Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Schneider’s new ad: “On the Floor”
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Schneider’s new ad: “On the Floor”

Wednesday, Oct 8, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Brad Schneider campaign…

U.S. Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10) released a new broadcast television ad today that highlights former Congressman Bob Dold’s record of standing with Republicans to support ending the Medicare guarantee, raising the retirement age, raising middle class taxes and defunding Planned Parenthood.

“When he had his chance, Dold voted with Republicans to end the Medicare guarantee, raise middle class taxes and defund Planned Parenthood,” Schneider for Congress spokesperson Staci McCabe said. “Time and again, Bob Dold proved he could be counted on as a reliable vote for Republican’s irresponsible agenda.”

* This is the second attempt at reproducing the magic of 2012’s “too Republican” ad. Tell us what you think

* Script…

Husband: More decisions, huh?

Wife: Yeah.

Husband: Oh no…Bob Dold and the Republicans…

Wife: They’re still selling this stuff?

Husband: Ridiculous. End the Medicare guarantee. Raise our taxes…

Wife: Raise the retirement age for Social Security. Defund Planned Parenthood?

We can’t afford any of this.

Husband: It looks even worse from this side.

Wife: Those Republicans…

Husband: Yeah, it’s not our style.

Wife: Definitely not for this house.

Husband: Do you have the receipt?

Wife: Just throw it out.

Um, if they “can’t afford any of this,” then why throw it out?


  1. - walker - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:20 am:

    Schneider self-identifying strongly as a Democrat in ads, and attacking his opponent for being too Republican, is certainly throwing the dice in this election cycle, and in this district.

    Interesting dynamic since both are recent one-term incumbents. Both candidates have voting records in Congress to attack.

    captain obvious

  2. - Jose Abreu's next homer - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:21 am:

    Was it a mystery rug a la the mystery can of beer covered in a brown paper bag I get after work at Poag Mahones for $2?

  3. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    What a piece of crap. D+

    I hope the voter base isn’t really as snotty or as condescending as these people portray them. They are literally looking down their noses! The looks on their faces expose them as a couple who aren’t really concerned about what is actually written upon that cheap door mat, but that the door mat wouldn’t fit their la-de-da Martha Stewart décor.

    Are we supposed to identify with these people?

    These people are the stereotypes Democrats used to run against.

    Schneider is out of touch if he lives in their world.

  4. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:37 am:

    I liked it.

    So, if Schneider is trying to appeal to people who find his economic policy and Middle East policy too far to the right, it’s a success.

    I thought I saw a poll that said Congressional Republicans had approval ratings below 30%. Why not go with commercials tying Dold to GOP is the GOP has trashed their brand that badly?

  5. - Weltschmerz - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:41 am:

    I was hoping to see the woman’s hands. In the flash card ad they look dark and awfully manly.

  6. - The Ardvark - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:44 am:

    These snooty people are really unlikable

  7. - Responsa - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:47 am:

    Since I don’t know a single person in the tenth (myself included) who has not on numerous occasions said they’ve crossed party lines in elections, Schneider’s campaign meme of sticking to the partisan warfare angle is curious. This ad is offensive to the max and will disgust many in the district who value independent thinking from politicians about specific issues that affect them. A lot of us here actually believe in the value of two party system as a check and balance, Brad, and understand that neither party ever has an absolute monopoly on the right candidates and the right policies for our communities. D-. I imagine the Dold campaign thinks you’ve just given them a gift.

  8. - Belle - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:48 am:

    A candidate a year or so ago did a similar ad but I do not recall who it was.
    While it gets the point across, the ad is odd. I find myself wondering why they didn’t look at it in the store or on-line before purchasing it instead of the message? The ad doesn’t work.

  9. - MikeMacD - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:52 am:

    I thought it was good.

    It wasn’t personal but was about government policies, both the specific ones mentioned and in general (Republican). Additionally, these aren’t small bore issues. However one feels about the policies, there’s a fairly clear choice.

  10. - Amalia - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:57 am:

    this is a C -

    while I’m all for the Republicans are bad meme, I do not like that there is barely any identity formed for Brad Schneider in the commercials he’s running. If I were not strongly partisan, that would affect me. And, as an observer of things political, it seems not particularly effective in creating a strong affinity for Schneider. what is his identity? only that he is not a Republican? The Dold ad with his sister is compelling. Schneider gives canned ads, nothing personal.

    On the plus side, maybe they’ll stop playing that spot with the kid and the mom and the cards. sick of it.

  11. - Gooner - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 10:57 am:

    Why would the guy bring an ugly rug into the house?

    If I did it, knowing it was an ugly rug, my wife would have me sleeping on the couch for a week.

    Somebody here had half an idea and then went forward without thinking it through.

    Finally, I agree with Vanilla Man. There is something very unlikeable about the two individuals.

    I give this a D.

  12. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    LOL, D–plus, VMan? What’s the plus for? Nostalgic for your school days or something?

    You can’t beat the original “Paint,” but this take on the concept is pretty good.

    I love the guts of it. Anyone who can stomach the House GOP caucus ain’t going to vote for Schneider no way, no how, so why not smack the Goehmerts and Bachmann’s right in the nose?

    Is there any other contested race in the country in which a candidate calls out the other party in such a friendly, appealing way? If nothing else, gotta love the testicular virility.

  13. - Gooner - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    One more note —

    Brad Schneider is extremely busy.

    In fact, he’s too busy to get off the phone to say that he approved an ad.

    He’s very very busy. Lots of call to make. No time to look at the camera. Very important call.

  14. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 11:03 am:

    Starts off well, but the ending didn’t make much sense following the comment about not being able to afford it. That drops it to a =B=.

    The acting drops it to a == C ==.

  15. - Red Ranger - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 11:13 am:

    VanillaMan, take it from a person that works (but doesn’t live) right in the heart of the 10th district, that couple is the 10th in a nutshell. Well-dressed, snooty and condescending.

  16. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 11:18 am:

    It’s also environmentally unfriendly to just throw the rug out. Return it to the store or donate it to Goodwill. ;)

  17. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 11:34 am:

    Very cute. Solid B.

  18. - Percival - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 11:48 am:

    It doesn’t make sense.
    It’s an ugly rug with or without the Dold lettering.
    The actors look condescending.
    It is an ad that clicks only with Hard Ds.
    So I’ll give it a D.

  19. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 12:04 pm:

    Second ad in a row with the snooty female making faces. A pattern is emerging with the Schneider ads. No minorities are featured, even the background, unlike many Dold ads.

    Just snooty white upper class types looking down their noses at Republicans.

    Yet another ad where Schneider, who loudly proclaims he is a democrat, refuses to admit that he is the current Congressman of the 10th, and continues to refuse the word “reelect,” even on his yard signs.

    For a ticket splitting district like my 10th, such behavior is pretty odd.

  20. - Bakersfield - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 12:21 pm:

    If those people are voting for Schneider, then I am not.

  21. - Cabildero - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 12:53 pm:

    A bit elitist. And spoken like a true lib. We could return it and get our money back. No, just throw it away. Ever heard of recycling.

  22. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 12:54 pm:

    Muffy and Kip never shop anywhere less than J. Crew and never listen to anyone without a proper credentialed degree.

    “Kip! Love of my life! Where did you find such a hideous polyester foot mat?”

    “Darling! It was on sale at a store surrounded by domestic automobiles filled with children! Remember we decided to cut back on our budget this month, so we can attend the independent bookseller’s Halloween Party as Mormon Zombies!”

    “Kip! Don’t you recall how these types of stores have family restrooms and sell non-union-made disposable diapers in camouflage prints? Do I smell a red dye petrochemical wafting up from this repulsive item?”

    “Should I return it, my sweet domestic partner?”

    “THROW IT OUT! OH THE HUMANITY! IT LOOKS LIKE IT CAME FROM J.C. PENNEY, or….KOHL’S! Out the back door, don’t let anyone see you with it!”

    “And I’ll wash my hands using our organic berry scented, globally aware, dye-free soap we bought when we were with our friends raising money for the Che Guevara Coffee Shop’s annual Indigenous People Music Fair last month in Vermont!”


  23. - Toure's Latte - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 1:09 pm:

    It is an eye roller “not this one again”. Really want to like it, but it is going to get out as many Republicans to vote against Schneider just to stick it to snooty hipster yuppie couple. D+

  24. - phocion - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 1:23 pm:

    Agree with everyone about the couple in this ad. Very unlikeable. And since when are Republicans in favor of raising taxes? Does Schneider think voters are that stupid?

  25. - Gooner - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 1:31 pm:


    I can’t think of people in Congress off the top of my head, but Bruce Rauner wants to expand the sales tax and may not decrease the income until year four.

    So Bruce Rauner wants us to pay more in taxes.

  26. - Turd Furgeson - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 1:35 pm:

    Ads identifying both the candidate and broad party references allow the candidate and the party to legally share costs. That’s what this is.

  27. - phocion - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 1:56 pm:

    Er, thanks Gooner. But I thought this was an election to the U.S. Congress. And there you won’t find any Republican support for tax increases.

  28. - The Prophesy - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 2:20 pm:

    “And since when are Republicans in favor of raising taxes?”

    It’s convenient to change what you mean after someone can prove you wrong. You don’t say in the US Congress.

  29. - phocion - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 2:32 pm:

    Prophesy, I have no idea what your post means. But thanks for reading mine!

  30. - Jimmy - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 2:57 pm:

    walker “Schneider self-identifying strongly as a Democrat in ads, and attacking his opponent for being too Republican, is certainly throwing the dice in this election cycle, and in this district.”

    After the remap, this is a solid Dem District. Good ad by Schneider pointing out just how far right Dold’s voting record is in a funny way that most middle class voters (i.e. the entire district) will understand.

  31. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 3:14 pm:

    –Second ad in a row with the snooty female making faces. A pattern is emerging with the Schneider ads. No minorities are featured, even the background, unlike many Dold ads.–

    Louis, you crack me up.

    “Snooty female making faces?” Bad politics, dude. Geo would go upside your head for that.

    It’s a two-hander. Are there supposed to be people, or featured minorities as you would call them, in the “background?” There’s no background, for crying out loud!

    I’ll take your word that Dold has employed background featured minorities. I’m sure they weren’t snooty, or even uppity.

    Like I said before, it’s not as good as the original, but that was about the best I’ve seen for that district. Just like Jodi Ernst’s chopping-hog-johnson spot was the perfect Iowa GOP primary spot.

    But the concept is a home run. Speaks to the district, sticks the knife in deep and twists it with a smile.

    Compare to the other congressional spots out there, particularly the phone-it-in stuff from the national committees.They’re awful. You remember this one.

  32. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 3:29 pm:

    Wordslinger is wrong - this one misses because while 10th District voters support legal abortion, they aren’t that gaga about funding planned parenthood and the question of which party is more likely to “raise our taxes” isn’t a winner for Schneider. Add the dislikeability factor and this is a good idea gone bad - not damaging, but wasted opportunity/campaign $$$.

  33. - Louis G Atsaves - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 4:18 pm:

    Word! I learned the “snooty” word from Geo! LOL!

  34. - Carol - Wednesday, Oct 8, 14 @ 5:17 pm:

    The husband says ridiculous - which is exactly what this ad is. Very offensive, especially the woman in both ads curling her lip in disgust. How refreshing Dold’s ad is with his doctor sister speaking straightforward regarding his beliefs.

  35. - Therck - Tuesday, Oct 14, 14 @ 12:55 pm:

    As someone who has no use for Brad Schneider, I urge his compaign to continue to run those irritating ads featuring the smarmy, smart aleck couple. I would guess he loses at least 50 votes every time it runs. The couple comments on Republicans and mentions higher taxes. Are they kidding? Schneider never met a tax increase he didn’t like. They mention Republicans removing aid to Planned Parenthood and say they can’t afford “this.” What? Can’t afford more governmental outlay to private organizations? They also mention Republicans and possibly raising retirement age. Yet, this proposal has been forwarded by both Repiublicans and Democrats. At the end, Schneider says he supports the message. What “message”? And any such support says all you need to know about him.

  36. - westsongs - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:05 am:

    Schneider should have hired professional actors for his commercial rather than using his snooty relatives. Can’t afford to defund Planned Parenthood???? Typical statement from a rich, out of touch Democrat.

  37. - Sunrise - Thursday, Oct 16, 14 @ 6:14 am:

    The commercials are offensive and the couple comes off as snobish as if they know better than everyone else. It’s a turn off.

  38. - JayCee - Thursday, Oct 16, 14 @ 12:43 pm:

    Very offensive. I mute it every time it comes on. I can’t stand the ugly woman.

  39. - Paul - Thursday, Oct 16, 14 @ 4:32 pm:

    I like the commercial. Especially the version with the blue carpet. The woman walks in the room with her arms out like she has a rash in her armpits and her “okay” follows a beautiful awkward pause. The whole commercial it deliciously odd.

  40. - BookBabe89 - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 6:17 pm:

    The woman irritates one beyond belief. I tune out both the blue and the red carpet commercials because she bothers me so much!

  41. - giddy - Thursday, Oct 23, 14 @ 1:57 am:

    I love it… totally nails the stereotypical north Shore couple…or what Schneider thinks they are…. if the hair do fits….wear it.

  42. - The Rug Advocate - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 7:18 am:

    These two are living in a different world. How can they make they these statements using a poor defenseless rug? I am so offended by their bad acting and horrible accusations. Grade D-

  43. - Carpet Crusader - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 7:33 am:

    These 2 lie like a rug!

  44. - Gooner - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 7:41 am:

    Strange that a week after the post ran, somebody still feels compelled to come here repeatedly to bash it.

    Sure seems like a sock puppet, but anything is possible.

  45. - taxpayer101 - Tuesday, Oct 28, 14 @ 8:20 pm:

    Bob dold proposed legislation to prevent politicians from defunding planned parenthood. I am all for the truth in politics. I truly hate out and out lies.

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