Rauner, Quinn both refuse to take the bait
Thursday, Sep 11, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Bruce Rauner refused to throw Jim Bruner under the bus yesterday. As you’ll recall, a union-backed group tried to claim earlier yesterday - without proof - that Bruner was somehow involved in pay to play with Bill Cellini. But it was a major stretch, and to his credit, Rauner refused to back off…
Rauner and Christie later Wednesday appeared at the Brickhouse Grill & Pub in downtown Springfield. Asked about Bruner’s involvement in the Republican Governors Association event, Rauner said, “I don’t know the facts of what you’re describing. We have come from several fundraisers here in Springfield, and (I) was honored to have Jim Bruner be part-leader of that process.”
* Also yesterday. Rauner demanded that Gov. Pat Quinn order his staff not to have any contact with Jack Lavin, who hasn’t been accused of any wrongdoing and made it through the Blagojevich administration untainted by that train wreck. Quinn refused to take the bait…
Quinn’s campaign said the governor has no reason to distance himself or his administration from Lavin.
“There is no disassociation necessary,” Quinn campaign spokeswoman Izabela Miltko said. “Mr. Lavin has not worked for the state for more than a year.
“And we don’t agree with Mr. Rauner’s ‘demonizing’ approach when it comes to campaigning. Whether it’s teachers, public employees or former state workers who have not been accused of any wrongdoing, Rauner will bully and smear anyone in his way,” she said.
Good for both candidates.
- Bogart - Thursday, Sep 11, 14 @ 9:41 am:
I guess Quinn learned a lesson when he threw former IDOT Secretary under the bus and she returned the favor. There are no “buffers” between him and Lavin, so you don’t throw him under.
- MrJM - Thursday, Sep 11, 14 @ 9:48 am:
“Good for both candidates.”
And it would be smart for both teams to move away from this fruitless tactic. If a dork like me can’t give half-a-hoot about your campaign stunt, it truly is a pointless stunt.
– MrJM
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 11, 14 @ 10:16 am:
It would be nice to thing that this behavior signals a change in the tenor of the campaign, but that would be naïve, to say the least. After all, there wouldn’t be any bait to refuse to take if the candidates and their supporters hadn’t put it out in the first place.
- JoanP - Thursday, Sep 11, 14 @ 10:17 am:
Ack! Sorry, that Anonymous at 10:16 am was me. Probably didn’t show because I’m using a different browser than I usually do.
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Sep 11, 14 @ 12:18 pm:
It would be nice if the print and broadcast media follows suit as well. Don’t cover their stunts and force them to scale back the fluff.
One can hope.
- ChinaTown - Thursday, Sep 11, 14 @ 2:00 pm:
Every day the focus isn’t on core negative messaging vs. Rauner is another day closer to a Rauner administration. Both the pro-Quinn PACs & campaign need to realize the existence of a potential hit doesn’t make it the right message. 1 or 2 day “shiny ball” stories do nothing to burn impressions into voters’ minds unless they reinforce a previous narrative or theme they’re trying to push about that candidate.
- A guy... - Thursday, Sep 11, 14 @ 2:33 pm:
Good. Hope it’s the start of a decent policy on both sides.