Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Quinn response *** Rauner’s new TV ad touts “property tax freeze”
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*** UPDATED x1 - Quinn response *** Rauner’s new TV ad touts “property tax freeze”

Wednesday, Sep 3, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* More magic ponies

* Illinois Observer

Local government finance experts have, however, panned Rauner’s proposal as unworkable and unrealistic because it would hamstring municipalities and school districts alike in their efforts to manage budgets in which routine inflation, for example, drives up costs.

“Mr. Rauner may be financial wizard in private business, but the property tax freeze idea betrays a total lack of awareness of municipal finance,” a suburban Cook County mayor told The Illinois Observer. “It belongs in the category of bizarre pipe dreams.”

Ah, but bizarre pipe dreams sell.

Policy aside, tapping perennial voter frustration over high property taxes and their routine increase is good politics – and a potential windfall for political consultants who would need to persuade voters either way.

*** UPDATE *** Quinn campaign response…

In response to a deceptive new television ad by Republican billionaire Bruce Rauner, who improperly filed for three property tax exemptions, former Cook County Assessor Jim Houlihan issued the below statement:

“In his deceptive new television ad, Bruce Rauner fails to mention that the Rauner Tax Plan would blow an $8 billion hole in the state budget and cause localities to enact the biggest property tax hike in Illinois history.

“The cuts in state funding for education made necessary by the Rauner Tax Plan would shift the financial burden for school districts to local property taxes. This would leave no choice but to send property taxes sky high.

“Mr. Rauner should stop deceiving voters.”

In reality, Governor Quinn, who opposes property tax increases, has made the tough decisions to restore fiscal stability to Illinois, putting the state in a position to provide more funding for schools and reduce reliance on property taxes.

Houlihan served as Cook County Assessor from 1997 to 2011 and before that served in the Illinois House of Representatives and as an aide to Chicago Mayor Harold Washington.

While Assessor, Houlihan fought to lower unfair property taxes that hurt families and businesses, instituting a 7% homeowner exemption. These efforts sought to decrease reliance on the property tax to fund education and other important services, a key priority for Governor Quinn as outlined in his 2014 State of the State address.


  1. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:06 am:

    ==Mr. Rauner may be financial wizard in private business, but the property tax freeze idea betrays a total lack of awareness of municipal finance,==

    Exactly. You can also insert state government finance for municipal finance in that statement. Rauner is a master panderer but his grasp of reality is lacking. I hope beyond all hope that if he is elected he comes back down to earth and realizes that the plans he is spouting in the campaign are completely unworkable in real life.

  2. - Bill White - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:08 am:

    It also is a cheap pledge since property taxes do not flow into a budget that Bruce Rauner or the General Assembly has control over.

    It’s a pledge to impose austerity on the other guy rather than on themselves.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:10 am:

    How those defending this preposterous Ad as genuine policy…on its merits…and do it without losing credibility…that would be the most magical thing this Ad would bring.

    It’s a “B+” Ad to those lacking understanding…

    This Ad is an “F” to all those who understand government.

    How this can be spun as “good policy” and “realistic government” will be more breathtaking than the lie of an Ad I just saw.

  4. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:11 am:

    The cynicism is breathtaking.

    No way Rauner could be so stupid as to believe what he continues to flog, day in and day out.

    But he certainly believes the voters are way, way stupid.

  5. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:11 am:

    –his grasp of reality is lacking.

    I agree with your point, Demoralized, except for this part. Team Rauner is too smart to not understand that they are peddling magic beans — yet they cynically do it anyway.


  6. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:14 am:

    “But he certainly believes the voters are way, way stupid.”

    I think that’s why he’s always laughing when questioned by reporters. It’s funny to him that the public should expect realistic answers to their questions.

  7. - Nope, nope, nope - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:15 am:

    Are the Republicans who run St. Charles, Wheeling, Downers Grove and Rolling Meadows going to say anything about Rauner calling out their massive property tax increases?

  8. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:16 am:

    So his plan is to usurp local control? BTW- the communities that everyone of those people in the ad were from all fall under PTELL (tax caps) so the people in those counties have already spoken with regard to property taxes. There are only a couple of reasons their bills could have increased: increase in the value of their home, voter approved tax referendum. He sounds corrupt to me.

  9. - walker - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:17 am:

    It’s a straight up fraud on the voting public, and Rauner should be called out for it by all local officials of both parties.

    It’s also his camapign’s biggest and best shiny jewel, that is attracting otherwise disinterested suburban voters. He will stick with it, and it will work.

    This is why I think Rauner already is aiming for higher office. If he wins, and our property taxes rise for three straight years (as they absolutely, certainly will), then he had better be running for something in Washington. He will blame somebody else for his failure to deliver on his false promise, but this failure might not be so easily pawned off.

    Cook Co mayor? Not Chicago? Many of them are Republican. I know my mayor is keeping his head down on the issue, and probably assuming it will never happen any way. So why rock the party boat?

  10. - DuPage - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:17 am:

    More false promises. People are desperate, and might actually be fooled into voting for Rauner based on promises he can’t keep.

  11. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:27 am:

    I love this ad.
    It is such a beautiful lie.
    Such an unsupportable promise.

    But I love it because it uses real people, in real homes, with real quotes. It reaches right out to everyone. It talks about something everyone worries about. It shows us a candidate who will make those worries go away.

    That is exactly what a candidate is supposed to do, and this is the kind of crap that wins elections.

    We know it won’t work, we are dubious of the promise, but we are hurting financially.

    OK Pat - your turn to do something similar.

  12. - Hit or Miss - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:28 am:

    I like this ad. Almost all of the ad is positive in tone and it is to the point. Its message is attractive to many people who are seeing large property tax increases. I think that many voters will like the ad. I give the ad a grade of B.

    I only wish the Rauner’s plan was financially viable.

  13. - Frustrated Voter - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:29 am:

    Smart politics

  14. - Bill White - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:31 am:

    David Ormsby hits the nail on the head:

    === Suspension of disbelief is how Nigerian generals peddling $37,000,000 to Americans via e-mail make their money. ===

    This is smart politics. This also is how snake oil salesmen get rich.

  15. - Try-4-Truth - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:31 am:

    I’ve said it before on this board and I was panned as an alarmist, but I’ll say it again… Bruce Rauner is dangerous. Illinois has real problems and I’m not convinced that Pat Quinn is the one who can solve them. But, I know that Rauner will only add to our woes. This ad and other promises like this one prove to me that Mr. Rauner is a cynical opportunist who is simply playing a game for sport.

    Dems should take heart though. If Mr. Rauner wins, he could be such an epic disaster that Illinois will never elect another Republican again.

  16. - Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:32 am:

    Cynical and unrealistic.

    He’s pandering here — essentially telling folks what they want to hear.

    How can a guy who claims to value education more than anything else even remotely — remotely — talk about freezing property taxes?

    It’s almost as though Rauner has an ideal voter in mind — white,, angry, mildly racist, uncurious, not a college grad but thinks “they don’t need college because of all those libs on campus”, and not at all wealthy “but they admire all the rich people cuz that’s what’s America is all about”.

  17. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:36 am:

    === the communities that everyone of those people in the ad were from all fall under PTELL (tax caps) so the people in those counties have already spoken with regard to property taxes. ===

    Not entirely the case, because the four municipalities mentioned are all home rule communities. Of course, it is school districts that account for most of the property tax bill.

  18. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:36 am:

    The whining here is amazing. Go into those towns, and others, and you’ll see those same local muni politicos you’re playing the violin here for saying the same things. Most towns have tried to keep their levies and property tax allocation down. They’re very critical of School Boards, Library boards, park boards, and every other government body mindlessly maxing out their levies every year and proposing ill-timed crazy bonding referendums. Rauner is reflecting what Mayors and Aldermen of communities are saying themselves.

    The muni folks hear it. Folks are up in arms about their property taxes going up while their values took huge hits the past several years. There’s few doorsteps you stand on where this isn’t the first thing out of the resident’s mouth. It will be effective, if for no other reason, people will feel that this guy is listening to them.

  19. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:37 am:

    BTW, no stock photos either.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:38 am:

    - A Guy… -,

    Is the Ad…truthful?

  21. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:43 am:

    Do those fact checker web sites and nonprofits review gubernatorial ads or only ads for president and national office?

  22. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:49 am:

    @ A guy- “They’re very critical of School Boards, Library boards, park boards, and every other government body mindlessly maxing out their levies every year and proposing ill-timed crazy bonding referendums.”

    I wonder why those levies are “maxed out”? it is not mindless, it is purposeful and intentional. Costs rise, unless you live under a rock. The revenue has not followed costs and they are already tax capped. The “crazy bond referendums” you refer to are an opportunity for the public to determine whether or not they wish to support the recommendation of the public body, isn’t that what Rauner says he wants form all of these e”corrupt career politicians” like your locally elected, unpaid library and school board members? I didn’t know you spoke for “most” municipalities in Illinois. That or, you are as truthful as your boy Rauner. I am guessing it is the latter.

  23. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:52 am:

    I’m not unbiased, but he creeps me out.

  24. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:53 am:

    A guy- BTW- some of those “muni politicos” are the same dopes that are approving TIF districts as a way of attracting business. Instead it is another form of corporate welfare that deprives other governmental bodies of revenue. While these nameless goofs are allegedly complaining, they are the ones that may be responsible for the very things they are complaining about.

  25. - Try-4-Truth - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    One more thing… The reason that our property taxes are so high, is because we pay for our services with them, where other states uses state income taxes. That’s right, the Illinois is a low tax state. The money has to come from somewhere. I’m all for a dollar for dollar swap from property to income tax. Does that make me a Gubernatorial candidate from 20 years ago? Maybe, but it’s a better idea than anyone that Mr. Rauner has come up with.

  26. - Jechislo - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    Posters comments:

    The cynicism is breathtaking.

    No way Rauner could be so stupid as to believe what he continues to flog, day in and day out.

    But he certainly believes the voters are way, way stupid.

    I agree with your point, Demoralized, except for this part. Team Rauner is too smart to not understand that they are peddling magic beans — yet they cynically do it anyway.

    It’s a straight up fraud on the voting public, and Rauner should be called out for it by all local officials of both parties.

    More false promises. People are desperate, and might actually be fooled into voting for Rauner based on promises he can’t keep.

    Wow. It almost looks like Rauner went back and looked at all of Obama’s old political ad’s when was running against Romney. Well, it sure worked for Obama there.

  27. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:00 am:

    I thought under PTELL, the caps already existed but could change based on increased/decreased property values and voter override. A freeze means keeping prop taxes exactly where they are, how does he plan to achieve this in line with the options available in the existing rule? Does he think the GA will simply go along with him? Of course moving education pensions back to local districts would have no effect on property taxes right?

  28. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:08 am:

    Those mindless dopes, you know, muni officials in communities are among the most closely held accountable public officials in the state. People actually know who they are and they live among them. Go sell your theory of the public guardians on many of those other boards that meet in untelevised, quiet rooms where the public is welcome, but no one shows. Attend a few of those kinds of meetings in towns and you’ll see where a lot of cynicism is born.

  29. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:10 am:

    if i am not mistaken, it takes 3/5 majority to impose something limitations on home rule municipalities. so, aside from the real negative policy implications, there is this pesky practical political problem. you cant pass it.

    responsibility for teacher pensions should be w the school districts, but we cant get there from here. a property tax freeze makes that all the more impossible.

    but in the meantime, voters may gobble this up. and, when it doesnt pass, rauner can direct their ire at members of the GA for not going along.

  30. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:11 am:

    ===muni officials in communities are among the most closely held accountable public officials in the state===


  31. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:18 am:

    @A guy:

    The criticism is about the REALITY of Rauner’s promises. His promises are ridiculous. Anybody with rudimentary math skills knows this. I don’t care if people believe it. I care about the consequences if he does all of the dopey things he is promising to do. Simple math dictates that you can’t cut revenues every which way and still manage to do all the magical things he wants to do. You think cutting state revenues AND freezing property taxes somehow translates into more money for schools? You are keen on the “feelings” of the people but I could give a flying leap about their feelings. They may buy the garbage Rauner is selling but I don’t and I worry about the dire consequences if he actually implements what he is selling should he win.

    So, call me a whiner if you want if your definition of whining is calling somebody out on their obviously pandering promises.

  32. - DuPage Bard - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:19 am:

    When he doesn’t freeze property taxes, he will blame the legislature on not giving him the authority to do so.
    He will shield his local R elected officials by saying they are with him to freeze taxes but the Democratic controlled legislature won’t allow it.
    He will shift blame to others and never take responsibility for his own inability to govern, great move.

  33. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:24 am:

    Obviously, the vast majority of the commenters here don’t believe property taxes should be frozen. Yet, a majority recognize that property taxes are high, that they hurt both homeowners and renters, and there is a need for something to be done.

    But not frozen, or not now, or not by Bruce Rauner.

    Other than that, they hate the fact that this ad speaks to voters, and since most voters want lower property taxes, then voters must be really stupid. Or something insulting like that.

    What Pat Quinn has to do is ads like this.

  34. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:28 am:


    If he wants to freeze property taxes, fine. But don’t insult my intelligence by turning around and telling me you are also going to do all of these magical things when the math obviously doesn’t work. Your “analysis” of the criticism is asinine because you obviously don’t have a clue as to what the criticism is about.

  35. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:37 am:

    @A guy- Nice try, I go to them every month. Fourth Monday of the month. And they are as accountable as any governmental body- it is called an election genius. The fact that they are not well attended says nothing about accountability, it might say that people don’t care. Some of those meetings, actually a lot more than people realize, are televised or streamed on the internet. Your argument is a joke.

  36. - roscoe tom - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:37 am:

    When is someone in the press going to “press” Rauner on what and why he thinks the Gov. has any realistic thing to do with local property taxrs?

  37. - foster brooks - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:40 am:

    Bruce Rauner will get nothing done if cullerton/madigan are still in charge.

  38. - Skirmisher - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:40 am:

    The grain of truth here is that property taxes are by far the least fair form of taxation, and one way or another they need to be reigned in or eliminated. Simply freezing them is obviously completely unrealistic. The answer is comprehensive tax reform in this state, but this is unlikely to happen under either a Rauner or a Quinn. Cynically or not, Rauner hits a festering sore spot, and the opposition can only argue in favor of ever expanding an enormously unpopular form of taxation.

  39. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:42 am:

    @A guy- I said nameless (you never mention any names or communities, only the nebulous “those”) you said mindless. I think anyone that approves a TIF district is pretty dopey.

  40. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:48 am:

    A Guy, thanks for that stunning insight. Who knew people didn’t like taxes?

    There’s no “whining,” people are just pointing out that, once again, Rauner is cynically lying, promising something that he does not have the power to do.

    He thinks voters will buy it, so yes, he thinks they’re stupid.

  41. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:50 am:

    For the love of….

    Brooke, let me help you out here, PLEASE!

    Bruce Rauner broke the law, claiming homestead exemptions on three separate properties. Frauds like Bruce Rauner cost the rest of us $65 million a year in Cook County alone. Guys like Rauner are ripping us off for tens of millions each year that could be going to make our streets safer or fix our schools, and now he wants to cripple our schools, firefighters and police even further, as part of a plan that would cut taxes for millionaires by hundreds of millions more.

    Bruce Rauner is no Robin Hood, he is a fraud, in more ways than one.

  42. - archimedes - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    So - freeze property taxes. Yet, the State will continue to get income taxes as a fixed % as your income goes up, estimated at 2% to 3% a year.

    The State has struggled to find more money for schools - the amount has fallen in the last few years. The only reason schools have not crashed is the steady income from property taxes.

    Rauner’s Governance - Let’s burn the candle at both ends in order to make it last longer. Let’s bring back Illinois.

  43. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    Your “analysis” of the criticism is asinine because you obviously don’t have a clue as to what the criticism is about.

    You are both wrong and rude.

  44. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:57 am:

    === JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:42 am:

    @A guy- I said nameless (you never mention any names or communities, only the nebulous “those”) you said mindless. I think anyone that approves a TIF district is pretty dopey.===

    TIF is about the only tool left in the box in some places JSM. There are more than plenty of corrupt examples of TIF. There are also plenty of examples of TIFs that improved communities and even saved some downtowns. To call them all bad is beyond foolish. That’s the problem when you have so few economic tools to work with, people will attempt to corrupt them. And they do, as Rich’s link pointed out.

    Here’s my case to Rich on this point. Though an alarming number of Chicago Alderman are in prison at any given time, I still consider it among the most effective forms of government. Why? Because, no matter where you are in the city, people may not know who their Vice President, Congressman, State Rep, State Sen, Governor, or any Constitutional officer is; but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts, over 90% of the people know exactly who their Alderman is, where his/her office is and how to contact them.
    This is true in many of the smaller communities as well. They are more often than not, the face of government to a lot of people.

    JSM, when you use pejorative terms like “genius” when addressing people, you’re not holding up your end of the debate. Do better if you want to be regarded.

  45. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    === wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 10:48 am:

    A Guy, thanks for that stunning insight. Who knew people didn’t like taxes?====

    If you’re not being cynical….you’re welcome.

    Have you or anyone else considered that since we can neither tax ourselves or cut ourselves into balance, let alone prosperity, that the other choice is to foster economic policy that allows ourselves to possibly grow into it. It’s been done elsewhere. We’ve got a great city and state with a lot of natural advantages. What’ya say we give it a try, Sling?

  46. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    ===What Pat Quinn has to do is ads like this.===

    Promising everyone a pony. And outlawing vegetables. And criminalizing winter. And hiking the minimum wage to $1 million an hour.

    Yay! Rainbows and lollipops!

  47. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:09 am:

    @A guy- funny that you talk about pejoratives since you use so many (mindless, crazy et al). Hypocrisy is far more difficult to regard than insensitive language. It would be nice to know where TIF’s have actually worked.I have yet to see one. It seems more likely that they are just a revenue shifting tool. It also appears that TIF’s are a tool for one community to lure business away from another (vulture effect) but rarely have I observed “new” businesses, from outside the state, take advantage of them. And agian, these municipalities that approve the TIF’s prevent other public bodies from reaping the fiscal benefit.

  48. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:17 am:

    Pretty good Brooke.

    But you really need to hammer the word FRAUD home.

    He didn’t “improperly file” for there homestead exemptions.

    He committed tax fraud.

    His plan isn’t “deceptive”.

    It is fraudulent.

    And you should link the cuts in funding for schools (and police and fire) to the huge windfall Rauner and the other millionaires get by rolling back the income tax rate.

    At least you are on the right trail. Happy hunting!!

  49. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:19 am:

    Ah, but bizarre pipe dreams sell.

    “We are the ones we have been waiting for!!!”


    Wow, such angst. Such gnashing of teeth. It’s a politician lying in a campaign ad. You would think folks here have never seen that. I wonder what would happen if one candidate eschewed the tried and true strategy and just went out and told the unvarnished truth. Explained in detail what would be done and how it would be done. Got down to the nitty gritty about the sausage making legislative process. And the WINNER IS….not that guy, for sure.

  50. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:19 am:

    For kicks, you can remind folks who was responsible for the Foreclosure Crisis and massive job losses in Illinois.

    Hint: Rhymes with “Truce Lawner.”

  51. - walker - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:19 am:

    Most homeowners would love for their mortgages to be interest-free, which would dramatically cut their monthly payments. Any politician that guaranteed that, might get millions of votes.

    When going door to door, like A Guy, right after heartfelt complaints about property taxes, come heartfelt complaints about underwater or unfairly burdensome mortgages. It’s a real public desire.

    Would you support Rauner promising “I will dramatically cut your mortgages payments, with no penalty to you?”

    That is not a much different promise than Rauner’s freezing property taxes.

    He doesn’t have and won’t have the power to do it, and it hurts other entities for which he has no accountability.

  52. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:20 am:

    JSM, then you’re not looking. TIF=Bad to you. Can’t help you. Really, I just don’t want to. You’re not even amusing to me. Gotta restack my kleenex.

  53. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:26 am:

    How about Governor Quinn putting out an ad that addresses the same concerns and puts out another plan to help that won’t be labeled as fraudulent?

    You beat this ad by putting out one that is better. You don’t throw your hands up and cry, “fraud! fraud!”

    If Rauner’s ad is a fraud, then he is ripe for a counter ad which takes those same voter concerns and gives them similar hope in a non-fraudulent manner!

    There are only two months to go. Stop the hand-wringing and the finger-pointing, and pony up an answer voters will like even better than a property tax freeze!

  54. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:26 am:

    @A guy=JSM, then you’re not looking. TIF=Bad to you. Can’t help you. Really, I just don’t want to. You’re not even amusing to me. Gotta restack my kleenex.=

    That is high-brow stuff right there. Your perspective is at least predictable and, due to the fact, diminishes itself. And, for the most part, you are right. I view TIF in a very negative light because I have yet to learn of even one with a net positive effect. And corruption is prevalent.

  55. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:26 am:

    Walk, there is potential for taxing bodies in an area to agree to forgive imposing a levy at times. DuPage Co. does it, along with a few towns and other bodies therein, and people do appreciate it. It’s not a silver bullet. But any relief is helpful to people. Voters are “moody”. They vote their moods. They want to sense they’re being listened to. You can tell them the truth, but a spoonful of sugar goes a long way. I sincerely respect your door to door work. It’s the best way to get info, even if the Sling man pokes fun at me for it regularly, between canvass and phones, I do get to talk to 275-400 people week in, week out. Keep up the hustle Walk, our system depends on it.

  56. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:30 am:

    === JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:26 am:
    That is high-brow stuff right there. Your perspective is at least predictable and, due to the fact, diminishes itself. And, for the most part, you are right. I view TIF in a very negative light because I have yet to learn of even one with a net positive effect. And corruption is prevalent.===

    Aw shucks, I thought we had a break through.

  57. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:33 am:

    A Guy, thanks for the belly laugh of the year, with your Chicago City Council “as among the most effective forms of government.”

    Effective at what? Shaking down business start-ups? Punishing homeowners who won’t put their lawn sign in their yard? Rubber-stamping the whims of dictatorial mayors?

    People know who their alderman is because they have to know whose boots to lick, or palm to grease, to get something done.

    The Chicago City Council, in practice, is the absolutely worst form of government.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:36 am:

    ===You can tell them the truth, but a spoonful of sugar goes a long way.===

    So you lie to them, tell them something you know is inherently untrue? You call it…”sugar”

    I thought Rauner calls it “baloney” …

    No, that’s when people are tired of the “sugar” l, call Rauner on it, and the Truth…is “baloney”

    I am now seeing more and more why - A Guy… - loves him some Bruce Rauner(?)

    They both lack honesty and integrity, ethics and morals…with a hint of “sugar”…or “magic”(?)

  59. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:06 pm:

    If I have this straight

    The guy who wanted to give a large property tax rebate we cannot afford is now attacking the other guy for wanting to give a large property tax freeze we cannot afford.

    Makes sense.

  60. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:08 pm:

    @ FKA- I think that sums up this entire race.

  61. - MikeMacD - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:09 pm:

    “General growth” should slave all concerns of an arithmetic nature.

  62. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:22 pm:


    If I had $53 million, I would put up my own ad.

    Governor Quinn’s efforts to cut $5 billion in spending while reforming pensions is making state government more sustainable, and his push to raise the minimum wage will help families struggling to make ends meet and invest in their own children’s future.

  63. - A guy... - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:22 pm:

    === wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 11:33 am:

    A Guy, thanks for the belly laugh of the year, with your Chicago City Council “as among the most effective forms of government.”===

    Tis a rare day when I get to say “you’re welcome” twice to you Sling. My heart leaps. You’re welcome.

  64. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:43 pm:

    ==You are both wrong and rude.==

    If it’s rude to call you out for a wrong-headed analysis then put me squarely in the rude column. I’ll take that label any day.

    And just because you say something over and over and over doesn’t make it true. You have a penchant for doing that. Sometimes we are right only in our own minds. You should explore that possibility.

  65. - Rod - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 12:52 pm:

    Mr. Rauner is neither stupid nor a fool, he knows in order to enact a property tax freeze without explicit authorization of the electorate would require amending 65 ILCS 5/ 8-3-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code. As would his proposal to “ensure your property taxes never go up if the value of your home decreases.” He also knows that the Illinois Municipal League would oppose this change in the General Assembly and he more than likely would not get the law changed. Then he can blame the special interests for failure of his plan to be implemented, don’t we all know how it works?

  66. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 1:36 pm:

    DD, Rauner’s not a politician, remember? That’s the basis of his campaign.

    Take that away from, and what’s his point? That he’s willing to say anything?

    Don’t mind the grownups if they call him on his stuff. If you’re just going to let it slide, why engage in the first place?

  67. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 3, 14 @ 2:17 pm:

    –Stop the hand-wringing and the finger-pointing, and pony up an answer voters will like even better than a property tax freeze!–

    You mean a biggie lie? That makes sense to you?

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