Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » AFSCME rolls out new video comparing Bruce Rauner to Scott Walker
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AFSCME rolls out new video comparing Bruce Rauner to Scott Walker

Wednesday, Sep 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From AFSCME Council 31…

Four years ago, Scott Walker became governor of Wisconsin and launched an all-out assault on public employees. He pushed through legislation stripping state, university and city/county workers of their right to bargain collectively. The impact was immediate and devastating.

Now, billionaire CEO Bruce Rauner is running for Illinois governor and vowing to copy Walker’s extreme agenda. Our neighbors to the north have a personal message about what this would mean for AFSCME members here. Watch this brand-new video to hear directly from public-service workers in Wisconsin

After you’ve watched, here are three steps you can take to help spread the word and make a difference:

In unity,

Roberta Lynch
Executive director
AFSCME Council 31

* The video



  1. - Steven - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 1:08 am:

    Good, another reason to support Rauner.

    The unions don’t like Walker because half of unionized state employees there fled the unions because they were tired of supporting political action committees with their union dues.

    If public unions were more like private-sector labor unions, a lot of the bitterness toward them from the right would not be so pointed.

    Again, this will be another reason for me to support Rauner.

  2. - Just The Way It Is One - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 1:18 am:

    Wow–quite powerful, intense, and, I believe, will be highly effective in its’ message. It’s down-to-earth, “tells it like it is”, as the Old Saying goes, and is very persuasive as well in terms of a Call to Action in the coming 2 Months before the Elections.

    This Ad could really motivate a LOT of the Troops to get up and act now, or at least soon, in a Unified Cause of defeating that “Heartless Rauner,” and as the Four Seasons once harmonized, that, all in all in this Gubernatorial Battle, embattled as Pat Quinn may be, he’s at least not heartless and callous as his Opponent, Quinn remains overALL the Friend of Unions in this Race by FAR–for Every Level of Govt. Workers/Employees and Other Laborers, and their Families–so just play it SAFE for land’s sake, and join in with Frankie Valli, ‘cuz their basic MESSage is that it’s best for us to just “…hold ON to what we GOT”…and vote Quinn–or forever hold your Peace!!

  3. - Yobagoya - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 1:49 am:

    Just The Way was most convincing when used caps.

  4. - Percival - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 2:58 am:

    It is interesting that the unions feel the need to go this far. I think Rauner can flip this stuff in his favor.

  5. - Cassiopeia - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 3:49 am:

    I don’t think it is smart for the non-public sector unions to be supporting this. The public sector unions, and especially AFSCME, are not a popular cause among the general voting public.

  6. - Cassiopeia - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 3:49 am:

    I don’t think it is smart for the non-public sector unions to be supporting this. The public sector unions, and especially AFSCME, are not a popular cause among the general voting public.

  7. - Under Further Review - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 5:02 am:

    Scott Walker made some difficult decisions, but his budget is balanced, the pensions are properly funded and Wisconsinites have seen some tax relief. It is understandable that the public employee unions dislike his policies, but I know many taxpayers who are pleased with his performance. One major lie was contained in the spot: Wisconsin public employee unions are allowed to negotiate on wage issues.

    One observation about the commercial: does it really help to have the majority of union members interviewed consist solely of obese individuals? Does this send a subliminal message that government employees are fat and lazy?

    I know of some public employees who dislike the manner in which their unions used their compulsory dues to support politicians that they oppose. The courts, including the SCOTUS, have indicated that this is illegal, but it still goes on.

  8. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 6:05 am:

    The public sector unions are doing what they do best. Firing up their troops to GOTV. And they saw the impact that even their late arrival had in the GOP primary via crossover. They’re not starting late in the general. The boots are hitting the ground, Bruce. Your magic math, your boldfaced lies as Rich has so eloquently put it, is about to be explained for you, since you won’t do it yourself. Oh, and all you Raunerites saying the public unions aren’t popular with the public are mistaken, just like you were mistaken about Mitt. In this case saying something, and repeating it ad inifinitum in your GOP vacuum chamber won’t make it so.

  9. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 6:47 am:

    Is Rauner as extreme as Walker? His owns words say so…I think it’s right on. At best he’s shown pandering to base, if it’s not what he believes and intends.

  10. - Coffee Cup - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 6:50 am:

    One more thought: If you don’t like how you feel that you are being treated at your job, then quit your job and go find another job somewhere else. Others do it. We have created “Prima Donnas” in our state thanks to these unions. There has been too much of the “tail wagging the dog” going on in Illinois due to the Illinois Democrat Party leaders and the union leaders who are both looking out only for their own self-enrichment and future career perpetuation. Time for “a real change”.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 6:50 am:

    The education by the Unions to their membership is critical. Bruce Rauner’s idol is Scott Walker. Bruce Rauner, as much as he protests, saying its Union Bosses, has the goal of breaking the Unions, and if it means shutting down the state to do it, Bruce Rauner will go to that extreme, which he doesn’t see as an extreme at all.

    That is all real.

    Bruce Rauner’s complete lack of understanding of government, and let’s be even more precise with the Unions, the complete lack of understanding of the Illinois Constitution, will lead to a combative and confrontational “Governor Rauner” who will not be happy with trying to lessen the benefits or protections Unions enjoy, bug will only be happy with the demise of collective bargaining.

    That too is real.

    Any Union members who don’t understand these grave realities and support Rauner, I don’t know what to say.

    Those Unions, that refuse to understand the mobilization now is the only way to prevent a possible Unconstitutional dismantling of their Unions, and the termination of collective bargaining as you know it, is being naive, to what Rauner himself has said with his own mouth.

    Gov. Walker did it, don’t think a “Governor Rauner” won’t try it.

    These are your realities, Unions. The rest is up to you.

  12. - justthefacts - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 6:57 am:

    “The unions don’t like Walker because half of unionized state employees there fled the unions because they were tired of supporting political action committees with their union dues.”

    Please, this is just Walker propaganda. Wisconsin public employees dropped union membership because the law enacted neutered collective bargaining so effectively the union basically could no longer bargain over anything. Wisconsin public sector unions, save the police and firefighter unions Walker exempted because they were allies, basically became social clubs after Walker.

  13. - justthefacts - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:02 am:

    “One more thought: If you don’t like how you feel that you are being treated at your job, then quit your job and go find another job somewhere else.”

    Right, love it or leave it. So if you do not like Illinois liberal leaning politics why don’t you go find another state to live in?

    Organizing to make working conditions better is no different then organizing to change the politics of your state or any other issue. Grow up.

  14. - A guy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:07 am:

    Quick Question: With such an early post, is Barton in the big chair today?

    To the video, It’s clear this is GOTV for Quinn. This message is as damaging as it is helpful. Quinn looks to be trying to win back some voters rather than win over more. It would indicate to me he’s seeing polls showing this category of people aren’t locked in with him.

  15. - Angry Chicagoan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:19 am:

    “We sort of have to have a do-over and shut things down for a little while.” Lord.

    Such a shame the Republicans didn’t nominate Kirk Dillard. It’s going to be a rough four years if this guy gets in. It will make Quinn look like a picnic. Very telling that Rauner’s target seems to be the unions more than the Democratic machine/organization.

  16. - OneMan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:25 am:

    Considering what AFSCME has seen from Quinn over his time in office, I guess this is the lesser of two evils.

    I think this is the right approach for AFSCME and the other public employee unions to try and build support among friends and families. Because as others have pointed out a bigger appeal to protect the public employee unions might very well backfire on them.

  17. - Sue - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:39 am:

    They seem to have left off their list the fact that Walker was able to reduce State spending and lower the real estate taxes for the “folks” ( to borrow the Prez’ favorite term)

  18. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:42 am:

    ==Illinois Democrat Party==

    Ok. Pet peeve. It’s DEMOCRATIC Party.


    To the post . . . I think this is an excellent ad and is necessary to remind union members why they need to hold their nose and vote for Quinn. There is only one thing worse for the unions than Quinn (who they are rightfully angry at over the pension bill) and that is Rauner. Rauner has openly declared that he intends to go to war with the unions and even stated that he would shut the state down if need be. Granted, he has seemed to back off of that and be a bit more conciliatory lately but, make no mistake, he still has an incredible disdain for the union.

  19. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:43 am:


    When somebody is coming after your job you tend to get a little riled up. You would do the exact same thing and vote for self preservation. And, by the way, those union members are the same “folks” you refer to. I get so sick and tired of people treating state workers as if they don’t pay taxes along with everyone else.

  20. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:50 am:

    What has happened to make this ad necessary? Just how many union members are not supporting Pat Quinn? Why aren’t union members happy with Pat Quinn? Why is AFSCME feeling a need to support Pat Quinn to the point where money was spent to make this ad?

    This is the kind of stuff that Pat Quinn should have never needed to have done had he been a good governor. It is September before a November election. NOW you are doing this?


  21. - OneMan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:53 am:

    I did find it interesting that they say stop Bruce not elect Quinn…

  22. - The Captain - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:56 am:

    I can’t hear the words AFSCME and video without thinking of that hilarious AFSCME “promo” parody video, so at least that made my day. It’s NSFW so I won’t post the link but it’s on YouTube.

  23. - downstate hack - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:00 am:

    This may motivate the public union members, but many of them also recognize the fact their future benefits are already in jeopardy due to the State’s incompetent leadership in dealing with the pension issues. Many recognize the need for some change to stabilize the pension funds, and that does not occur simply by marching on the capitol.
    You may not agree with Scott Walker, but at least Wisconsin’s benefit funds are relatively solvent compared to Illinois.

  24. - Ghost - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:02 am:

    its too insider. They need something to pick up non union employees.

    For example, since Walker disbanded the unions the median income in Wisconsin has dropped below the national average. under walkers tenure the middle class and small business which relied on State workers for business have seen a drop in income. The whole state is poorer today and the average family makes less then they did before walker took over

  25. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:05 am:

    ===I did find it interesting that they say stop Bruce not elect Quinn…===

    You are On It, - OneMan -.

    That is what is going on. Thinking Quinn is a choice that is favorable is inaccurate. Quinn is stopping Rauner. That’s it.

    ===What has happened to make this ad necessary?===

    Reinforcing a narrative to the Union base as to why it’s critical to “stop Bruce Rauner”. A beginning of the GOTV in September with the ramping up and honestly ginning up the Unions. Pretty standard stuff.

    ===This is the kind of stuff that Pat Quinn should have never needed to have done had he been a good governor.===


    If Rauner was the Nominee and Quinn was winning in the polling and looked ahead, Quinn’s Crew needed to reinforce the contrasting and importance.


    See - OneMan -’s catch above as to why it’s a half.

  26. - RNUG - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:06 am:

    - downstate hack - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:00 am:

    One action that will make the pension funds solvent is to keep making the payments according to the 1995 “ramp’. Since becoming Governor, Quinn has consistently made the scheduled payments.

  27. - Steve - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:09 am:

    This is an excellent ad FOR Bruce Rauner. Scott Walker has moved Wisconsin to the most funded public pension system. Check out the table from Zerohedge.

  28. - Da Moat - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:13 am:

    Public unions are an inherent conflict of interest. Their dues go to support candidates that give the house away. As taxpayers, a public union member is on both sides of the transaction. Off topic: I almost thought Quinn was trying to lose the ‘10 election. This time around, he’s even worse. The lawn mower commercial is absurd. Braggingabout unconstitutional acts. That said, Illinois being Illinois he could still win. No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:17 am:

    To those thinking this is great for Rauner, and proves the point that Walker did it right.

    Wisconsin had at the time a GOP Controlled legislature to implement.

    Bruce Rauner will not have the legislative “cover or approval” to try to implement any of Walker’s agenda.

    Further to that point, I am guessing Rauner’s bi-polar signals towards MJM (”Throw Madigan out!”…”I look forward to working with the Speaker”…”Madigan never had to deal with me”…pick a rhetorical lane) is not helping in the back channels to help a relationship.

    Finally, hit the “search” key; Illinois is NOT Wisconsin.

    The ignorance of the contrast of both states is fueling this incomparable … comparable.

  30. - Chi - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:23 am:

    Anyone crediting Scott Walker for Wisconsin’s well-funded pension funds should credit Pat Quinn for Chicago’s beautiful lakefront. I.e., both are the results of choices made long before either of them were around.

  31. - Person 8 - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:23 am:

    Steve, you realize that scott walker didn’t become governor until 2011? According yo your article, Wisconsin was well funded PRIOR to Walker gutting collective bargaining rights.

  32. - Chi - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:28 am:

    “Public unions are an inherent conflict of interest. Their dues go to support candidates that give the house away.”

    It’s their money, their choice what to do with it. They can use it to back candidates and policies the same as you can. Right-wingers are great guardians of the Constitution until it gives someone else power too.

  33. - Cassidy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:46 am:

    This ad makes me want to vote for Rauner.

  34. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:53 am:

    I’m not going to let you guys talk out of both sides of you mouths. Get your story straight!

    If Rauner is elected, will Illinois Democrats controlling the General Assembly permit him to do to Illinois unions what Governor Walker did?

    While you are correctly pointing out that Walker had a GOP controlled legislature to enact his “reforms”, you are still equating a Rauner election with a Madigan/Cullerton dominated General Assembly, as a problem for unions.

    I also read all summer about how “Illinois is not Wisconsin”, yet you are using Wisconsin as an example of what will happen if Rauner is elected.

    Get your talking points straight, will ya?


  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:56 am:

    It is working so well. As the multi-millionaire disparages those who work for comparative pennies, he pits us all against each other. Why? To deflect the attention from the corporate welfare that is bankrupting our state? You mean if we hack at the ability of granny schoolteacher’s 45K salary or the state clerk’s 30k salary, we’ll be solvent? Great job of deflection and we peons are buying it. Look where the real money is.

  36. - Jimbo - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:58 am:

    Cass, that’s your choice, but it is like that game show where you knwo what your prize is but you can trade it for what’s behind door number 3. All we know is his math doesn’t add up, he says different things to different crowds and is blatantly tyring to buy some prestige in the form of elected office. Sure, if that’s what you’re looking for in a candidate, vote for him, I’ll take the flawed, but known quantitiy who doesn’t say we can cut taxes and increase education funding while freezing property taxes. I prefer my candidates to respect my intellect, not try to feed me bull* and tell me it’s filet mignon.

  37. - Responsa - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 8:58 am:

    The word “extreme” has gotten so ridiculously overused in campaign ads by both parties when covering candidates and a variety of issues big and small, that it has become meaningless–and totally ineffective. (Kind of along the lines of like what happened to the word “reformer”.) This is a pro-tip to political ad makers everywhere: ixnay on the extreme-ay. It makes you all look irrationally hysterical and vapid at the same time. Try to respect your intended audience a little bit. K?

  38. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:06 am:

    ===If Rauner is elected, will Illinois Democrats controlling the General Assembly permit him to do to Illinois unions what Governor Walker did?===

    ===If “we sort of have to do a do-over and shut things down for a little while, that’s what we’re going to do,” - Bruce Rauner===

    Rauner could very well shut down the state, arguing the collective bargaining and new contracts. Sound familiar?

    ===While you are correctly pointing out that Walker had a GOP controlled legislature to enact his “reforms”, you are still equating a Rauner election with a Madigan/Cullerton dominated General Assembly, as a problem for unions.===

    The bickering and the turbulent relationship of a Democratically-controlled GA and the Executive will not lead to a harmonious Union existence. As Rauner has said, he will try his interpreted Executive powers to do what Rauner feels needs to be done as the GA tries to stave off Rauner. That sound productive and encouraging for the Unions?

    Let’s not forget the court rulings and Constitutionality issues.

    ===I also read all summer about how “Illinois is not Wisconsin”, yet you are using Wisconsin as an example of what will happen if Rauner is elected.===

    Square peg, round hole situation, meaning the forcing of the fit is dangerous through the prism of alleged similarities that exist governmentally.

    The states themselves do not mirror in taxing, at the state level for revenues, and while you are concerned about talking out if both sides of our mouths here, are you ignoring Rauner himself doing it, disingenuously, as that square peg is sold as a solution to a round hole?

    I know I am.

    Finding a non-starter solution…ain’t a solution, it’s compounding the problem.

  39. - walker - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:06 am:

    This is an organizing video directed at union members. It won’t mean anything else as a campaign ad.

    Ironic, that Scott Walker could well lose the Wisconsin Governorship, while his fanboy wins Illinois.

    There are a lot of sympatico governors for Rauner to appear to admire — Scott, Jindal, Christie, Daniels or Spence, or even Kasich — who all appear smarter, and more effective than Scott Walker. Poor choice to be allied with.

    As to pensions, those who made sure they were fully funded in Wisconsin preceded Walker by many years. Those who caused Illinois’ pensions to be poorly funded, preceded Quinn.

    Interestingly, the Governor of Indiana who set up the processes, public-private organization, and tax break tools that effectively attract businesses to the state was O’Bannion, many years before Mitch Daniels. But memories are short, and current politicians always take the credit or the blame.

  40. - Come on Glenn - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:09 am:

    Ask the next 10 strangers on the street what they think of government employees, this ad might energize the hard core union members but it will equally energize the hard core voters who see government workers as a joke, ie 4 or 5 IDOT workers sleeping in the orange truck under a shade tree, we’ve all heard the jokes problem is the masses believe these stories and government employees have little sympathy in the public

  41. - Cabildero - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:14 am:

    Has this been made into a full-blown TV ad? Awfully long and expensive?

  42. - Taxandspendfolly - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:22 am:

    Walker has made Wisconsin an economic powerhouse. This ad makes me more likely to vote for Rauner!

  43. - Northsider - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:46 am:

    Gee, the Raunerbots are out in force today.

  44. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:49 am:

    “When someone says they are an advocate of Scott Walker’s policies, they are basically an advocate for failure.”

    Turn that into an ad with the fact that in 2010 Walker promised 250,000 jobs created by 2015, and thus far has netted 26,400.

    It would be a winner.

  45. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:53 am:

    I saw the video last night and found it chilling when Rauner called unions corrupt. He called many union leaders corrupt who do an honest day’s work and do excellent work to promote workplace justice. That is despicable.

    It’s despicable because how much money has Rauner thrown into the political process over the years, and how much money is he currently throwing into the process now?

    Rauner said that public unions are corrupt when they do what any other special interest does–including the Koch brothers–which is contribute to politicians and try to get the political outcomes they want. Gee, who’da thunk this would be allowable in a free country?

    “Walker has made Wisconsin an economic powerhouse.”

    LOL! Wisconsin has been ranked last in income growth in the midwest since Walker’s tenure.

    “While you are correctly pointing out that Walker had a GOP controlled legislature to enact his “reforms”, you are still equating a Rauner election with a Madigan/Cullerton dominated General Assembly, as a problem for unions.”

    What about unilateral action from the executive branch? Is there not things that Rauner could do on his own, such as reclassifying job titles to be non-union?

  46. - CD - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:57 am:

    The number of people who have made comments about this being a TV ad or “made me vote Rauner” really makes me question if people read what Rich writes. This clearly was a union produced video targeted at only union members and sent directly to them in an email. It will play well with the audience it is intended for. It will remind those public employees why they need to vote against Rauner and for Quinn.

    They know that the Governor’s office bargains their contract and that a Governor can do a whole lot to them without approval of the General Assembly.

  47. - anon - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:00 am:

    I believe this is a video for AFSCME members, not an ad… Frankly, I think it’s effectiveness lies in using Rauner’s own words. On the issue of collective bargaining for public employees, Rauner’s position is too radical for IL. Did I really hear Rauner refer to Reagan as Ronald McReagan?

  48. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:03 am:

    Wow, you sure don’t hear “O’Bannion” too often these days. OY.

  49. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:09 am:

    Wasn’t Scott Walker working with a sympathetic Republican legislature during a time of national economic distress–that is, even greater economic distress than we are suffering now. That’s hardly the situation a Governor Rauner would be facing. Our ultra-Democratic legislature isn’t going to let a governor eliminate or significantly diminish the influence of public employee unions, even if he tried it, which I doubt he would. This is the usual election cycle fear-mongering.

    A Governor Rauner would have to focus on what he could do, and fast, because state executives have to move fast to get anything at all done during their tenures. Plus, business executives by nature want to do things–and not have them blow up in their faces. There are only a few propitious moments in the career life of a politician, and Rauner is not stupid–he’d know that.

    Meanwhile, I must say I’m not at all clear on what Quinn plans to do if re-elected either, other than make the tax increase permanent. It’s hard to see through the grandstanding, the IDOT and NRI scandals, the food stamp week, the populist ads and the endless sky is falling rhetoric and detect any actual plans for governance.

  50. - Sunshine - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:11 am:

    The video looks to be strictly for the union folks. However, even after seeing this, I am leaning Rauner. I don’t feel there is a place for unions in public sector. Private sector is a different matter. I would also vote for Walker.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:16 am:

    ===I don’t feel there is a place for unions in public sector.===

    It appears the workers don’t agree…

    ===I would also vote for Walker.===

    So, would you would not only want Unions, you want the collective bargaining of state contracts be stopped?

    A Governor Rauner will shut down the state to accommodate you.

    That’s not a good thing, otherwise Rauner wouldn’t “walk” around that he said it. Just saying.

  52. - walker - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:17 am:

    ===Walker has made Wisconsin an economic powerhouse.===

    Wow! Made me laugh. They’re doing a bit better, but a “powerhouse?” They still are half or less the size of Illinois in every indicator, and lag way behind in a lot of key economic assets. We don’t play in the same league.

    As to relative growth performance, let’s look at some BLS statistics:

    Since January 2010 comparing Wisconsin and Illinois:

    Total Non-farm employment: Illinois +4.3% Wisconsin +5.3%

    All Government employment: Illinois -2.7% Wisconsin -0.7%

    Total Non-Government: Illinois +4.7% Wisconsin +5.4%

    Latest trends this year, are about the same with one outlier, Growth in Bus and Prof. Services employment: Illinois +2.0% Wisconsin +0.7%

    They’re doing slightly better, with a smaller base.

  53. - AlabamaShake - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:24 am:

    **I did find it interesting that they say stop Bruce not elect Quinn…**

    AFSCME hasn’t yet endorsed Quinn, so they can’t go out and say “elect Quinn.” But they will, eventually.

    **its too insider. They need something to pick up non union employees.**

    It is SUPPOSED to be insider — it is a video aimed directly at AFSCME members, not the general public.

  54. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:27 am:

    ===It is SUPPOSED to be insider===


    Some of you folks are really daft today.

    C’mon, it’s an AFSCME Web video for AFSCME members.

    What part of that do you not understand?


  55. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:33 am:

    “I believe this is a video for AFSCME members, not an ad… Frankly, I think it’s effectiveness lies in using Rauner’s own words.”

    Yes, that is correct, and yes, Rauner’s own words can be effective motivators for public union members to not only vote for Quinn, but to do some GOTV work.

    The unions will need to do a solid GOTV effort to have a chance against Rauner. We don’t know what turnout will look like, but if enough voters are not enthusiastic for Rauner, a solid GOTV could really help Quinn.

  56. - SO IL M - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:48 am:

    What exactly will Rauner do that Quinn hasnt already done or attempted to do? Ignore the Union Contract? Deny negotiated pay raises? Close State Facilities and privatize services? Blame State Employees for the States fiscal problems? Make unconstitutional attacks on Retirees and Employees?
    I still can not get enthused about Rauner but Quinn has been no friend at all to AFSCME members. But AFSCME Leadership still will support the Progresive Agenda even if it hurts the Members.

  57. - Sunshine - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:04 am:

    OW A resounding Yes to your questions. I probably wasn’t clear so I’ll repeat it….”I don’t feel there is a place for unions in public sector.” No unions, no collective bargaining. Yeah, that works for me.

    Unions are fine in private sector as that is the choice of both the business and the employees.

  58. - Losing my Edge - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    Maybe an unrelated question, but if Rauner wins, how does that impact Lewis’s chance of outing Rahm should she choose to run?

  59. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:19 am:

    - Sunshine -,

    That pesky constitution, it’s been tested, those pensions that are guaranteed, make the collective bargaining an evil that won’t go away any time soon, and the whole point of Union membership is collectively looking out for workers with common interests, and those interests are “huntin’ or Harley ridin’…”.

    Can’t wish it away. You could vote for Walker if you move to Wisconsin, but a Walker clone here, won’t get Walker results.

  60. - NewWestSuburbanGOP'er - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:21 am:

    What exactly will Rauner do that Quinn hasnt already done or attempted to do? Ignore the Union Contract? Deny negotiated pay raises? Close State Facilities and privatize services? Blame State Employees for the States fiscal problems? Make unconstitutional attacks on Retirees and Employees?
    I still can not get enthused about Rauner but Quinn has been no friend at all to AFSCME members. But AFSCME Leadership still will support the Progresive Agenda even if it hurts the Members.

    So, vote for Rauner and see what happens then! Why some people are so gullible as to vote against their own best self interests is beyond me!


  61. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:23 am:

    “I still can not get enthused about Rauner but Quinn has been no friend at all to AFSCME members. But AFSCME Leadership still will support the Progresive Agenda even if it hurts the Members.”

    You mean Quinn is not in bed with the unions?

    AFSCME members still have defined pensions, a decent contract and collective bargaining. Rauner has threatened to take this away, so there is a difference.

    There is a huge difference between Scott Walker, who Rauner may admire, and Pat Quinn, who would never take away union essentials, such as bargaining rights.

  62. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:35 am:

    Residents of Wisconsin were promised that electing Walker would destroy the state in short order. Last I checked, the state is still there. Schools are open, teachers still teaching. The cops are on the streets. The sky is still up.

    If Rauner wins he still has the GA to contend with. We may well end up with years of chaos like Minnesota and California had to contend with after “The Body” and “I’ll Be Back” were elected governor of their states. We get the government we deserve.

  63. - Wake Up! - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:00 pm:

    I own property in Wisconsin and my tax bill went down 25% largely due to the fact that government employees now have to pay for a portion of their pension and health care. If we could only be so lucky in Illinois.

  64. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:10 pm:

    @wake up- Depends on the entity but some government employees already do.

  65. - Madison - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:11 pm:

    I dont believe that common rank and file taxpayers would have apositve opinion of this ad if intended for other than a union audience. AFSCME is writing checks on the public’s treasury and believes in the “Right” to do so.Not a whole lot of sympathy out there right now folks, just like Wisconsin.
    The gang that can’t shoot straight had a chance to nominate Kirk Dillard…

  66. - beaten down - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:15 pm:

    In my current position I am a supervisor in a government agency. For 3 straight years I received no raise since I was non-union while those who worked for me received raises every year to the point where they were making more than I was because they were in the union. Now I am in a union. I’m not a big fan of unions and half of my raise goes to the union in dues, but without it I am totally at the State’s mercy.

  67. - Kurt in Springfield - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:33 pm:

    @Wake Up! You are so lucky to be in Illinois then, because under the AFSCME Master Contract I, as a state employee, do pay a portion of my pension and health care. Congratulations!

  68. - Sunshine - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 1:00 pm:

    What is, will,or should remain, as a benefit, not to be diminished. However, many state workers were passed by on raises, for years, while the union members benefited substantially. They bought the votes with their union dues and still control lots of the legislators, using their union dues. This is not in the best interest of the people of Illinois but serves to benefit those rank and file members, at everyone else’s expense.

    Simply put, there is no place for unions in public sector. The video is a good call to the union members, but Rauner can build a better case, and will.

  69. - Very Fed Up - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 1:50 pm:

    Truly horrifying that Illinois might no longer have among the highest property taxes in the nation if Rauner becomes elected.

    You cannot take away what has been earned but when future contracts come up it is time to compare similar work and align pay/benefits with the private sector.

    When the state is broke demanding free lifetime healthcare on your neighbors backs is coming to an end.

  70. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 2:19 pm:

    @Very Fed Up:

    Following the Constitution is a real bummer sometimes isn’t it?

    Y’all are likely up a creek without a paddle if you are waiting for retirement benefits of current employees to be changed.

    And the courts have already said that those that were promised what the law allowed for in terms of healthcare are entitled to that benefit per the Constitution.

    ==align pay/benefits with the private sector.==

    I’d be happy to make what the private sector pays. That’d be about a $40,000 raise for me.

  71. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 2:28 pm:

    –They seem to have left off their list the fact that Walker was able to reduce State spending and lower the real estate taxes for the “folks” ( to borrow the Prez’ favorite term) –

    You mean the Wisconsin state real estate tax, Sue? What’s the Illinois state real estate tax these days?

    What are state income tax rates in Wisconsin compared to Illinois, after nearly four years of Walker and GOP control of both chambers?:

    A. Higher
    B. Much Higher
    C. Way Higher
    D. All of the Above

    Put Sue down as a “yes” for a Wisconsin-like progressive income tax in Illinois:

    4%, $0 to $10,190
    5.84% over $10,190
    6.27% over $21,820
    7.65% over $240,190

  72. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 2:40 pm:

    Wisconsin has the fifth-highest combined state and local tax burden in the nation, and the highest in the Midwest.

    Why doesn’t Walker and his GOP-controlled legislature just adopt a flat tax with lower rates like Illinois? They’ve had nearly four years to do it.

    That’s supposedly “pro-business,” right?

  73. - Johnnie F. - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 2:42 pm:

    Funny how some feel private sector unions will be overlooked in all this anti union hatred. The “public sector union dues support Democrats” narrative will be applied to private sector unions next. Public sector unions are only the inital scapegoats for IL economic probblems. Who’s next?

  74. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 3:33 pm:

    === Wisconsin has the fifth-highest combined state and local tax burden in the nation, and the highest in the Midwest ===

    Do you want us to blame Walker for those high taxes?

    And then there is that pesky tax cut fact. $500 million is chump change, right? Gov’t actions take time to have an effect on business, wouldn’t you agree, word? We know this because the media tells us.

  75. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 3:36 pm:

    ==align pay/benefits with private sector==

    Very amusing. Such whiners out there in the “private sector”. Where was insistence on this 5, 10, 15 years ago when you all were making double the public employee salary? Hmmm? Now you know how public employees have felt (for me) most of our lives! I, nor anyone I know has free lifetime healthcare. Obviously, there must be some who do get this—just as there are plenty in the private sector who get goodies like company credit cards, cars, free gas, travel (where you can bring your family along) company paid cell phone and so on and so on. How childish to whine about greener grass. Newsflash. Someone will always have more than you. Check out Bruce Rauner. Why not attack him?
    If we could only get private sector salaries/names listed in the paper like public employees…………Then we could talk.

  76. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 3:51 pm:

    –Do you want us to blame Walker for those high taxes?–

    No, as governor, he’s been powerless to do anything about it after nearly four years in office with a GOP-controlled legislature.

    Who do you blame? Madigan?

    You mean that cut in the state property tax? What are you paying in state property taxes now?

    Here’s a brain-teaser for you, DD: With a 6.27% rate for personal income over $21,820, Wisconsin’s tax is higher or lower than Illinois’? Take your time.

    Facts might confuse you, but they remain facts. People in Wisconsin pay much higher state and local taxes than people in Illinois.

  77. - RNUG - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 4:09 pm:

    - Wake Up! - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:00 pm:

    Most government / state employees do pay into their pension system; the rate depends on the particular system they belong to. The contribution rate was, in fact, set at such a level the funds would be able to meet the anticipated expenditures. The State was supposed to match that payment … but a lot of years the State did not do so.

    The reason the State payments are high now is to make up for all the skipped / shorted State payments and the loss of investment revenue from not making those payments on time.

  78. - Wake Up! - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 4:31 pm:

    -RNUG - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 4:09 pm:

    -Most government / state employees do pay into their pension system

    Yes, I know that. I also know that the failure to fund the pensions systems in Illinois was criminal and that the citizens of Illinois received new schools, roads and overnment giveaways on the backs of present and future pensioners.

    However, I also know that government employees should not be allowed to collectively bargain either in Wisconsin or Illinois. That was my point.

  79. - walker - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 4:33 pm:

    Wisconsin still has higher total tax burdens on individuals and businesses, and much higher marginal income tax rates for the “job creators,” than Illinois. Scott Walker has cut government less than Quinn has in the past four years.

    And yet they do have slightly higher job growth rates overall than Illinois.

    Funny how those simplistic economic-political theories don’t work in the real world.

    As Word often points out, the state economy is just not that responsive to state government actions, (at least in the short term) — no matter how much we like to give credit and place blame.

  80. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:41 pm:

    Employers bargain with a single voice, unions allow employees to do the same, and that’s called a balanced playing field and is a good thing for the free market. All these arguments against public unions are laughable on their face in the current climate for, if the unions owed the politicians, they would be fighting the pension theft law now in the courts. It’s the plutocrats that are buying the politicians in this state. And union funding barely keeps regular people in the game.

  81. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 7:42 pm:

    Sorry owned and wouldn’t was what I intended in the above post.

  82. - Bear081149 - Thursday, Sep 4, 14 @ 9:46 am:

    I figure that the current administration has had twelve years to make things better for Illinois and we’re in worse shape now than we were before so maybe it’s time to give someone else a shot at it. I don’t see how we could survive twenty years of this administration.

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