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Everybody just needs to calm down

Tuesday, Dec 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mark Brown

Ever since the November election, Quinn has seemed either determined to embarrass the people who voted for him — or indifferent when he does so — beginning with his Election Night refusal to concede defeat.

He followed that up with the wrong-headed decision to allow his appointees on the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority to hire his campaign manager for the lucrative job of executive director.

Now, we have him flirting with the idea he has the power to appoint a constitutional officer who could continue to serve until the next election — up to four years into the future. […]

Rauner, for his part, ought to take this opportunity to show he’s going to be the kind of politician he claimed during the campaign by embracing the call for an election that would limit the term of the person he appoints. […]

If this ends up in a court fight at this stage, it’s Quinn’s fault, plain and simple. If Rauner gets in the way of a special election, that’s on him.

While I’m kind of an agnostic on whether we should hold a special election in 2016 (when the Democrats will have a much better shot at picking up that office), I can’t disagree with the rest of Mark’s column.

If Quinn makes this power play, contrary to the attorney general’s constitution opinion, it’ll be yet another stain on his already tarnished legacy. He has two choices here: 1) go out as a statesman or 2) go out as a partisan hack.

* As far as I can see the only politician showing true class in this whole saga has been Speaker Madigan. He has maintained a respectful silence throughout, except to encourage Quinn and Rauner to work things out.

The attorney general has also proved her worth by siding against her own party’s governor because she believes her interpretation of the law and the Constitution are far more important.

Rauner has attempted to interfere with Quinn’s rightful, temporary choice (although I do like Rauner’s suggestion). He has claimed that a special election would be unconstitutional when it clearly is not. Senate President Cullerton has once again rushed to the sound of the guns and flip-flopped along the way.

* And just when I thought I’d seen it all, Sheila Simon attempted to be relevant again with a Tribune op-ed

Illinois needs a comptroller, and the opportunity to appoint one is an opportunity to consolidate two state offices. With the sudden death last week of Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka, I recommend that Gov. Pat Quinn and Gov.-elect Bruce Rauner agree to appoint Treasurer-elect Mike Frerichs to serve also as comptroller.

In the races for comptroller and treasurer this year, one of the issues frequently discussed was combining the offices. There was agreement among the candidates, across party lines, that functions of the two offices could be shared.

Most candidates favored a constitutional amendment to achieve the consolidation. I recognized that there was not support in the Illinois House to get this done, so I proposed a speedier way — sharing functions of the two offices through intergovernmental agreement.

Right now our state has the chance to take a shortcut to combining the offices, by having one person serve in both positions.

I’ve heard this suggestion numerous times. And just about every time, I’ve checked in with the Frerichs folks. They have maintained all along that they definitely do not want to get dragged into this mess, but they haven’t yet officially responded to a request for comment about Simon’s op-ed.

Either way, just as Rauner should refrain from telling Quinn whom to appoint, Simon ought to stay out of Rauner’s choice - especially since Frerichs has admirably steered completely clear of this whole mess.


  1. - Keyser Soze - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:20 am:

    We have to admire the creativity. Who needs a constitution?

  2. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:24 am:

    excellent observations. But it is a real good opportunity to get some momentum into combining the offices and disbanding lite gov.

  3. - fudge report - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:25 am:

    Let it be known that Shelia was not for combining the offices.

  4. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:25 am:

    I can see partisan hack-dom throughout this event. Worst has been our outgoing fired governor. Rauner, in his freshman moments as a newly elected politician had exposed himself as a Boy Scout at a forest fire. He is trying, but he isn’t looking professional. Ms. Madigan has sense the shift in political winds and allowed an objective interpretation of our state constitution, which should set the example.

    Replace the current dearly departed comptroller whose term ends next month. Quinn has an appoint worth three to four weeks at a statewide office for someone looking for resume fodder. Rauner needs to calm down and focus on his new job.

    The Madigans have pointed the way. It is their state. This is when the incoming GOP governor can make friends with Lisa and her father publically by agreeing with them.

    Special election decision can wait until Rauner has a better staff and a grip on his power - then he can do what he thinks best for him.

  5. - LincolnLounger - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:26 am:

    That Simon op-ed was breathtaking. A new low.

  6. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:27 am:

    What has Quinn done in regards to this issue JBT died?

  7. - Gator - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:30 am:

    You’d think that if Quinn really wanted this appointment that bad, he would have a pointed somebody already.I can’t wait to see what cabinet member of his gets appointed as comptroller.

  8. - Norseman - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:32 am:

    I was always under the silly impression that a constitutional officer couldn’t hold two offices. A quick search of the constitution didn’t come up with any prohibition.

    Regarding Cullerton, his actions continue to diminish my formerly high respect for him.

  9. - Livin' the Life - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:33 am:

    Sheila Simon needs to quit embarrassing herself and everyone else–including the few of us who actually voted for her–and hurry up and fade away. Has she ever publicly denied the report that she called Quinn and asked for the comptroller appointment? If she in fact did that I may initiate litigation to somehow take back my vote for her. (I know, that’s not possible, but….)

  10. - Ginhouse Tommy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:34 am:

    What’s the big deal. Quinn should appoint JBT’s chief of staff since JBT obviously had a lot of faith in her and was also a valued and close friend. The people at the Compt.s office already know her so less drama there. Rauner and his people need to take a powder, let the dust settle and begin to get a grip on his office first. It will work itself out in time. If he is going to throw a fit every time something doesn’t suit him it is going to be a long 4 years. He doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel if you know what I mean.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:36 am:

    Speaker Madigan.

    Leader Durkin.

    Treasurer-Elect Frerichs.

    That’s the list.

    They have all been consistently above making this time since the news to the Memorial anything but where the focus should be, and above making political moves that can be interpreted as bad form.

    They have said minimal or nothing publicly, they also made sure that anything privately thought, it’s about being thoughtful in all angles, well beyond personal or political, and brieg the voices of reason and statesman when you’d expect that those qualities would seem a given way to be.

    Quinn, abd his Press Shop has been utterly disappointing, after starting out extremely thoughtful.

    Rauner and his Press Shop just can’t help themselves in inserting themselves and seemingly thoughtless to his ally and friend and more consumed on things weeks from now and for ego’s sake.

    There’s now cost to decency. Being seen as tacky and ghoulish makes me both saddens and disappointed that adults can’t be adults.

    Lots of bad timing, bad quotes, and bad form.

  12. - Bourbonrich - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:37 am:

    Presuming the AG is correct, does Rauner appoint the day of inauguration or is there another stretch with the State not having anyone serve in that position.

  13. - ANON - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 11:51 am:

    Tell me why the media have any credibility on ethics issues? Rauner certainly has no credibility on that issue and the media really didn’t hold his feet to the fire on his record and endorsed him despite his refusal to provide a plan. Don’t get me started on what the Chicago Sun-Times did with McKinney and the bogus endorsement of Rauner. So still confused here. Why do any of y’all think Quinn should care about your definition of ethics?

  14. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:04 pm:

    Rauner needs to remember he was elected governor, not anointed king.

    Here’s Quinn’s chance to go out with dignity with his last official act. But, I don’t think any of us can predict what he’ll do or whom he’ll choose, so I’ll wait until he gives his decision before passing judgement.

  15. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:05 pm:

    Relevant again?

  16. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:06 pm:

    Those who can’t accept Rauner’s authority on 1/12/15 on this subject will have to get over it and face reality. Rauner seems to be following the law and the Illinois Constitution. If you don’t like what it says, you have to start the process of amending the Constitution. Other than the “Oh My Gosh What Sort of Governor Would Dare Do Such A Thing” histrionics, maybe that is what “Shaking Up Springfield” is all about? All this arguing that he shouldn’t be doing this sounds a little off the wall right about now.

    I’ve sounded off on this issue before. Two terms. Two vacancies. Two appointments. The second vacancy does not occur until 1/12/15. And I am pleased that AG Madigan agrees with my prior analysis.

    The remaining issue is can the legislature call for a special election now to limit the term of the appointment that can legally be made on 1/12/15.

    I don’t think so. The term is for four years. No statute seems to exist right now that would call for a special election in this circumstance. That hole needs to be plugged and the legislature should move a.s.a.p. to plug it, but I don’t believe it can lead to a special election in 2016. It would have to apply in 2018. That is my take on all this. If I am wrong, point it out and send a few legal citations my way.

    The call to merge the offices right now also falls into the same set of problems.

    Amend the Constitution and put that amendment proposal to merge the offices on the ballot on 2016. If it passes (and I am sure it will) then we will be voting for only one office, Treasurer, in 2018. It will give those two offices time to consolidate their functions without causing an interruption in services up to the election in 2018.

    But what do I know?

    We’ve watched a series of decisions the past decade declaring the actions of the legislature and executive branch, and executive branch being declared unconstitutional by courts. From refusing to pay elected Regional Superintendent of Schools, from “pension reforms,” insurance for retirees, and from withholding pay of legislators, just to name a few.

    I happen to find it refreshing that a Governor would get himself a legal opinion about following the Constitution and then abide by it. If Rauner persists in that behavior in all of his actions after being sworn into office, that would represent a breath of fresh air.

    And that would really “Shake Up Springfield.”

  17. - Southwest Cook - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:08 pm:

    “the chance to take a shortcut”

    Wow Sheila.

  18. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:14 pm:

    Wenscia: Sooner or later, Bruce will realize he’s not, and who is…:)

  19. - plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:19 pm:

    Baffling on how a tragedy can cause seemingly educated people to focus on politics over substance.

    It seems sensible to delay any action related to succession until a reasonable period of mourning has been observed. Once completed, the current Governor is required to appoint a successor so the bills the state owes can be made. Dec 19th or 21st would seem logical dates.

    Regardless of the Governor’s intentions about the length of the appointees term, there is no difference in how the appointment is made if the intention of the appointment is one length or the other. He needs to just do it. Would it decrease the turmoil in the department if PQ would follow the suggestion of the Governor-elect? Yes. Is it a big deal? no. The trick comes at the time it swear in a new Controller. That time is weeks away. We can worry about it then.

    Do the right thing PQ and appoint someone to do the State’s business for at least a few weeks. You can do whatever maneuvering you intend to do in the last few weeks in office regardless of how you make the appointment.

  20. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:36 pm:

    VMan, can you point out the “worst” things you think Quinn has done here?

    There must be some basis for your statement.

  21. - TTT - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:43 pm:

    This thing is f-ing golden!

  22. - Chris - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:57 pm:

    “He has two choices here: 1) go out as a statesman or 2) go out as a partisan hack.”

    Harharhar. He’s had that choice MANY times, and chosen “statesman” when, exactly?

    Exactly why I couldn’t bring myself to vote for him.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 12:57 pm:

    ===Those who can’t accept Rauner’s authority on 1/12/15 on this subject will have to get over it and face reality. Rauner seems to be following the law and the Illinois Constitution. If you don’t like what it says, you have to start the process of amending the Constitution.===

    Who has been doing that?

    “Everyone is rooting for Rauner to fail!”

    It’s like the default Rauner Protection Talking Point;

    “Others want him to fail, rooting against him…”

    How about the Dopey yapping stops until Thursday?

    Rauner is going to be governor on January 12th. The AG has given the opinion, and it includes a Rauner appointment.

    Anything….anything said after acknowledging the opinion that doesn’t take the tact of “after Quinn appoints, we (Rauner & Press Crew) will comment, but don’t plan to discuss these issues until the appropriate time.

    It’s like Amateur Hour and Ego collide.

    Show some class, tact, respect for your ally and friend.

    The rest is politics and ego and grandstand until that appropriate time comes.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:00 pm:

    “Anything….anything said after acknowledging the opinion that doesn’t take the tact of “after Quinn appoints, we (Rauner & Press Crew) will comment, but don’t plan to discuss these issues until the appropriate time…anything after that is just bad form. Period”


  25. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:03 pm:

    I think I’ll put the blood pressure medication away and just wait for the process to actually play itself out.

  26. - The old William j Kelly - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:09 pm:

    I am sure Rahm and rauner feel they have much better qualified out of state hedge fund 1% ers to fill these positions.

  27. - Downstate Illinois - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:12 pm:

    Maybe it’s time to change the constitution and get rid of the lame duck period. As soon as the results are certified swear in the winners.

  28. - Toure's Latte - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:14 pm:

    ==It’s like Amateur Hour and Ego collide.==

    Aren’t those the two main ingredients to Baked Illinois Politics anyway?

  29. - State Worker - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:25 pm:

    Sheila Simon wants to be relevant. Disgusting that she called to get a meeting with Quinn less than 4 hours after Judy’s death. I have no respect for her.

  30. - Dan Johnson - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:29 pm:

    I don’t think it’s fair of Mark to put not conceding on Election Night with the other acts. I mean, people were in line to vote when he gave his speech at 10. That was clearly the right thing to do and, to me, it showed a commitment to the ideal of a democracy to encourage every citizen to vote by not conceding. Someone was quoted in the paper the next day as saying, essentially, ‘well, I was in line for five hours, and when the Governor said this thing is still close, I figured I could stick it out for another three hours to get my vote in.’

    Just about everyone was applauding the citizens who stuck it out to vote late into the night (or early into the morning). Governor Quinn helped those people by not prematurely ending the election before the voting was complete.

  31. - walker - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:32 pm:

    Quinn has not yet publicly said or done anything on this issue, yet some still attack him as if by habit.

    Give him a chance, then criticize as appropriate

  32. - VM - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:47 pm:

    One phrase for Sheila Simon’s idea: compatibility of offices.

    It’s not written into the constitution, but it’s a live legal doctrine that certainly applies here. And I am convinced that the Supreme Court will treat the question of compatibility as a constitutional interpretation.

  33. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:49 pm:

    OW, I didn’t call anyone King. I’m not and never have complained about the Constitution and the law and have suggested how it can be eventually fixed.

    I haven’t even commented on any very few or nonexistent public actions or statements by Quinn on this topic,

    For this you call me a “Dope?”

    Sheesh! Nice drive by there!

  34. - Ghost - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:50 pm:

    I agree. This will be Quinns legacy, like it or not. Does he go out as an honorable person; or a blago styl partisan hack parking people in jobs in spite of the voters expressed desires.

    As for anspecial election, why bother with messing with it. The GOP won, a GOP governor will pick the replacement. And Governor Rauner worked closely with the Topinka people. The only reason for a special election, imho, is ifnyou feared a high jacking, such ad a democrat gov or gov hostile to the elected office holders administration making the appointment. We have none of those concerns with a rauner appointment, so i say skip messing with 2 year terms, and the mess of running an office that way, and just let Rauner appoint and no special election.

  35. - Very Fed Up - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:52 pm:

    Any “staff assistants” over at IDOT available to fill in?

  36. - okgo - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:54 pm:

    Count me as highly in favor of Sheila Simon’s proposal. It is just enough out there that it could work.

    I can’t see Rauner being able to replace a Frerichs “combo strategy” appointment with a political hack, without getting the big PR pushback,

    I can see Quinn liking the idea - as his final act in the spirit of his first major act - the cutback amendment.

    And Frerichs doesn’t have to introduce the idea, just accept the appointment.

    That’s a winner scenario right there.

  37. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:55 pm:

    I have to agree Dan Johnson.

    Quinn’s decision not to concede on Election Night was not something I would fault him for.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:02 pm:

    - Louis G Atsaves -

    ===Those who can’t accept Rauner’s authority on 1/12/15 on this subject will have to get over it and face reality. Rauner seems to be following the law and the Illinois Constitution. If you don’t like what it says, you have to start the process of amending the Constitution.===

    This premise, this Dopey narrative, that everything critical of Rauner or a decision/comment/action by Rauner is based on others rooting against Rauner, or refusing to accept Rauner is the issue.

    It’s the default.

    It was hardly a Drive By; I explained my point, I pointed out where it triggered my thought, I even explained my thought to the argument.

    Playing a victim of a Drive By? You are better than that.

    It will be a long 6 months if all that is responded to begins that everyone is rooting against Rauner, or people are only upset Rauner won and criticism has no merit.

    Maybe stopping the “I won’t comment…as I comment” amateur hour press answers.

  39. - NoGifts - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:06 pm:

    One temporary appointment by Quinn, one temporary appointment by Rauner, and one special election - I can see three fat pensions coming out of this. How could they pass up that opportunity?

  40. - Federalist - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:08 pm:

    Rauner should appoint whomever he wants and immediately call a special election for 2016.

    Game over.

  41. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:12 pm:


    For some reason some people believe that they create the rules as we go — if the law Quinn to appoint someone for 4 years, then he should exercise his authority.

    If he didn’t follow the law, as he interpreted it, Someone could say he didn’t fulfill his responsibility.

    Did anyone say politics was fair — democracy continues to remain messy– and so what — that’s what we agreed to — democracy.

  42. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:17 pm:

    Anonymous, how ridiculous can you get?

  43. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:29 pm:

    To the Quinn “criticism”

    I commented yesterday…

    === - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 15, 14 @ 11:34 am

    Telling us all he (Quinn) is “…appreciates the Attorney General’s counsel and is reviewing it.” really is about injecting himself in the discussion of speculation more than anything else, which in of itself is bad form.

    Making it about “What will Quinn do next?” isn’t helping with an ignorant thank you to what the sentence is exacerbating.===

    That is my beef.

    Up to about that point, Quinn had done a good job trying to stay away as best he “could”, given at any moment Quinn can make “an” appointment, no matter it’s length or rationale.

  44. - Mouthy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:45 pm:

    It will be temp appt. until the 12th by Quinn, 4 year appt. by Rauner, and no action by G.A.

  45. - Justbabs - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:16 pm:

    My only question is why is Rauner following a WWRD mentality? (What Would Rod Do?)

  46. - A guy... - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:30 pm:

    An observation for Governor Quinn: When you’ve lost Mark Brown, there ain’t much left after that. He’s defended you like a spouse. Now even he’s jumped.

    Sheila…Wherever home is these days; go there.

    If I understand AG Madigan correctly, Governor Rauner can appoint a Comptroller (for however long TBA) the moment he’s been sworn in. Do so. Swear in the new Comptroller with all of the other Constitutional officers, and let’s get on with this.

    In the meantime, honor Judy tomorrow like the Woman of the Century in Illinois that she is.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:40 pm:

    ===f I understand AG Madigan correctly, Governor Rauner can appoint a Comptroller (for however long TBA) the moment he’s been sworn in. Do so. Swear in the new Comptroller with all of the other Constitutional officers, and let’s get on with this.===

    That is the most tacky and disrespectful manner to handke the swearing in of Judy Baar Topinka’s appointed replacement.

    The inauguration day was to be Judy Baar Topinka’s day too.

    How incredibly insensitive can you be.

    You inaugurate all the constitutionals but a Comptroller.

    On the 13th, Governor Rauner should appoint, and that nominee should be sworn in, in the House Chamber, even ON the 13th, away from the inaugural festivities, and respectful of Judy Baar Topinka, and not missing any real time governing.

    That you can’t see how bad of form it would be swearing in the replacement on the 12th…wow.

  48. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:47 pm:


    Rauner is against a special election, atleast that is how I read his remarks at the Sangamo today.

    Besides, I think to be on the safe side you want the special election passed before a rauner appointment,

  49. - Oneman - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:03 pm:

    Still like to think Quinn is going to do the right thing on this…

    Starting to doubt it however.

  50. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:09 pm:

    Guy, what exactly has Quinn done here?

  51. - A guy... - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:45 pm:

    ===That is the most tacky and disrespectful manner to handke the swearing in of Judy Baar Topinka’s appointed replacement.====

    Sorry Wilbur. Judy is being honored tomorrow. The inauguration is nearly a month away. Someone will have already been sworn in temporarily to succeed her. How in the world is it insensitive at that point? You’re goofy.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:58 pm:


    It’s easy to see how you don’t understand respect.

    ===. The inauguration is nearly a month away.

    The inauguration of Judy Baar Topinka. If you got appointed, woukd you want to be in that stage, that day, raise your hand and take the oath, while others look on, thinking olf her?

    No way. Inaugration Day was her day, the 13th is respectful.

    ===Someone will have already been sworn in temporarily to succeed her.===

    A caretaker, a person people are wanting and hoping to finish the job, without pomp or circumstance. A placeholder to fulfill the duties for less than a month, away from election choices of 2014.

    ===How in the world is it insensitive at that point?===

    You are callous. Voters chose Judy Baar Topinka to be in that stage, that moment. Having no one sworn in on the 12th abd waiting just that one day, the 13th, and swearing in that choice in the well of the Illinois House is is proper and just, symbolically sound, and removes the good abd joy, and the grief and sorrow of swearing in the happy, and then swearing in someone other than Judy Baar Topinka on her day, and her supporter’s day too.

    Way too heavy a burden to be an appointee to take that stage, that day, and carry that heavy burden on purpose.

    ===You’re goofy.===

    But I aint callous, tacky, or encourage bad form.

  53. - Bobio - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 5:13 pm:

    If they combine the office, has Sheila Simon really lost the election. We should just consider it a non binding referendum and allow her to remove it from her resume…snark

  54. - Amalia - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 6:55 pm:

    “…Woman of the Century in Illinois.” come on.

  55. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 7:14 pm:

    Gee, only 14 years in and Guy’s calling the century.

    Probably a good idea for you, dude. You’re clearly struggling to keep on top of and understand events and developments in this one.

  56. - West Side the Best Side - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 8:38 pm:

    Oswego Willy - Couldn’t figure out who “A guy” was referencing when he responded to “Wilbur” until you replied. I only know you as Oswego Willy or OW, is Wilbur another alias or is A guy just trying to be too cute by half?

  57. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 8:45 pm:

    ===…or is A guy just trying to be too cute by half?===

    So it seems…

  58. - better days - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 10:10 pm:

    lol Quinny….. A lousy state manager, a poor loser.. Illinois will be better on 1/12/15

  59. - Del Clinkton - Wednesday, Dec 17, 14 @ 9:47 am:

    @better days: And Bruce is a poor winner. The jury is out on whether Illinois will be better with Bruce as manager. The public sector is different from managing a pizza parlor with your wife.

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