Dold, Schneider launch new TV ads
Tuesday, Sep 23, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From former Republican Congressman Bob Dold’s campaign..
The Dold for Congress Campaign today announced the debut of two new ads that will begin airing this week throughout Illinois 10th District. The ads will run on broadcast television and digital advertising platforms.
The first of two ads in the series, “Tables,” features Bob Dold addressing the most challenging issues facing 10th District families—from the rising costs of food and fuel to government gridlock and hyper-partisan politicians in Washington and Springfield who simply aren’t listening. Dold also discusses his commitment to restoring honest, effective and bipartisan leadership to the 10th District’s seat in Congress.
The second of the two ads features Dr. Kristie Dold-Bennett, an OBGYN in Buffalo Grove and the youngest of Bob’s three sisters. In “Healthcare Choices,” Dr. Dold-Bennett discusses Bob’s record of commitment to expanding choices in women’s healthcare.
Buoyed by clear momentum and overwhelming support among 10th District voters, the Dold for Congress Campaign also reserved nearly $1 million in Chicago network television in October and November.
“The 10th District wants serious and thoughtful leaders like Bob Dold who have a track record of rolling up their sleeves and getting things done for their constituents, not their party bosses. As has been widely reported, the momentum in this race is clearly behind Bob Dold as voters grow more tired of the divisive political games, partisan politics and ineffective representation that have defined Congressman Brad Schneider’s record in Washington,” said James Slepian, Dold for Congress campaign manger.
* Tables…
* Healthcare Choices…
* The Schneider campaign provides a “fact check” on that second Dold ad…
Despite his rhetoric, former Congressman Bob Dold voted with Republicans seven times against women, including voting to defund Planned Parenthood and to undermine a woman’s right to choose.
“When Bob Dold had his chance, he joined Republicans instead of protecting women’s health and voted to defund Planned Parenthood and allow hospitals to deny women lifesaving care,” Schneider for Congress spokesperson Staci McCabe said. “Women deserve leaders like Brad Schneider who are 100 percent pro-choice, not a reliable Republican like Bob Dold, who voted repeatedly to undermine women’s rights to make their own health care decisions.”
Dold Claim:
“Washington shouldn’t limit the options women have on their own health care.”
Dold Fact:
Dold voted to defund Planned Parenthood, which provides critical health care services to women. [HR 1, Vote #147, 2/19/11].
Dold voted to allow hospitals to deny lifesaving health care to women and restrict a woman’s ability to use her own private insurance for health care. This legislation is also known as the “Let Women Die” Act. [HR 358, Vote #789, 10/13/11]
Dold voted to undermine a woman’s right to choose. In 2011, Dold voted for a bill that undermined and harmed women’s health by limiting access and funding for abortions. [HR 3, Vote #292, 5/04/11]
Dold Claim:
Family planning is a “personal issue.”
Dold Fact:
Dold refused to take a stand against the Hobby Lobby decision, which allows employers to interfere with a woman’s access to birth control. [Crain’s Chicago Business, 7/9/14] [Daily Herald 7/9/14]
In contrast, Schneider has earned a 100 percent score from Planned Parenthood and has been endorsed by both Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro Choice. Schneider stood up against efforts to limit a woman’s right to choose and helped introduce legislation to combat the disastrous Hobby Lobby decision.
* And here’s Schneider’s ad, which is a kinda/sorta revisit of that brilliant “too Repubilcan” ad he ran last time around…
- A guy... - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 4:06 pm:
All 3 are good ads. All passes. Only question with Schneider’s is the idea in a Republican wave year if it’s a good approach to go the route of “too Republican”. Only because it re-enforces the party label, which this time might benefit the Republican more than a little. In a tight race, anything can tip the balance.
- my two cents - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 4:10 pm:
There aren’t too many women who will buy what Dold is trying to sell them.
- Responsa - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 4:44 pm:
Dold ad One. Very solid. I love when a candidate closes by asking for my vote. More campaigns should do it. A.
Dold ad two. Not really sure what the message is other than that his sister’s an ob-gyn and is obviously very pregnant and she is supporting her brother. This ad has potential but could still use some work toward clarity, I think. B-.
Schneider ad–disappointing in that he continues to foment partisanship in a very independent and largely non-partisan district where the polls still point to a toss-up and his last victory margin was tiny. Nice production values and cute kid, but teaching children to be partisan with wrinkly noses and flash cards is not my cup of tea. Ad as a generic election year ad, B. Ad as applicable to this particular district’s voters–C.
- walker - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 5:02 pm:
Dold is getting “overwhelming support?” Don’t think so.
Very close race.
I am puzzled by Schneider’s approach to pushing being a “Democrat” in his first ad, and “not a Republican” in his second. Is this district more partisan than it used to be? Or is his real worry getting his pluses off their couches?
- Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 5:07 pm:
If I was Brad Schneider, I’d be pretty OK with the Bob Dold tables ad.
I’d also be pretty ok with the choices ad. How pro-choice can Dold be if he’s not willing to actually say he favors abortion rights but instead has his sister talk around the issue for thirty seconds?
Dold is an exceptional campaigner one-on-one. Schneider is often awful in small groups.
My two cents: if these ads are Dold’s message, Schneider is going to win comfortably.
- Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 5:07 pm:
If I was Brad Schneider, I’d be pretty OK with the Bob Dold tables ad.
I’d also be pretty ok with the choices ad. How pro-choice can Dold be if he’s not willing to actually say he favors abortion rights but instead has his sister talk around the issue for thirty seconds?
Dold is an exceptional campaigner one-on-one. Schneider is often awful in small groups.
My two cents: if these ads are Dold’s message, Schneider is going to win comfortably.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 5:48 pm:
If Dold gets any warmer and fuzzier, his next spot will have him zipping up a cardigan while he talks train upgrades in the Land of Make Believe with King Friday and Lady Aberlin.
Both strategies revolve around the TV screamers in the House GOP caucus. Dold wants to distance himself from them, Schneider wants to hang them around his neck.
The Michelle Bachmanns and Louie Goehmerts of the world don’t play well on the North Shore.
Walk, I think that’s why Schneider takes the unusual tactic, for any candidate of any party for any race, of identifying his party affiliation.
He did it last time with the “Too Republican” spot. He even had a spot with just LBJ talking about Medicare.
Unorthodox, but off the charts for memorability.
- Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 5:52 pm:
So much deception - so such short spots. Bob Dold wants to end the gridlock by voting for John Boehner as Speaker. Umm, ok. And and anti-choice guy saying Washington should stay out of women’s healthcare choices? Wow - what Chutzpah!
As ads I give the first a c- and the second a b-.
- Edwardsburg - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 6:23 pm:
That anti-Dold Schenider ad tried to be way too cute and was a stinker, IMHO. D+
- Modest Proposal - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 11:39 pm:
“dold’s sister is very pregnant”
as opposed to being “a little” pregnant?
I thought the dold ads were good. I think Schneider’s team thinks the districts PVI is way more democratic than it actually is…
- my two cents - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 6:53 am:
Someone told me the district has been gerrymandered to +8 D. Kenilworth (where Dold lives) and Winnetka are now in Jan Schakowsky’s district. Which explains Dold’s commercials, trying to pivot from the stances and votes he made while he was in office.
When Dold ran the first time, his signs were given out with anti-choice signs, to be placed side-by-side. After the gerrymander, he tried to horn in on Schakowsky’s photo ops, to make himself seem more moderate.
- Way Northsider - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 8:03 am:
D+8 The new 10th is not the old 10th. Dold needs a hard pivot to the left and that is not where he can easily get to.
See details here -’s_10th_congressional_district
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 10:06 am:
Lets elect both and then move one of them into Chicago, replacing one of those stinkers representing the Windy City in Congress.
- Siriusly - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 1:28 pm:
If Dold thinks that a good message is “I’m pro-choice too” then I think he has already lost.
- Anna - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 5:28 pm:
Is abortion really an issue in the district? Very poor tactics. Both get an F. I don’t give a hoot about how a congressperson feels about abortion. All these ads show is two guys competing over who is more pro Choice than the other. News flash: I DO NOT CARE.