AFSCME goes with Quinn
Tuesday, Sep 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From WUIS…
The endorsement can be viewed less about support of Quinn, and more about fear, rejection, and even loathing of Rauner.
A statement issued by AFSCME, quoting its director, Roberta Lynch, is telling. There’s no praise for Quinn, but heaps of criticism of Rauner. Lynch is quoted as saying, “We won’t let our great state become the latest victim in this venture capitalist’s long line of hostile takeovers.”
“Although we have had serious differences with Governor Quinn in recent years …he acknowledges the right of workers to collective bargaining, advocates for the revenue needed to provide public services, and has pushed to raise wages for the lowest paid workers.The stark contrast between these two candidates—with Rauner so clearly opposed to the interests of working families—impels our union to support Governor Quinn’s re-election,” Lynch says.
Rauner has consistently pointed to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Indiana’s former Gov. Mitch Daniels as political role models; both leaders oversaw making their states “right to work” — a policy that diminishes unions’ strength. During the primary, Rauner consistently blamed “government unions bosses” for Illinois’ financial troubles — pointing to just these sort of scenarios: If Quinn does win, it would be thanks in part to AFSCME and its large campaign apparatus; the next governor will have to negotiate a new contract with the union.
* Here’s the official resolution…
* The Chicago Teachers Union was royally upset when Quinn picked Paul Vallas as his running mate, but the union endorsed the governor last week…
“I am proud CTU’s rank-and-file has made Governor Quinn their choice to lead Illinois. He is a consensus builder, will support public school educators and will continue his work to strengthen public education in Illinois and protect working families,” Lewis said. “Governor Quinn believes in public schools and I know he will fight to make sure every child has a great education.”
- Member - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:03 pm:
You have to remember with AFSCME, it the leadership not the members who made the endorsement. The members don’t have a choice on who is endorsed!
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:06 pm:
Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Not an enviable choice for their leadership to have to make between Quinn and Rauner.
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:11 pm:
== The Chicago Teachers Union was royally upset when Quinn picked Paul Vallas as his running mate ==
It would be great to see some group, GOP or Dem, go with a “no endorsement”.
As for this? Swallow your medicine, kids. And do it with a smile on your face.
- AFSCME Steward - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:15 pm:
“You have to remember with AFSCME, it the leadership not the members who made the endorsement. The members don’t have a choice on who is endorsed!”
Not true. AFSCME endorsements are made by the PEOPLE campaign, not the Council 31 leaders.
- Loop Lady - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:20 pm:
Continuing my one word comments: DUH!!!
- Cassiopeia - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:22 pm:
AFSCME members will lose no matter who wins in November. Quinn won’t be grateful at all and will show his true colors come contract re-negotiation time. With Rauner—who knows. He could be a more rational surprise for the members, but not for their leaders.
And the leaders only care about themselves and not the long-term fiscal health of the state that is important to keeping employees working.
- wordslilnger - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:28 pm:
–It would be great to see some group, GOP or Dem, go with a “no endorsement”.–
What does that get you? When the music stops, best to grab a chair.
And it’s just “fear and loathing,” not “fear, rejection and even loathing.”
If you’re going to borrow from a master, don’t try to “improve” on it.
- Turning Point - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:28 pm:
When Republicans lose to Quinn by a razor thin margin in November they should remember this as the deciding moment. All they had to do was nominate someone who doesn’t scare the hell out of public employees. Instead, they went with an anti-government zealot. Does no one remember that government is the top employer in Illinois?
- Stones - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:29 pm:
A condemnation of Rauner more than an endorsement of Quinn for sure!
- A guy... - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:36 pm:
Burn me once or twenty times…shame on you. Elect me again…shame on you again. There’s a lesson somewhere around here. Just can’t locate it. This is not a “stop the presses” moment.
- Newsclown - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:40 pm:
Finding it hard to believe that, as odious as Rauner is, the full might of the membership will take an active role in getting out the vote for Quinn. This idea of “holding your nose and voting for the less-bad guy” is getting tired, and the union spent a lot of energy and credibility, backing a loser in the Republican primary.
What if Rauner wins? He’s got the Dem-majority House and Senate to counter his every move, box him in and wear him down over 4 years until a better Dem candidate can be found. Rauner might not even complete a 4-year term, if he tries some of the same end-run tricks tricks vs. JCAR that Blago did. Of course, then we’d have Governor Sue to fill out his term. Again, though, with a solid Dem legislative majority, its Madigan and Cullerton who will be calling most of the shots.
I’m saying maybe a Rauner win is survivable, if temporarily unpleasant. The guy can only do so much actual damage. If Quinn wins, he’s going to insist it’s a mandate on his poor stewardship and malfeasance so far, and he’s going to continue what he’s done. Or is the game to wait for Quinn to do something impeachable, and give Vallas the slot?
- Meanderthal - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:41 pm:
You could knock me over with a feather right now. Now I will sit back and wait to see who the Chamber of Commerce endorses.
- Mason born - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:41 pm:
Biggest mistake Rauner made was going after the Public Unions. He didn’t have to play to them but the least he could have done is appeared middle of the road. Could have really eroded some of PQ’s base by simply looking reasonable.
- rita winkeler - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:44 pm:
No AFSCME member from Southern Illinois should vote for Quinn. It will be a guaranteed job loss for you. He has already promised to close Murray Center (500 jobs) and the prison in Centralia will be next. It is unbelievable to me that people in southern Illinois pay union dues when our AFSCME workers’ jobs are being sacrificed for the high ranking AFSCME officials in Chicago who are making a lot of money off of the common working person.
- Hit or Miss - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:47 pm:
===It would be great to see some group, GOP or Dem, go with a “no endorsement”.===
As ‘none of the above’ will never be on the ballot, let alone win, you need to pick someone. You need to look at each candidate and then decide who is the least bad and go with them.
- Phenomynous - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:48 pm:
And in other news, water is wet.
- AlabamaShake - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:55 pm:
**It will be a guaranteed job loss for you. [Quinn] has already promised to close Murray Center (500 jobs) and the prison in Centralia will be next.**
How, exactly, do you think that Rauner’s budget plan will be better for Southern Illinois?
- Anotherretirre - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:59 pm:
This vote is def time to hold your nose
==Turning Point Does no one remember that government is the top employer in Illinois? ==
It is ?? Government isn’t even the top employer in Springfield anymore
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:03 pm:
== What does that get you? ==
Credibility. Independence. Respect. A bolstered reputation when one or both of these individuals flame out during their term as Governor. Increased leverage in future dealings. And, assuming it is accurate for the organization, the bonus of actually reflecting the will of your membership and those you serve. Heck, they may well gain a few new members, supporters and donors.
The sort of trivial, longer term benefits that accompany patience and the backbone of not being a rubber stamp to be taken for granted.
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:09 pm:
Stop. The. Presses.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:09 pm:
I agree very much with Mason born. Rauner didn’t have to go after the public unions as hard as he did. He should have known that he was demonizing and impugning hundreds or thousands of union leaders.
Rauner seems to really hate public unions. That’s what comes through, to me.
- A guy... - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:16 pm:
At least they can say they voted for what they got. sigh.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:20 pm:
===It would be great to see some group, GOP or Dem, go with a “no endorsement”.===
No Union, especially the public Unions, in their righties will NOT endorse, with Rauner wanting to shut down the state, try for 401Ks, and strip bargaining, like Scott Walker.
===A condemnation of Rauner more than an endorsement of Quinn for sure!===
That’s the game. Don’t like Quinn, can’t have a “Governor Rauner”
- Newsclown -,
The absolute fear is Rauner IS Scott Ealker in the bargaining aspect, shutting down the government to try to destroy that aspect of the Unions. That is at “play” even if it’s unlikely, or possible, it’s out there.
- Mason born -,
Spot on, but Rauner needed a “Hook” and “Career Politicians and Union Bosses” and pensions played out to Union memberships.
- Voice of Reason - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:26 pm:
Rauner is a Scott Walker clone. Quinn may not have been a pushover for AFSCME, but do you know what a Rauner administration will look like? Quinn still supports the basic rights of working people. I blame Madigan more for the pension bill we got stuck with.
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:27 pm:
==AFSCME members will lose no matter who wins in November.==
I think that sums it up pretty well. They are hedging their bets on who they will lose less with.
- Mason born - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:28 pm:
I understand the reasoning however it was fraught with danger. Danger that may well allow 4 more years of PQ. I always thought a better hook was “aren’t you tired of the same old politicians doing the same old game and having the same results.” I am stil waiting for
Rauner to run the “Do you really want 4 more years liek the last 4″ ads. Sbhould have been running those August 1st.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:34 pm:
The unions are selecting the guy who failed in his attempts to kill them over the guy they are afraid knows how to.
Not an endorsement at all.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:43 pm:
- Mason born -,
Don’t get me wrong, you are On It…
…however, when the Rauner Crew saw 17 points disappear in a way they had zero control to stop, and they learned Illinois isn’t Wisconsin or Indiana, it spooked them, because instead if regrouping, they froze and did nothing to address it, media-wise
- DuPage - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 1:46 pm:
It is almost like AFSCME calling for “broken arrow” airstrikes against the Rauner forces. A last desperate action to survive. AFSCME, and the other public sector unions may not survive as anything meaningful if Rauner gets in. If they defeat Rauner, they will live to fight another day.
- Black Ivy - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 2:06 pm:
Wow! This is such a duplicitous move!
- SO IL M - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 2:21 pm:
There was never any doubt they would. AFSCME Leadership is all in on the Progresive Movement that Quinn is so proud to lead. The Membership, not so much. Good luck getting the members and retirees to forget what Quinn has done to them.
This does remind me of a song which was sung by, if i remeber correctly, Davivd Allen Coe. I cant quote it here but its a play on the words dont bite the hand that feeds you. Except its not hand or feed.
- facts are stubborn things - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 2:23 pm:
PQ is the cleanest dirty shirt in the closet. Once again, the GOP may have nominated the one guy the Dems can beat.
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 2:46 pm:
== the GOP may have nominated the one guy the Dems can beat ==
The only candidate who could have made Pat Quinn look palatable to unions once again is Bruce Rauner.
- The Colossus of Roads - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 2:52 pm:
Pretty funny the Quinn administration’s first contract offer to AFSCME was an 18% pay cut ( longer hours, less vacation, pay cut and more for health care, to name a few). Let’s endorse this man? Switch me to fair share!
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 3:00 pm:
== No Union, especially the public Unions, in their righties will NOT endorse, with Rauner wanting to shut down the state, try for 401Ks, and strip bargaining, like Scott Walker. ==
With great respect, they just DID endorse the man they compared to Scott Walker in January of last year. == Taking away collective bargaining rights from public service workers is right out of the playbook of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker == This is also the man who delivered them a “slap in the face” and has waged “a quiet war on the collective bargaining rights of public employees”.
What they did and why they did it is understandable. They did what they had to do. It is just a difficult thing to watch once-proud organizations on both sides, hat in hand, pleading for deliverance from “guardians” who may also be their “executioners”.
- truthteller - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 3:09 pm:
After Blagojevich stiffed state employees, AFSCME was neutral in his reelection campaign. Likely would have endorsed the Republican, Judy Baar Topinka, had she had a chance of winning. It did endorse Jim Thompson in his last election and never opposed Jim Edgar.
It’s clear that Rauner sealed this endorsement for Quinn. What s lousy campaign. Who designed his strategy? Can’t blame this endorsement on union partisanship. All the credit goes to Rauner camp stupidity
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 3:35 pm:
=== The only candidate who could have made Pat Quinn look palatable to unions once again is Bruce Rauner ===
Yep, GOP primary voters could have made the safe choice = Dillard or Rutherford. Problem is, they were seen as part of the insider problem. So, GOP primary voters made the populist choice. All Hail Bruce, the Ventura, Rauner. Lordy, help us all.
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 3:39 pm:
Meh. They probably never even reached out to Norseman to interview the best candidate in the race.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 3:49 pm:
Quinn broke a legally negotiated contract, tried to make retirees pay for health insurance and is trying to eliminate cost of living increases and other guaranteed benefits for those already retired. He isn’t on the working man’s side no matter what he says. Actions speak louder than words. AFSCME you are being hoodwinked - AGAIN.
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 4:05 pm:
tt, it’s my recollection they endorsed Dawn
- truthteller - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 4:12 pm:
steve schnorf- don’t think that is right
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 4:14 pm:
Well, re the union endorsements, I’m shocked by the gambling at the Club
- Enviros-Anon - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 5:04 pm:
Anonymous @ 3:49 pm: “”Quinn broke a legally negotiated contract, tried to make retirees pay for health insurance and is trying to eliminate cost of living increases and other guaranteed benefits for those already retired.”"
The above statement is not exactly true.
While it is true that the IL General Assembly and Quinn broke a legally negotiated contract, and they tried to make retirees pay for part of their health insurance. However they are only trying to reduce the cost of living increases and other guaranteed benefits for those already retired.
Not sure if they really thought they would get by with the pension bills they passed and the governor signed.
The IL Supreme Court has already ruled against the health care reduction bill and very likely will also rule against the pension bill.
- railrat - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 5:48 pm:
Socialist lining up early
- lovecraft - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 6:17 pm:
I really think that this is the year that union members won’t hold their noses and vote for the less stinkier of the candidates. They will just stay home and let Rauner take the reins.
- Chap - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 7:04 pm:
If you dont vote, your voting for Rauner. I dont like voting for PQ either, but you better weigh it out. Quinn did try to destroy my pension, but AFSCME is going to beat his a$$ on this. Rauner is taking away all collective bargaining, and make wages what he thinks they should be..No unions to negotiate any benefits or wages. So think about it!!!
- RNUG - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 11:36 pm:
Anotherretirre - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 12:59 pm:
When you figure (state) government employees, you have to include all the (non-CPS) teachers because of the state’s involvement with their pension funding.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 11:46 pm:
Although we can pretty well guess how the ISC will rule on the SB-1 pension case, the timing is going to be critical. As long as the ruling comes after election day, I think the unions / state employees will mostly stick with Quinn as the lesser of two evils. But if the ruling comes before the election and favors the workers / retirees, a fair sized group of them may feel it would be OK to vote for Rauner since his hands would be pretty much tied on the pension issue. Heck, I know a number of people who already plan to vote for Rauner using that logic …
- facts are stubborn things - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 7:38 am:
Formerly Known As… - Tuesday, Sep 16, 14 @ 2:46 pm:
=The only candidate who could have made Pat Quinn look palatable to unions once again is Bruce Rauner. =
Sen. K. Dillard would have a been a choice that the unions would have endorsed. He would be the choice of republicans and many democrats.
- Carhart Representative - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 7:52 am:
I know a lot of union members don’t like Quinn, but they also know they can’t afford to sit this out with Rauner. If the GOP had a reasonable conservative who wasn’t anti-public workers and didn’t have a horrendous education policy, I know the CTU would have been very happy to stick it to Quinn by sitting out.