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Question of the day

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From state Rep. Stephanie Kifowit’s Facebook page

* The Question: Caption?


Rauner camp takes Quinnocchio to next level

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* They’re unifying their Quinnocchio theme with a new video


It wasn’t cleaned up after all

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From an April 25, 2014 AP report

The Illinois Department of Transportation increased the number of jobs that can be filled based on politics or loyalty by 57 percent in the last decade, documents released Friday show. […]

They deal with the hiring of people for “staff assistant” positions - generally paying about $40,000 a year - that the administration deemed were exempt from rules set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1990 ruling on an Illinois case known as Rutan. The Better Government Association reported last summer that IDOT skirted Rutan prohibitions on hiring based on politics or loyalty by putting people into the staff assistant positions. […]

IDOT said the audit Quinn ordered was of 61 positions - those still classified as staff assistants - and that the state’s personnel agency, the Department of Central Management Services, found that Rutan applied to 50 of them. IDOT said Rutan restrictions would be followed when filling those positions going forward but did not indicate that anyone would lose his job.

Anderson on Friday reported an updated number, saying that 48 of 60 posts were found to be misclassified and should be covered by Rutan rules.

* In May, the Associated press asked IDOT and CMS which specific jobs had been reclassified. The AP’s FOIA request was denied. Why? Read on

But the administration denied the requests, citing an exemption under the law for documents deemed preliminary, “in which opinions are expressed, or policies or actions formulated.”

Um, wait. Preliminary? I thought the administration said the classifications had changed. What’s going on?

* It appears that the administration hadn’t actually changed the classifications even though it claimed to have done so

The FOIA denial contradicts the administration’s assertion that it fixed the problem in the spring. […]

Quinn’s office referred questions to the state personnel agency, which handles such reviews. Department of Central Management Services spokeswoman Alka Nayyar acknowledged in an emailed statement that the process had not been completed. […]

Neither Nayyar nor Quinn’s spokesman Grant Klinzman responded to questions about the contradiction in the administration’s statements.

* More

The administration also is refusing to disclose the guidelines the government has used for two decades to decide which jobs must be open to any applicant and which can be given to someone because of his or her political connections.


Answer the questions, for crying out loud.


Schilling says he lives “paycheck to paycheck”

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Former Republican Congressman Bobby Schilling, who’s trying to win back his former seat, was interviewed on WROK Radio the other day. He was asked about increased health insurance costs. Check the 6:10 mark for his response

* The DCCC “helpfully” reproduced Schiling’s full comment…

“These increases, these are on our working poor, our middle class, hardworking taxpayers here across the United States of America. And now these folks are going to have to decide am I going to pay this premium or am I going to go buy some milk and groceries for the house. It’s really getting tough for everyone. Everyone that I talk to, I don’t hear them saying ‘hey, I’m doing great’. And the folks that are living paycheck-to-paycheck, which is most Americans, including myself, is that, you know, this is not something that you want to be putting out when you’ve got a kid that wants to play sports or you want to take a trip for vacation. Instead, you’ve got to funnel your money over to Obamacare, which is something you might never have to use.” [Emphasis added for obvious reasons.]

* Schilling reported income of $100,000 last year. Schilling also listed assets of between $254,007 and $660,000.

He’s not rich by any stretch, and he does have a big family to support. But Schilling makes more than twice his district’s median household income of $42,521.

* His job, by the way, is at CMB Regional Centers. Some DCCC-provided background on the company from a local story about Schilling

He works for CMB Regional Centers of Rock Island. The company pools money from foreign investors who want permanent residency and investment opportunities in the United States. It utilizes the federal EB-5 visa program, which extends visas to foreign investors willing to put at least $500,000 into projects that create or preserve at least 10 jobs in the U.S.

That same visa program was featured prominently in a recent Fortune magazine story about a major scam in Illinois involving mostly Chinese visas that we we discussed here not long ago.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Teachers unions attack Tribune article

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The same Tribune writers who penned that goofy piece about alleged legislative “interference” with the teacher licensing process (which uncovered no evidence of any unqualified teachers) are at it again

Illinois school districts have employed hundreds of educators to teach everything from science to special education even though they lacked proper credentials in those subjects, a Tribune investigation has found.

Their primary evidence

As part of an overhaul of teacher licensing in Illinois, the state has begun to close loopholes that allow educators to teach in areas in which they’re not credentialed.

Eliminated last year, one long-standing loophole let districts hire someone without the appropriate credentials in a particular subject and let them work for up to three years. Districts had to show that they tried but couldn’t find a candidate who met the state standards. And the teacher had to pursue getting fully credentialed in the subject, though records show some never did.

Educators approved under the loophole may still teach until 2016. About 200 requests for this provision have been submitted in recent years, according to the state. Several districts asserted they couldn’t find an applicant even in teaching fields with a large surplus such as language arts, the Tribune found.

Notice, they report that 200 requests have been submitted “in recent years.” They don’t say how long that time period is. Ten years? Five years?

Also notice that the “loophole” in question is being closed.

* And when they asked an expert about the dangers of teachers instructing classes that they aren’t credentialed to teach, the expert said, in part…

“What if it were your kid?”

* Part of the problem here is the Illinois State Board of Education’s cumbersome credentialing process. It takes forever just to read the agency’s 21-page explanation of the process. So, while districts wait on the ISBE, they occasionally ask for exemptions.

* But is this really an issue at all? Check out the Illinois Federation of Teachers’ response to the Tribune article

In Chicago, only 75% of teachers at a charter school must be licensed, and the school has three years to hit that bar. Where is the Tribune’s outrage?

The word “charter” is nowhere in the Trib’s story.

And neither is any mention of this point made by the IFT

The Tribune has yet to write a takedown of the “Teach for America” program that has been around since 1990 and places recent college grads in some of the neediest schools to teach for two years without a license.


The Tribune has been silent on the disconnect between state and national requirements that mean teachers who are “highly qualified” under the federal No Child Left Behind may not have their Illinois licenses. Perhaps following a few teachers through the red tape could show the public how dysfunctional the system that teachers must navigate to serve their students is

* The Illinois Education Association also jumped into the fray

It’s unfortunate that the Chicago Tribune, which employs many first rate reporters covering news and politics, has an editorial board that is committed to advancing the agenda of those who wish to privatize public education. There is supposed to be a wall between editorial and news but, at the Tribune, there are holes in that wall.

The paper’s editorial philosophy is regularly promoted in overblown front page stories that unfairly and inaccurately attack public education and education employees. Here’s the latest example.

The strategy is simple: run as many front page stories as possible talking down public schools, implying classrooms are typically staffed by under qualified and overcompensated teachers. It’s a lie, of course, but the theory is that, if public support of our public schools can be reduced, the goals of the privateers can be achieved.

* The IEA is also asking its members to sign an IFT petition.

*** UPDATE *** Thanks to commenter “Soccermom” for finding this summary of state requirements to teach in private and parochial schools

* Teacher certification is not required for teachers at recognized nonpublic schools unless the school governance chooses to require it as a condition of employment.

* The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) encourages all teachers at nonpublic schools to have at least a baccalaureate degree in the subject they are teaching. If the nonpublic teacher does not have his or her baccalaureate degree, then ISBE encourages the teacher to develop a timeline on how he or she plans to finish his or her education. If an individual with less than a baccalaureate degree is teaching, ISBE will note it in a report. This policy does not vary depending on the school‘s recognition status.

In other words, there basically are no requirements. Alert the Tribune!!!


For subscribers, blog readers and phone users

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some folks who subscribe by G-Mail are reporting that they’re not receiving their subscriptions. The problem is that G-Mail is sending the Capitol Fax into spam. So, please, check your spam folder.

* was slammed this morning by four IP addresses attempting to exploit an obscure security flaw. The attack made the site almost unreachable. We’ve blocked the addresses and are working on the problem.

* I went ahead and got the Samsung Galaxy S5 last night. Then I somehow messed up my alarm settings for this morning and woke up really late. It’s been one of those days, campers.

I really like the phone, but it’ll be awhile before I can figure out the intricacies of the operating system. I’ve been an IOS user ever since the first iPhone was released.


Yet another Caymans video

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This time, it’s from American Bridge 21st Century. From Illinois Review

American Bridge, a liberal PAC involved in five gubernatorial races, released a YouTube ad Thursday tying GOP gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner to former presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The ad referring to “Mitt Rauner,” drums up Illinois news stories about Rauner’s investments in Cayman Islands and ties them to Mitt Romney’s investments.

“Romney’s tricks certainly didn’t fool Illinois in 2012, and Rauner’s re-creation of them won’t fare any better,” a press release says. “Rauner has joked that he’s not even in the 1 percent, but rather the 0.1 percent, and his net worth is reportedly almost $1 billion, but he still apparently feels that paying his American taxes would be an unfair burden. So being the everyman he is, he just hides it in his Cayman Island tax shelter, as anyone would.”

* Rate it


Quinn’s second try is better

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

With Republican billionaire Bruce Rauner set to emerge today from a luxurious vacation spent at his Montana ranch, Quinn for Illinois released a new Web video raising a few of the many questions voters have for Rauner about his secret accounts in the Cayman Islands. A report from the Chicago Sun-Times recently revealed Rauner was personally stashing millions of dollars in the Cayman Islands, an elite and secretive tax haven used by individuals and corporations to avoid paying Illinois and United States taxes.

With the Cayman Islands national anthem playing in the background, the new video includes a clip of a U.S. Senate Finance Committee hearing in which Republican U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa points out how the only reason someone would personally invest in the Cayman Islands is to avoid paying taxes:

“The only real difference that I hear between investing in the Cayman Islands and investing in the United States, or the only way the Cayman invetsments are superior, is the possibility of avoiding U.S. tax.”

* It’s a much shorter video than yesterday’s effort and boils the issue down very quickly. Watch it


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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