* From the Cheri Bustos campaign…
New TV Ad Features Local WWII Veteran Bustos Helped Cut Through Government Red Tape
Granddaughter of World War II Veteran: “We turned to Cheri Bustos. Once Cheri got involved, things were done like that.”
Today, Cheri Bustos for Congress launched “Pension,” the campaign’s second television ad. The ad highlights the story of World War II veteran William Thomas of Fenton, Ill. and his granddaughter, Kate Delaney, a Navy veteran also from Fenton, who turned to Cheri for help when the VA erroneously declared William deceased, which put his pension at risk. Within a month of turning to Cheri for help, William had his pension and peace of mind back.
* The ad…
* Script…
Kate VO: It makes me proud to think about my family’s service.
I served in the Navy.
William VO: And I served during World War Two.
Kate Sync: One day, grandpa told me he got a letter from the VA. They thought he had died, and he wouldn’t be receiving his pension.
William Sync: Well, I was kind of flabbergasted. I didn’t even go to my own funeral.
Kate Sync: So we turned to Cheri Bustos. Once Cheri got involved, things were done [snaps] like that. Within a month, he had his pension back. Cheri Bustos cares about veterans.
Bustos VO: I’m Cheri Bustos and I approve this message.
It’s a pretty darned good ad. But it just made me think of Bobby Schilling’s demand that Bustos keep her promise of giving up ten percent of her congressional salary by donating the money to a veterans’ group.
*** UPDATE *** From the Schilling campaign…
“Cheri Bustos voted to cut veterans benefits by $6 billion by voting for the Ryan-Murray budget in 2013. Six. Billion. Dollars. She can run commercials wrapping herself in the American flag all she wants, but veterans haven’t forgotten her heartless vote that cut benefits to veterans and their families by $6 billion.”
Going off on Paul Ryan? Interesting.
- A guy... - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:38 am:
Ad’s a solid pass. One of the great things an incumbent has going for them is the ability to get government bureaucracy moving in individual cases. The folks in the VA and Social Security do jump when they call. Everyone, veteran or not, with this problem should call their Congressional office. It works. And in many cases, grateful people will cut a commercial. No harm, no foul here. Good for Cheri for using a good story.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:40 am:
It is a good ad, but we are talking basic constituent service. What she did doesn’t reflect on her, because it is what she is supposed to do.
Now - I’m glad she did it.
But c’mon! A Congressperson handling something like this is like anyone doing their job.
Good idea - but we needed to see something like Dick Durbin’s ad. THAT was above and beyond.
This isn’t.
Grade C
- VanillaMan - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:53 am:
Schilling’s response is overkill.
- i miss illinois - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:54 am:
Yeah…the ad is lacking something. C+
Ironic that she helped a man get his pension, after cutting veterans’ pensions by $6 billion.
- Gooner - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:00 am:
Come on Vanilla.
Yeah, I get that you want the GOP to win.
But a C for this? Why not just type “It is for the other guy. Ergo, bad.”
I liked this ad a lot. The people seemed real and likeable. Bustos comes off as caring and competent.
It is hard to vote against somebody who seems so nice.
I give this a solid B+.
- walker - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:25 am:
B Nice touch.
Will work to some extent, with those who don’t know all Congressional constituent services offices do this kind of thing every day. This was an easy one for them. Some other cases are much more difficult.
- Moderate Voter - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:27 am:
Cheri understands that the average person cannot comprehend a lot of political jargon.
Therefore you just make people think you really care about them. That is what elections are all about now.
Who makes people feel the most like they care about them and their lives.
A+ for Cheri on this ad
- ChrisB - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:50 am:
I remember a story about how Mayor Emmanuel, back when he was a MoC, used to hammer his freshmen about their constituent services. When they would excitedly regale him with a success story, he’d then say, “Good. Now what have you done for the other ~710,000 people in your district?”
Success stories are nice. Basic constituent services are nice. But it’s essentially saying, “Hey, reelect me because I know how to do something that every other MoC should do.”
Also, I’m not sure I’d want to highlight VA incompetence at the moment, especially as a D. That could boomerang really badly.
C+ at best.
- A guy... - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:07 pm:
I still allow her the benefit of the incumbency for airing this. It’s nice and heart warming. And it is what they’re supposed to do. Besides that, there’s a pretty good chance she never even met this person until they looked for a good ad opportunity. The staffs in these offices generally do this for the MoC routinely. Still, it works for this purpose.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:16 pm:
Gooner - how does this compare to the Dick Durbin ad? I gave that an A+.
Sorry I disappointed you by giving it a C. I also said it was a good ad.
You gave it a solid B+.
We really aren’t that different in our take on this ad.
What I need to see is Bustos separating herself in some way that makes her Congressional. Was there another challenge within this story that wasn’t covered? It was disappointing in that it ended up being a bit less than the whole.
It has a lot going for it, but not for an incumbent congressperson. It is sweet and likable.
OK - C+
Party has nothing to do with it. I’d love to see Durbin retire, but still scored his ad as one of the best we’ve seen this election season.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:39 pm:
Looks like Bustos and Durbin have the same media crew. The concepts and executions are virtually identical.
Odd to see Schilling railing against the Ryan-Murray budget. On his website he moans about “out-of-control-spending” and the need for a “balanced budget.”
Yet he also insists that Veterans benefits, Social Security and Medicare are untouchables. And with the Rock Island Arsneal in the district, you know he’s not pushing DOD cuts.
Must be the Rauner math.
- ANON - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 2:32 pm:
I’ve always respected CapFax but after the way they’ve been handling the Schilling/Bustos match up I’m just a little appalled.
The ad just made you think of Cheri’s 10% pledge? Really? It’s like it came from the Schilling campaign itself.
Go out and find me one voter that voted for Cheri because of that back room pledge that was randomly dug up a few weeks ago and I’ll eat my shoe.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 2:34 pm:
ANON, you’re not helping. Nobody likes a whiner.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 2:34 pm:
===Go out and find me one voter that voted for Cheri because of that back room pledge===
It’s not about 2012. It’s about 2014. Deal with it. Go cry in another room, though.
- A guy... - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 2:36 pm:
Salt with your loafer, Anon?
- ANON - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 3:12 pm:
No salt here. Just trying to figure out if this is CapFax or the Drudge Report
- Peoria guy - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 3:17 pm:
Well, in the last week one poster here accused Rich of being in the pocket of the Dems. Now he is in Bobby Schilling’s pocket, a Republican. Rich is sure shifty!
- Amateur Hour - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 3:44 pm:
ANON: You make a promise, you keep it.
If there’s one thing that transcends partisan politics, it’s that. Sheesh.
- Peoria guy - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 3:49 pm:
^^^^^ANON: You make a promise, you keep it.
If there’s one thing that transcends partisan politics, it’s that. Sheesh.^^^^^
- i miss illinois - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 4:06 pm:
I can personally attest to the character of Rich Miller. I don’t even know the guy, but I’ve heard about two very distinct things that he has done regarding press stories that prove nothing else, but that he has integrity and a love for telling the truth.
Anyone here who says that he is biased one way or the other, probably needs to look in the mirror.
Rich is fair and calls a spade a spade. Everytime.
- ANON - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 4:20 pm:
Yes promises should be kept.
Although, I think there is a very big difference between campaigning on a promise and being pressured into a quick answer by the Tribune Editorial Board. If she went on TV and vowed to protect Social Security/Medicare and then got in office and did the exact opposite… that would be a major broken promise. There was no legitimate campaigning based around this 10% whatsoever.
Of course the Schilling campaign will push the issue, I would to if I were in their shoes. But I do not think it is at all reflective of the job Bustos has done in her district. I’m more interested in holding those accountable for the work that they’ve legitimately campaigned on.