* Sen. Michael Frerichs laid into Rep. Tom Cross’ stated plans for the treasurer’s office during an interview with the SJ-R editorial board yesterday. Regarding Cross’ pledge to sue if the GA passes an unbalanced budget, Frerichs noted the treasurer has no such constitutional authority to do so, then went for the throat…
If you take him at his word that this is really a high priority and that it’s fundamental for the state, then he ought to have some opinion on Bruce Rauner’s budget.
It doesn’t take that long to read through it. And it also doesn’t take that long to read through numerous economists, political scientists and journalists who have all looked at his budget and pronounced it is horribly out of balance.
You can’t claim to be a watchdog for the state, you can’t claim to be focused on a balanced budget, and then have no thoughts on this clearly unbalanced budget by the head of your state party. You can’t call yourself a watchdog, and be a lapdog protecting your own party.
That’s the cleanest shot he’s taken at Cross since Day One.
*** UPDATE 1 *** From the Cross campaign…
“Another desperate, false attack by Sen. Mike Frerichs. After being rebuked for blatantly false attacks on Tom’s record, now Sen. Frerichs is careening toward a new attack that is equally false.
Here’s the bottom line: Tom Cross has consistently and forcefully said that balancing the budget is a top priority and he will not hesitate to enforce that constitutional requirement, whether it be a Republican or Democrat Governor.
In contrast, Mike Frerichs dutifully voted with Gov. Quinn this year on a budget that was called unbalanced by independent, non-partisan rating agencies. That’s why it’s not surprising that Sen. Frerichs’ own hometown paper wrote that he ‘clearly doesn’t know what he really thinks, and, when candidates don’t know what they believe, they say whatever seems convenient at the moment.’”
Champaign News-Gazette May 1, 2014
*** UPDATE 2 *** Frerichs campaign…
Tom Cross misled the public when he told the SJ-R editorial board “I haven’t read his [Rauner’s] proposal” as he once again refused to answer questions on whether the Rauner budget is balanced and Constitutional.
Just weeks ago, Mr. Cross said otherwise:
“Sometimes Republicans disagree,” Rep. Cross said of his opposition to the Rauner tax plan. “I don’t support any of the service taxes.”
The former Illinois House minority leader, Rep. Cross said he wanted it on record that he supports “everything else” in Mr. Rauner’s plan for the state.
- Dispatch-Argus, Quad Cities, July 22nd
As Oswego Willy notes, Tom Cross has not only been a lapdog for Bruce Rauner, but was very cozy with Rod Blagojevich. Tom Cross led efforts to pass Rod Blagojevich’s $10 billion pension borrowing deal which lined the pockets of both their friends. Before that, Cross supported every single George Ryan budget, turning surpluses into deficits, engaging in historic borrowing to fund pork projects, and ending with a budget that Tom Cross voted for that was $600 million out of balance.
Capitolfax fans can see it all here at about the 17 minute mark and judge for themselves whether Mr. Cross is being honest:
[ *** End Of Updates *** ]
* The comment comes at about the 19-minute mark…
* Frerichs goes on to say he opposes making the income tax hike permanent, but wouldn’t rule out any new revenues, pointing out that Rauner and Comptroller Topinka both have said the same sort of thing.
* Meanwhile, Frerichs sent out a fundraising email this week entitled “Slick New Packaging Can’t Hide The Real Tom Cross Record”…
Dear Friend,
The race for Treasurer is heating up, and with just 35 days to go, we’ve got the momentum.
We need your help to keep the pressure on our opponent, by contributing whatever you can today, whether it is $5 or $500, to stop Tom Cross and his ultra-conservative agenda dead in its tracks.
Tom Cross is trying desperately to rebrand himself, but he can’t run away from 22 years of voting with corporate and conservative interests in Springfield:
In 2014, Tom Cross turned his back on equal rights for women.
In May of this year, Tom Cross stood with the ultra-conservative Illinois Family Institute, and failed to support efforts to advance the Equal Rights Amendment.
In 2011, Tom Cross was leading a national effort to protect discrimination in all 50 states.
Tom Cross was a member of a national task force backed by the ultra-conservative ALEC, which was co-founded by Henry Hyde, author of the federal abortion ban. The task force met behind closed doors in 2011 to push for legislation in all 50 states that would protect businesses that discriminate on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation and engage in patterns of sexual harassment.
In 2010, Tom Cross turned his back on equal rights for gay Americans.
Tom Cross voted to block the march toward marriage equality, joining with ultra-conservatives who oppose basic rights of loving same sex couples by voting against civil unions.
Tom Cross has a long record of undermining Illinois values that stretches back 22 years.
Tom Cross has repeatedly opposed the minimum wage, voted against ending racial profiling, voted to legalize workplace discrimination against gays, and funded the elections of Tea Party conservatives that fight progressive priorities every single day.
After two decades of stepping on our values, Tom Cross wants to use the Treasurer’s Office as a stepping stone to impose right-wing values on Illinois
Our campaign is fighting back, but we need your help.
The fundraising quarter ends tonight at midnight, and we are just 210 donors away from reaching our goal. Please give $25, $50, $250, or as much as you afford today.
Thank you,
Team Frerichs
* Carol Marin is not amused with this line of attack…
Frerichs is pitching hard that Cross is a right-wing conservative and a tea party acolyte.
Cross is not. He is, however, a Republican who has, to use his word, “evolved” on some issues. Including same-sex marriage, which he opposed until last year’s vote legalizing it in Illinois. You might argue that was a kind of deathbed conversion prior to a primary. But you might also argue that in so doing he gave his tea party opponent in the March election ammunition to use against him.
Frerichs, by the way, has also “evolved.” He used to be an opponent of abortion rights. Today both he and Cross are endorsed by the liberal, abortion rights group Personal PAC.
What does same-sex marriage or abortion have to do with the Treasurer’s race?
Not an ever-lovin’ thing.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:23 am:
That’s gonna leave a mark.
- walker - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:24 am:
A better shot would have been “Does Tom Cross intend to sue Rauner, if he gets elected?”
Topinka and Cross cannot comment on Rauner’s budget Blueprint, without admitting it is woefully out of balance. They both know how to dance.
The same goes for Republican local public officials across the state, who remain silent, while praying that Rauner’s “Property Tax Freeze” never sees the light of day.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:28 am:
===It doesn’t take that long to read through it. And it also doesn’t take that long to read through numerous economists, political scientists and journalists who have all looked at his budget and pronounced it is horribly out of balance.
You can’t claim to be a watchdog for the state, you can’t claim to be focused on a balanced budget, and then have no thoughts on this clearly unbalanced budget by the head of your state party. You can’t call yourself a watchdog, and be a lapdog protecting your own party.===
Sen. Frerichs, “more like this, please.”
If you can make the argument come down to these two paragraphs, you would be in a position to win.
Tom Cross can’t fend off these paragraphs. It’s thoughtful, knowledgeable, impartially partisan, and responsible.
This is how to keep me quiet.
With the rest of your Dopey bluster, your losing your message, which should be these two simple paragraphs.
- tonya harding - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:32 am:
Does he claim the Quinn budget he voted for is balanced??? Given my mom told me 2 wrongs don’t make a right but silence on a proposed unbalanced budget doesn’t seem to be concrete like voting yes to implement an unbalanced budget.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:34 am:
The more dog references, the better, as far as I am concerned.
The toughest traps to escape are the ones you build yourself.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:39 am:
@Tonya -
If this is an election about who has voted for the most unbalanced budgets, Tom Cross is toast.
- Down Here - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:41 am:
Unfortnately, Frerichs’ campaign is starting to tail spin and is desperately trying to get traction any way it can. Maybe he’s rethinking his decision not to run for Congress in the 13th CD.
- Easy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:50 am:
the Frerichs flip flops continue unabated. After voting for a permanent 67% tax hike, frerichs settled for the compromise. consistently inconsistent.
- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:53 am:
==- Down Here - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 11:41 am:==
First, Frerichs has never been seriously interested in the Washington thing.
Second, Carol Marin might want to look at the record of self-described Blagojevich buddy Tom Cross before she puts her nonsense in print, but I suppose that’s too much to ask. She might have been great a long time ago, but if you watch her panel discussion on Chicago Tonight, she’s clearly been behind the ball for a few years now.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:00 pm:
Great clean shot by Frerichs. I agree with Willy. More of this, please.
Boy, I’ve got to say nice things about the Frerichs campaign and Pat Quinn’s ads in the same week. This is causing me a bit of an existential crisis.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:05 pm:
===Boy, I’ve got to say nice things about the Frerichs campaign and Pat Quinn’s ads in the same week. This is causing me a bit of an existential crisis.===
Gotta call things as they are.
===The more dog references, the better, as far as I am concerned.
The toughest traps to escape are the ones you build yourself.===
The trap for Frerichs is…he’s Frerichs. The undisciplined Dopey rhetoric is more likely to come back, then go away.
Cross had Comptroller Topinka as his lead-in, not Rauner. If people think Rauner, Cross is in trouble. If voters stay Republican after voting for Comptroller Topinka, Frerichs is in trouble. It could be as simple as that.
- A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:06 pm:
But is anyone listening. Frerichs blew this a long time ago. He has to hope for a huge Cross mistake to even get back into the rear view mirror.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:08 pm:
wow way to put it words,lap dog funny hope bruce don`t take him on a road trip on top of his van(hunting)
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:12 pm:
Dude - you are losing to a lapdog.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:24 pm:
Good points. I think the lapdog attack both undermines credibility and ties Cross to his party.
But Frerichs seems much more intent on tying Tom Cross to Dan Rutherford, and I think that is a problem for Cross.
The current Treasurer’s office is plagued, and Cross keeps saying Rutherford is doing a good job.
You can imagine the ad: newspaper headlines about political patronage, faked time cards, internships and lawsuits scrolling by with Tom Cross saying “I think the current Treasurer is doing a good job.”
- Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:25 pm:
Majority of Illinois voters know neither of these candidates or have heard of the numerous screwups by the Frerichs campaign. As I’ve said before there has not been a lot of earned media in the race. It will be interesting to see the fundraising numbers and ad buys by these two. That will give a better gauge after this race.
It only took Frerichs about 500 days to come up with a clean shot on Cross. See what happens the next thirty-something days.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:25 pm:
LOL. Cross has been running statewide for 12 years. Neither side has started advertising yet for the general.
The poll is useful, but not meaningful.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:30 pm:
===But Frerichs seems much more intent on tying Tom Cross to Dan Rutherford, and I think that is a problem for Cross.===
Frerichs will need more than $1 million in Ad buys with 35 days out to make that case.
Rutherford won’t sink Cross, but @RutherfordDan is far more an anchor than a life raft.
Actually, if Frerichs could come off in any way the bit modest and “roll up my sleeves, lunch pail” candidate, would go more positive with that bend, than negative, given the sole $1 million and a chance to boost favorables without possibly facing a TV Ad from Cross(?)
The problem you may have is two-fold;
Frerichs and his Crew.
- Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 12:40 pm:
Carol Marin nails it.
- low level - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 1:09 pm:
Why nothing about Cross and Blago yet???
- Barney - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 1:12 pm:
So far, modesty has not been Frerichs forte. And frankly, one good hit does not make up for a a campaign of gaffes and errors. His credibility is shot.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 1:13 pm:
===Why nothing about Cross and Blago yet???===
My “Million Dollar Guess” is that is the Ad Frerichs will roll out for TV…2 weeks out.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 1:16 pm:
=== And frankly, one good hit does not make up for a a campaign of gaffes and errors. His credibility is shot.===
Depends on the hit, depends on how the shot is responded to…
Don’t worry, neither Crew is looking for me to help.
- Wumpus - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 1:40 pm:
SSM and Abortion have everything to do with every race! I am waiting to find out how my dog catcher candidate feels about these issues before I vote.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 2:00 pm:
===Here’s the bottom line: Tom Cross has consistently and forcefully said that balancing the budget is a top priority and he will not hesitate to enforce that constitutional requirement, whether it be a Republican or Democrat Governor.===
Couldn’t a “Treasurer Cross” ask the Attorney General for an opinion, and let the AG’s Office determine constitutionality requirements and if they were net, and then let the Attorney General proceed?
Why go down this Dopey litigation road?
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 2:05 pm:
==Tom Cross has consistently and forcefully said that balancing the budget is a top priority and he will not hesitate to enforce that constitutional requirement==
How exactly is he going to do that? Because the only way he could do that would be to challenge the budget in Court. I’d like my Treasurer to concentrate on, you know, Treasurer stuff.
- Obamas Puppy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 2:05 pm:
How much does it cost to buy a state political party? Well we are finding out and I know of one item that has already been purchased and that is a healthy helping of Tom (I want to be AG) Cross.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 3:15 pm:
–Here’s the bottom line: Tom Cross has consistently and forcefully said that balancing the budget is a top priority and he will not hesitate to enforce that constitutional requirement, whether it be a Republican or Democrat Governor.–
Enforce? What’s he running for sheriff?
- Rich C - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 3:17 pm:
OMG. Someone just tell Mike to grow up, he was better than this.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 3:39 pm:
Dear Frerichs Crew,
“As Oswego Willy notes, Tom Cross has not only been a lapdog for Bruce Rauner,…”
I’ll speak for myself.
@FakeMikeFrerichs - we figure, why not, we can’t make sense of my record. #UtOhJustKidding
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 3:43 pm:
Rich C:
You are the first person to suggest that Mike Frerichs is not tall enough.
I am awaiting a verdict frm Oswego Willy. It seems to me Cross endorsed 99 percent of the Rauner budget when it was released.
Now he says he can’t comment on whether it was balanced. Because he hasn’t read it.
I think not wanting to criticize your own candidate…well, maybe give a pass. Except Frerichs says he is against extending the tax hike.
But now Cross has two more problems:
1) he clearly endorsed a budget which everyone has said is unconstitutional and
2) he “misled” Bernie and the SJR editorial board. Bernie was so perplexed when Cross claimed not to have read the proposal he asked the question again, and Cross again says he hasn’t “added it up.”
- Barney - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 3:44 pm:
the Frerichs crew just took a hard-left into crazy-town. Wow.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 3:57 pm:
- YDD -,
Should we leave it here, or do you want me to really respond?
- Dirty Red - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 4:06 pm:
Mike Frerichs: Because Oswego Willy
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 4:13 pm:
First time I’ve ever seen a commenter used in a press release. This ought to get interesting…
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 4:21 pm:
Actually, I was interested in your views on whether or not Cross can continue to claim he hasn’t read the Rauner budget, but it seems like now might not be the best time!
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 4:23 pm:
I wrote this at least twice, hoping that I wouldn’t have to really respond.
I find it amusing that a candidate and his Crew feel the need to justify a position by citing a commenter. I am no different than anyone, and in fact, their opponent might find it amusing that while he never, not once, not in any manner, acknowledged that I was credible in any remarks made toward his leadership, this Crew finds a need to insert me to sway commenters, no different than me, when there really was no need.
The Frerichs Crew has now empowered me. They have given me credibility that their opponent wouldn’t dream to, let alone send to be a response to another candidate.
Because I have been so empowered, I guess, to them, my opinion matters. Further, my opinion matters so much, it is used as a crutch to sway…sway… commenters.
I can speak for myself. This is me speaking.
Mike Frerichs is not prepared to be Treasurer of Illinois.
Now, before I get hammered here, and told my opinion doesn’t matter, the Frerichs Crew believes it does.
The Frerichs Crew believes my opinion matters. The Frerichs Crew believes that taking my words to make a point is scoring points. They believe that.
Mike Frerichs is not ready to understand the responsibilities of being the Treasurer of Illinois.
After running for so long, Mike Frerichs had yet to grasp, to understand, that Israel is the only foreign investment.
The Frerichs Crew can’t count to one.
As I write this, I am still shocked that a Campaign Crew decides to use a pivot off me, to attack the opponent.
Is the Frerichs Crew unable to take on their opponent? Are they struggling so mightily, that I am needed to rescue them from themselves?
Understand, if they wanted to engage like - YDD - does, I would welcome that, but it appears, even with my snarky fake twitter, making a splash with a response using alleged credibility I have is helping them.
By empowering me, you now give me voice to you. To you. To the campaign. Your opponent, his Staff, never put me in position to dictate credibility to his status, his position, his campaign. This is as much of an amateur move I have seen in quite sometime.
Remember, Frerichs Crew, my word on your campaign, your candidate, the race, holds significant weight, to you, and it matters.
Since the Frerichs Crew thinks my opinion matters, I will hold that chit, and remind them and their supporters, when they try to give the “other side”…
“The Frerichs Crew believes my opinion matters, so…”
Might be a very long 5 weeks.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 4:41 pm:
I’m sorry - YDD -, you were asking, lol
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 5:01 pm:
Willy: for the record, I always thought your opinion mattered.
And having seen comments I have made here turned into columns and campaign ads without attribution…..well, you know.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 5:13 pm:
- YDD -, you are one of the good ones.
Thank you for the kind words. I am a product of many really good commenters I learn from, like you.
To your Questions,
It’s fair game to hang the budgetary hangups Rauner has on Cross, but wouldn’t a decent pivot be, “Like many, I am curious to the exact details of a Rauner budget, but if I have to pick between Rauner or his opponent who can craft a budget to meet my requirements, I choose Rauner. Period”
“While my answers seemed to bring more questions, and I understand why Bernie asked me the question, the matter of crafting a budget is really the question here, and I am still choosing Rauner over his opponent.”
It ain’t pretty, but it puts Cross in the same boat with the rest if us, he chose a side, and left open his empty threat.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 6:53 pm:
evolved,i thought republicans didn`t believe in darwin? (willy did you file your write-in paperwork?)
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Oct 1, 14 @ 7:18 pm:
I believe Cross, freed from his duties and responsibilities that go with trying to herd cats, is going to end up being one of our very good statewide elected officials. I’m proud to support him.
- Hotel Ibiza - Thursday, Oct 2, 14 @ 9:56 am:
Well if memory serves me correctly Tom Cross was Rod and Patti’s lap dog for years. Come to think of it, he was their enabler.