Rate Dick Durbin’s first TV ad
Wednesday, Sep 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From the Dick Durbin campaign…
Senator Durbin’s re-election campaign has its first commercial on the air and it’s a touching testimonial of how Sen. Durbin has delivered for the people of Illinois.
The ad, entitled Captain Simone, tells the story of just one of over 17 thousand families who are caring for our wounded warriors thanks to the assistance of the Veterans Affairs’ Family Caregiver Program. The Family Caregiver Program was created by a Durbin-authored provision in the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2009, which was enacted May 5, 2010. This program, which is helping families across the nation, provides technical, financial, and practical support to the caregivers of those injured in the line of duty.
The ad, that will run in the Chicago and Springfield markets, can be viewed at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugdwmRETIcs&feature=youtu.be
“We’re proud to go up with a strong, positive ad that tells the story of how Sen. Durbin has delivered for the people of Illinois – specifically our veterans,” said Anna Valencia who serves as the Campaign Manager for Senator Durbin’s re-election effort.
* The ad is definitely a tear-jerker…
* Script…
Andrea Simone: “I was actually watching the news that day, and I heard a report about the Taliban claiming responsibility for the helicopter getting shot down in Afghanistan. My husband and his gunner were the only survivors. Tony suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. There’s really not much about our life that is the same.
“Senator Durbin passed a law that provided me with the resources and the training, so that I am able to take care of Tony at home. I believe that for Dick Durbin it’s not about politics’ he cares for veterans and their families.
“I believe it’s absolutely a blessing that I am able to take care of Tony in our home with our children where he feels loved. And um, that has meant the world to us.”
Senator Durbin: I’m Dick Durbin, and I’m proud to approve this message.
- Ken_in_Aurora - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:42 am:
===Senator Durbin passed a law ===
So, he’s powerful enough to pass legislation all by himself?
A disgusting example of pandering, not that he’s alone at doing it.
- Anonymoiis - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:44 am:
Normally such an ad would rate higher…but does e really want to dig in and create an opening for a response of other ways he’s viewed and referenced soldiers?
- Edwardsburg - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:44 am:
Dick Durbin is above politics? LOL
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:45 am:
Saw it this morning…
“A -”
Oberweis has been demonizing Durbin on the radio, and the IRS TV Ad, so this Ad brings Durbin back to a touchstone, personal touch, public servant.
First hand stories are also big winners when something tangible is seen from a policy/legislative success story.
It made me “watch” too. Compelling.
- Former Downstater - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:46 am:
Assuming a key demo for Durbin to win is independent/moderate women, this is an A.
- lake county democrat - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:47 am:
It’s a sad day when Jim Oberweiss’ crazy “IRS persecution” spots are more relevant to a senate election than yours.
- Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:49 am:
When I was a whistleblower about abuses in Navy Recruiting Command, there was an earnest staffer working on my case.
Eventually, Durbin’s more senior staff directed him to stop putting time into it. And the supervisor told me their were millions of other people in Illinois who needed services.
So, yeah, Dick Durbin stands by military personnel, except when he doesn’t.
- Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:51 am:
==First hand stories are also big winners when something tangible is seen from a policy/legislative success story.==
Good point! Hope Quinn notes it, as his stock photos of alleged minimum wage workers aren’t as compelling as finding a real person to tell his/her story.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:52 am:
Dick Durbin proves to anyone throwing mud in ignorant nasty negative ads, that if you are the incumbent running - you run on what you have accomplished. Durbin proves that positive ads are more powerful than negative ads. There is a reason he has been getting reelected for over a decade.
He reminds us that he is a class act and that we did the right thing voting him into office the last time he ran.
Quinnsters - drop the dumb stunts and learn from a real winner here.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:52 am:
A, that is how a positive ad is done and done well. My assessment is independent of the politics or whether or not I believe Durbin “passed” the law (BTW- her words not his) this is a strong ad.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:58 am:
Good ad. Definitely in the B+/A- range. Not sure how I feel about elected officials using military personnel and spouses in ads. And that is not me being partisan - just me not being sure.
Carl - that is pretty interesting.
- LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 11:59 am:
Very effective — sets a different tone than all the attack stuff on now (he and Rodney Davis.)
Never mind that he is the most vicious partisan in Illinois who wakes up and thinks and breathes politics every day.
Still a good ad, though.
- Steve - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:00 pm:
Dick Durbin’s next ad will attack the subject on Why can’t Jim Oberweis give away free ice cream to all poor people?
- Tony - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:04 pm:
Excellent ad, just saw it on TV. Powerful. And the right thing to do.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:07 pm:
Personal, uplifting, heartwarming. All good. We here may know of some inconsistencies in the record over time, but that doesn’t matter here.
- Tom - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:11 pm:
tug at your heart strings…A plus. Good job, Saul.
- Leprechaun - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:12 pm:
C at best. Felt sorry for the family but people are tired of career politicians and that’s what Durbin is and most people know it.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:18 pm:
Y’all are supposed to be rating the ad, not the candidate.
Get back to the ad, and stay on the ad, please.
- Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:22 pm:
==people are tired of career politicians==
You are missing the point. People are tired of “career politicians,” but they are favorably disposed toward their own elected officials, especially when they get things done for the local folks. That is why this ad works, it shows a local person who was helped by Durbin’s legislation. It reminds people that he gets things done for local people. It’s the reason why “career politicians” get reelected.
A solid “A”
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:28 pm:
I hadn’t cried so hard since the movie, “Rudy” - damn movie. I hate crying.
- mcb - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:34 pm:
A+, good as it gets for positive ad touting a candidate’s record. There will be a lot of people crying at the end.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:38 pm:
===I hate crying.===
Which is strange thing to say because you’re the biggest cry baby here.
To the ad, it’s an A. This is why we elect men and women to serve in our government: to solve problems we can’t solve on our own. The ad shows Durbin being effective and it shows what his priorities are: helping Veterans and their families.
It’s a solid intro ad.
- Ahoy! - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:09 pm:
I give it an A. A+ if it was shorter, while it doesn’t seem as long as it is, it’s still a minute commercial and we tend to have shorter and shorter attention spans. It’s going to be tough to beat and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it aired more throughout the campaign in different markets.
The best part part about the Ad for Durbin is there is no way for Oberweis to respond and look good.
- flea - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:35 pm:
I think it is the best ad I have seen thus far…way to go!
- Anonymous Retiree - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:48 pm:
Where was he when all of the problems were happening at the VA hospitals?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:48 pm:
VMan, I have no doubt that you have problems distinguishing movies from reality. Stay classy, funny man.
By all contemporary objective standards, the spot is a home run.
After the last 13 years, I veer between nausea and anger at politicians who campaign on all the good things they did for the troops after they got shot down or blown up, especially when they weren’t raising hell about getting them out of harm’s way a whole lot sooner.
Endless war in Asia with opaque goals of “fighting terror,” “building nations,” and “exporting democracy” by use of military force is an expensive and tragic pipe dream that has had unforeseen negative consequences.
Seriously, we’re now teaming up with the Russians, Iranians and Assad to fight ISIS.
Where is our good friend Saudi Arabia, with it’s state-of-the-art air force, and our NATO ally Turkey, with its largest army in the region, in this fight?
Why are they on the sidelines when they’re literally on the borders? The ISIS fighters have been entering the theater from Saudia Arabia and Turkey. And where do you think ISIS money has been coming from? You don’t run a conventional force army by knocking off banks or collecting ransoms.
Before I go off any more, I’d just suggest you google the Weinberger/Powell doctrines and give them a think.
Maybe then we could have fewer A+ political spots like this one.
- Seriously... - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:48 pm:
I am far from a Durbin fan…however, this is a smart ad and frankly the first one I’ve seen from any of the statewide candidates that is adult in nature. Durbin keeps running smart ads with enough market penetration and Obby is done AGAIN.
- Willie Stark - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:51 pm:
Very well done, and it makes Obie prattling on about “Dick Nixon” and “Dick Durbin” all the more absurd. To be frank, Durbin needs something like this, and more like it, because his polling is only so-so. So amusing the partisans who aren’t willing to acknowledge that this is a powerful, emotional ad, well produced with good, subtle music (and aside from the obligatory avowal that it is his ad, Durbin doesn’t speak, he lets the soldier’s wife carry the spot). Though, in truth, the Hard Rs aren’t the audience it’s trying to reach. And, setting aside the politics, it brings us face to face with a very brave man and his family, and the horrible costs of war that soldiers, sailors and their loved ones must bear.
- walker - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:55 pm:
Smart, strong, effective ad. A
- ZC - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 2:06 pm:
I suspect The Woman in the Cook County Suburbs will be pleased by this ad. If she is well pleased, Oberweis is in trouble.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 2:15 pm:
‘Slinger, I have no doubt that you watched all of “Rudy” and couldn’t figure it out why everyone else was crying.
- Wumpus - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 3:00 pm:
positive and touching. I give it a common core grade of orange. It meets expectations.
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 3:18 pm:
I can’t say I will vote for Oberweis, but I certainly won’t vote for Durbin. Ok, the ad is good - when you have been doing it as long as Durbin has, you better be able to get it right, right? Durbin’s comments early on in the conflict moved me away from him specifically and the party in general when others chimed in. This ad in particular is very problematic for me. Maybe he thinks “passing” this law atones for his earlier comments. Good for him - it doesn’t move me.
- Empty Suit - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 3:18 pm:
The ad is not bad B+. The problem down the road for Durbin
are those haunting comments he’s made in the past about the military. I would imagine they will show up soon as a counter.
- Mokenavince - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 3:39 pm:
The ad is an A,it gives all the more reason not to get into a ground war in the middle east.
Captain Simone and his family deserve all that America can give.
- Big Muddy - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 5:05 pm:
Durbin even being on TV is proof he is concerned about Oberweis. Oberweis! A year ago I never woulda thunk it possible.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 5:07 pm:
–Durbin even being on TV is proof he is concerned about Oberweis–
You didn’t think he was going to go on TV, regardless of who the opponent was?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 5:11 pm:
This is the best positive spot I have seen so far from top tier candidates.
Anyone who thinks it will be ineffective is deluding themselves.
To prove my point, send it to ten women you know and ask them what they think.
Real people. Real problems. Real solutions.
- Big Muddy - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 5:33 pm:
Nope. I didn’t. He is all but a lock and his face on TV IMHO will only drive people to Obie.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 6:19 pm:
–his face on TV IMHO will only drive people to Obie.–
Interesting theory on advertising.
- ZC - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 6:55 pm:
–his face on TV IMHO will only drive people to Obie.–
No way, though I guess in part it’s all your partisan filters. My own thought would be seeing Obie’s face endlessly on TV might drive some Democrats to make sure to turn out and to vote for Durbin.
- sal-says - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 7:17 pm:
If he got it done / helped get it done, there are a lot of families of wounded service members who benefit from the harm we all put them into. Is there a beef here? If so, what is it?
- Percival - Thursday, Sep 11, 14 @ 1:44 am:
I’m a bit confused. Looking tonight on online at the Library of Congress, directed from there to pages at the site of the Government Printing Office for original .pdf versions, I find the Family Caregiver Assistance Program was introduced in Senate Bill 801 (titled “The Family Caregiver Program Act of 2009″) on April 2, 2009 in a bill sponsored by Senators Akaka, Burr, Tester, Burris (!) and Rockefeller, but no Senator Durbin. An amended S. 801 was filed on September 25, 2009 adding a lot of provisions and being redesigned “The Caregiver and Veterans Health Services Act of 2009″, and by then Senator Durbin is listed as a co-sponsor along with a slew of other Senators. But going through the two bills I find that the family caregiver provisions in the amended S. 801 are virtually identical to the original S. 801, with no major new provisions.
How does a Senator “author” an important new program but then have five other Senators sponsor the original bill? Perhaps there was an even earlier bill, but I can’t find it.
- dupage dan - Thursday, Sep 11, 14 @ 10:23 am:
Percival, maybe Durbin took a page from Senator Gore, the man who invented the internet. “Hey, look, I did something important!”
So, the ad is a good one. A good lie, it appears.
Oberweis should highlight that, no?
- NanB - Tuesday, Sep 30, 14 @ 1:34 pm:
Did Dick Durbin pass a law by sole fiat? I am offended by the concept that “Dick Durbin passed a law.” He may have sponsored it, worked on behalf of it, and many other things, but the concept that a sole individual can pass a law alone is the work of a despot, not a responsible legislator. I am offended by this language, and find it irresponsible that Mr. Durbin would so grossly misrepresent the legislative process to the public, some of whom may be sincerely uninformed.