* Sun-Times…
A former high-ranking state public health official was charged by federal prosecutors Monday with bribery, theft and tax evasion as part of a $13 million state grant-fraud case.
But the accusations outlined Monday against Roxanne Jackson of Olympia Fields merely could be the first step in a possible plea deal that is the subject of a federal court hearing in Springfield on Tuesday. […]
Jackson, the former chief human resources official under the state Department of Public Health, is accused of participating in a kickback scheme with the agency’s onetime former chief of staff, Quinshaunta Golden, who is awaiting sentencing, and South Side businessman Leon Dingle Jr.
Golden — once a top aide to former state Public Health Director Eric Whitaker, a personal friend of President Barack Obama — pleaded guilty in April to bribery and accepting kickbacks as part of a broader scheme that steered millions of dollars in state grants and contracts to Dingle and several not-for-profits he ran. Dingle is awaiting trial next month on federal charges of fraud, money-laundering and tax evasion.
* Meanwhile, as you’ll recall, Bruce Rauner unveiled an ethics plan last week. This week, he unveiled some supporters among Chicago’s African-American clergy, one of whom was Stephen Thurston.
* From 2013…
A former member of the Illinois panel that conducts hearings on alleged ethics violations has been fined $2,500 for attending a prayer breakfast and fundraiser for a political candidate, according to an ethics commission report released Tuesday.
The Illinois Executive Ethics Commission found Stephen Thurston violated state law by attending a March 25, 2011, prayer breakfast and fundraiser for David Moore, who was running for Chicago City Council. Thurston spoke at the breakfast about “Moore’s Christian character, the need for everyone to get involved in the election process, and that Moore would be a good alderman,” the ethics panel said in its report.
State law prohibits commissioners from contributing to political campaigns or even attending a rally for a candidate for a specific post.
*** UPDATE *** Back in 2012, Mary Mitchell tied Leon Dingle (story #1) to Stephen Thurston (story #2)…
The feds allege that Dingle used “straw grantees” to obtain the grants, then funneled the money to a for-profit company controlled by him.
One of the alleged “straw grantees” is the Broadcast Ministers Alliance, a group of several prominent South Side ministers, including the Rev. Clay Evans, founding pastor of the Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church of Chicago; Bishop Lucius Hall, pastor of the First Church of Love and Faith, and the Rev. Stephen John Thurston, pastor of New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church.
According to the indictment, the Broadcast Ministers Alliance was among the groups that won more than $11 million in grants between 2004 and 2010. About $3.7 million of that money was allegedly transferred to a for-profit business controlled by Dingle.
There’s no claim by the feds that the “straw grantees” were involved in any wrongdoing — including the Broadcast Ministers Alliance.
But anyone who has worked on behalf of a nonprofit knows how difficult it can be to get funding, and these charges won’t make it any easier. [Emphasis added.]
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 12:12 pm:
I’ll take the person attending the prayer breakfast over the person bribing, stealing from the public and evading taxes 10 out of 10 times.
Neither should have done what they did, but these “crimes” are from two different universes.
- Walter Mitty - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 12:22 pm:
Amen, FKA… I crack myself up…
- Nony - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 12:35 pm:
Yeah, as far as ethics issues in the state of Illinois goes, this ones a non starter for me.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 12:47 pm:
Okay, let’s get candidates out of churches while we are at it.
- D.P.Gumby - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 1:02 pm:
Another stunning job by the Exec Inspect Gen to protect the citizens of Illinois…..
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 1:09 pm:
That Illinois Executives Ethic Commission is really getting to the bottom of things. Evildoers beware!
- Original Rambler - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 1:28 pm:
Jackson failed to report nearly $573,000 in income in 2008. That’s not chump change.
- Juvenal - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 1:29 pm:
The Broadcast Ministers Alliance is a notorious front for the cable industry.
And just to complete the Circle of Life, check out this 2009 article by Dr. Claudia Johnson, who created AWARE, one of the other straw men in this scheme. My highlight is her bio:
“Currently Dr. Johnson is also the only degreed health journalist in the city who is also a practicing physician. Her free-lance articles have appeared in the Tribune, N’Digo and Citizen Newspapers. She served as a medical columnist for the Defender for 6 years. She has done magazine features on Michael Jordan’s mother and Cardinal George. Dr. Johnson has had numerous television appearances and most recently appears as host for the medical segment of BMAC (Broadcast Ministers Alliance of Chicago) where she is assistant medical director.”
Emphasis added because it is…well, hysterical.
I love it when a media story on corruption starts swallowing its own tail.
“Who watches the watchmen?” - Juvenal
- truthteller - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 1:52 pm:
1.I’ll bet Jackson paid Medicare and Social Security taxes which is more than Rauner did.
Rauner campaign has as much credibility on corruption as the NFL does on domestic violence.Actually the campaign has less since the NFL doesn’t engage in domestic violence, rather it ignores it. Rauner, we know is corrupt, witness the fines his company has paid for breaking the law
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 1:56 pm:
Preach it, Walter Mitty lol
To the post, beware ministers bearing gifts and straw grants.
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 2:02 pm:
== domestic violence ==
From Saturday’s posts == Criminals With Histories of Domestic Battery Were Released Early By Quinn ==
Both candidates have baggage on this issue as well, like so many others.
- Roscoe Tom - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 2:21 pm:
Ministers at election time “We need larger, much larger, huge collection baskets - maybe even a dumpster or two!”
- walker - Tuesday, Sep 23, 14 @ 2:26 pm:
Keep pulling that string. It might save some real money in the state social services grant system. Not a lot in the overall scheme of things, but some.)
- Sick of It All - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 2:22 am:
I see that none of you seem to realize that the IL Dept of Public Health is one of the most corrupt agencies in state government and HAS BEEN for YEARS! Way back to Walker administration. They are looked at by some as a technical “helping” agency, but they are a cesspool of both parties with many incompetent, cruel and scary people working there. This ain’t their first scandal and it won’t be the last!