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Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards

Tuesday, Dec 16, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2014 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Republican Illinois State Senator goes to Matt Murphy. Oswego Willy’s nomination stood out…

In a Caucus that finds itself at times an echo chamber for thenselves to be in agreement with each other, what’s needed to break out of that cycle is someone who is willing to lead and make the case beyond talking points and at times frustration or anger.

Sen. Matt Murphy has consistently been a rational voice in a Minority Caucus that at times seemed pleased to be seen as the “Caucus of No”. Sometimes the way you present your thoughts is even more important than the points you’re making.

Sen. Murphy also understands what his district expects from him and balances his responsibility to his district and the state as well as anyone, and that shows someone who clearly understands who they are and how to serve the people.

I nominate Sen. Matt Murphy in hopes that his thoughtful ways will lead to the Caucus understanding that being for “No” after January won’t be a leadership trait, but working to make the case for what can be done will be embraced more outside the echo chamber.

* The 2014 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Republican Illinois State Representative goes to Mike Bost

Representative Mike Bost leaves the Illinois House of Representatives with a legacy of candor and being a tireless advocate for downstate Illinois. The Republican House leadership has a big void to fill.

During this legislative session, he was among a group of only 15 Republican House members who voted “yes” for important legislation that extended the hospital Medicaid Assessment Program and increased Medicaid funding for nursing homes. Although not popular subjects in the Republican Caucus, Representative Bost cast his vote for what he described as “the right thing to do for my district.”

His victory in Congress was achieved in a district that had repeatedly sent a Democrat to Washington, D.C. Bost out - worked the incumbent Democrat and was rewarded with the victory. Congress is gaining an experienced legislator who will not forget from where he came!

Both are well-deserved recipients.

* OK, on to today’s categories, with last year’s winners in parentheses…

* Best Illinois Congresscritter (Mike Quigley)

* Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist (Khadine Bennett)

Yes, these are disparate categories. Sorry about that, but we’re running out of time. Please do your best to nominate in both categories and explain your nominations or they won’t count.


  1. - Gator - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:50 pm:

    Best Congressman has to go to Brad Schneider even though he recently lost his re-election. The guy served on the influential Foreign Affairs Committee and wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. He worked the district hard and had a fun, knowledgable and hip campaign crew.

    For the do-gooder category, Bryan McDaniel from CUB is great. He believes in the cause and is a pitbull when going after the utility and telecom companies.

  2. - Gooner - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:52 pm:

    Best Congresscriter? As much as it pains me to nominate a person I disagree with on many issues, Luis Gutierrez is the rare Democratic Congressman who has made a real difference. On immigration, he’s probably been the major force who pushed the President to take action. Had the President listened to Luis a year ago, the results of the November elections may have been very different.

    For lobbyist (and I almost have to assume she’s won this in the past), the nomination goes to Jennifer Walling. She’s had to walk a fine line between advocating for what she really wants and agreeing to what she realizes is the best deal out there. Others would have pushed harder and received less. She’s done wonderful work.

  3. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:54 pm:

    For best Congresscritter, I’m going to vote my heart and go with Tammy Duckworth. She’s having one heck of a great year, and I am so happy for her.

    And for best do-gooder lobbyist, I’m giving a big shout-out to Kristen Strawbridge of the Humane Society. (I am voting on behalf of Soccerdog, who is a big fan.)

  4. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 1:57 pm:

    Um, better make that Dr. Tammy Duckworth….

  5. - Lobo Y Olla - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:06 pm:

    I honestly know nothing about congresscritters, so I’ll take the easy out and second soccermom’s nomination.

    For do-gooder, I’d like to vocally re-nominate Todd Belcore over at Shriver Center. I’ll be honest and state that Todd and I are usually, if not always, are on opposite sides of the issue at hand. I’ve argued against hundreds of lawyers but there is just something about this man that shines brighter than all those others. My biggest accolade, is that when he takes that hard (metaphorical) punch, he shrugs it off and pivots to a better form of defense. He reloads to fight again, and really, he does it for the poor and downtrodden. He is a worthy, worthy adversary. I’m a better advocate because I have lobbied against Todd. I’m really not the dark overlord this post suggests, I’m just saying that if I indeed were Lord Vader, Todd may very well be Yoda. A very solid man, a very solid cause, a well deserved horseshoe.

  6. - bored now - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:09 pm:

    i think the best illinois congresscritter this year has to go to robin kelly. no one works harder for the people of their district than robin — and that’s a pretty high bar in this delegation. robin has excelled in not only bringing attention to her signature issues (gun control — you don’t have to agree with her to recognize this), but also to the needs of her district *and* her constituents. replacing jjj, she has given the constituents in the south suburbs, eastern will and kankakee counties a real voice in the issues before congress without neglecting the 2nd’s chicago constituents. robin works so hard at representing the people and interests of illinois 2nd cd, that i’d argue she risks her own health — she really does get run ragged by her own standards of governance, a sprawling district and her desire to cover it all!

    while many congress critters have exceptional staffs that make their members of congress look good, robin’s entry into congress early in the 113th meant that she has really been the standout of her office.

    in recognition of her willingness to work hard for her constituents as well as her party, robin was elected a regional deputy whip, propelling her into leadership in the democratic caucus. her accomplishments as a freshman member of congress are certainly worthy of note, but they are even more impressive when you remember that robin is committed to a civility and equanimity that is virtually lost in congress today. we can all be proud that robin kelly comes from illinois and represents her in the highest manner…

  7. - K3_Jesse - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:45 pm:

    The top Congress Member has to be Adam Kinzinger. He works tirelessly for his constituents. He is probably the own Congressman who calls Pres Obama bad for America the same week that he calls Ted Cruz as dangerous for America. He is constantly calling, visiting, and texting the people in his district while finding the time to give a respectful point of view on the Sunday talk circuit. Cook’s just listed him as the 2nd highest in district approval rating while some other publication called him a top 10 Bachelor on the Hill. I would date him and I am a dude.

    On a lobbyist, Bryan McDaniel from CUB. They have really taken a shellacking from Exelon, etc the past 2 years but he is giving as best fight as he can. Furthermore, he represents us all. It isn’t just a small population but every utility consumer in the state. He will continue to fight for consumer rights even while Exelon and the legislature curb nearly all of the rate limitations.

  8. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 2:46 pm:

    I think Mike Quigley deserves the horseshoe again. He bring a ton of attention to Chicago and issues like O’Hare noise pollution, is a champion of environmental and gay rights causes and is just a downright awesome, friendly guy. There’s not a bigger Chicago sports fan in DC.

    Also, I was wondering if you were ever going to get around to a category for best nonpartisan staffer. Everyone in the capitol depends on LIS and other agencies to keep business moving.

  9. - phocion - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:04 pm:

    For Congresscritter the award has to go to Rodney Davis. He beat back a primary challenge with dignity, and handily won re-election in a District that was drawn to favor Democrats. He is a man of his District - down to earth, direct, pragmatic and practical. He can see issues from 30,000 just as easily as he can see them from street level. A member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, he is a voice of reason in the Republican Caucus for proper investment in our nation’s roads, bridges and transit. He works well with members on both sides of the aisle and has earned their respect through hard work and integrity. Rodney is a very decent public servant who has a long and bright future ahead of him. Illinois is lucky to have him representing us in Congress.

  10. - LobsterQ - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:06 pm:

    For best do-gooder lobbyist I enthusiastically nominate Jason Anselment, from the IL Assoc. of Park Districts. Friendly, easygoing, kind, fair, perceptive and unbelievably helpful. He knows his code (before you scoff, take a look at 70 ILCS) and is always ready to serve as a resource on a moment’s notice, even if the topic is only tangentially related to parks. No, it’s not hard to be pro-park (although their loan bill last session had some opposition), but that shouldn’t take away from how fabulously Jason does his job.

  11. - Samuel - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:10 pm:

    Do-gooder: Matt Paprocki. This man saved untold numbers of middle-class families from taking a significant income tax hit in 2015. Paprocki came up with the legislative strategy for blocking the progressive tax hike by firming up House Republican opposition in 2013 and focusing on House Dems in 2014. He did it with tact, patience and principled positioning — all the while covering a broader legislative agenda than any group out there. He catches things that would otherwise go unnoticed and folks around the statehouse trust his word. He plays chess, not checkers, and he plays fair. Lives are changed for the better thanks to his work.

  12. - Anne Washington - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:26 pm:

    “Best Do-Gooder Lobbyist” is Illinois Policy’s Matt Paprocki, hands down. Matt is strategic, sharp and pragmatic. He knows Illinois politics inside and out, and has been instrumental in some of the biggest policy discussions in the state in recent years.

  13. - Emily Miller - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:57 pm:

    As the founder of the Do Gooder Caucus, it’s amusing to me that anyone would nominate Illinois Policy Institute staff in the Do Gooder category. That’s not really the way it works.

    Bryan McDaniels gets my vote this year. He is all over the place, and he’s in the room when it matters. He fights hard, and being a do gooder comes with its share of losses, but he keeps at it.

  14. - The old and new William j Kelly - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 3:58 pm:

    Oswego, thank you for reminding me that ‘rational republican’ is liberal code for sellout, I had almost forgot! Btw, even in the Era of rahmner, I still consider being a ’sellout’ to be a bad thing, although it might be hard to find those who understand and agree.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:05 pm:

    I called him a rational voice.

    Reading is hard.

    With a lack of logic and reading comprehension, I’m not surprised you can’t find anyone who may understand you, let alone agree.

    The spirit of the Golden Horsehoes is positive. Too bad that is list on you too.


  16. - LizPhairTax - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:08 pm:

    Best Congress: Really not my area of expertise, but how about Aaron Schock? His Springfield office used to be a burrito place. That’s worth something I guess.

    Do-Gooder: I second Brian McDaniel with CUB. Great guy, never takes it personally when he gets crushed by the powers that be. Talk about some unfair fights. He’s up against some of the most powerful statehouse entities on a regular basis and keeps a smile on his face at all times. Also is tall, but isn’t Frerichs about it.

  17. - The new William j Kelly - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:11 pm:

    Oswego, all good points! Thank you for always keeping it positive! I have learned a lot from you over the last year and hope to do better and better everyday, thank you!

  18. - Senator Clay Davis - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:15 pm:

    My vote for Congresscritter is Dr/Rep/Mom Tammy Duckworth. One of the toughest and smartest people in Congress, and we’re lucky to have her in Illinois.

    I’ll concur on Jen Walling at IL Environmental Council for best do-gooder lobbyist out there. Jen herds cats within the enviro groups BEFORE she goes out and fights hard for a variety of environmental issues. A great advocate

  19. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:18 pm:

    Nice call out, Emily. And since you’re much too modest to nominate yourself, I hereby submit the nomination of one Emily Miller for a Golden Horseshoe.

    The case: Emily perseveres through difficult situations, difficult budgets and difficult bosses and does it with confidence, aplomb and a sense of self that can only be described as delightful. She founded the caucus and deserves the award.

  20. - A Modest Proposal - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:24 pm:

    Illinois has 20 Congresscritters, and the majority of them are absolutely wonderful across the political spectrum.

    I actually desperately plead with Rich to allow this category to be a tie between Critter Davis and Critter Bustos. Both of these states-people go to work everyday fighting for the people they represent. Both are also rising stars.

  21. - Rahm'sMiddleFinger - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:29 pm:

    For Congressperson… I’ll go with Jan Schakowsky. She has been a leading progressive voice for a long time. She is extremely influential within her caucus. She’s the original Elizabeth Warren.

    For Do Gooder. I’m a big fan of Jen Walling of the Illinois Environmental Council. Jen is incredibly effective and has a built a very impressive organization. She is a wonderful person and has the respect of legislators and staff.

  22. - muon - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:31 pm:

    Best Congresscritter: Peter Roskam. He found himself in the surprising position of a leadership fight after Cantor’s unexpected primary loss. He didn’t prevail in his run for whip, but he showed that he had a lot of support among his colleagues. But more importantly to this nomination, he has managed to stay relevant despite losing the leadership post. One area in particular where Roskam has found a voice is in foreign affairs through his appointment to the House Select Benghazi Committee and as co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus. His support inside DC also shows when earlier this month he was named Chair of the Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee for the incoming Congress.

  23. - AlabamaShake - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:32 pm:

    I’ll add a nomination for Jen Walling. Extremely smart and effective, she’s well liked on all sides. She “gets it” as folks say - she understands policy, she understands politics, she understands relationships. She does good at doing good.

  24. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:34 pm:

    Re Matt Ps nomination, in what state did he lead the charge against a “progressive income tax hike” and was “instrumental” in policy discussions?

  25. - NotMe - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:48 pm:

    Jen Walling. No doubt. She maintains a positive attitude no matter what, manages to effectively represent a coalition that doesn’t often… coalesce well and still manages to pull out wins (and block big losses). She’s the one.

  26. - Gentlemen, behold! - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 4:57 pm:

    I think in this context, “do gooder” goes beyond ideology and who you choose to drink wine with post five o’clock. I think maybe it’s more about the type of organization for which you are lobbying. But it may be folly to argue with the “founder.”

    Not that he is even of the political persuasion you would find me imbibing with, but I will also cast my vote for Matt Paprocki. His command of social media and coordinated messaging, combined with his own credibility earned through years of working on staff, makes him an effective advocate for an organization that I normally don’t ever listen to. He’s a great “face” for the conservative movement. In short, even though I don’t always agree with his organization and its brand of “do good,” I’m more likely to have a drink with him, rather than throw one on him.

  27. - muon - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 5:03 pm:

    For best Do-Gooder Lobbyist I support those who named Jen Walling. After last year’s fracking bill split the environmental groups she stayed on top of the issue this year through the rounds of rule-making.

  28. - wak - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 5:25 pm:

    I will also throw a vote in there for Jen Walling. She is smart, positive and level headed. Most importantly she works her tail off motivated by a sense of justice and well to be a do-gooder. She has also done an excellent and amazing job of taking the reins of the IL Environmental Council and bringing in back from the brink of closing its doors.

  29. - huh - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 5:42 pm:

    Did the environmental lobby pass a major bill this year that I don’t know about?
    Mark Denzler should have the honor of giving Jen Walling the golden horseshoe as a show of gratitude.

  30. - AlabamaShake - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 5:48 pm:

    Another vote for dogooder (even though I already voted):

    I nominate a pair: Lucy Mullaney from Heartland Alliance/Illinois Asset Building Group and Courtney Eccles from Woodstock Institute. Their tireless efforts in Sen. Biss’s Secure Choice bill were impressive. They work very hard, they’re extremely smart and are effective lobbyists. And they had one of the bigger wins of the year, especial among the very few wins the dogooders had this year.

  31. - Altgeld - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 6:04 pm:

    Congress: I admire and nominate Cheri Bustos, who has been a champion for the district’s middle-class constituency.

    Do-gooder: Jen Walling. Coordinating the IEC member organizations - broad and with different styles and agendas - can be tough. But Jen gets it done and gets results - whether it’s rallying the grassroots and moving legislators to support DNR’s few-based sustainability bill, tirelessly fighting to protect the State’s threatened and endangered species (cougars, bears, and bobcats), leading the charge to make IL the first state to ban microbead pollutants in our waterways, or ensuring strong environmental protections in the fracking law. She is passionate and pragmatic - easential qualities for a do-gooder lobbyist.

  32. - Jack Darin - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 7:13 pm:

    Jen Walling is a great choice - I’m glad to see her work is getting noticed. She’s a great leader of our coalition, and most haven’t seen how hard she has worked outside the building to put the Illinois Environmental Council on sound footing. All of us who work for and support clean air, water, and wild places are lucky that she is our eyes and ears every session day.

    Whether its bobcats, B-Corps, microBeads, building codes, or building a clean energy future, Jen does it all on a daily basis. Thanks Jen, for all you do!

  33. - Mary Sunshine - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 7:42 pm:

    Jen Walling with the IEC. Smart, hardworking, personable, responsive. Very tough to lead such a diverse group of advocates in the same direction, but she does an amazing job time and time again. Open and creative, she is always assessing how to make improvements in her organization, build relationships across the aisle, and increase the leverage of the environmental community in Springfield. She has managed to strike the very difficult balance between passionate and practical advocacy…a big challenge but a very necessary step as the environmental advocates increase their influence in Springfield each year.

  34. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 7:52 pm:

    Congress: Tammy Duckworth. Amazing woman. Amazingly brave. And this:

    Do good lobbyist: Michael J. Casper. I’m told he does very good work.

  35. - Anon - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 8:48 pm:

    No question, Jen Walling. Extremely competent, personable, knowledgable. The whole nine yards.

  36. - OTP Lover - Tuesday, Dec 16, 14 @ 10:40 pm:

    Best Congresscritter is hands down Rodney Davis. You’d be hard pressed to find someone that so seamlessly transitioned into his role while working tirelessly and remaining as down to earth as ever. Rodney’s territory covers a diverse mix of constituents, and Rodney represents them all with class. He’s simply one of the most genuine guys around.

    For best “Do-gooder” my nomination goes to Jen de Leon with Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. Jen’s heart is in the right place, and it shows in everything she does. Jen is a shining star that would go out of her way to help a person in need, through her advocacy efforts at the Capitol and otherwise. She is passionately devoted to her cause and leads by example.

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