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Callis goes on the attack

Monday, Sep 8, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Democratic congressional candidate Ann Callis has a new TV ad. Last week’s ad was positive. This one’s a negative, but it’s done in a humorous way.

UPDATE: Callis has now released the new ad on YouTube, so I deleted the other code from the NRCC video and added this one

* Script…

When I first heard that Congressman Rodney Davis had spent forty grand in D.C. steakhouses, I said “well done.”

Me too. But then I found out Davis voted to chop Medicare…

But not perks for himself, like first class flights, pensions, or healthcare for life.

Hey, steak is great, Congressman, but it’s time to trim some fat in DC.

Putting yourself ahead of the middle class is a load of bull.

Pretty good. We’ll see if it moves any needles.

* From the NRCC…

Ann Callis is up on TV with an ad attacking Rodney Davis. Callis must now realize that her friends at the DCCC aren’t coming in so she will have to do her own dirty work and go negative right out of the gate.

The problem with Callis’ new ad is that she attacks Rodney on first class travel and health care for life for members. Callis didn’t do her homework because Rodney actually voted to ban first class travel for members and also voted to end health care for life for members. See for yourself HERE.
Callis also didn’t mention the perks she will receive after retiring as a judge – both a pension and health care which are paid for by Illinois families. Seeing Callis doesn’t like elected officials receiving perks, will she refuse to accept her state pension and state health care for life?

NRCC Statement: “The latest attack ad from Ann Callis is dishonest and factually incorrect. Rodney Davis has voted to end congressional perks all while Ann Callis plans to collect a state pension and health care. The only one in this race who wants to milk Illinois families is Ann Callis and this latest attack ad is just plain bull.” – Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman


  1. - Team Sleep - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 11:13 am:

    That was a good ad. But why does Judge Callis look like she has red eyes in her ads?

  2. - econ prof - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 11:45 am:

    I’m confused. Why would a candidate who is set to receive a lucrative pension and health insurance attack another candidate for receiving the same?

  3. - NewSouthSuburbanDem - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 11:50 am:

    It would be a great ad…IF it wasn’t such a factual boomerang. Ugh, another case of our candidates making claims against their opponents that also apply to themselves, or don’t have a factual basis. Callis, Frerichs, Bustos…its amateur hour across the board with these people!

  4. - Chef - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 12:03 pm:

    I really enjoyed this ad; I saw it this morning on television. I liken these guys to the “Now let’s get to work” guy for Quinn 4 years ago. However, that guy had more impact. I watched this video, and I kept waiting for more jokes or double entendres.

    Overall, I give this add a C-. It has high marks for originality and comedic value. However, besides seeing Callis at the front, it really does nothing to sway me.

    Personal thoughts on this one, too. I travel a great deal for work; airlines provide first class seats for the same price as coach many times. It’s not every time; it’s more hit or miss depending on where you’re going. That attack really did nothing for me.

    Plus, I’d love to see the bill for 40k. That means he’d have to spend $50 a day (everyday!) for the past two years just on steak. That seems pretty outlandish; does anyone have that/those bills? Was this a fundraiser or something? Regardless, now that we know, I’m very concerned for Davis’ health; did someone alert his physician? His arteries are probably about to blow!

  5. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 12:06 pm:

    ===That means he’d have to spend $50 a day (everyday!) for the past two years just on steak===


    Have you ever been to a high-end steakhouse? Use the google to check prices.

  6. - VanillaMan - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 12:12 pm:

    It is cute, but that’s it.
    They spent more time on puns than on policy differences.

  7. - Anonymoiis - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 1:35 pm:

    ==Why would a candidate who is set to receive a lucrative pension and health insurance attack another candidate for receiving the same?==

    “Because……..hey!, did I mention my son’s in the Army?”

  8. - Tough Guy - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 2:21 pm:

    I’m sure the people who are contributing their money to Davis in central Illinois are glad to know it is being spent so he can eat at a DC steak houses to the tune of $40,000.

  9. - wayward - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 2:31 pm:

    Can’t help noticing that the NRCC spokesperson has a last name that rhymes with “Shrill.”

  10. - Sunshine - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 2:33 pm:

    Saw Davis recently and he didn’t look like he had been eating a lot of steak?

    Every single elected official who goes to Washington ends up with a variety of expense account expenditures, entertainment venues, stipends, Lobbyist’s outings, meetings in fine restaurants, trips to ‘review’ the troops, and on and on and on. Ann Callis will not change that. She may think she can, as perhaps do many others, but it will take heavy lifting to undo perk creep in DC…..even in Illinois.

  11. - jim - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 3:04 pm:

    Is this really the best she can do — appeal to resentment over restaurant expenses?
    It’s devoid of anything that has to do with anything.
    she must be desperate, and that surprises me given how even the district is.

  12. - A guy... - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 4:56 pm:

    She’s got passion on her side, doesn’t she?

  13. - SHins - Monday, Sep 8, 14 @ 5:12 pm:

    Was the $40K spent at steakhouses even taxpayer funds? My guess is that it was from his campaign account probably for fundraisers and the like. So, it even seems like a more dishonest hit on him.

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