Wouldn’t it make more sense to have the people of the state as the crash test dummies, and Madigan and Quinn as the ones testing their economic policies? I mean, this mailer makes them look like victims of something, not perpetrators!
The visual is kind of funny, but pretty dated, no?
If you want a real good laugh, pick up the NYT today and read about the former AIG chair suing the United States (that’s you) for bailing out the real crooks like himself who crashed the economy.
- Dazed and Not Confused - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 6:32 pm:
Got mine in the mail today. All I can say is ‘goofy’. I realize it’s a campaign mailer but I don’t see this as something that will connect with the average voter. Crash test dummies? Really?Someone in either the Rauner camp or the IL GOP is seriously out of date and out of touch…….. Maybe appeals to the base but not the independents and undecideds. However, it is good to dump your coffee grounds on……..
First glance at the headline gave me hope that the two party candidates bailed for a more productive occupation. That would have made things simpler for our next Gov, Oswego Willy.
Our household received this one. (It was paid for by the Illinois Republican Party.) We are solid D’s; however, my spouse pulled an R in the primary to vote against Bruce. I’m not sure who in the Rauner/IL GOP camp did the mailing list on this, but a solid D in the primaries until this year, is most likely someone who switched to vote against Bruce. Why waste the flier and stamp?
How in the world is a guy who has no apparent business successes gonna fix a broken economy? Rauner can barely speak. Literally.
He’s either reading from prepared notes or angrily saying the same thing over and over again: “It’s a distraction. It’s a … distraction. It’s a distraction. It’s … a distraction.”
He gets angry and flustered at the slightest tough question.
How in the world is this guy gonna fix anything? He’s got the charisma of a jellyfish — and that’s giving him more credit than he deserves.
Angel’s sword got there first, but yeah. Crash test dummies are innocent pawns being controlled by strong forces beyond their control. They are victims, not perpetrators. Not a great metaphor unless you’re being charitable to Quinn and Madigan.
Macbeth is right. This reminds me of those poorly executed letters that Rauner sent out during the primary, with underlinings, phrases in all caps, stars, excessive punctuation and circled phrases. Would this pass muster in a campaign for a student council presidency? The crash dummies concept doesn’t even make sense, nor is it funny or clever.
I got the bottom one in my mail yesterday. Among the financial promises no business person would ever believe possible, he has a special plan to raise minimum wage. Here’s my question of the day: is it less believable that he wants to raise the minimum wage or that he has an actual plan?
Ehh, the point of a flyer is to grab attention and evoke a reaction, which this one does, at least for me, laughter. I should send in some of the flyers I’ve received in the Deb Conroy- Heidi Holan race in the 46th, they’ve been ridiculous.
- Rayne of Terror - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 10:56 am:
We got this yesterday in McLean County. My husband brought it in and said it didn’t make sense, maybe they should have given away MORE corporate welfare if companies are leaving the state in droves.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 5:37 pm:
Speaker Madigan “You’ll be fine, Governor Rauner. Good luck.”
- William j Kelly - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 5:39 pm:
Paid for by who?
- The Captain - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 5:42 pm:
I’m now imagining Mike Madigan with jazz hands. I’m not okay, and won’t be for a while.
- Angel's Sword - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 5:46 pm:
Wouldn’t it make more sense to have the people of the state as the crash test dummies, and Madigan and Quinn as the ones testing their economic policies? I mean, this mailer makes them look like victims of something, not perpetrators!
Not a very good mailer.
- sal-says - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 5:50 pm:
“Crash dummies”???
Reminds of the nursing home debacle. Those helpless folks could be considered “Crash dummies”.
- Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 5:54 pm:
=Wouldn’t it make more sense to have the people of the state as the crash test dummies=
I vote for Jim Edgar and his staff who came up with the pension ramp-up.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 5:59 pm:
The visual is kind of funny, but pretty dated, no?
If you want a real good laugh, pick up the NYT today and read about the former AIG chair suing the United States (that’s you) for bailing out the real crooks like himself who crashed the economy.
- Dazed and Not Confused - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 6:32 pm:
Got mine in the mail today. All I can say is ‘goofy’. I realize it’s a campaign mailer but I don’t see this as something that will connect with the average voter. Crash test dummies? Really?Someone in either the Rauner camp or the IL GOP is seriously out of date and out of touch…….. Maybe appeals to the base but not the independents and undecideds. However, it is good to dump your coffee grounds on……..
- Norseman - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 6:33 pm:
First glance at the headline gave me hope that the two party candidates bailed for a more productive occupation. That would have made things simpler for our next Gov, Oswego Willy.
- Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 6:41 pm:
Our household received this one. (It was paid for by the Illinois Republican Party.) We are solid D’s; however, my spouse pulled an R in the primary to vote against Bruce. I’m not sure who in the Rauner/IL GOP camp did the mailing list on this, but a solid D in the primaries until this year, is most likely someone who switched to vote against Bruce. Why waste the flier and stamp?
- Macbeth - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 6:45 pm:
How in the world is a guy who has no apparent business successes gonna fix a broken economy? Rauner can barely speak. Literally.
He’s either reading from prepared notes or angrily saying the same thing over and over again: “It’s a distraction. It’s a … distraction. It’s a distraction. It’s … a distraction.”
He gets angry and flustered at the slightest tough question.
How in the world is this guy gonna fix anything? He’s got the charisma of a jellyfish — and that’s giving him more credit than he deserves.
- Archiesmom - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 6:51 pm:
== I’m now imagining Mike Madigan with jazz hands. I’m not okay, and won’t be for a while. ==
Spit take, Captin! Now I need eye bleach and a stiff drink.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 7:09 pm:
Angel’s sword got there first, but yeah. Crash test dummies are innocent pawns being controlled by strong forces beyond their control. They are victims, not perpetrators. Not a great metaphor unless you’re being charitable to Quinn and Madigan.
- Macbeth - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 7:11 pm:
This is an old white guy ad.
An old white guy who heard about “crash test dummies” from his grandkids put this one together.
- walker - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 8:22 pm:
About the level of sophistication to be expected in mailers from the IL GOP. Haven’t improved in twenty years at least.
- my two cents - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 8:24 pm:
Macbeth is right. This reminds me of those poorly executed letters that Rauner sent out during the primary, with underlinings, phrases in all caps, stars, excessive punctuation and circled phrases. Would this pass muster in a campaign for a student council presidency? The crash dummies concept doesn’t even make sense, nor is it funny or clever.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 8:36 pm:
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaUqpnHvua8
- Macbeth - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 8:40 pm:
The idea that Bruce is railing against “corrupt politicians” is nonsense. How about corrupt corporate bustout architects?
How about railing against those, Bruce?
Oh. Wait. Okay — nevermind.
- z - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 8:56 pm:
Mr. Speaker, Gov. Rauner is here.
- MrJM - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 9:16 pm:
That’s right where my brain went too, Rich.
– MrJM
- ChinaTown - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 9:37 pm:
“Comprehensive plan to raise the minimum wage”
Wow. Just imagine if one of Rauner’s primary opponents could have had that mailer in hand before the GOP primary.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 9:37 pm:
“Comprehensive plan to raise the minimum wage”? What does that even mean? It doesn’t take a comprehensive plan, it just takes signing the bill.
- Macbeth - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 10:13 pm:
Didn’t Rauner advertise here once? Didn’t he put a
“Hey guys, it’s Bruce” ad?
Those were the days.
- Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 10:43 pm:
Dear voters
Ive spent a lifetime outsourcing Illinois jobs to China. Its all Pat Quinn’s fault. Vote for me
- Honest Abe - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 10:51 pm:
Yeah he will send your job across the pond and hide his money in offshore accounts so he does not have to pay the same taxes you and I do.
- Hokey Pokey - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 11:20 pm:
That’s funny, I don’t care who you are
- Amalia - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 11:40 pm:
Oh Bruce. you want to be governor and yet you have no idea what would be waiting for you if you were elected. Mike Madigan. You just have no idea.
- Del Clinkton - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 5:36 am:
Governor Patrick Quinn and Speaker Michael Madigan crashed the economy?
What Bruce, did you hire a former headline writer for the Onion to work for your campaign?
Wait, sorry to disparage The Onion by saying that.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 6:48 am:
I love it when the GOP complains about “corporate welfare.”
Please, someone ask him what he means?
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 7:33 am:
I thought it was one of the funniest fliers I ever got.
I can just hear those two with their hands held up, “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”
- Earnest - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 8:01 am:
I got the bottom one in my mail yesterday. Among the financial promises no business person would ever believe possible, he has a special plan to raise minimum wage. Here’s my question of the day: is it less believable that he wants to raise the minimum wage or that he has an actual plan?
- Jake From Elwood - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 9:23 am:
Captain, my first take on this ad was also Madigan’s jazz hands. They should have placed a Red Delicious in one of his hands, no? Goofy ad.
- Lunchbox - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 9:32 am:
Ehh, the point of a flyer is to grab attention and evoke a reaction, which this one does, at least for me, laughter. I should send in some of the flyers I’ve received in the Deb Conroy- Heidi Holan race in the 46th, they’ve been ridiculous.
- Rayne of Terror - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 10:56 am:
We got this yesterday in McLean County. My husband brought it in and said it didn’t make sense, maybe they should have given away MORE corporate welfare if companies are leaving the state in droves.