    AB - You’re the one saying he’s justified creating jobs in foreign countries because those jobs are so terrible we shouldn’t want them. Are you now saying he does it because of the extremely expensive labor? Better pick a lane, or take a nap.

  33. - Gooner - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 1:12 pm:

    And our tedious little Arizona friend starts quoting Alinksy.

    Alinksy is like the tea party’s real Bible. They’ve all read the work cover to cover.

  34. - Rod - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 1:25 pm:

    In August of 2012 Gov. Quinn visited Caterpillar machinists on a picket line in Joliet, donating $10,000 to a union strike fund we all recall that right. But Quinn offered no position on the walkout, except statements such as “believe in yourselves” to machinists who had been on strike for more than three months. Caterpillar Inc.’s Mapleton Foundry in Peoria, Ill., laid off 80 workers making engine liners and engine blocks in 2013 because the company outsourced its engine block and head production as well as the finishing products, according to Lori Graham of the Illinois Workforce Network “The products were outsourced to Technicost, a company located in Mexico.”

    When Governor Quinn appeared on CNN’s program CROSSFIRE last February he was pressed heavily by Newt Gingrich about Caterpillar’s threats to leave Illinois. Part of Quinn’s response was as follows: “Now, the head of Caterpillar made some bad investment decisions that hurt Caterpillar and hurt all of us in Illinois. And he should be accountable for that. We believe in Caterpillar. We believe in John Deere. That’s located in our state. John Deere Tractors. We believe in ADM and many other companies. We have Ford, Chrysler, Mitsubishi, all of them growing. When I became governor, Chrysler had 200 jobs. Now they have 4,700 jobs in Belvedere, Illinois. Ford has three shifts. When I became governor they had one shift. So we’re very grateful to our president, President Barack Obama, for saving the American auto industry. We worked with him. We believe in organizing, and UAW’s organized Mitsubishi, Ford and Chrysler.”

    I could go into detail about each and every one of these companies and how critical aspects of their business process is conducted offshore. For example the Ford Fusion has been made at a production plant in Hermosillo, in the Mexican state of Sonora, where there is no UAW, and auto workers earn less than $5 an hour. (See ) Or Chrysler, owned by Fiat, makes its Hemi engines at the Saltillo Motors plant. At another Chrysler plant nearby, $35,000 Ram pickups are produced on the assembly line at a rate of one every 80 seconds where the average pay is $3.20 an hour. ( see )

    This is a very sad debate, at least Rauner is honest about the extent of offshoring going on, Governor Quinn only wants to discuss the Illinois production of companies that are carrying out massive offshoring.

  35. - How Ironic - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 2:18 pm:

    @ Arizona Bob - “Right from Alinky’s “Rules for Radicals”, including “ridicule is the most effective weapon”.

    I have to confess, as a ‘Liberal’ I’ve never read a single page of Mr. Alinsky. But I sure do see a whole lot of his work being quoted by you, the tea party, and Fox News.

    Frankly, I think all of you are in on some sort of kickback scheme with Mr. Alinsky to drum up support for his book and ideas.

    Ever heard of the Streisand effect? Keep pounding some obscure guy from the 60’s and pretty soon….people may start reading it.

  36. - walker - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 3:11 pm:

    Have heard from someone who knew him, that the person most adept at using Saul Alinsky’s recommended tactics for coopting your opponents’ message, has been Karl Rove.

    Curiously, the guy has had a lot of influence on the Right, in reflex I suppose.

    He had virtually no influence on the activists I hung around with back in the 60’s-70’s. I never read him. And didn’t even hear of him until much later.

  37. - Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 3:42 pm:

    ==Right from Alinky’s “Rules for Radicals”, ==

    Wow, Bob, you are on a roll today with your talking points. Earning your paycheck today aren’t you?

  38. - Enviros-Anon - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 4:28 pm:

    With so many people unemployed or underemployed in the U.S. this ad will get voters’ attention. The voters know the difference between creating jobs for foreign workers and creating jobs for U.S. citizens. I expect this theme to continue when the campaign heats up after Labor Day.

  39. - Sillyseason - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 4:50 pm:

    Trying to pin the performance of Illinois economy on Bruce Rauner is more than a stretch. Other than those already voting for the Governor, who does this message sway?

    Anytime we are discussing Illinois’ economy, Quinn is losing. Third tier peripheral stuff works better for the Governor. Meaningless non- binding referendums should be the Governors focus.

  40. - olddog - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 4:51 pm:

    For what it’s worth, I did read Alinsky. It was 30-40 years ago, and I can’t quote him exactly anymore — but what the man actually said bears no resemblance to the sound bites and snippets that get quoted now in the talking points.

  41. - Gooner - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 5:09 pm:

    So Silly, you don’t think Rauner saying on tape that he doesn’t care about American jobs is meaningless?

    Now that’s just silly.

    Creating jobs is going to be an issue in this race.

  42. - Jimmy - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 6:55 pm:

    Pointing out that Rauner made his fortune by outsourcing the jobs of voters is pretty devastating.

  43. - Norseman - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 7:44 pm:

    TV a little boring tonight and decided to watch Stagecoach. Couldn’t help but think of Raunervich when this scene came up:

  44. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 10:06 pm:

    Rauners tax raising message loses against Quinn’s outsourcing and tax dodging message. Quinn has stopped the bleeding.

  45. - Harry - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:45 pm:

    To summarize–Rauner is better on the economics, Quinn on the politics. Since a political ad has a political purpose, advantage Quinn.

    What else is new?

  46. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 21, 14 @ 11:57 pm:

    it is bleeping golden,how`s rauner going to bring back illinois when he sent it there?

  47. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 7:37 am:

    Love me some “Stagecoach”

    John Ford…John Wayne…

    Great clip, nice catch.

  48. - Sillyseason - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 8:02 am:

    Gooner - my point exactly. This race should be entirely about creating jobs. The Governors record on this front is dismal.

    Silly is thinking Quinn can win on the economy. No doubt Quinn is a closer. Rauner is going to get a huge benefit of the doubt as the Governor has proven to be a very weak leader. He stirs no enthusiasm. His own party very luke warm on his vision. People are going to take a chance as the unknown, whatever that is, is more appealing than four more years of this merry band. Way closer in the end than current polls. Rauner wins.

  49. - Gooner - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 8:28 am:

    Silly, you claim that Quinn has not created enough jobs.

    In contrast, Rauner doesn’t even care about creating American jobs.

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