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Diana Rauner tries to soften husband’s image

Wednesday, Oct 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The GOP gubernatorial candidate’s wife is featured in a new ad that’s likely intended to blunt the impact of Gov. Quinn’s harsh TV spot about the alleged threats of a female executive…

Bruce Rauner today launched a new TV ad featuring his wife Diana reminding voters why Pat Quinn and his special interests allies are attacking Bruce with false negative smears.

“When Bruce decided to run for governor, we knew it would be rough,” Diana Rauner says in the new 30-second spot titled “Hope.” “False vicious attacks – the machine politicians will do whatever it takes to keep power. Bruce doesn’t owe anybody anything and that scares special interests. But he’s smart, honest, successful – everything our state government isn’t. I’m Diana Rauner, if you’re ready to turn our state around and create new opportunities for our kids and our future, then I hope you’ll vote for Bruce.”

* Will it work? Rate it


  1. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:45 am:

    We get it Bruce, your wife supports you. Any other prominent women want to step up and say you didn’t threaten your female employee?

  2. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:46 am:

    Awww, Bruce is just one big Teddy Bear….
    I’m not buyin’.

  3. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:46 am:

    It’s a pretty good ad. I just don’t know how much “my wife thinks I’m ok” ads resonate.

  4. - Illinoise - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:46 am:

    Boring. She is backing her man. That’s great, is that all he’s got?

  5. - 618662dem - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:47 am:

    With allegations like have come out and an ad like this Mr Rauner better hope there are no more skeletons in the closet dealing with threats against women, would be the end of a sinking campaign.

  6. - downstate hack - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:48 am:

    A pretty good ad. Could have added he will not raise your taxes, Rauner’s only real working issue. B-.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:48 am:

    Where. Is. Slip & Sue?

    Speaks volumes.

    “Rate it?”

    It’s a “Solid B”, but in reality, you have an Ad against you talking about burying a woman, threatening her family, this is probably the best response you can do to rehabilitate without calling the Ad a lie…

    …but where o where is Slip & Sue?

    Rauner tried during the debate to call out the charges, we’ll see if Quinn’s Crew can do a Jeri Ryan to Rauner, asking the person if his depo is as false as Rauner said it was last night.

    Diana Rauner gets a “Solid B” in the rehab project, but “I will bury her” is just brutal, and difficult to make right and make even afterwards.

  8. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:48 am:

    Another D-
    When will someone in Mitt’s club tell the check grabbers that the “machine” has been dead since about 1976? …Richard J.’s death, the unions, Shakman pretty much said TTFN to the “machine” so attacking something dead and gone for 40 years doesn’t work….plus the clasped hand thing is a tip the speaker really does not buy the words she has been forced to read.

  9. - DuPage Bard - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:49 am:

    I hope Rauner at least gives credit to Capfax for the ideas he’s using in his campaign.

    Paid for by the committee to elect Bruce Rauner, with special thanks to Oswego Willy, Wordslinger, Yellow Dog Democrat, 47th Ward, Anonymous etc, etc.

  10. - Angel's Sword - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:50 am:

    Too little too late.

  11. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:50 am:

    Took them long enough.

    What’s her independent credibility? Nobody knows her. She likes her husband That’s it.

    They have to try, but it doesn’t blunt what’s out there.

    Again, where are the business success stories, anything that could answer the Quinn negative attacks?

    Is there no one who’s done business with this guy in his life who has anything good to say about him?

  12. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:51 am:

    Since Mitt likes to debunk the suit with the sworn depositions perhaps he would lift the seal on the settlement…or maybe like Ryan some consultant who has seen the settlement will speak up.
    Fire, Aim, Ready!

  13. - Angry Republican - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 9:53 am:

    Maybe Quinn will come out with an ad featuring Rauner’s ex-wife.

  14. - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:00 am:

    @Angry Republican FTW.

  15. - huh - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:03 am:

    I like Diana - if she was running, I’d probably vote for her. It’s catchy, but i’m troubled by this line in the ad: “But he’s smart, honest, successful – everything our state government isn’t.”

    State government isn’t only those who are elected. The Rauner campaign wants to perpetuate this image that every state worker can barely tie their shoes or they’re skimming from the coffers. I take offense to that.

  16. - yester year - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:03 am:

    A decent add but again could have been better, I give it a B.
    If they had McConnauhay, Ragdono or JBT cut it much, much better. They could say I am voting for Bruce because he cares about children and family.
    Just like the Cop commercial, great idea, but old white guy hhhmmm?

  17. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:04 am:

    It’s a dud.

    No one believes Pat Quinn is part of the “Democratic Machine,” and anyone who does and cares is already voting for Rauner.

    This ad, like the “moderate” ad, is about trying to salvage Rauner’s personal and business reputation, not getting him elected.

    Ads are running airing Rauner’s dirty laundry. People in Winnetka are seeing the ads. It makes life unpleasant for the Rauners, who have never known unpleasantness, to explain how Bruce Rauner was tied to companies the negligently killed nursing home patients.

    The masses may or may not buy the Rauner denials, but the folks with MBAs aren’t buying it.

  18. - Aldyth - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:07 am:

    It’s good that his wife likes him and is willing to say so. Doesn’t balance out threatening to ruin a female employee who disagreed with Rauner’s management decisions.

  19. - Enviro - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:09 am:

    Stand by your man.

  20. - Peoria guy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:09 am:

    I think she does fine in front of the camera.

    I don’t think trashing everybody who works in state government (which is what she did) is smart or anywhere near fair.

  21. - Phil King - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:10 am:

    Pretty good. Solid B. Hits back against the negative ads quin is running, in the market he’s running them in, without acknowledging them directly. Smart strategy.

    I think anyone who watched the debate last night already knows the “I will bury her” stuff is “baloney” anyway.

  22. - Belle - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:14 am:

    This latest episode from Diana Rauner seems vacant, Maybe it’s the wrong timing? It should have come before the Quinn ad! Now it just seems like a lame excuse after her husband has been outed in public for threatening a female employee.

  23. - Stones - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:14 am:

    Diana would make a better candidate than Bruce. She is his biggest asset.

  24. - Chunga's Revenge - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:15 am:

    Even Smithers loves Mr. Burns.

  25. - walker - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:15 am:

    Pretty good. C+ at this point in campaign.

    The back-handed slap at state government was unnecessary, and doesn’t fit with her image.

    She did better in her first couple of ads.

  26. - northshore cynic - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:18 am:

    Are there any female employees who worked for Rauner??

    Maybe there is one or two that hasn’t been buried in legal fees.

  27. - Big Joe - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:22 am:

    Rated it a D for content. What else is his wife going to say? She feels threatened by Bruce when she spends too much money on groceries? A total waste of money and time. Agree with other posters. Where are the women in business that like and feel respected by him? Heck, I can’t even remember his female running mate’s name, she is so invisible. Seems all to simple, but if they don’t start showing up to support Brucie, then why not? Makes you want to go hmmmmmmm.

  28. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:23 am:

    Every “wife supporting her hubby” ad I’ve seen implies that if we only knew the candidate like she does, of course we’d vote for him. I take exception to his “sometimes business gets ugly” ethics and his “ignore my use of loopholes” attitude.

    Just because she seems like a nice person doesn’t make him a worthwhile candidate.

  29. - the koala - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:24 am:

    1) Where is Sanguinetti? It’s insulting to keep her holed up but then try to take cred for picking a woman LTG candidate. Notwithstanding that, I get the strategy.

    2) Diana Rauner thinks the state govt is so bad that her organization touts its partnership with the state, its programs, and a legislative accomplishment.

    The Ounce and our advocacy partners worked to secure the passage of Preschool for All in 2006. The program made Illinois the first state in the nation to offer voluntary, high-quality preschool to all three- and four-year-olds. Preschool for All prioritizes at-risk children first and programs are operated by local school districts or community-based agencies. Preschool for All is funded by the Illinois State Board of Education’s Early Childhood Block Grant.

    A percentage of the Early Childhood Block Grant is set aside for infant-toddler programs, such as home visiting, that strengthen the role of parents as their child’s first teachers. In 2009, the Ounce successfully advocated for the Illinois General Assembly to pass a bill to increase the infant-toddler set-aside from 11 percent to 20 percent by 2015 whenever new funding is available.

    Learn more about Preschool for All and the Early Childhood Block Grant from the Illinois State Board of Education.

  30. - 1776 - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    It’s actually a pretty good ad.

  31. - PolPal56 - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:28 am:

    Whoop-de-do. Aren’t there any other women in his life that think he’s a swell guy? Better yet, any female employees who can give us examples of how he was a great employer and a superior businessman who built successful businesses that thrived and employed lots of people at excellent wages?

  32. - Namaste - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:28 am:

    Truthteller’s comment @ 10:04 FTW.

  33. - buckle up - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:31 am:

    Wouldn’t it be safe to assume that “lifelong” Democrat Diana Rauner VOTED for Blago twice, and that she voted for Quinn in 2010?

  34. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:39 am:

    “Again, where are the business success stories, anything that could answer the Quinn negative attacks?”

    The only thing Rauner has been coming up with is GTCR’s investment of public pensions. How ironic is that? He attacked public employees as overcompensated and said their unions are corrupt and cancers, yet he now flaunts their pensions as his business success. This really shows Rauner’s character, and how little he thinks of people in his quest for power.

  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:43 am:

    the squeeky wheel get`s the grease,she took the deal in the end?

  36. - Redux - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    Her sing song delivery is annoying. And, yes, OW, where is Evelyn?

  37. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:49 am:

    Some of you so-called liberals are acting awfully misogynistic today. Bannings are coming. Bet on it.

  38. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:49 am:


    Why’d they get rid of the “I’m a democrat.” line from previous Diana Rauner spots? This one played more like a partisan ad than those did.

  39. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    D. Wife supports husband. Meh. What is annoying is, it’s the same message he has been using for over a year. She insults state employees, just does it more sweetly than bruce

    A killer testimonial ad woulda been 4 female execs bruce picked out, promoted, and supported for mutual benefit. The lack of it speaks volumes

  40. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    Meh. A “C” Little impact from the ad, it is professional but not much more. The irony is that Diana is one of the “special interests”, her involvement with Ounce of Prevention and West Ed is an example, both groups receive quite a bit of state funding.

  41. - MrJM - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 10:57 am:

    Carol Marin > Diana Rauner


    – MrJM

  42. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:01 am:

    So his wife likes him despite him spending all their money on this vanity campaign. That’s nice.

    How come he doesn’t have JBT vouching for him in an ad? You know, Topinka, the Republican woman who has won statewide a ton of times and has a name and face which voters in this state actually recognize.

  43. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:02 am:

    “State government isn’t only those who are elected” True that. And even some of those who are elected are Republicans.

  44. - Peoria guy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:04 am:

    That is a good question on Topinka.

  45. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:04 am:

    Corrinne Wood - although a person of whom I am not fond - would have been a much better person to utilize for this kind of person. She is a former statewide official who can appeal to moderate women (and men). And - other than JBT - is the only female Republican to win a statewide primary in the last FIVE state-level election cycles. If she thought enough of Mr. Rauner to put her name in a Tribune ad, I would hope she would also be willing to do a commercial.

    And he uses his wife?! My wife is not always my biggest fan but we still support each other. I would assume that most candidates and officials have had the “talk” with their spouses or significant others to make sure the team is on the same page.

  46. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:06 am:

    If you know who your target is, and you know what they respond to best, how in the world could you decide this isn’t a very effective communication? It is. It’s well coordinated. She’s speaking to the voters they want her to speak to.

    By the way OW, so is Evelyn. She’s speaking to the voters they want her to speak to, very effectively and in their native language. Her asset strength is something you can’t seem to understand. Really because you don’t want to. Rich used the right word a few inches up the screen to describe it.

    It’s a strong pass for the audience they’re reaching out to.

  47. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    part of the problem too is that these kitchen table/counter ads are just so common now, I don’t think they really have much impact.

    Back in the day, when they were new, you felt like you were being invited into someone’s home to find out how they really feel.

    Now, they just seem as contrived as a Home & Garden photo.

    Honestly, no one’s house really looks like that on a daily basis, does it? Where’s the pile of stuff that sits on every kitchen counter in America? The empty water glass someone for got to put in the dishwasher?

  48. - Belle - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:09 am:

    Agree hisgirlfriday—terrific point!
    Where are you Judy???

  49. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:14 am:

    A Guy, you really need to lay off that “native language” stuff. You’re not talking about headhunters from Borneo here.

    If they’re voting, they’re American citizens just like you. A large percentage of Hispanic voters were born in the United States. If they were born in Puerto Rico, they were born American citizens.


  50. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:21 am:

    ===She’s speaking to the voters they want her to speak to, very effectively and in their native language. ===

    Magicians, speaking magic?

    Slip and Sue is running for Lt. Governor of the state of Illinois, a heartbeat away from running the 5th largest state in America.

    ===She’s speaking to the voters they want her to speak to.===

    Are you saying if we don’t speak her native language, we don’t matter to her, to hear her talk about Rauner?


    ===Her asset strength is something you can’t seem to understand.===

    No one is stopping Slip and Sue, except the Rauner Crew and Rauner himself to have to “explain” what Slip and Sue offers.

    Slip and Sue offers a Personal Injury lawsuit, taking monies from the suit, looking for work in the Quinn Administration, mocking Springfield, wanting to learn cow tipping, being an officer of the court, saying she, Slip and Sue, saw corruption, never reported it, can’t remember the corruption she, Slip and Sue, saw TO report…

    …and that Slip and Sue loves magic, is a Co-Governor, obsessed with getting a job, claiming Rauner hired her(?) and couldn’t get podium time at a Immigration Forum with both parents immigrants…and all the while, a first term Councilwoman, who can take the reigns of the 5th largest state in America, while deciding curbs and stop signs…

    …and Slip and Sue makes Jason Plummer seem…fun.

    ===It’s a strong pass for the audience they’re reaching out to.===

    “I will bury her”

    Now, “I will bury her”…”It’s a strong pass for the audience they’re reaching out to.”

  51. - Jocko - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:25 am:

    “But he’s smart, honest, successful – everything our state government isn’t.”

    In addition to the negative connotation, what has Bruce DONE to show he’s honest and successful? Any evidence to support that statement…other than his 2nd marriage to you?

  52. - Shark Sandwich - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:30 am:

    What’s with the slanted Illinois outline at the end?

  53. - low level - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:31 am:

    My reaction is “whatever”.

    I’d be more interested in Di telling us where Evelyn is. Which house is she at? The Cayman Islands one? Is she even allowed to be in Illinois?

  54. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:31 am:

    === Wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:14 am:

    A Guy, you really need to lay off that “native language” stuff. You’re not talking about headhunters from Borneo here.

    If they’re voting, they’re American citizens just like you. A large percentage of Hispanic voters were born in the United States. If they were born in Puerto Rico, they were born American citizens.


    Si. I do speak fluent Spanish Slinger de Palabra. Speaking to these voters in their first language, the one that requires no nuance, is important.

    For a very smart hombre, you just made a comment that is, uh, estupido!

  55. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:34 am:

    Says Wilbur “Are you saying if we don’t speak her native language, we don’t matter to her, to hear her talk about Rauner?”

    No, try again. But in your case with your warped version of facts about her, you don’t matter to her at all. Or many others for that matter.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:35 am:

    ===Speaking to these voters in their first language, the one that requires no nuance, is important.===

    Slip and Sue thinks talking to all Illinoisans isn’t important to her?

    Speaking to ALL Illinoisans…isn’t…important?

    Where o where is Slip and Sue?

  57. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:35 am:

    A Guy, youre missing the point, in any language.

  58. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:35 am:

    And…they prefer the term Latino por favor.

  59. - Soccertease - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:37 am:

    B+ - Good ad but would have liked it better without the ‘unlike state govt’ jab. I think it helps that Rauner has a spouse - unlike his opponent.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:38 am:

    === …you don’t matter to her at all. Or many others for that matter.===

    Doesn’t Slip and Sue want to represent everyone, don’t all people matter?

    You should stick to speaking for yourself, because as a horse, your speaking out that back end again.

  61. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:44 am:

    =I think it helps that Rauner has a spouse= unlike his opponent.= What on earth does that mean? Please explain.

  62. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:47 am:

    === But in your case with your warped version of facts about her, you don’t matter to her at all.===

    Was it the “magic” that isn’t true, or the Co-Governor?

    The corruption, or the PI Case? The 1st term part, or no podium time?

    What is not true?

  63. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:49 am:

    ===- Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:47 am===

    Phone cycled out, it’s me

  64. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:51 am:

    Rauner has a radio spot where his female announcer attacks Quinn for not lying and admitting the tax increase is going to be extended.

    I’m left thinking that this is telling about Rauner’s personal morality.

    He’d avoid dealing with a tough decision before an election and just lie to put it off.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:59 am:

    === It may persuade some female voters and others with family values.===

    “I will bury her.”

    “I don’t know if she has a family or not, but if she does she’d better think twice about this.”

    Family. Values?

    You want that as the pivot with the family quote?


  66. - markg8 - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:59 am:

    Bruce “doesn’t owe anybody anything” and that pretty much sums up his philosophy on rich guys like him paying any taxes.

  67. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 12:19 pm:

    === Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:38 am:

    === …you don’t matter to her at all. Or many others for that matter.===

    Doesn’t Slip and Sue want to represent everyone, don’t all people matter?====

    Yes she does. But in your rare case, she, like many are willing to make an exception for the betterment of mankind.

  68. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 12:28 pm:

    Family values? You mean like dumping the mother of your first three children for a “paramour”?

  69. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 12:28 pm:

    ===Yes she does. But in your rare case, she, like many are willing to make an exception for the betterment of mankind.===

    The more you speak for her, the more I’ll speak for myself…

    Are you saying Slip and Sue, unless you are for her, won’t represent Illinois for ALL people, she chooses?

    You haven’t help her, I don’t think you realize that.

  70. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 12:50 pm:

    @A guy:

    You crack me up if you think Ms. Sanguinetti (sorry if that’s spelled wrong) is doing any intelligent speaking. The less she says the better. She’s demonstrated that time and again.

  71. - DuPage Mama - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 12:50 pm:

    She was also married when she and the still married Bruce, with three children under the age of ten, started “dating.” They both wear deception quite comfortably. We also know from research that family members are the last to admit to aggressive and demeaning behavior by another family member.

  72. - Anon - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 12:59 pm:

    If the Mrs. really decries “false attacks,” then she should tell her hubby to stop claiming that Quinn cut education funding. Lead by example, instead of being the pot calling the kettle black.

  73. - Coffee Cup - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:00 pm:

    Rauner’s Democrat wife makes for a great spokesperson for him. My wife wasn’t a big Rauner fan until his wife did a few commercial spots for him. Now my wife is seriously thinking of voting for Rauner. His wife should have been used earlier and more often to help Rauner dissuade women from thinking Rauner was a serial killer out to murder nursing home residents like Quinn would like to portray him.

  74. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:04 pm:

    ===His wife should have been used earlier and more often to help Rauner…===

    Are you new to owning a TV?

    Diana has been on TV as much as Bruce in some cases.

  75. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:06 pm:

    Look, from a craft standpoint, I just don’t see it as the best use of money or air time.

    Spouses standing up at a presser to denounce attacks are compelling.

    Having a spouse regurgitate campaign talking points makes it seem like the spouse doesn’t have anything authentically good to say about you.

    I just don’t think these ads are as effective as they used to be.

    And sending your wife out to be the attack dog…makes Rauner seem kind of cowardly in my book.

  76. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:09 pm:

    I actually didn’t think the ad was all that good. I think it was a noble attempt but it fell flat in my opinion. I don’t get much from some guy’s wife telling me that her husband is a good guy.

  77. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:13 pm:

    ===And sending…to be the attack dog…===

    Which is why “Where o where is Slip and Sue”

    Rauner should have cut out the middle man for LG too and just ran with Diana.

    Slip and Sue is suppose to be defending and attacking in ways Rauner can’t. Is Diana just taking over because Slip and Sue honestly isn’t up to the job?

  78. - my two cents - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:20 pm:

    Are they so full of themselves that they think an ad from his wife, who is certainly not impartial, has merit? With whom? She made claims to be a Democrat, but interestingly, has no problem donating millions to extreme conservatives in the party and their PACs. I’d say she’s right that the Rauners don’t owe anyone anything - they’ve already paid up through the whazzoo, although I suppose Griffin is expecting some return for his money.

  79. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:21 pm:

    ===Yes she does. But in your rare case, she, like many are willing to make an exception for the betterment of mankind.===

    Exceptionally nasty here today, even for political animals…

  80. - Roadiepig - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:31 pm:

    Anon at 1:21 was me. Stupid IPhone (or its operator;-)

  81. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:47 pm:

    ===Wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 11:35 am:

    A Guy, youre missing the point, in any language.===

    One of us is. I concede to not eating “Angry Flakes” every morning for breakfast.

  82. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:52 pm:

    === Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 1:21 pm:

    ===Yes she does. But in your rare case, she, like many are willing to make an exception for the betterment of mankind.===

    Exceptionally nasty here today, even for political animals…====

    Perhaps A-mous, I’ll reflect on it, but he just inspires me so…

  83. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 3:12 pm:

    Also, from an adcraft standpoint, what is up with having your witness grin while she talks about “false, vicious attacks” on her husband? And the music? Are you selling hand lotion or what?

  84. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 3:25 pm:

    Looking back at this commercial, I see that Mrs. Rauner is basically just uttering Rauner campaign rhetoric. It’s basically the Rauner campaign speaking through her.

    In no way do I mean to diminish Mrs. Rauner’s gender. Anyone can mouth talking points. If I conveyed that in any way, I apologize.

    From the ad: “Bruce doesn’t owe anybody anything.”

    He’s all paid up. Just ask Arne Duncan and Ed Rendell.

  85. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 3:59 pm:

    == But he’s smart, honest, successful – everything our state government isn’t. ==

    Ouch. That’s a great line.

  86. - low level - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 4:04 pm:

    Our guy “a guy” is telling us the ad works because it’s reaching the target audience.

    Uh- OK. Whatever you think dude

  87. - A guy... - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 4:18 pm:

    === low level - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 4:04 pm:

    Our guy “a guy” is telling us the ad works because it’s reaching the target audience.

    Uh- OK. Whatever you think dude====

    OK LL, I’ve give you a shot…explain how it isn’t?

    I say the audience is suburban women, mothers, independent women voters who may not yet have made up their minds.

    How’s it missing them?

  88. - Louis G Atsaves - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 4:29 pm:

    Saw Sanguinetti speak at the 50th Annual Edwin Montano Scholarship Banquet hosted by the Puerto Rican Society (Waukegan) this past Saturday. They awarded 25 scholarships to some great deserving kids that evening.

    Sanguinetti was the keynote speaker. She spoke of her background and of being a child of 15 year old parents who were children. How they survived on food stamps and welfare. How she managed a scholarship that got her into college and then law school. She spoke first in Spanish and repeated in English, alternating every paragraph.

    She received a standing ovation from approximately 30 tables of 8 in attendance, and the crowd was buzzing after her speech. She stayed to the very end of the event.

    Notice the words “slip and sue” never appeared in this posting. Is she an asset to the campaign that is determined to reach past the traditional GOP base?

    You decide.

  89. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 4:36 pm:

    - Louis G. Atsaves -,

    I guess having her available to speak to the Ad or be out front to soften Bruce, that isn’t her wheelhouse?

    What is the job of the #2 on the Trail?

    Be the #1 attack dog to the other ticke, and be the #1 defender of the Top, able to speak to his/her record, as the biggest cheerleader and defender of the Principle.

    Is she not capable?

  90. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 6:06 pm:

    FWIW, Politico has a piece today on private equity candidates.

    It includes Quinn’s attacks on Rauner, but also Kansas GOP Sen. Roberts going negative on his opponent as a “shady businessman.”

    I guess alleged “class warfare” knows no party. Remember when Newt and Gov. Glasses called Mitt a “vampire capitalist?”

    For added hilarity, America’s premier temp worker and perennial almost-ran Bill Daley is quoted extensively whining about what a mean guy Quinn is to Bruce (no mention, though, of that hinky SBC deal Bruce/Bill/Rahm all got rich on).

    Gadget problems, can’t post that he link, but on Politico.

  91. - Mighty M. Mouse - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 7:40 pm:

    ===His wife should have been used earlier and more often to help Rauner dissuade women from thinking Rauner was a serial killer out to murder nursing home residents like Quinn would like to portray him.===

    That’s not correct. He isn’t a serial killer; it just doesn’t bother him even one iota when people die in nursing homes. I mean come on, everybody knows that dying comes with that territory! If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    It’s a BIDness, for G-d’s sake. If you’re gonna let yourself be bothered by old people dying you should simply pick a different bidness to go into.

    It’s very simple. If you want to make an omelet (or billions of dollars for that matter), you got to break a few eggs! Doesn’t that make sense?

    It seems like some people have a problem with keeping their eye on the ball. I’m only going to say this once, but don’t you people have ANY idea how lucrative the nursing home bidness can be?

    People die. Life is hard and then you die. Get used to it and grow a pair, and maybe YOU could be a really successful bidnessman some day–NOT!

  92. - Mighty M. Mouse - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 7:41 pm:

    ===Are they so full of themselves that they think an ad from his wife, who is certainly not impartial, has merit?===


  93. - low level - Wednesday, Oct 15, 14 @ 8:25 pm:

    MT Mouse - LOL. Right on target - both posts. Well done.

  94. - bob - Thursday, Oct 16, 14 @ 3:44 pm:

    But Bruce’s company owes its elderly victims of abuse, neglect and wrongful death, and they scammed their way out of paying the court ordered judgments. You should be so proud, Diana..

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