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Dodging and weaving and proclaiming his innocence

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I asked the Rauner campaign if it had a transcript of the Tribune debate and if they would please pull out the back and forth over the IDOT hiring scandal. Check it out…

MODERATOR:…we are going to get budget questions but i want to talk about IDOT which we’re both going back and forth on. the outgoing Secretary says that a lot of the requests for staff assistants, the vast majority came from the governor’s office, is she telling the truth?

QUINN: The answer is recommendations were made but she was expected to follow the rules, and she told the inspector general the she did not know the Rutan rules, she said that and she is no longer working there

RAUNER: But you knew ‘em or you wouldn’t have recommended them, ’cause you knew the rules and you recommended ‘em.

QUINN: Anybody who is recommended from our office for a Rutan exempt position, the director is expected to follow the rules. If they don’t follow the rules, they have to be held accountable, i have a new director there. Now, after the inspector general who I appointed who is independent, and I gave him the jurisdiction over all this hiring issue, he made recommendations to our office, we’ve carried out every single one and gone beyond that. we’ve set up a merit board at the Department of Transportation, we’ve told all directors in all departments - they must review all exempt positions.

MODERATOR: This is all reactive to the inspector general’s report, so this has been going on. It took the inspector general and a whistle blower to bring this to your attention, why didn’t you know what was going on and how many of those recommendations came specifically from you and do you really expect your own secretary to not obey her boss?

QUINN: No, i expect her to follow the rules that I set down from the very beginning of this administration regarding hiring, and also the law. A matter of fact, I gave the inspector general authority to make sure that was carried out, and when that wasn’t carried out there was accountability. That is why the Secretary is no longer working there. I have a new Secretary who understands the rules, she’s going through reform she has an outstanding record of reform.

MODERATOR: The old secretary says she was taking orders from the governor’s office, who in your office was giving the orders?

QUINN: She wasn’t taking orders. If there were recommendations for positions, she was expected to understand there are exempt position and non exempt positions. You cannot put people from anywhere into non exempt positions, they’ve got to go through the proper personnel.

MODERATOR: Who was making the recommendations from your office?

QUINN: I don’t, they’re probably people on my staff that recommended folks

MODERATOR: I’d think that’s the first thing you’d want to know…

QUINN: Well the people on my staff said…

MODERATOR: whoever it was would be gone.

QUINN: Well the people who were involved in this are no longer working for the state, if that’s what you’re asking.

MODERATOR: Who are they? Who in your office was…

QUINN: You have the chief of staff, you have other people who are, deputy chief of staff and people like that

MODERATOR: They were the ones passing recommendations to IDOT, Mr. Lavin, who else?

QUINN: Sean O’Shea was one of the deputy chiefs of staff, yes

RAUNER: These are holdovers from the Blagovich administration, Pat Quinn got his start in politics doing patronage for Dan Walker who went to jail, he’s part of this system, it’s everywhere in state government and he’s part of it



  1. - VanillaMan - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 9:59 am:

    This is sad.
    Rauner is right.

    Excuse me while I take a moment to vomit.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:00 am:

    I hammer Sheila for not dancing with the one who brung her…

    This is Pat Quinn throwing those sticking with Pat, even when others wouldn’t have, under the bus, unceremoniously, brazenly, unapologetically, and worst of all easily.

    This is Pat Quinn at his populist/save myself worst.

    ===MODERATOR: They were the ones passing recommendations to IDOT, Mr. Lavin, who else?

    QUINN: Sean O’Shea was one of the deputy chiefs of staff, yes===


  3. - Wally - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:00 am:

    I see a nice ‘ol TV ad or 2 running in 3, 2, 1……

  4. - low level - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:04 am:

    And, Bruce wouldn’t know the first thing about pinstripe patronage, would he? Totally pure Billionaire Bruce. Who of course would have absolutely positively no patronage at all in a hypothetical Rauner administration.

  5. - low level - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:09 am:

    I should ad - Quinn’s responses on this, throwing the folks that served him under the bus is horrible. Just don’t answer those questions or come up with something better than naming the people.

  6. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:09 am:

    @low level

    When Bruce Rauner is governor, nobody is gonna wanna work for that pay!

  7. - Precinct Captain - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:12 am:

    Keep the people doing the things, you’re supporting a “culture of corruption.” Toss them and you’re “throwing them under the bus.” Ridiculous on both counts.

  8. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:12 am:

    “Pat Quinn got his start in politics doing patronage for Dan Walker who went to jail, he’s part of this system, it’s everywhere in state government and he’s part of it,” Rauner said while writing a $250,000 check to Democratic Governor Rendell while bidding on millions of dollars in Pennsylvania pension business. Methinks BR needs a 3rd Party verifier…

  9. - Tim Snopes - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:14 am:

    Maybe Gov Quinn would be more popular with OW if he used Rauner’s Sgt. Schultz routine of I know nothing.
    Rich, it would be fair for you to also publish the transcript of Bruce taking ZERO responsibility for the shysters he hired and continued to employ and did not disclose. And that sale of stock before the rest of the shareholders knew the value was going to tank. Put those transcripts out.
    Quinn takes responsibility. Rauner does not

  10. - LincolnLounger - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:16 am:

    The only good thing about this sickening campaign is that whatever happens, the people of Illinois will finally have figured out what a phony “reformer” Quinn is. He may squeak by and get re-elected, but the only good thing he had going for him — false as it was — has been destroyed.

  11. - Walter Mitty - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:16 am:

    Low… I appreciate your second response. This is about the narrative that Rauner is painting and is easy to follow. Word of advice, Mr. Rauner, if elected, break this record of our Govs…. If not, we’re doomed. Our children and future are watching. The post has nothing to do with Rauner. It’s amazing that even when faced with this the Quinnbots stay loyal. My vote is for none of the above. But for months, it’s Raunerbot this and that. Can we at least agree this smells? Sorry, just wishing there was no “There” “there” it’s really embarrassing… We have a real possibility of going 3 for 3 folks.. This ain’t over. Just sad.

  12. - the unknown poster - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:17 am:

    All this just reinforces my decision to NOT vote for governor and I don’t make this decision lightly.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:19 am:

    - Precinct Captain -,

    With respect.

    I totally get your comment, and in that you are completely right. No argument there.

    The rub for me?

    In one Ad, Quinn says Rauner takes no responsibility for people he hires, their issues, etc.

    I say it all the time; gotta eat it, gotta own it.

    Naming names, without ANY, or extremely limited acceptance of the onus (boy am I being gracious here, too gracious) that is an unacceptable way to distance yourself, or further, place blame away from Quinn.

    It’s sickening in the sense of the community and even broader, the industry of government, by the political throwing of the bus, that included names.

    Again, much respect.

  14. - the unknown poster - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:21 am:

    It would be nice if we had a viable write-in candidate. That worked for Lisa Murkowski in Alaska. Yes I realize there is a bit of a population difference between Illinois and Alaska. Still, it’s fun to dream sometimes.

  15. - Walter Mitty - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:25 am:

    Unknown… I am writing in OW.. If we garner enough votes, we can… well, do nothing. But I am with you!

  16. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    What was the number of “recommendations” versus exempt positions available? How many recommendations were turned away by IDOT.Did Quinn give his in-house staff recommendations to recommend? Lots of questions. IDOT was investigated by the Inspector General. Someone need to investigate the Governor’s office since Quinn is clueless to what his people do.

  17. - the unknown poster - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:27 am:

    I apologize if this may seem to be unrelated to the topic but I saw Quinn’s lawnmower ad for the first time a couple of days ago. A nice ad but he wasn’t sweating. I have used one of those lawnmowers and you definitely sweat. Just saying.

  18. - A guy... - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:28 am:

    Anyone who rationalizes this on Pat Quinn’s part simply believes in corrupt government. Naturally no one wants to do that, but that’s what it is. Plain and simple. All this “bus” business is goofy. An entirely team philosophy of breaking the rules was clearly in place and being executed. That’s corrupt. Rationalize all you want, but he just told on himself. If you believe everything he says, you should absolutely believe this.

  19. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:30 am:

    It’s always a little confusing to hear outrage about jobs patronage in Illinois. When hasn’t that been gong on?

    But rules is rules and Quinn will have to take the hit.

    Bond business, leases, contracts,’consulting,” pension funds — those are the real scores.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:30 am:

    - the unknown poster -,

    It’s Willy with two “L”s and a “Y” at the end.

    See - Norseman - for a yard sign.

    === It’s amazing that even when faced with this the Quinnbots stay loyal.===

    The irony is delicious. You can discuss Sheila, and this situation, and at what point will Quinn lose the loyalty that he commands, for the cover Quinn needs?

    It’s rhetorical, no answer needed.

  21. - Down Here - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:31 am:

    Now it’s clearer why the Pritzker organization walked back its planned announcement that O’Shea would be their new chief of staff.

  22. - Goo-Goo - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    Those named deserve to be thrown under bus.
    Live by the bus; die by the bus.

  23. - VanillaMan - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:33 am:

    It is Friday!
    Time to put this into a song - just for Ole PAT!

    THE IDOT SONG - I Can’t Go For That
    Hall & Oates, enhanced by VanillaMan for all those great CapFax Bloggers!

    Easy, ready, willing, overtime,
    Hey Quinn, why do you want us to believe that line?
    You’ve got my body, now you want my soul,
    Now you say my job at IDOT is now no go.

    I– I did everything that you forced me to do,
    And I’ll do almost anything, to keep my job too, ooh,

    But I can’t say that, (No can do)
    No, I can’t go for that, (No can do)
    Oh, that is not the truth, (No its not)
    I can’t go for that, can’t go for that, can’t go for that.

    I can’t believe you were ever really nice,
    I can’t believe you keep saying the same old lies.
    Thanks to patronage, you’ve reached your goal,
    Ooh, forget about it Pat, now its no go.

    I– I say everything that you force me to say,
    And I’ll promise anything, to keep my pay, ooh,

    But I can’t say that, (No can do)
    No, I can’t go for that, (No can do)
    Oh, that is not the truth, (No its not)
    I can’t go for that, can’t go for that, can’t go for that.

    Oh, I’m not willing to take your fall,
    And your reelection loss won’t hurt me at all,

    But I can’t say that, (No can do)
    No, I can’t go for that, (No can do)
    Oh, that is not the truth, (No its not)
    I can’t go for that, can’t go for that, can’t go for that…

    Its just not the truth (No its not)
    Our states turned to rot, (Yes it has)
    Our bonds are completely shot, (Yes they are)
    Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no


  24. - phocion - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:33 am:

    ==Quinn takes responsibility. Rauner does not==

    Exactly, wrong Tim Snopes. Quinn is putting the responsibility for these illegal hires on Sean O’Shea.

  25. - My 2 cents... - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:35 am:

    Rauner the “Corrupter” is no better and possibly worse than Quinn - Rauner’s corruption just comes in a different package.

    Rauner uses his wealth in reverse pay to play type activities for personal gain that goes far beyond providing a few jobs for some folks for political favor.

    Either way…once again voters are faced choosing the lesser of two evils. Ugh!

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:35 am:

    ===Anyone who rationalizes this on Pat Quinn’s part simply believes in corrupt government. Naturally no one wants to do that, but that’s what it is. Plain and simple.===

    Careful, - A Guy … -, I think it was described that a “bust out” of a nursing home occurred with Rauner.

    “Plain and simple”

    Exaggerating the blatant and inexcusable way Quinn has approached this only opens Rauner up for “Successful at everything” , while being Sgt. Schultz.

  27. - Cassiopeia - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:36 am:

    Pat Quinn is only loyal to Pat Quinn. Anybody who works for him has had that driven home to them by the way he treats them.

  28. - the unknown poster - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:38 am:

    Ugh!! Some choice we have for governor.

    Incompetent vs. Unsavory

  29. - VanillaMan - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:44 am:

    Pat Quinn is only loyal to Pat Quinn. Anybody who works for him has had that driven home to them by the way he treats them.

    We do see a pattern here, don’t we?

    Why do we want to so hard believe that Pat is a great guy when we see him constantly doing this?

  30. - A guy... - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:45 am:

    Willie, your rebuttal was not unanticipated. Separate issues. This guy is a government reformer serving as Governor. No sideshows, just this one. Can’t rationalize purposely, conspiratorially acting this way with this position and the people’s money. The people being the tax payers. Your move good man.

  31. - VanillaMan - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:48 am:

    Exaggerating the blatant and inexcusable way Quinn has approached this only opens Rauner up for “Successful at everything” , while being Sgt. Schultz.

    There you go again.
    This is about the governor we have. This is about Quinn, not Rauner.

    You want us to not be logical here. You want us to accept a bad situation, because you think it believe in your heart that it could be worse? Your cynicism is really crappy.

    Would you accept a life threatening disease because you heard the medicine used could kill you as well? I sure hope not.

    This is about Patronage Pat.
    If you can accept this, then you have lowered your standards too far in your obsession over the other guy - at least on this particular issue.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:52 am:

    ===An entirely team philosophy of breaking the rules was clearly in place and being executed.===

    Sounds like a business philosophy too.

    It’s a character issue; you say Quinn believes in corrupt government, it can be said doing a “bust out” of nursing homes is a philosophy too.

    Going after the merits, all fair game, you want to make it a philosophy, well, than Rauner’s philosophy is a “Goodfellas” philosophy, just don’t get caught holding the bag, and don’t accept responsibility of people.

  33. - Pete - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    The point that got missed by the moderator was that the Secretary has to go through CMS. CMS is directly controlled by the governor’s office.

    If IDOT was able to fill positions without the influence of CMS, there would minimal issues. Engineers are risk adverse to begin with and have significant ethical training. If there was an Licensed Professional Engineer responsible for IDOT, I would wager that moral and productivity at the the Department would skyrocket to one of the best in the Country.


  34. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 10:57 am:

    - VanillaMan -,

    Do you…read?

    You want to make this a philosophical discussion, Rauner is as corrupt in business, when it suits him, as Quinn is corrupt in throwing people under the bus, and as Rauner knows no one he hired.

    Going one more step, brings into Question Rauner’s ethics, and his are lacking, at best.

    Keep it about the facts of this horrible situation, and compound that with throwing people under the bus, yikes, Quinn…


    …owns all this. Period. End of discussion.

    You want to discuss all the philosophies, geez, Louise, Rauner is fair game on that point.

  35. - JS Mill - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:00 am:

    If I understand his responses correctly- It was okay that he knowingly violated the Rutan rules but it was not ok when his person at IDOT acted on her bosses recommendations? Wading through the stumbling and bumbling I think that is what I took away. Not much personal accountability there. This IDOT deal is a mess and he is going to get hammered on it and rightfully so.

    We just are not doing ourselves any favors in Illinois are we?

  36. - the unknown poster - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    I am revising what I said earlier about our choices for governor.

    Yuck! vs. Ewww!

  37. - Anonymoiis - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:11 am:

    That exchange read like the old “Who’s on first” routine.

    - You, as the Secretary’s boss, essentially told her to hire these people
    - Yes, and to follow the law, which she said she didn’t know
    - So she was let go because she should’ve known not to hire these people?
    - That’s correct
    - And your office told her to review and hire these people
    - That’s correct
    - So aren’t you in the end the one who should take the blame?
    - Me? No no, my office.
    - The Governors office?
    - That’s correct
    - Aren’t you the Governor?
    - That’s correct
    - So you’re to blame?
    - No, my office
    - who’s to blame…You’re office or the Secretary you instructed to violate the law?
    - Yes.

  38. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:12 am:

    Vanilla Man hit it: Much as we might hate to admit it, Rauner’s right. The worst part is Quinn admitting that his office sent hiring recommendations to IDOT, then expected that Rutan would be followed. Not even close to passing the smell test.

  39. - paddyrollingstone - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:13 am:

    I think that the Governor has always wanted to be a reformer and so has been obviously uncomfortable with patronage (yes - I know he was Dan Walker’s patronage guy). But because he is uncomfortable with it, he’s not very good at it. Its a lot easier when you don’t have any real power and you can call press conferences on Sundays like he used to do and push silly constitutional amendments (like cutting the house by a third, thereby ruining the best legislative system in the country).

  40. - the unknown poster - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:14 am:

    - who’s to blame…You’re office or the Secretary you instructed to violate the law? -

    Answer….I don’t know.

    Third Base!!!

  41. - Chris - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:27 am:

    “In one Ad, Quinn says Rauner takes no responsibility for people he hires, their issues, etc.

    I say it all the time; gotta eat it, gotta own it.”

    Yep. ‘zactly.

    They’re both playing this cynical game of “that guy claims to know nothing about malfeasance under his watch while he was boss”. The difference is that Rauner never said, at the start of his term as Boss: “I tolerate no corruption/malfeasance”, and PQ did.

    So, their both guilty of ‘lack of institutional control’ as “the Boss” of their organization, but PQ broke a “promise” about it, too.

  42. - steve schnorf - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 11:54 am:

    Unless I am missing something it is in no way a Rutan violation to recommend someone for a job. It’s not a Rutan violation to take that recommendation into account in hiring that person, unless the hiring decision then represents hiring the person for a partisan political reason.

    In other words, someone in the Governor’s office could recommend to an agency that they hire a brother-in-law and that wouldn’t be a Rutan violation. There are many other similar scenarios.

    Governor Quinn is correct when he says the responsibility for assuring that Rutan procedures are followed does lie with agency directors. At the same time when directors fail in any of their responsibilities the buck stops at the Governor’s desk.

    I don’t consider Governor Quinn revealing the names of people in his office “throwing them under the bus”. It’s simple fact, assuming it is fact.

  43. - Anonymoiis - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:17 pm:

    ==Unless I am missing something it is in no way a Rutan violation to recommend someone for a job. ==

    “I didn’t pull the trigger, I just said it’d be a good idea if she did if she wanted to keep her job”

  44. - One of the 35 - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:21 pm:

    Assume the agency director received the Governor’s recommendation to hire someone and then informed the Governor that person could not be hired under the rules. How long would the director remain in his or her job?

  45. - Colossus - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:25 pm:

    I completely agree with Steve Schnorf. We expect ethical decisions to be made by agencies, right? I mean, we would expect the secretary doing the hiring to say “I can’t do that, this is illegal” when asked - it takes two to tango. That said, the Governor’s delivery is, in typical Quinn style, inept enough to make it feel more like a bus throwing when it is simply stating fact. These channels exist and are reasonable questions to both ask and answer.

    Also, I would like to highlight Pete’s recommendation that a licensed PE in charge of IDOT would do wonders for the place. However, in light of my first point, who knows a PE who would put up with this?

  46. - Anonymoiis - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    So we’re to believe that the Governor, who’s been in State Government his entire career, shouldn’t be expected to know if these hires would result in Rutan violations? LOL

  47. - Demoralized - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:32 pm:

    ==shouldn’t be expected to know if these hires would result in Rutan violations==

    That wouldn’t surprise me. The HR process is convoluted and even those who do it daily have difficulties occasionally. I wouldn’t doubt that Pat Quinn doesn’t know the details. That’s not an excuse. Don’t get me wrong. But I doubt he does know the details of the process.

  48. - Colossus - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:32 pm:

    Couple of questions for the regular crew:
    If you saw a yard sign that said “Vote NEITHER for Governor!”, you would notice, right?

    How many of you would take one this year? I expect sign visibility to be down for Quinn, and I bet Rauner doesn’t gain much traction either.

    We’re the one’s who understand how this all works, and look at it - attack my guy and I just point out how yours is just as bad in the same area mine is. Current/Future employment/contracts aside, how many of us can, in good conscience, cast a vote people have died to procure for either of these men?

    Now, does anyone else out there wonder if we might hear someone float a write in balloon? No idea who, but that NEITHER for Governor! sentiment is too strong to leave untapped if given a viable outlet.

  49. - Anonymoiis - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:36 pm:

    ==That wouldn’t surprise me. The HR process is convoluted and even those who do it daily have difficulties occasionally.==

    One of his first jobs was to hire patronage workers for Walker, and for years after he propped himself up as some sort of corruption fighter. And now he’s suddenly clueless? In other words, he’s either lying, or his entire political persona and career has been a fraud.

  50. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:36 pm:

    At least Quinn is Bi-Partisan , he threw 2 Ds and one R under the bus the same day. Lavin , Shea and Durkin see de dosent play favorites

  51. - Tim Snopes - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:44 pm:

    “Exactly, wrong Tim Snopes. Quinn is putting the responsibility for these illegal hires on Sean O’Shea.”

    phocion, maybe you just can’t handle the truth. The Trib asked, the Guv answered. Do you want him to lie?

    Scnorf is right on target.

  52. - Demoralized - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:44 pm:

    ==Anonymoiis - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:36 pm==

    I still stand by what I said. You don’t have to believe it or agree. That’s fine. But I still say he likely doesn’t know the intimate details of the process. As I said, those that do this work for a living have difficulties sometimes.

  53. - A guy... - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 12:52 pm:

    Read this thread today, and this kids, is how you not only rationalize, but go a giant step further and institutionalize corruption. No one’s better than us on this chart. oy.

  54. - SamHall - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:02 pm:

    While I normally agree with Steve Schnorf, when your boss makes a “recommendation” it is often a demand to do something –just put in “polite” language.

  55. - Keyser Soze - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:16 pm:

    Bring back patronage. It’s the American way.

  56. - low level - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:24 pm:

    VM - I have to ask the same thing as OW. Do you read? There’s no one I see that has said Quinn is a “great guy”.

    Your total devotion to Rauner is amazing. Nothing on his obvious backroom dealings to get big contracts from the state, or nursing home abuses or leaving other shareholders in the dust.

    That is not the medicine Illinois needs. Far from it

  57. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:25 pm:

    –Would you accept a life threatening disease because you heard the medicine used could kill you as well? I sure hope not.–


    Not sure, VMan, but are saying competence, productivity and work ethic should be the measures for state employees?

  58. - low level - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:29 pm:

    “Would you accept a life threatening disease because you heard the medicine used could kill you as well?”

    If sick, I wouldn’t accept a medicine that would make it worse, which we’d get with Bruce. His record shows he’s not only not a reformer but a longstanding member of IL pinstripe patronage club.

  59. - wak - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:43 pm:

    I’m not super familiar with the process but several weeks ago a commenter pointed out something that stuck with me… the IDOT director is the one who determined what was an exempt position and what wasn’t and that is where the wrong doing occurred. You can speculate whether his (Quinn) office was involved in that part but that would be simply speculation and I think that is why the inspector general didn’t place direct blame at Quinn’s feet. Quinn’s office was then given a list of positions to submit recommendations for and so they did. Quinn’s office was not involved with the miss-classification of those positions and only offered the requested recommendation for those positions which they had assumed were properly classified. What am I missing here?

  60. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 1:52 pm:

    this stuff makes christy blush with envy

  61. - Demoralized - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 2:06 pm:


    Agencies don’t determine what positions are exempt. They can request them when they submit the positions to CMS for classification but CMS makes the ultimate decision.

  62. - steve schnorf - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 3:30 pm:

    I doubt very much if very many, if any, of the referrals to IDOT came from Pat Quinn, just as I doubt very much If Bruce Rauner is elected, very many referrals will come from him to the various agencies. If a director can’t say “No” to a staff guy on something illegal (and that’s assuming some of these were illegal to hire under Rutan, and the director knew the job descriptions were being jimmied)then they really shouldn’t take the job.

    As to rationalizing corruption, the only “corruption” I see is IDOT falsifying job descriptions. As to the Gov’s minute by minute control over CMS, no more so, no less so than any other agency whose director he appoints. If he has such faithful at CMS (and even if he doesn’t) I’m really surprised that no one over there sent word up thru the chain that “there’s something funny going on at IDOT, they’re creating more Rutan exempt titles every year than most of the rest of state government combined”.

    Would a director get fired for alerting the governor, or say the chief that he/she was being asked to and was refusing to do something illegal? I sure hope not, if for no other reason than that would be handing the keys to the kingdom to someone who now has a grudge.

    We’re really going overboard on this. I think the only real issue here is that no one who should have seen this (and that wouldn’t be the Gov or the Chief, but maybe the director’s office, the person the director/agency reported to in the Gov’s office, or someone in personnel at CMS) did anything even to just raise a red flag. Or perhaps they did. That would be a very different story.

  63. - Gone, but not forgotten - Friday, Sep 12, 14 @ 4:04 pm:

    -steve schnorf: With regard to your last paragraph, please see below and wonder, did ANY ONE Director, Deputy Director, Personnel Manager, Bureau Chief, or Personnel Technician ask themselves these questions? If so, what did their knowledge of ethics tell them to do, and why didn’t they perform their duties in a fair and equitable manner?

    - Mister M - Tuesday, Sep 9, 14 @ 12:05 pm:

    == “there’s absolutely no Rutan violation” ==

    If positions are created with false information to claim exempt status,…there’s a Rutan violation.
    If positions that are not “high ranking” are given Rutan-exempt status…there’s a Rutan violation.
    If positions are created and ranked without the proper process,…that’s a Rutan violation.
    If appointees get in under a Rutan-exemption guise and then are NOT put to work in the manner used to justify the status…there’s a Rutan violation.
    When interviews are held, if the interview process is manipulated to favor clouted individuals…you just might have a Rutan violation.
    If the selection process is manipulated so that the ‘right” persons are selected, it’s pretty sure there’s a Rutan violation.
    If reorganizations and “material reorganizations” are put in place without the processes that were developed for Rutan compliance,…’ya think there is a Rutan violation?
    If interviews are omitted or rigged to allow clouted individuals move from position to position to “hide”, …it sure looks like a Rutan violation.
    If things don’t comply with the letter and intent of the Rutan Decree, it’s a Rutan violation.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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