Question of the day
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Illinois Review…
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jim Oberweis was interviewed today on Watchdog Radio with Ben Yount. When asked about his position on gay marriage, Oberweis said: “times change” and “attitudes change”. […]
…Oberweis is personally against gay marriage. A campaign spokesman told IR that Oberweis’ quote about times changing “refers to the ability of social conservatives to be able to stop the momentum toward government allowing it
* Tribune…
Democratic U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin enters the final days of his campaign for a fourth term holding a substantial advantage over Republican challenger Jim Oberweis, a new Chicago Tribune poll shows.
The survey found Oberweis, a first-term state senator from the far western suburbs, making headway in his home base of the collar counties. But Oberweis is running into a political dynamic that’s been one of Durbin’s strengths over the years — a dual base of support. Not only is Durbin racking up big numbers in heavily Democratic Chicago, but he’s from Springfield and is holding his own downstate.
The math adds up to 50 percent for Durbin and 36 percent for Oberweis. Libertarian candidate Sharon Hansen had 6 percent, while another 7 percent of voters were undecided or supported someone else.
Oberweis is up for reelection in the Illinois Senate in two years.
* The Question: Do you think he’ll run for state Senate again in two years, run for something else or retire? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. Those of you who choose “something else” should also state your predictions of what that “something else” might be.
survey tools
- OneMan - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:14 pm:
Voted for the last one because it would be nice to say I got ice cream from a US Senator…
Serious answer is he runs for state senate again.
- admin - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:16 pm:
Let me recap - the Illinois Policy Institute-funded Illinois Review is interviewing the Illinois Policy Institute-funded/controlled/affiliated and whatever this strange result is - it is being posted on Capfax?
- admin - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:17 pm:
Perhaps Rauner should start his own news agency - oh, wait a minute - that’s called the Sun-Times and the Tribune.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:19 pm:
He will retire. There’s a slim chance he would stick around if Rauner won, but I am betting on retirement for three reasons.
1. He ain’t moving up. Ever.
2. There’s a good chance he will have a primary opponent, be forced to work and spend money, and he hates that.
3. GOP state senator is an awful job.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:22 pm:
I thought the change of heart on marriage equality was a sign he’s thinking about hanging it up and calling it a career. He’s just lost some allies, and he didn’t win any new friends in the process. That’s a bad combo, even if I agree and applaud his decision (assuming it is sincere).
If Quinn wins, he might even decide to step down before his term ends. Another winter like last year, and Florida is looking better and better.
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:22 pm:
If Rauner wins he gets to be a Director of an Agency. Then he will try to use that as a steppping stone for something else.
- Wensicia - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:23 pm:
He’ll retire to Florida and run for office there.
- Gooner - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:25 pm:
Now that Obie has failed the marriage equality litmus test, he certainly will recognize that he’s unfit to run as a Republican and as such, retire.
Plus, as a guy who previously claimed to be so in favor of traditional marriage, I suspect he will want to move to the same state as his wife.
If I’m wrong and he does run, I wonder whether Proft & Co. will fund a challenger.
- Nearly Normal - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:27 pm:
Reelection. It’s the only one he has won out of five before this year. After this year, one out of six. So, it’s his backup.
- William j Kelly - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:29 pm:
The best thing that could happen for the Illinois Republican Party and every other person, animal or mineral in the state would be for every republican candidate( for anything) to come in a distant 3rd to the libertarians.
- Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:31 pm:
He’ll run again…what would life in the Land of Lincoln BE, after all, if the IceCream Man we’ve all come to chuckle about and listen to hear about what Office he’s running for NEXT is, even if it’d be a COLD day in July if he ever WON it (except for the State Senate Seat, which keeps him legit.-enough so he CAN still keep running for higher office)…! So, by all means, DO LOSE again, Jim, as most of us expect, and we look forward heartily to your NEXT effort in 2 to 4 years…!
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:32 pm:
== whatever this strange result is - it is being posted on Capfax ==
It is not like Rich is posting a lengthy screed they wrote full of talking points. It is just a few segments of sentences and quotes that provide a better look at the thoughts of a US Senate candidate on the future of SSM in America.
Whether it is in the New York Times or a tabloid, the source is less interesting than the quotes.
- Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:32 pm:
And, incidentally, my vote was that he’ll run for “Something ELSE” no doubt…!
- Lunchbox - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:34 pm:
He’s going to run for re-election. If he wanted to retire in two years, why run for a six year Senate term? A second state senate term and a theoretical first U.S. Senate term both end in January 2021.
Then again, is it really possible to understand Jim Oberweis’ motives?
- ArchPundit - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:35 pm:
Rich–do you still think the end result between Durbin and Oberweis will be within 10 points?
- admin - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:36 pm:
If capfax posts from IR/Illinois Policy Institute/Watchdog - whatever again - please post with appropriate disclaimer.
- ArchPundit - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:36 pm:
===3. GOP state senator is an awful job.
Kind of a natural for him. Old white guy yelling at clouds to no effect.
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:37 pm:
It gives him a platform to speak from and go after another office.
If he does not pick up another position in the meantime, he will retire after that term is up.
- Put the Fun in unfunded - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:38 pm:
He could be the next Roger Keats, but in Florida.
- MrJM - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 1:58 pm:
He’ll run for office in his home state of Florida.
– MrJM
- low level - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:00 pm:
He’ll run for as many things he can run for. So re-election in 2016, then place your bets for 2018. Or maybe he”ll go for President in 2016, seeing as how he can’t make it to the Senate and wth - just go for the top job. President Oberweis.
A better question may be what he hasn’t run for…
- Anonymous - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:03 pm:
I chose “something else” because it was the closest to “anything else.”
- Precinct Captain - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:04 pm:
==A better question may be what he hasn’t run for…==
Dog catcher
- Wordslinger - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:06 pm:
He’s going to run against Kirk in the primary for Senate. I think that’s what this run is all about. I don’t think the national right-wing sugar daddies will be able to talk him out of it in favor of Truax.
Say what you will about Obie, but he’s proud of his silver medals.
Reading today’s post, has Obie changed his mind on gay marriage? I can’t tell.
- William j Kelly - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:09 pm:
Mr. Jm, he might be running against ME from MY home state of Florida if rahmner wins!
- Big Muddy - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:27 pm:
Retire. And so should the homophobes in the DGTRO who pushed Matune over Sandack ruining Matunes life in the process.
- Very Fed Up - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:28 pm:
No chance he is not out running for something again. Just can’t seem to give it a rest.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:30 pm:
He is going to run against Kirk.
- walker - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:37 pm:
Oberweis openly did a clear 180 on marriage. Then his campaign spokesperson tried to spin him back to where he started. Did IR buy that cotton candy?
Next run is for US Congress. He’s better than some of the current new candidates, IMHO, who seem nonetheless to get party support.
Could he aim at the right-level target for once?
- A guy... - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:43 pm:
Really couldn’t tell you. Very tough question.
- Wumpus - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:56 pm:
How many offices will he hold?
Which race will have a bigger Margin? US Senator or IL Atty General?
Which race wil lbe closer, US D10 or IL Gov?
- walker - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:56 pm:
===Dog Catcher===
PrecinctCaptain: I think Bost has that one covered.
- Pelonski - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 2:57 pm:
Reelection. He strikes me as the type of politician who thinks only he can do the job.
- LincolnLounger - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 3:01 pm:
So, have I got this correct? Bill Kelly just stated that he moves to Florida is Rahm wins re-election?
This is too important for there to be any confusion.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 3:05 pm:
Oberweis will take on Kirk.
The Jake Blues epiphany wasn’t for Durbin, it was for 2 years from now, when he can say he ran on support of SSM.
Then, he will go away.
- admin - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 4:00 pm:
Lincolnlounger if Rahm wins re-election will you move to Alaska?
- Jeepster - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 5:17 pm:
I’ll believe it after he puts out a Rainbow ice cream and marches in the Pride Parade (he can keep his shirt on).
- D.P.Gumby - Friday, Oct 24, 14 @ 5:51 pm:
retire, move to Fla and leave us all alone, for the love of God…