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Tomorrow’s news today

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn took questions for over 15 minutes from reporters this afternoon. His comments ranged on issues from the NFL scandals, to the investigations into his own office, to Bruce Rauner’s various claims. You might wanna skip the first couple of minutes, but here’s the raw audio


  1. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 3:44 pm:

    Any questions or comments on the cuts to domestic violence shelters? Suppose we’re about to find out. Here goes nothing #pushesplay

  2. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 3:56 pm:

    I had to turn it off about 7 minutes in.

    Listening to him lecture about ==doing what is right==; how ==owners and partial owners have a ==duty to women==; and how important it is ==making sure groups working in these areas get proper resources== after today’s reminder he cut Domestic Violence Shelter funding is just too much. Even for this silly season.

  3. - Mike Smythe - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 4:29 pm:

    “I always do the right thing” “My heart is good and true”. I do not know Gov. Quinn, but what kind of a person says this about himself repeatedly? If anyone is going to vote for Quinn I hope it’s because they hate Rauner, and not because they believe this drivel. What a self absorbed clown.

  4. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 4:38 pm:

    Mike Smythe- trust, I wouldn’t lie to you, when I say that I am an honest person. People love to tell you who they are when they do not want you to find out whom they ACTUALLY are.

  5. - SICK OF IT - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 5:59 pm:

    I always do the right thing…..who is he kidding. Tell that to the 240 people who live at Murray Center….he has never had the compassion and courage to look them in the eye and their parents/guardians and tell them WHY this is such a great idea.He has NEVER even visited after the parents/guardians have send him thousands of invitation…….what a coward.

  6. - Rufus - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 6:00 pm:

    Pat at his best. :^)

  7. - walker - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 6:02 pm:

    Sounds like PQ’s next series of ads will include some with positive messages on the Illinois economy.

    Underlying vulnerability of incumbents right now is the general concern about the economy, and any good news might be important, if believed. Negative ads resonate more in a negative economic environment.

    Stock market record highs, consumer confidence better than in years, and some good signs with non-government employment in Illinois.

    Will it be enough to change general anti-incumbent attitudes? We shall see.

  8. - Irony - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 6:04 pm:

    “He’s engaged in a campaign of smears and character assassination and I don’t think that’s the right way to run for Governor.” - Quinn

    Does he have any awareness of his own campaign operation? His commercials? Or his LG running mate?
    It takes a lot but Quinn may be the biggest two faced phony to serve as Illinois Governor. The champion of the working man who cuts public pensions. The clean water advocate who starts fracking. Wow.

  9. - Redux - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 7:11 pm:

    Wait - he took questions from the press for 15 minutes? Wow… that’s longer than Rauner in the entire campaign, I think.

  10. - Mighty M. Mouse - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 7:31 pm:

    Rauner is screwed. The contrast is too obvious.

    Whether you like how he answers or believe his responses or not, Quinn responded to the questions pretty darn directly, especially for a politician.

    Rauner is smooth but he seems invariably to evade, postpone, ignore, laugh, parrot his talking points or quickly lie without any compunction whatsoever.

    The contrast is just too great. Rauner is screwed.

  11. - Wally - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 7:48 pm:

    Walker, you do know why the stock market is at an all time high, don’t you?

  12. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 8:16 pm:

    I love the fact that he had to correct the reporter that Pete Rozelle had passed on and Roger Goodell is now the NFL commish. And then proceeded to wax pedantic on the origin of the Chicago Bears…. They were the Decatur Staleys, you know. And don’t forget, next month is domestic violence month… er stopping domestic violence month…..

    At the very least, he is much easier to listen to than Rauner. Bruce has such an arrogance in his voice that you almost can’t listen to it.

  13. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 17, 14 @ 9:14 pm:

    Good catch, Ducky. I chuckled at the same things.

    The thing about Quinn is, he can keep his head when everything and everyone around him is going absolutely nuts. That makes him a great closer. We’ll see what Rauner’s got. The past week has not been kind to him.

  14. - econ prof - Thursday, Sep 18, 14 @ 9:23 am:

    The stock market is at an all-time high. Meanwhile, wages are still flat over the past 5 years, which is why the “recovery” has been felt by pretty much no one.

  15. - Big Joe - Thursday, Sep 18, 14 @ 10:18 am:

    Rauner will not be able to run away from the business messes his company was involved in Michigan and Georgia. He should finally answer to those money-hungry at all costs moves in November. PQ should not let up on those fraudulent deals that Rauner denies. Bruce will not be able to bring his plans, fantasies, to the state because he can’t get along with people that don’t adhere to the same values that he does. If he wins, how will the “corrupt lawmakers and union bosses” feel about cooperating with him after he has insulted them for all this time?

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