* From the 46:07 mark of yesterday’s debate…
QUINN: I want to say one thing. When he was at this Editorial Board, he has given money, I know, he says, to schools and education—including Payton, Walter Payton. Last time he was before this Editorial Board, he lied to you. He lied to you. The Inspector General of the Chicago Public Schools determined that his daughter did not qualify. Was not on a principal’s list. He told a falsehood. As he has today, one falsehood after another, his whole operation is based on deception, includes his education budget. You cannot have excellent schools if you cut the budget of Illinois, the state budget, for education, in half. That’s savage cuts that will hurt people who don’t have a lot of money like Mr. Rauner and who aren’t getting a million dollar tax cut because of these policies that he’s advocating.
QUESTION: Did you lie to us?
RAUNER: No. We went through the process, we followed it appropriately. It’s just like hundreds—
QUINN: [Interrupting] That’s not what the Inspector General said.
RAUNER: Just as hundreds of other families did.
Really? He did nothing different than “hundreds of families”?
* Here’s part of a long exchange with the Tribune editorial board before the primary which the governor referenced yesterday…
Rauner: At no time did we ask for a special treatment, or special deal, or special favor for our daughter. We got her name on the list just like hundreds of other families got their children’s name on the list for this Principal’s list.
Tribune: Why did you mention your daughter to Duncan?
Rauner: Oh we talk about getting his advice on what’s the process, I heard about the principal’s list, what do you do, how does it work?
* From a June 26, 2014 AP story…
Rauner has said that his daughter’s attendance record was marred by illness and hurt her overall admission score, which was the reason for the rejection. He said the family appealed through a principals’ discretionary process.
However, [outgoing Chicago Public Schools Inspector James Sullivan] told The Associated Press on Thursday that Rauner didn’t use the formalized principals’ process. CPS policy says that principals of selective high schools can use discretion for up to 5 percent of incoming freshmen.
Sullivan said Rauner contacted then-CEO Arne Duncan’s office, had at least two conversations with a chief aide, and the admission status was changed after the aide called the principal.
“She’s a very bright kid. She was close and just didn’t make it,” Sullivan said of the initial rejection.
So, he didn’t do what “hundreds of other families” did. At all.
It’s amazing to me that the edit board didn’t fully call him out on this.
* Let’s refresh ourselves on how this tale has evolved. Bernie’s column from Feb. 19, 2014…
It had been back on Sept. 3, when I spoke with Rauner by phone, that I asked about this controversy. He told me then what a good student his daughter was, and how only illness had caused her to be denied regular admission. But, he said, there was at the time a special “principal’s list” then available in such cases, and she was admitted through that process.
And when I asked in September, he said “I did not” talk to [Chicago schools CEO Arne Duncan] about it.
After his round of TV interviews in January, I asked Rauner spokesman Mike Schrimpf about the discrepancy. Schrimpf told me Rauner and his wife, Dianna, both spoke often with Duncan, and one of them had asked about the process.
* From a January 13, 2014 CBS2 story…
Rauner admits making a call to former Chicago Public Schools CEO Arne Duncan to see how he could get his daughter into Payton, despite what he calls a middle school attendance record marred by illness. He says principals have some discretion in admitting a small percentage of students, and parents have a right to make an appeal like he did.
“There’s nothing to apologize for that, there’s nothing wrong with it, and I would do it again and again,” he tells CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine in a one-on-one interview.
- Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:54 pm:
Is Arne Duncan in hiding? Can we get a comment?
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:56 pm:
===It’s amazing to me that the edit board didn’t fully call him out on this.===
The Tribune is pretty heavily invested in Rauner by now. Are they supposed to throw that all away and be journalists now? I don’t think so.
- Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:56 pm:
Same sex marriage, Lason Inc. and Rauner’s business practices, and Payton Prep.
That’s quite a trifecta for the Rauner campaign before 1pm lol.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:58 pm:
You tell that many different lies,it’s hard to remember which one to pull out for which particular audience.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 12:59 pm:
47 is right. Of course it’s incumbent on the Quinnsters to prosecute this message. Forget the rich stuff. It’s the insider “he’s not like us” stuff that has potency and this is exhibit A.
- Raymond - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:02 pm:
=== The Tribune is pretty heavily invested in Rauner by now. ===
Exactly. The Tribune’s continuation of this charade that it’s somehow or another impartial is, frankly (to use the term that so irritates Bruce Dold), highly offensive. It shows sheer contempt for the paper’s readers and anybody else who’s actually trying to make a thoughtful choice between these candidates.
If the Tribune were intellectually honest, it would have endorsed Rauner back in April - about the time that it went all in behind his candidacy.
- Willie Stark - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:03 pm:
The edit board decided long ago for Rauner, so they’re not primed to call shenanigans. Even though the most intellectually honest thing to do would be to offer no endorsement in this race, Bruce Dold’s arrogance and Kristen McQueary’s snarky ego would never allow them to sit this one out. The game is rigged, and it’s all about giving the pretense of “objectivity” and “asking the tough questions of everyone” for the sake of getting to the foregone conclusion. Besides identifying with the power elite, there’s more lucrative opportunities to move on to one of their sinecures to tut-tut about the state of the world if things go south at the Trib or those two decide they’d rather a better paid lifestyle. It’s a different kind of revolving door.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:08 pm:
It was the prism to frame Rauner a year ago, and there he is, still trying to defend it.
“OW, this Payton Prep Clouter thing is already old.”
I would have framed the Carhartt wearin’ See-Gar chompin’, Harley ridin’ Bruce, and put him in the prism of lying to Bernie, lying to the Trib, the Daily Herald, Sun-Times..,
It’s about “access”, wealth, clout, throwing you Daughter under the bus…
…to just digress for one second…
Bruce Rauner made his daughter the story. Bruce did. “Perfect score”. Bruce threw his Denied Winnetka-Living Daughter under the bus…by choice. Wow.
Sorry, back to the thought, …and everything Bruce Rauner is about, personally and professionally?
Access, Clout, elitism, wealth and entitlement, and worse of all, that a worthy child, not his child, a worthy child, was denied, personally, by Bruce Rauner.
Payton Prep was/is the Prism.
Should have been burned in a long time ago…
…there’s still time, but daylight is burning.
- Illinoise - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:12 pm:
Ugh. “Everyone else” doesn’t have that kind of access to the CPS CEO or Water Payton Principal. And it is sickening to think that New Trier, commonly acknowledged as the top public school district in the state, wasn’t good enough while he continues to boast about his “education plan” that will actually result in devastating cuts to public schools.
- John A Logan - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:18 pm:
Rauner should have been honest from the start and simply said he called in a favor. Despite that I still don’t see this as a big deal. The guy made a phone call to help get his kid into a good school. Good for him. Anyone who says they would not do the same thing is either lying or not looking out for their children. Could everyone have that same access? Of course not, but so what. The whole political system in Illinois has been bought and sold by the ruling majority for over a decade and somehow Rauner is the bad guy for calling in a favor for his kid. I would be more concerned if Rauner had not made the phone call with the reputation that the Chicago school system has.
- Peoria guy - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:21 pm:
Deception is Rauner’s middle name. And Quinn is not much better.
- Nonplussed - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:22 pm:
The Trib Editorial Board is like the NFL. They don’t want to review the video before deciding.
- The Captain - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:26 pm:
=== It’s amazing to me that the edit board didn’t fully call him out on this. ===
Yes, I too am dumbfounded that the Tribune didn’t call out the Republ … hahahahahahaha, sorry I tried to make it through that statement and keep a straight face but it can’t be done.
- Jocko - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:29 pm:
==Despite that I still don’t see this as a big deal.==
It’s not a big deal unless you first deny it, then use your daughter as a shield, and finally lie to the media (and the population at large).
For an “outsider”, Rauner is pretty adept at using “insider” tactics.
- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:29 pm:
==- John A Logan - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:18 pm:==
What’s the “reputation” of CPS? That you can only get your academically unqualified child in if you donate a quarter million after calling in special favors to administrative bigwigs while blocking a qualified student from that spot? If so, Bruce Rauner has been the primary contributor to that “reputation.”
- Roadiepig - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:31 pm:
John A Logan- so politics only started corrupting the system since Blago won? Nothing hinkey ever happened to benefit insiders in the previous 22 while the other party ruled the roost? And you are somehow giving Rauner flouting his daughter into Payton a free pass because, after all, that’s how the system works (but only when democrats are running things)?
Amazing …
- LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:37 pm:
For such smart people (just ask them), the Rauner campaign continues to handle this remarkably poorly.
From the very beginning, he should have owned this, taken responsibility, said he would have done it again, and walked away. It would have been a 1-2 day story, but he’s been all over the map with flat-out prevarication.
- Jimmy - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:42 pm:
What about Rauner’s $250,000 “donation?” Is anyone looking into that issue or do hundreds of families regularly give Walter Payton High School $250,000 after their child is admitted?
- MrJM (@MisterJayEm) - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:42 pm:
So the next time Bruce Rauner tells you he did “just as hundreds of other families did” — maybe, not so much.
– MrJM
- Anonymiss - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:43 pm:
>It’s amazing to me that the edit board didn’t fully call him out on this.
Amazing, yes. Surprising? Not one bit.
- not so simple - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:44 pm:
I remember that WBEZ had the actual spreadsheets Duncan used to manage “requests” for admissions to selective public schools. Many pols asking for favors on that list.
Clearly his daughter could have gone to any private school in the country, so why Payton? That’s the question. My guess it is to put her into a different application pool when she applied to college. They just didn’t talk to Arne Duncan, they probably also talked to the heads of admissions are a few colleges as well. It’s the long game they were playing.
- Jimmy - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:52 pm:
NSS -They just didn’t talk to Arne Duncan, they probably also talked to the heads of admissions are a few colleges as well. It’s the long game they were playing.-
Yes, I agree horrible how it is for billionaires’ kids - whose parents often have to erect buildings to have their children admitted to elite Universities - have to work the system to get a fair shake.
- Linus - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 1:57 pm:
“He’s rich, and pretending to be a regular guy” is one angle.
“He’s an insider, and pretending not to be” is another.
Maybe the overarching, uber-angle is this: He’s just all over the map, on everything, all the time. So how can you possibly know whom you’re voting for? Whether you think you like him or not?
He’s put out so many different versions of his Payton Prep story, his minimum-wage opinions, what he’d do about SSM, taxing retirement income, etc etc. He displays the cheapo watch and Carhartt and van, but - back at home(s) - he’s in the $140K wine club, hanging with Rahm and flying-around in another billionaire’s jet.
He’s droppin’ his “g’s” here and pickin’ ‘em up again there. He’s presto-changeo, 24-7.
Yes, absolutely: A lot of politicians say one thing, act one way, and then do the opposite. Ain’t nothin’ new. But this guy just tries so much harder, and $pend$ so much more in the process - he does tend to stand out a bit.
- walker - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 2:11 pm:
Linus: You nailed it.
Even among those who know politics and politicians well, this guy stands out exemplifying some of their worst traits. Might be overdoing it as a rookie.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 2:11 pm:
–From the very beginning, he should have owned this, taken responsibility, said he would have done it again, and walked away. It would have been a 1-2 day story, but he’s been all over the map with flat-out prevarication.–
Exactly right.
“I pulled out the stops for my kid. Want to make something of it?” No opposing candidate in their right mind would beat that drum.
The lies became, and continue to be, the issue.
I get nervous about people who lie (and tell so many different lies) when they don’t have to.
- Levois - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 2:23 pm:
Many families don’t have a direct line to the CPS CEO. Rauner is different from many families in that respect. Perhaps there is an appeal but he called the schools’ CEO about it!
- Big Joe - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 2:49 pm:
When you tell so many different versions of a story, it is virtually impossible to keep them all straight. Tell the truth, and there is only one story to tell. Anyone that accepts Rauner’s version of anything needs to takes notes, because the story will change next time. He is not the type of person that can be trusted. Period
- Formerpol - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 2:51 pm:
Please stop saying “reverts back”! It is redundant and bad grammar. Just say ‘reverts’!!
- walker - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 2:54 pm:
It’s so easy to be consistent when you start and stay with the simple truth.
I get why politicians might shy away from that on controversial policy questions.
But it is always the best route on personal and family issues. Being up front from day one on any questionable behavior, will usually buy public forgiveness long before election day.
- Filmmaker Professor - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 3:19 pm:
Rauner clouting his daughter into the school of his choice — a perk unavailable to 99.5% of all parents — is THE winning issue for Quinn. He should have laser-like focus on it, and bring it up everywhere he goes and every time he speaks. He should never stop reminding voters that Rauner’s money allows him to put his kid in the front of the line, in front of all the kids whose parents don’t have his resources, but have invested all their hope into their children having the opportunity to raise themselves above the limitations of their parents.
This is THE issue Quinn. Get it through your thick skull and fat head. It is about fairness and privilege and most importantly, how he uses them so even the next generation can’t get ahead (i.e. KIDS).
If Quinn loses it’s because Rauner successfully distracts Quinn into talking about 1) less important issues, and 2) too many other issues. A candidate’s narrative has to be SIMPLE. This is the most exploitable, winning issue Quinn has and he needs to get his head out of his butt and remind voters of it every single time he speaks.
My 2 cents. Free of charge.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 3:41 pm:
The Chicago Tribune is about as invested in Rauner as Rich is.
They pretty much skinned Rauner alive for his budget.
Quinn camp sent a link yesterday to McQueary grilling Rauner about his lack of accountability.
And she continued on Dan Proft’s show this am, even excusing Quinn staff for their notetaking.
The Tribune may have been fired up in the spring over pensions and taxes, but two things have changed,
The Supreme Court has made it clear that compromise
Is going to be required to address pensions.
And Bruce Rauner has made it plain that fairy dust and
Magic mushrooms are not going to balance the budget.
A Rauner endorsement would be an endorsement of more gridlock.
They want him to come clean about the budget before the election to prevent that.
And they should stick to their guns.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 3:51 pm:
SO YDD, you want to put some $$$ behind the notion that the Trib won’t endorse Rauner? I’ll take some of that action.
- walker - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 4:02 pm:
YDD: Great comment and intelligence. Let’s hope McQueary stays on this track. There’s still Dold to contend with back at the ranch.
I have been waiting with bated breath for Ty Fahner to come out asking for numbers from Rauner that come remotely close to adding up. That would be a leap forward for us all, and consistent with the Civic Committee’s mission. But he also has others to keep happy, who might not be especially interested in full disclosure right now.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 4:15 pm:
YDD, that’s pretty funny stuff.
In case you hadn’t noticed, the Trib has been for sale for a long time. Oaktree, Angelo Gordon and JP Morgan want out from under newspapers.
Now’s not the time to honk-off the potential buying class. Not going to happen.
When the sale does finally go down, don’t be shocked at the low price.
That won’t help TRS stake in Oaktree (and, by extension, the Trib). Most of Oaktree’s investment capital comes from public pension funds, and TRS is one of them.
Ironic. But Rauner didn’t have a problem making money off pension funds, either.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 4:24 pm:
@Chicago Cynic
Things can change. Rauner is taking the Tribune endorsement for granted. You can peddle your talking points to the public, but you should check them at the door with the Tribune. Rauner insults their intelligence.
Perhaps Rauner’s biggest screw up was mucking with the Chicago pension bill. Chicago Tribune was not amused.
So no, I won’t be laying bets. But neither should Bruce Rauner, and I think he felt that yesterday. Yesterday should have been a breeze for him.
Even if you think he eeked out a win, and I think it was a draw, that is a loss.
- Wensicia - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 4:38 pm:
The Tribune editorial board should know what’s left of its reputation may disappear with a Rauner endorsement. How do you endorse a guy when you have no idea what he’ll do when he takes office? Especially one you had to ask, “Did you lie to us?” during a previous interview.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 4:45 pm:
@wordslinger -
Remember Rauner’s extraordinary effort to tie Quinn to Blago yesterday?
Well, McQueary completely refuted it this morning.
Look, I am not saying they will endorse Quinn.
But Team Rauner seems to believe they would never in a million years endorse Quinn.
Well, it’s only been a century since the Pullman Strike and the Tribune is not only calling for a national historic site at Pullman but said Corporate Chicago should pony up the money.
I bet Eugene V. Debs and George Pullman didn’t see that one coming.
Here is the other thing: Quinn really wants the Tribune endorsement and has worked hard to get it, but he doesn’t need it in the same way Rauner does.
Rauner is making the same mistake Simon made with the AFL-CIO.
- King Louis XVI - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 4:52 pm:
–Things can change. Rauner is taking the Tribune endorsement for granted.–
One should remember that Rauner is proposing to eliminate the newsprint and ink tax credit, which is worth, per year, $32 million – the bulk of which goes to the Tribbies.
Go ahead. Endorse him.
If they think about their bottom line, Quinn’s their guy!
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 5:05 pm:
I doubt the editorial board cares, except that it is amazing the kind of budget details Rauner can come up with when he wants to, isn’t it?
I don’t think they are too worried either. But
If they are, the Illinois Press Association should call me.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 5:23 pm:
can you imagine if you were the kid? this whole matter is incredibly embarrassing. Plus the Rauner family is from the North Shore, taking a place from a child from Chicago. the whole matter stinks.
- Hocus Pocus - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 5:27 pm:
Seriously? Who cares?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 5:44 pm:
===Seriously? Who cares===
A lot of people it seems.
Denying a worthy Chicago child, personally for your Denied Winnetka-Living Daughter, who you threw under the bus with “perfect score”…baloney…
Lots care.
- sal-says - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 7:04 pm:
== Rauner reverts… ==
When the response keeps changing, there’s only one conclusion: “I lie.” or “I lied.”
Think about the number of felons who end up getting convicted and going to jail because they couldn’t get/keep their stories straight.
So, we should vote for a guy who apparently keeps changing his story and can’t get the truth straight?
- GraduatedCollegeStudent - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 8:29 pm:
===They just didn’t talk to Arne Duncan, they probably also talked to the heads of admissions are a few colleges as well. It’s the long game they were playing. ===
She went to Dartmouth College, home of the Rauner Hall dormitory and the Rauner Special Collections Library. I’m pretty sure the Dartmouth head of admissions told Brucie “she needs to merely have reasonable intelligence.”
- Filmmaker Professor - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 8:56 pm:
Amalia - yep, you nailed it. that’s the TV commercial that would win this election for Quinn. You find a kid who got bumped from Payton Prep the year Rauner’s kid got in, and make that kid Rauner’s “Willie Horton”. Total victory. Unfortunately, Quinn too easily gets sidetracked and won’t stick to a simple narrative.
- Ernie - Wednesday, Sep 10, 14 @ 10:55 pm:
Filmmaker and Amalia — I agree that Quinn should push this issue. It exposes Rauner’s utter selfishness. Payton accepts only 225 freshman a year, out of the whole city. Rauner’s daughter didn’t even live in the city, nor did she qualify for admission. If she wanted so badly to attend HS in the city, Rauner could have easily paid for Latin, Parker or another private school. What this boils down to is selfishness — taking a seat from a deserving city kid who does not have the abundance of options that Rauner’s daughter had.