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Cross concedes

Wednesday, Nov 19, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Tom Cross campaign…

With the final votes counted, this election now has a conclusive outcome and I have congratulated Senator Frerichs on a hard-fought victory. Senator Frerichs has demonstrated time and time again his commitment to our state and that will serve all of us well as he becomes Illinois’ next State Treasurer.

My entire family is extremely grateful and humbled by the incredible amount of support we received from supporters and voters across Illinois. As I campaigned across Illinois, I was continually reminded at how great a state we truly have. I am proud of Illinois, I am honored to have served its citizens in the legislature and I look forward to new opportunities to make our state even better.

…Adding… From the ILGOP…

Tim Schneider, Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, released a statement today following the news that Tom Cross has conceded the race for Illinois Treasurer:

“I want to commend Tom Cross and his campaign team on a tough, hard-fought race.

“Tom Cross has given us more than two decades of service and principled leadership, and for that we are truly grateful.

“We owe a debt of gratitude as well to his staff, his supporters, and the countless volunteers who worked on his campaign, on Election Day, and in the days since, for their energy and their dedication to our cause.

“I wish Mike Frerichs well as he serves the people of Illinois as the next Treasurer.”


  1. - Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:39 am:

    So, no lawsuits by the Republicans?

  2. - Under Further Review - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:41 am:

    Gracious exit.

  3. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:41 am:

    Class act by Mr. Cross.

  4. - Mattman - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:42 am:

    Treasurer is one of those races where “Republican” or “Democrat” really doesn’t make that much difference. Voters should select the best qualified candidate for the job, rather than looking at party affiliation. That said, both guys were qualified. Both would have done a good job. I’m somewhat shocked to see this not go to a recount though.

  5. - The Historian - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:42 am:

    Very classy–and quite a contrast to PQ!

  6. - downstate commissioner - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:46 am:

    Always liked Cross,even when I disagreed with him..look for him to be a governmental leader in some way again…

  7. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:55 am:

    === - Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:39 am:

    So, no lawsuits by the Republicans? ===

    You sound disappointed.

  8. - Western Ave. Doug - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:55 am:


  9. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:56 am:

    Will Kirk go along with the concession after his nonsense yesterday?

  10. - LA - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:57 am:

    Part of me wanted to see this being separated by a few hundred votes but classy move by Cross to concede instead of challenging the count.

  11. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:58 am:

    Wow, that was quick. Very gracious. Good on Cross.

    I imagine it would be pretty tough to bankroll a long court battle for the treasurers office.

  12. - Stones - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:59 am:

    Classy gesture by Cross. Well done!

  13. - Paddyrollingstone - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:59 am:

    That is how you do it.

  14. - In the Middle - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 11:59 am:

    Gracious exit, indeed.

  15. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:00 pm:

    Downstate commissioner - oh yah a future governmental leader. Are you kidding where? I doubt that’s what Rauner meant when he said , Let’s shake up Soringfield.

  16. - Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:01 pm:

    DuPage–No, not disappointed. Just curious after the comments made by Kirk et al.

  17. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:04 pm:

    A very gracious concession from Leader Cross.

    There is plenty of credit to go around on both sides of this race.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:04 pm:

    Congratulations to Treasurer-Elect Frerichs.

    To the Post,

    As a Kendall County resident, this is a severe blow to the power and influence my county will have come January. It would have been great for us in Kendall to have a person at the statewide table, with a governor of the same party to look out for us. In that prism, I am very sad for the political muscle and influence lost with native son Cross losing in his bid to be Illinois’ Treasurer.

    This loss for Cross is 4 years in the making not 8 days in the waiting.

    When I look back to how ALL this has gone from four short years ago, the long and winding road tells more than the ballots that speak to the defeat.

    I am constantly amused how pols are seen. Very good politicians work real hard. Ridiculously hard. Getting them to slow down is usually the problem.

    Successful pols also understand that leadership begins with them, and must have a vision and understanding of where they want to go, and how to get there. I have yet to run into a successful politician who let the game…come to them.

    Finally, I have seen successful pols know that hay in the barn is far more important than harvesting too late. Successful pols implement their plans and visions in the “now”, and rarely accept the “when”

    Tom Cross is a swell guy. In the past 4 years, all three of these characteristics were lacking at an alarming rate. Cross worked hard, but his working hard was working hard enough to “get by”. When “getting by” became “hanging on” as the House Minority Leader, his days in the post were numbered, and Cross was out-maneuvered.

    Plans and visions were lacking as well. Cross played out a scenario where he would run for AG, except for floating all that out way too early part. When others are already ready to oust you, why let it be “seen” you want out too? Also, the idea that Treasurer was a fall-back didn’t seem too planed and a lack if vision to what you wanted to do was seen in the campaigning.

    Cross finally seemed to be lagging, never ahead of the game in the last 4 years too. There was never a sense of implementation, because, well, you lack a plan or vision, how do you implement “nothing”? Jerry Seinfeld had a sow about nothing, but politics ain’t show business, and wading in limbo of a plan, a vision, you can’t really move anywhere, especially up or out.

    I have criticized Mr. Cross often, called him “Two-Putt”, mocked how, many times, he went about his business, and above, I try to clarify some things I saw. I always liked him, I always felt he served his district and our county well. That has always been true.

    As Tom Cross concedes, I am very grateful to have had him as a leader in the state. Illinois is in for big changes come January, it will be odd not having Tom Cross in the middle if things.

    I wish him well, and I hope for only the best for him and his family.


  19. - Lance - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:04 pm:


  20. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:06 pm:

    For people who thought a recount might be in the cards…

    Illinois law makes it impossible to get a recount. You have to pay the government’s cost, your attorneys and most likely the other side’s attorneys.

    The law has been written so there is no scenario I can envision where a recount would ever occur.

    This means Illinois never does check if the tapes match what the touch screen records.

  21. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:06 pm:

    Kirk does look silly now for calling on the federales to get involved.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:09 pm:

    As I read such a gracious exit by Cross, I am not surprised I the least. Tom Cross has always been a class act, and we see that again here.

    Well done.

  23. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:14 pm:

    Those two campaigns were begging and pleading with reporters to write about their races, without much success. I did what I could, but even with unlimited space, I just often didn’t have time or the energy to deal with them.

    I haven’t checked, but I’d bet a dollar that more stories were written about Cross/Frerichs after election day than before.

    Ironic, no?

  24. - A guy... - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:17 pm:

    He’s seen this coming for a few days, so he could be reflective and produce a very gracious statement. He did. I suspect Treasurer Elect Frehrichs will be equally gracious in victory. Good on both gentlemen.

  25. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:18 pm:

    Kirk must have been channelling his inner Tony Peraica yesterday, storming the County building to protect the sanctity of the ballots. Boy does he look stupid now!

    Classy move by Cross, and I wish him well. I hope he stays in public service because he has a lot to offer. For example, he could give Governor-elect Rauner a tutorial on Worker’s Compensation politics, starting with a brief history of the State Medical Society. Rauner is going to need to get up to speed quickly on that and it’s a complicated issue.

  26. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:18 pm:

    OW, Kendall is indeed a jewel of a county, but with 115,000 or so residents, has had an outsized influence on the state for the last decade or so. Your IDOT district has spent and will spend a few hundred million dollars getting your roads widened, albeit playing catch-up to your phenomenal growth, while other counties are fortunate to get a few bridges and roads patched up enough to survive another winter or 2. Your county is still reaping the rewards of having the Wrestling Coach as SOTH for a long term, and there are still earmarks waiting to be spent on a Metra extension that other outlying counties will be waiting for another several decades, barring some unforeseen cash miracle. Your proximity to Chicago and availability of undeveloped land has brought many to your county…where else could one acquire a property suitable for horses so cheap, that close to the city! I wish you and yours well, but let’s just say I am not too worried that you’s guys will find yourself too short-changed, especially with our new swell governor who is likely to pass a treat or two your way just because.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:21 pm:

    ===Those two campaigns were begging and pleading with reporters to write about their races, without much success. I did what I could, but even with unlimited space, I just often didn’t have time or the energy to deal with them.===

    This is also the jet wash of nearly $100 million spent on keeping the focus on one race, two candidates, and sucking the oxygen out of all things not Rauner or not Quinn.

    It’s very ironic that more has probably been written in tgesec8 days then from March to November pertaining to Illinois Treasurer. There’s no blame to be placed, no doorsteps for it to be placed. This cycle, a first in Illinois, nearly eclipsed 9 digits in one race; not all the races, one.

    Jet wash.

  28. - Outsider - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:22 pm:

    Willy- well said he was very classy and gracious. As for his future what’s your thoughts? Maybe a little lobbying or does he hook on to a state gig?

  29. - Justin - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:28 pm:

    So glad Frerichs won. A much needed victory for the Democrats in an otherwise awful election cycle for the Donkeys.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:31 pm:

    - Six Degrees of Separation -

    With respect,

    ===Your IDOT district has spent and will spend a few hundred million dollars getting your roads widened, albeit playing catch-up to your phenomenal growth, while other counties are fortunate to get a few bridges and roads patched up enough to survive another winter or 2.===

    Please note; Kendall County, in the past 10 years, was listed numerous times and measured numerous ways, as one of the fastest growing countries…in America. Not Illinois, America. You, yourself, concede it’s warranted.

    I get your take, I do, proximity in location, and proximity to where national leaders reside crossed in Kendall. We are fortunate. That doesn’t mean the loss of a possible statewide officeholder doesn’t sting, or won’t sting in the years ahead.

    Much respect.

  31. - Levois - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:32 pm:

    The hardest fought race from two weeks ago in this state is finally over. Now we can move on with the inauguration next month. This lets me know I have more to learn about elections and why it took so long to count all ballots. And at that how it went from a Tom Cross lead to ultimately a Frerichs victory.

  32. - FortyFour - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:34 pm:

    Tom Cross is a great individual who acted with courage to support stem cell research at the state level when the President of his party would not allow it at the federal level. I am not surprised by the class he has shown throughout his career and in his concession statement. I am only surprised he is not the Chairman of the Republican Party.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:37 pm:

    ===So glad Frerichs won. A much needed victory for the Democrats in an otherwise awful election cycle for the Donkeys.===

    lol, this has to be snark.

    The General Assembly is not only in Democratic hands, it’s veto-proof.

    Secretary of State, Attorney General, they were locks, and Dems lost 2 Freshmen Congressmen, but Bustos survived, so did Foster.

    Durbin won, and is still in national leadership.

    So Frerichs salvaged…what exactly?

  34. - Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:37 pm:

    Very Classy by the Cross team. Cross and Artl have been criticized for not gaining seats against Madigan, but Durkin’s team did not fare much better in an election cycle that was worse than 2010 for Dems.

    On a side note Alexi Giannoulias, is one of the biggest loser out of anybody in 2014. Kiss any political ambitions he has left goodbye.

  35. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:37 pm:

    Very classy

  36. - Archiesmom - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:41 pm:

    Congratulations to Mike and his staff - they worked their butts off and spent a heck of a lot of time traveling the state to get face time with voters. He really sold himself. And thanks to Tom Cross for a classy exit.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:41 pm:

    - Outsider -,

    I dunno what the future holds for Cross.

    I am sure the halls of the state Capitol hasn’t seen the last of Tom Cross. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a tag team lobbying firm open up with Cross and a retired Dem working the GA.

  38. - too obvious - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:43 pm:

    Graceful exit by a career politician. One would assume Rauner is delighted.

  39. - Outsider - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:46 pm:

    To obvious why would Rauner be delighted?

  40. - too obvious - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:53 pm:

    um maybe because he ran on bashing career politicians as the cause of all ills great and small?

  41. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:57 pm:

    um maybe because he ran on bashing career politicians as the cause of all ills great and small?

    When two career politicians are running in a race, “party” might matter to someone who claims to be trying to build theirs.

  42. - Outsider - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:00 pm:

    too obvious - so maybe that’s the reason he lost . If Rauner feels bad then he should give him a nice cushy job. Like Poshard so he can boost his pension !!!!

  43. - anon - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:08 pm:

    One reason Rauner might be delighted is that Cross had pledged to sue the governor in case of a budget that was not truly balanced. If Rauner has decided not to raise the income tax rate, there’s no way he can honestly balance the budget.

    BTW, Artl has kept his streak going.

  44. - A guy... - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:11 pm:

    == 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 12:18 pm:

    Kirk must have been channelling his inner Tony Peraica yesterday, storming the County building to protect the sanctity of the ballots. Boy does he look stupid now!===

    47, at least Kirk knows where it is. Peraica didn’t have enough fuel for his torches getting lost on the way there. lol

  45. - Rufus - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:20 pm:

    Mr. Cross is a gentleman to the end.

  46. - Down South OX - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:23 pm:

    It is not at all surprising to see gracious actions from Tom Cross. I knew him in the late 70’s and early 80’s…..and he was a first-class guy then….as he is now.

    It will not surprise me if the best times are still to come for him.

  47. - Rhino Slider - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:23 pm:

    I suppose when writing a politicians obituary, it is best to be respectful. Since I never really liked Cross, I think I’ll just leave it be.

  48. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:26 pm:

    Rich - thanks for the perspective on that. If you look at the Treasurer candidates over the last 20 years, you have some interesting characters. JBT was always great and someone who people really like. Alexi had an interesting background, and he was mentored by and friends with now President Obama. Dan Rutherford was the kind of candidate who ensured he received media coverage and had people paying attention. But in this race, neither candidate just instilled that much interest from either the press or the voting public. There is a reason that this was the most undervoted race in the state, and I am not above wondering aloud if superficiality had anything to do with it.

  49. - Been There - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:30 pm:

    ===This means Illinois never does check if the tapes match what the touch screen records.====
    I’m not sure about that statement. The election authorities do a lot of checking and double checking and canvassing after Election Day. I would be surprised if they didn’t at least do random samples to audit the screens.

  50. - JoanP - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:31 pm:

    Well, good for him!

    It would be nice if races such as this and the Cloonen-Nixon one would shut up the “my vote doesn’t matter” crowd, but I’m not holding my breath.

  51. - MikeMacD - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:35 pm:

    “I would be surprised if they didn’t at least do random samples to audit the screens.”

    If my Google isn’t lying to me, it’s a 5% random sampling of the machines. 10 ILCS 5 Election Code. Section 24A-15

  52. - Mokenavince - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:38 pm:

    2 good guys running for the same office, one had to lose. Cross will be back. He lost with honor.

  53. - FedUp - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:38 pm:

    I, for one, feel privileged to have had the opportunity to oppose and vote against Cross. As a Conservative Republican I can say that Cross was an excellent Democrat and he received from the voters what we have received from him these last two decades. Good riddance to ya…Criss Cross!

  54. - Amalia - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:43 pm:

    @47th Ward….should not have been drinking when I read this….

    “Kirk must have been channelling his inner Tony Peraica yesterday…”


  55. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:44 pm:

    If Cross was planning to concede if he came out behind, why was his campaign raising bogus allegations about vote fraud?

    While the concession is gracious, the Cross campaign was nasty during the recount for no good reason.

  56. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 1:46 pm:

    ==I would be surprised if they didn’t at least do random samples to audit the screens. ==

    Show me.

    Where are the results? What were the error rates?

  57. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 2:11 pm:

    Classy move from Schneider wishing Frerichs well.

  58. - Max's Mom - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 2:23 pm:

    Class act by Cross. Hope to see him in the future. Congratulations Treasurer Frerichs.

  59. - MikeMacD - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 2:31 pm:

    “Show me.”

    From the Cook County Clerk’s office, dated Nov.18th, 2014.

    “The election results updated this evening included 1,776 late-arriving mail ballots, 6,693 provisional ballots and 502 obvious precinct discrepancies identified after Election Day or during the 5 percent recount.”

    Note the 5 percent recount.

  60. - Lunchbox - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 2:36 pm:

    Class act from Tom Cross. Congrats to Mike Frerichs, I think the “standing tall” ad was one of the best in the state this cycle. Really cut through all the negative stuff.

  61. - MrJM - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 2:45 pm:

    Mark Kirk has to wish that this had been resolved over the weekend — before his latest embarrassingly hyperbolic statements.

    – MrJM

  62. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 2:55 pm:

    Glad Dems have another Downstater in a statewide office. Looks like Frerichs made the right calculation going for this instead of pursuing a Congressional bid this year.

    Sad the Illinois GOP loses a compassionate leader who bucked his party’s orthodoxy on medical marijuana and same-sex marriage. I’m sure with a Republican governor though he’ll land on his feet just fine as some department head or something.

  63. - 1776 - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 2:58 pm:

    Lee Daniels is smiling today.

  64. - anon - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 3:08 pm:

    === who bucked his party’s orthodoxy on medical marijuana and same-sex marriage.===

    Not until he was running for statewide office.

  65. - John Birch - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 3:19 pm:

    Sen Kirk is a joke. More time for you Senator down at the rifle range. Remember the commands now, its “Ready, Aim, Fire! Not, Ready, Fire, Aim .

  66. - Finally Out (formerly Ready to Get Out) - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 3:33 pm:

    Through all this, did they also find enough votes to re-elect Quinn?

  67. - Mike - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 3:45 pm:

    Man, it feels so good to see Cross concede just one day after Kirk made a major fool of himself. I can’t wait to vote him out of office.

  68. - Steve - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 3:45 pm:

    Goodbye Tom Cross. You were an ineffective Republican leader in Illinois. I know more than a few Republicans that are happy with this outcome and didn’t vote for you.

  69. - A guy... - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 3:54 pm:

    They’re having a jerk luncheon. For sure, Mike and Steve are free to attend with a few others. They’re schedules are probably wide open most the time. Maybe give it a day or two before being facetious.

  70. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 3:55 pm:

    Sorry for the punditry and foresight here. Make no mistake: Governor Rauner will recruit (and fund) a viable Treasurer candidate in 2018. And, if Secretary White retires and/or if AG Madigan attempts to move up, then he will recruit and fund candidates for those offices as well. I am surprised he did not give a boost to Two Putt (thanks Willy - I had to use that once!) so he could buy more media plays. Lesson learned.

  71. - Steve - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 4:18 pm:

    - A guy… -

    Is that you commenting from Mike Madigan’s ward office?

  72. - Mama - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 4:31 pm:

    Rauner might make Cross an offer.

  73. - A guy... - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 4:32 pm:

    Hardly Stever, it’s me commenting from the land of some decency and common courtesy. You must be new here to even ask such a dim-witted question.

  74. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 4:41 pm:

    Was the dim-witted comment also from the land of decency and common courtesy?

  75. - A guy... - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 5:04 pm:

    Slinger, it was my response to his “piling on” a guy who made a gracious concession and two guys who comported themselves with decency through a gut wrenching process. Asking if I’m a Madigan ward guy is very dim-witted.

    Now that you have appointed yourself the arbiter of courtesy, which I’m pleased to see, perhaps you could use a little more of it.
    I suggest this in a congenial spirit from the land of decency and courtesy, where in my case you’ve been more of a withdrawler than a depositor. In either case, you amuse me. I’m not smitten with you though! lol

  76. - Reader - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 5:08 pm:

    “(Mark) Kirk’s over the top, hyperbolic, error-riddled, extremely partisan fear tantrum finally tipped the media against him. Just about every significant newspaper in Illinois…mocked Kirk’s meltdown and severely chastised him for needless and baseless fear-mongering.” -Rich Miller, November 30, 2009

  77. - Anon3 - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 5:42 pm:

    Almost the Weekend nailed it- Alexi had a bad day.

  78. - Downstate Greg - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 6:00 pm:

    Frerichs will soon put his Champaign home on the market and move to Chicago so he won’t have to go so far to mow mike Madigan’s yard! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out of Champaign!!!!

  79. - Just the Way It Is One - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 6:07 pm:

    Man! For days, it was looking like Cross MIGHT just hold on in what appeared to be the #1 Illinois Historic Squeaker, and then all of a sudden in one DAY that substantial # of leftover ballots from Chicago came in and POW! Quick Exit for Cross after that Anxiety-Ridden wait for ‘em both!!

    And the much BIGger overall margin for Frierichs than I suspected he might get pretty much decimates any hope for a lawsuit or recount. Saw Mike F. the Night before the Elction and told him somethin’ told me it might be real tight but that he was gonna pull it off–that ya just(as we saw with Pat Quinn THIS Year–and 4 years ago with Bill Brady)–can’t trust those Polls…and to keep the Faith!

    I told him he might have to stay up all night to find out, but little did he or ANYone think he’d have to wait over 2 WEEKS…!

  80. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 6:40 pm:

    IL GOP lost another.
    Remember how badly Frerichs ran?
    Doesn’t matter.
    This is Illinois.
    Illinois elects Democrats now.
    Even Democratic who stumble as badly as Frerichs.

    IL GOP has Rauner and Topinka.
    That’s it.
    It doesn’t have votes in the General Assembly to lead towards a bill it writes. Nothing gets done in Illinois without the Illinois Democratic allowing it.

    This is a BLUE state, Mr. Rauner.
    Listen and respect that. Don’t depend upon the party you bought. They are tokens.

    As to all this talk about how IL GOP needs to lead - that’s ridiculous. It’s “Weekend With Bernie”, if Rauner does what the Democrats want. They’ll give him a one hand clap. If he does something they don’t want, they’ll give him the back of that one hand instead.

    Expect to get used sir. This is a BLUE state. Even Cross lost to a candidate like Frerichs here. Voting Democratic is what Illinois does.

  81. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 6:52 pm:

    - VanillaMan -,

    Stop being a victim.

    Rauner sucked the oxygen out of anything not Rauner, won the Macro, the H&SGOP lost the Micro…

    My Party gave up on AG & SOS, they were lost, specifically to Lisa and Jesse, not to blind party voting. My a Party has to RUN races to lose races.

    The ILGOP was 2 for 3 in contested races. Governor & Comptroller, Dems got Treasurer.

    My Party got 2 Congressional seats. Dems, zero.

    Did you say…

    ===- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Nov 18, 14 @ 1:02 pm===

    ===Rauner got elected by not being a Republican====

    Than what was he?

    You are a Dope.

    How can you call me a non-Republican if Rauner didn’t run as a Republican?

    Your world must be fun…

  82. - A. Nonymous - Wednesday, Nov 19, 14 @ 10:18 pm:

    @ Vanilla Man -
    “Remember how badly Frerichs ran?
    Doesn’t matter.
    This is Illinois.
    Illinois elects Democrats now.
    Even Democratic who stumble as badly as Frerichs.”

    None of Sen. Frerichs’ relatively tiny stumbles ever “won” a news cycle ….. no matter how many times Artl stomped his feet and cried “But Ma Tribune!”

    These supposed stumbles may have been gaffes or may have been faux pas… but the voting public never really knew about them.

    What the voters learned was that Cross was a Republican and Frerichs was a Democrat.

    Outside of CapFax, we voters never even really learned much about their positions or ideas or proposals.

    You may have thought Frerichs stumbled. Artl may have thought he was a joke.

    The voters never really heard about any of it.

    The (lack of) media coverage ensured that much.

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