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The back and forth over Harold Washington continues

Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Quinn took questions from reporters today about Bruce Rauner’s new TV ad that uses some disparaging remarks about Quinn by the late Mayor Harold Washington. He said that his last conversation with the mayor was cordial

Quinn said he “always did the right thing” as the city’s revenue director. “My conscience is clear,” Quinn said.

The governor said the last time he talked to Washington the mayor said, “ ‘Quinn, You’re my friend. You’ll always be my friend. Some day we’ll have a drink about this.’”

Quinn also said he didn’t get along with some Washington’s staffers.

Quinn also pointed to Mayor Washington’s strong support for increasing the minimum wage and the fact that there are no African-Americans in executive positions at Rauner’s former firm. Have a listen

* But the Rauner campaign released some more info on the decades-ago spat, which got pretty darned nasty…

After Washington Fired Quinn, Quinn Publicly Attacked Him And Questioned His Honesty. “Former city Revenue Director Patrick Quinn said Monday that he told Mayor Harold Washington on two occasions that an aide tried to influence the timing of a city tax audit hearing but that Washington made no move to stop the practice. In an interview, Quinn, who was ousted last week from the post he held since November, also disputed figures released by city officials to show that a parking-ticket amnesty program he conceived was a failure. The forced resignation of Quinn, a grass-roots reformer, has sparked countercharges by Quinn and the mayor’s chief of staff, Ernest Barefield, who pressed for Quinn’s resignation. But Quinn on Monday, for the first time, disputed Washington’s statements about the incident.” (R Bruce Dold, “Quinn Disputes Mayor On Audit,” Chicago Tribune, 6/30/87)

Quinn Called Press Conferences Accusing The Washington Administration Of Improper, Politically-Motivated Hiring Decisions. “A former official of the Chicago Department of Revenue charged Tuesday he was fired for refusing a city official’s order to block the hiring of a job applicant who had ties to former Revenue Director Patrick Quinn. The surprise allegation, made at a press conference called by Quinn, touched off new questions about whether Washington administration aides have interfered in the scandal-plagued revenue department. City officials denied the charges and retorted that Quinn, the grassroots reformer who was brought in to shake up the department, attempted to circumvent court-ordered hiring guidelines himself to get a job for a friend.” (R Bruce Dold, “City Aide Says Quinn Link Got Him Fired,” Chicago Tribune, 8/12/87)

Quinn Accused The Washington Administration Of Lying About Motor Fuel Tax Collections To “Bamboozle” The City Council Into Approving A Property Tax Increase. “Patrick Quinn, ousted Chicago revenue director, accused the Washington administration Tuesday of deliberately overestimating income from motor fuel taxes to “bamboozle” the city council into approving the record $79.9 million property-tax increase last year. Quinn leveled his latest charges in a heated exchange with Lucille Dobbins, Mayor Harold Washington’s assistant for financial administration, during a radio interview about Quinn’s ouster in June.” (James Strong, “Quinn Says Council Was Tricked Into Passing Property-Tax Hike,” Chicago Tribune, 8/26/87)

Washington Said Quinn’s Charges Were A “Patent Lie.” “Later, Washington branded Quinn’s charges that the administration deliberately exaggerated the fuel taxes as a “patent lie” and said: ‘the estimates are just that. Sometimes you hit and sometime you’re off.’” (James Strong, “Quinn Says Council Was Tricked Into Passing Property-Tax Hike,” Chicago Tribune, 8/26/87)


  1. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:33 pm:

    == Quinn said he “always did the right thing” ==

    This tripe again?

    Mr. Washington apparently disagreed. Strongly.

  2. - Knome Sane - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:34 pm:

    This is explosive! A real game-changer! Quinn and Harold Washington had their share of differences. 30 years ago. Stop the presses!

  3. - THEGUN - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:35 pm:

    the quinsterrrrrrrrrrr
    getting in the last word about washington supporting minimum wage issues, as he bales the boat…LOL

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:36 pm:

    Why all the. “Double Downing” by Rauner’s Crew?

    I don’t understand who is the target, why go down this road?

    This is going to backfire - see “Hynes, Daniel - 2010″.

  5. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:37 pm:

    Rauner’s info reads like Quinn was trying to uncover inappropriate actions by the Washington administration. Fact is, the only reason Quinn was named to the Revenue post was to give the impression that Washington was cleaning it up. But Quinn kept finding stuff and going public, sort of like how a good watchdog might behave. Then he was fired. And when he didn’t walk away quietly, Washington gave the famous interview we’re all discussing today.

    Is Rauner trying to make Quinn look good in this or what? Can’t anyone in Raunerland play this game?

  6. - Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:37 pm:

    Huh.. Rauner’s crew is WAY off on this. I wonder if the staff at Rauner headquarters got a chuckle of what a mistake this was earlier today.. I say it again, this matters. No matter how long ago, it’s even more important as it is still true today… Sorry OW.This is about PQ…Start the Rauner bashing in 3…2…1…

  7. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:37 pm:

    Is Rauner only dropping the Harold stuff because he thinks he’s behind?

    If his polling told him he was 6 or more points up, I don’t think he would have done this.

  8. - Abraham Froman - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:38 pm:

    PQ is a scrapper, probably learned that at Fenwick. No surprise he would hold a grudge and go after Washington after being fired. This only reinforces the notion of PQs bulldog political mentality. The fact that Rauner is going back to the 1980s for his attacks on PQ reveal how short Camp Rauner is on finding any relevant red meat to throw to the media hounds these days. If only Rauner could find that plan he was going to release…

  9. - Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:41 pm:

    So is Quinn Lying or did Washington? That’s the only logical conclusion. I would like to hear from those backing Washington earlier today in defense of PQ…

  10. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:43 pm:


    There is no strategerey. Someone is panicky.

  11. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:44 pm:

    BTW, who is “Patrick Quinn”?

    News, by definition, must be less than 30 years old.

  12. - Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:45 pm:

    This is years and years ago. This means nothing.

    One man is dead, one man is a sitting Governor.

    You do the math.

    Bruce — how about you give us a list of your business successes? That’s something we’re actually waiting to hear. We know the failures. A lot of failure. But how about the successes? The stuff that you didn’t get sued for and no one died?

  13. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:46 pm:

    The most prominent minority or Democrat Mr. Rauner can find to speak against Governor Quinn is Mayor Washington from 1987.

    The most prominent minority or Democrat Mr. Hynes, or anyone else apparently, can find to speak against Governor Quinn is also Mayor Washington from 1987.

    In these times, unless we believe Governor Quinn is doing a near-perfect job, this says something distressing about the incompetency of the GOP, the tight party control of the Dems, and the state of our state.

  14. - THEGUN - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:46 pm:

    ” But Quinn kept finding stuff and going public, sort of how a good watchdog might behave”
    and now when he finds stuff he shovels it under the couch??
    The watchdog needs glasses…..

  15. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:47 pm:

    The ad itself could possibly have hurt Quinn, but when they decide to back it up with facts, it kind of hurts Rauner. They should have aired the ad and never released those news pieces. They make Quinn look like a reformer in a corrupt office.

  16. - the Patriot - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:47 pm:

    ==Quinn also pointed…that there are no African-Americans in executive positions at Rauner’s former firm==

    I am only going to say this because people went after Rauner on domestic abuse because he is part owner of the Steelers. Ever hear of Mike Tomlin? Ever hear of the Rooney Rule? As part owner of the Steelers, Rauner has associated himself with the team that has set the standard for professional sports when it comes to opportunities for African Americans in leadership positions.

  17. - ??? - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:48 pm:

    47th Ward, I thought the same thing: Why would Rauner highlight things that Pat Quinn supposedly did to uncover corruption and inappropriate actions in the Washington Administration? Doesn’t that make Pat look like the good guy?

    Unless, of course, maybe he’s trying to turn African-Americans against Quinn for going after Harold Washington. I dunno. I’m not really sure who Rauner is trying to target with this ad and the campaign release above.

  18. - Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:50 pm:

    ??? Bingo. Who’s lying? PQ or Washington?

  19. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:52 pm:

    Who thinks it’s funny that a bunch of White Republicans are pretending they find it hugely important what Harold Washington had to say?

  20. - Walter Mitty - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:52 pm:

    Not commenting on if it’s desperate or smart or dumb.. But it seems to leave you with that question…

  21. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:54 pm:

    I here that Quinn really didn’t get along with Big Bill Thompson, apparently they did not agree on prohibition.

  22. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 4:01 pm:

    I’m old enough not to need to climb into the way back machine to remember some of the allegations that surrounded the Washington administration. Some were clearly motivated by the Council Wars and racially charged political climate of the time. But Quinn was NOT a close confidant of or even a prominent ally of Harold Washington. Quinn was a former member of the Board of (Tax) Appeals with a reformer’s reputation. Note I said that was his reputation, I’m not saying he was or is much of a reformer (more of an outsider, but that’s another topic).

    My point is, Quinn was brought in to clean up a scandal ridden city agency. Once he was in though, Barefield and others quickly learned that they could control Quinn and he wasn’t going to play ball with them. He was dumped.

    What people here sometimes forget is that, prior to November of 1987, being fired by Harold Washington was quite a feather in the cap of any up-and-coming Irish politician. I’m not saying Washington was lying about Quinn or that Quinn was some sort of white knight corruption fighter, but the Washington video and these news stories don’t give enough context for anyone to draw definitive conclusions about who was right and who was wrong in this fight.

    As far as I can tell, they both acted in their self-interest, as all good politicians do.

  23. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 4:02 pm:

    couldn’t control Quinn

  24. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 4:15 pm:

    ==Comment by the Patriot Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:47 pm==

    Tomlin was hired before Rauner became a minority shareholder in the Steelers, but why should facts matter anyway when you can be a Rauner sycophant instead.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 4:24 pm:

    Dan Hynes thought this would work in a Primary…

    This is destined for fallout.

  26. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 4:25 pm:

    If Rauner is doubling-down, he should go on Cliff Kelley’s WVON show and talk about the spot.

    I’m pretty sure when Hynes rolled with it last time, he went on Cliff’s show with another guest.

    Turned out…… interesting.

  27. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 4:51 pm:

    Me Carl, I find it funny.

  28. - Norseman - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 4:51 pm:

    Political Logic 101 - Ads are supposed to move numbers. To be effective an ad has to convince undecideds of a premise. This ad seeks to convince folks that Quinn is incompetent. Every knows that Quinn is incompetent. Since the undecideds already know Quinn is incompetent, the ad is a waste of money.

    That ends the lesson for today.

  29. - jim - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 4:58 pm:

    there’s no way in the world Quinn can credibly claim he and Washington worked well together or were closed. Washington said he was glad he fired him and wished he had done it sooner. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Quinn wasn’t doing his job properly, just that he wasn’t doing it the way Washington wanted him to do it.

  30. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 5:08 pm:

    30 years ago after being fired Quinn claimed that Washington was dishonest. A former Chicago Mayor dishonest? That’s outrageous!

  31. - votecounter - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 5:33 pm:

    The reason this matters is the revenue Director job was the last Job Quinn had with a boss! He did have one term as Treasurer in the early 90’s, one term on the board of Tax appeals in the 80’s both elected and Lt. Gov also elected. This was a job where he had to work not for Harold not for Pat Quinn and he was Fired. And yes he was fired He didn’t do what he was told he wasn’t fighting corruption he was promoting Pat Quinn. He has never done anything but promote himself. Now he and his people are saying Harold was corrupt? If this was such a bad subject for a commercial why the rapid response?? This will remind people who Pat Quinn really is and what a horrible job he is doing andhas always done . He will be consistent one term Quinn!

  32. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 7:00 pm:

    “The governor said the last time he talked to Washington the mayor said, “ ‘Quinn, You’re my friend. You’ll always be my friend. Some day we’ll have a drink about this.’”

    Anyone else in the room at the time, Pat? He didn’t really mean all those nasty things he said about you. Best Buds having Buds.

  33. - MrJM - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 9:25 pm:

    “Who’s lying? PQ or Washington?”

    I was away from the computer this afternoon — Did Harold Washington give a press conference contradicting Pat Quinn?

    – MrJM

  34. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 9:27 pm:

    “If this was such a bad subject for a commercial why the rapid response?”

    The Quinnsters responded to the “Anti-Semitism” thing earlier today, too. They also responded to the “trashcan van”, and that response went much further than this. So I guess those also must have been devastating attacks.

    Campaigns respond to just about every attack, that’s what they do. Don’t be so silly as to assume it means the campaigns correctly perceive every attack’s effectiveness. If nothing else, I don’t believe you actually think Quinn is that smart.

  35. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 9:35 pm:

    “Unless, of course, maybe he’s trying to turn African-Americans against Quinn for going after Harold Washington.”

    Which didn’t work in ‘10, and is, frankly, a little insulting to African-American voters.

    All in all, this reads to me as a pretty sloppy response to the “zero” hirings ad.

  36. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 9:38 pm:

    Rauner needs to only do better than Brady in Cook County. The votes are there to be peeled off by doing this.

  37. - Madison - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 10:58 pm:

    I think that some underestimate the power that testimonials have in the black community. Harold Washington is a revered figure in the black community, a man who evokes almost religious qualities. It may not make a black voter vote Rauner, but he could be convinced the hapless Quinn may not be worth saving. One thing nobody can argue is that this ad may be aineffective for Rauner, but if it hurts at all, it hurts only Quinn.

  38. - Mighty M. Mouse - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 1:27 am:

    ===Why all the “Double Downing” by Rauner’s Crew?

    I don’t understand who is the target, why go down this road?

    This is going to backfire - see “Hynes, Daniel - 2010″.===


    There is no strategy. Someone is panicky.===

    Why double down? Could it be that Rauner’s slight-of-hand/con-artist/magician’s instinct is showing?

    Maybe Rauner wants to draw people’s attention away from what he doesn’t want his audience to look at.

    SEE CONTROVERSIAL AD! Pay no attention to FLORIDA.

  39. - low level - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 7:34 am:

    - Knome Sane - Wednesday, Sep 24, 14 @ 3:34 pm:

    This is explosive! A real game-changer! Quinn and Harold Washington had their share of differences. 30 years ago. Stop the presses!

    My reaction exactly - this will certainly shore up Bruce’s support in the AA community. Rauner signs will be popping up on the south and west sides ASAP.

    What a great find by the Cheese Whiz kids!

  40. - Arsenal - Thursday, Sep 25, 14 @ 7:50 am:

    “I think that some underestimate the power that testimonials have in the black community.”

    Actually, I think you’re overestimating it. Again, this has been tried before, and tried against Pat Quinn- and frankly, by an opponent in a far better position to capitalize on it.

    It didn’t work.

    And of course, I didn’t see any of you guys telling us how powerful testimonials were when Barack Obama endorsed Quinn.

    “It will work because I want it to work.”

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