Pot, meet kettle
Friday, Sep 26, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Republican Bobby Schilling is quite upset with a new DCCC TV ad…
“Congresswoman Bustos and the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) should be ashamed of themselves for promoting an edited, dishonest video and running advertisements based upon it,” Schilling said.
“This was bullying, plain and simple,” he continued. “I’m calling on Congresswoman Bustos and the national Democrats to do the right thing and remove this dishonest advertisement from the airwaves.”
Schilling wants the campaign to get away from disputing political ads and center more on the issues.
“There has to be some way we can have (ads) vetted through so you have independent people looking at and say, ‘This is and honest ad, and here’s the facts’ and be able to put it out,” Schilling said. “But, that’s probably never gonna happen.”
* Oh, for crying out loud. And I do mean “crying.” I think I posted the ad already, but here it is in case you missed it…
* The script…
The Sensata plant in Freeport closed and shipped off more than 100 jobs to China…
When workers in Freeport needed their Congressman, Bobby Schilling turned his back on them.
Schilling voted to protect tax breaks for corporations that outsource jobs
– and even voted to let them keep their government contracts.
He used your tax money to help send American jobs overseas.
We don’t need any more politicians like Bobby Schilling.
* From the QCTimes…
Schilling, who represented the 17th District from 2011-12, objected to the new ad Tuesday, calling it a “lie.”
The commercial doesn’t say so directly, but the Democratic committee confirmed it is referring to a September 2012 confrontation between the former Republican congressman and a few workers from Sensata Technologies at a Stephenson County Farm Bureau meeting.
Workers at the meeting demanded to know whether Schilling supported a piece of legislation and, after some back and forth that involved what appeared to be a farm bureau official, the workers began chanting “yes or no,” and Schilling was escorted by one of his campaign staff to the back of the room.
When at least some of the Sensata workers left the room, Schilling returned to the front of the room, according to a video of the incident posted at the time by Schilling’s campaign.
“They’re saying Schilling walked out on constituents. That’s a lie,” the Republican said in an interview Tuesday.
* And check out how he goes to great lengths to prove his point…
Yes, he makes some valid arguments, but his over-interpretation of the simple phrase “turned his back” is more than a little goofy.
And I have to agree with Cheri Bustos’ campaign that his idea to have “independent people” vet ads is pretty rich coming from a guy who ran a TV ad this month which FactCheck.org brutally slammed as “shamefully misleading.”
As I often say in comments: Move along, please.
…Adding… This just came over the transom. From a WEEK TV story…
“And they did this to try to bully and intimidate and put this out to make it look like I walked out on a meeting. I believe it is unamerican and it’s the bad part of politics for anyone to do that, whether it is Republican or Democrat” said Schilling.
Oh, please. Unamerican? Clean your own house first, dude.
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Sep 26, 14 @ 12:31 pm:
Schilling’s motorcycle ad is still one of the best seen this cycle.
As for this? ==Turned his back== is overkill, but like Rich says, ==Move along==. Both can play dirty, and have.
- Pot calling kettle - Friday, Sep 26, 14 @ 12:40 pm:
Schilling wants to pitch hardball but have only softballs thrown his direction.
His next press release: “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Nyah, nyah, nyah!”
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 26, 14 @ 12:54 pm:
He’s feeling bullied and intimidated? About what? He might want to keep that to himself.
- Apocalypse Now - Friday, Sep 26, 14 @ 1:13 pm:
Schilling needs to keep banging away on the Bustos lie about her pay. Voters really understand it and it matters.
- Carl Nyberg - Friday, Sep 26, 14 @ 1:28 pm:
Which Illinois politicians have mastered the line, “It wasn’t my best day; if I had it to do over again, I’d do it differently”?
Insisting that something that was clearly a mistake wasn’t a mistake makes the politician looking ego-driven and petty.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, Sep 26, 14 @ 1:43 pm:
I don’t think you get many votes by whining.
- low level - Friday, Sep 26, 14 @ 2:15 pm:
“Schilling wants the campaign to get away from disputing political ads and center more on the issues.”
Hahahaha! Dude, stop crying and go back to making pizzas on your bike if that’s really how you feel about it. If you can’t stand the heat, go back into the pizza kitchen, Bobby-O!
- A guy... - Friday, Sep 26, 14 @ 2:40 pm:
Really dude. Don’t shoot your mouth off. Shoot back. You’ve got her down, and now you only have yourself to blame for giving her candidacy CPR. Really stupid. She’s involved in a domestic dispute over keeping a promise…and “you” change the narrative? Wow man. Open your eyes.
- walker - Friday, Sep 26, 14 @ 3:25 pm:
“Un-American?” Get a clue.
Adams v. Jefferson, or Lincoln v. Douglas make today’s politics look like tea parties — er, I mean to say child’s play.