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Petulance all around

Friday, Dec 19, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s been my observation over the years that whenever somebody opposes a special session topic, they almost always bring up the cost of a special session. Ergo, today’s Chicago Tribune editorial

It’s ridiculous for Quinn to call a special session, to haul the lawmakers to Springfield at an expected cost of $50,000.

Notice, however, no mention of the cost of the last special session in 2013, which was about pension reform, an issue the Tribune supported

Quinn has called a special session of the legislature for June 19 to deal with pensions. The governor met Tuesday with House Republican leader Tom Cross and Senate GOP leader Christine Radogno, still searching for ideas. Quinn, at least, is keeping the conversation moving.

* And the same editorial page that demanded a special election to replace US Sen. Barack Obama after the 2008 election has now concocted a kinda weird “solution” to the Topinka replacement

Rauner could defuse this by appointing a comptroller who agrees to resign in two years. He should encourage the legislature to put a referendum proposal on the 2016 ballot for a constitutional amendment to combine the offices of comptroller and treasurer. If voters approve that — we’re sure they would — then Rauner could extend the appointment of the comptroller for the time needed to shut down the office.

How is that any different than appointing someone to a four-year term?

Bizarre logic there, Tribsters.

* And speaking of 2008, remember this?


In a letter today, IL GOP leaders pled with Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell to influence the U.S. Senate seat by filled by special election, a procedure the Illinois House and Senate would need to send to the Governor for his signature. The Governor said when appointing Roland Burris that he was in support of a special election. Democrats in neither the Democrat-controlled House nor Senate would allow the special election measure to be voted upon, despite both chambers being called into special session to discuss a special election two weeks ago.

The letter from Congressman Shimkus, House Minority Leader Tom Cross, Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno, IL GOP Chairman Andy McKenna and IL GOP County Chairman Randy Pollard reads as follows:

* Look, as I’ve made clear, I think this special session is a waste of time because House Speaker Michael Madigan has said he wants Quinn and Rauner to work out a compromise. I’m also an agnostic on a special election. I can see both sides of this issue.

And I most certainly agree with this section of today’s Tribune editorial

Quinn has been nothing but petulant since he lost his re-election. He stalled on conceding to Rauner. He slipped his campaign manager into a plum state job with a two-year term. He signed onto a questionable Lottery contract that locks in the new governor.

His Department of Transportation continues to pursue construction of the massively expensive Illiana Expressway, even though Rauner may opt to drop the project. Residents living along the expressway path received letters this week notifying them that appraisers will be at their homes during the holidays to set a price to buy them out.

But Quinn isn’t the only one being “petulant” here.


  1. - Out Here In The Middle - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:16 am:

    Dear Governor Quinn and Governor-Elect Rauner:
    The election is over. Please work on the very real problems that are right in front of you.

  2. - DuPage - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:18 am:

    Rauner is off to a rough start. Springfield politics remind me of a hockey game. Instead of working on making goals, they seem intent on brawling with the opposition.

  3. - Cassiopeia - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:28 am:

    I don’t think many are surprised by Quinn’s classless exit.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:44 am:

    I have gone from sad to frustrated to now slightly annoyed and frustrated.

    To Quinn,

    All the yapping and posturing in the world doesn’t change a simple fact;

    One of the chambers’ leaders, he asked that the Executive work this all out, and hasn’t wavered. At all.

    Using the levers of government without rationally understanding your course of action is a non-starter is classic “Governor Quinn”.

    All that would be missing is if Quinn were to withhold pay…

    That’s right, we are now at the point pay for all, vendors, employees, everyone’s pay may be withheld, because leadership is lacking from the sitting governor.

    An ignorant use of powers isn’t a power play, Governor. You have learned nothing.

    To the GOP,

    I stated yesterday my thoughts, and while AG Madigan did not require a special election, the opinion has suggested, with very sound legal footing, that a special election should be considered.

    The fallout for Rauner might include his first act as Governor could be appointing a…”career politician”…decided in a “back room” by “insiders”…and refusing to let that appointee face the voters at the earliest convience.


    First move by the “Shake Up” Governor is to side with political insiders and appoint a career politician, for 4 years, with no chance of voters deciding when that option was clearly laid out in an Attorney General opinion in the matter?

    The fact it CAN be possible to have a special election is more damaging than it being required and refusing to do so,


    My Party has an option to promote “Shaking Up” Springfield, it’s there, but My Party chose to “ignore democracy”

    I get and understand the political, and the challenge of keeping the seat in the 2016 cycle, and I understand how critical an appointee needs experience, even from a “career politician”. I do. But it won’t be framed that way and the 2006 call for a special election isn’t helping.

    Both Quinn and My Party seem to lack the understanding that doing what is best and right requires looking beyond political rhetoric and above political posturing.

    Quinn’s issues deal with the la k of political acumen.

    My Party’s issues deal with choosing power over perception, even choosing to push power at the cost of losing perception.

    Between MJM and his request, and AG Madigan and the AG opinion, there is a pretty good road map, so why are others not following it, and further, what does it say about those ignoring the logical paths?

  5. - Bourbonrich - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:46 am:

    I agree with the first paragraph of the Tribune section but they are completely wrong on the second part. I realize the Tribune does not believe that there is needed infrastructure south of I 80 and in the collar counties but they are wrong. The Illiana is needed and the need will only grow.

  6. - Wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:54 am:

    The obsession with the comptroller appointment is disappointing. Much ado about something that has zero impact on about 13 million lives.

    I can see how it might be a welcome diversion to the Rauner crew and the suddenly relevant GOP caucuses before the heavy lifting of governing begins. Ready or not, here it comes.

    But Quinn doesn’t have much time left and shouldn’t fritter it away on this nonsense.

    Somewhere in his office is a stack of clemency petitions. Some are no doubt frivolous. But if you’ve paid just casual attention to the news over the years, you can bet some are worthy of serious consideration.

    The constitution gives the governor, and only the governor, the awesome power and grave responsibility of righting wrongs and delivering justice and mercy through pardon and commutation.

    Pat, you like to quote the Bible and talk about doing God’s work. You’ll never have the power again to walk it like you talk it for real people like you do this very minute.

    You’ve taken your shot on the comptroller sideshow. Move on, and get back to work at your real job. You have some serious reading and weighty decisions to make that could change the lives of real, deserving people.

  7. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:54 am:

    I’m shocked by Quinn’s classless behavior. I think it’s not like him at all.

  8. - Mason born - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:55 am:

    Rich couldn’t be more correct that both sides have been petulant. However as Willy points out Payroll is now due for a good portion of State Employees as well as vendors etc. If Quinn decides not to appoint and those folks aren’t payed then we have gone beyond petulance and into Malfeasance. Add that Christmas is in 6 days and any questions on payment become doubly biting.

    Gov. You can stick it to BR all you want but it is time to do your Darn Job!!

  9. - Truthteller - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:57 am:

    Surprised that the Trib did not urge the police powers defense to block a special session.
    The state is broke and can’t afford the $50k cost. Even though the Governor has the constitutional authority to call a special session, the state’s fiscal crisis trumps the exercise of that right

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:59 am:

    ===The state is broke and can’t afford the $50k cost===


    No state is ever that broke.


  11. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 8:59 am:

    === If Quinn decides not to appoint and those folks aren’t payed===

    Take a breath.

  12. - Stones - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:03 am:

    PQ’s behavior doesn’t surprise me at all. It’s always been about him.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:05 am:

    “That’s right, we are now at the point pay for all, vendors, employees, everyone’s pay may be withheld, because leadership is lacking from the sitting governor.”


    My intent was just to point out the duties of the office, not that the “panic button” needs to be pushed.

    My apologies.

  14. - Secret Square - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:05 am:

    “zero impact on about 13 million lives”

    Signing all the state’s checks/warrants to employees, vendors, etc. has “zero impact”?

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:13 am:

    ===That’s right, we are now at the point pay for all, vendors, employees, everyone’s pay may be withheld, because leadership is lacking from the sitting governor.===

    Not sure that’s true.

    They may have more time.

  16. - Mason born - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:14 am:

    Ok I actually wasn’t trying to panic. Apologize for coming off that way.

    At what point does the appointment need to be made to avoid an interruption in payment?

  17. - Truthteller - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:14 am:

    Rich, You’re right, but the Trib editors are more shameless than the state is broke. They are not above making any argument, however inane.

  18. - VanillaMan - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:17 am:

    Yes - the Tribune seems bipolar regarding its recommendations regarding a special election when you compare replacing a sitting US senator and an Illinois comptroller.

    But let’s not compare those two situations. One is a federal position being filled by a corrupted Democratic governor who is on record during his trial, as having contacted others selling his appointment power to that office. You take Blagojevich or Obama out of this situation and there would have probably been a different approach recommend by the Tribune. It was a bad situation because of a bad key player. Who was being wired, investigated and out of his freaking mind.

    What’s happening now is standard politics. We know why each player is spinning the situation. We can see how a resolution can be worked out. We can see a fair compromise.

    So I don’t see this as a broken editorial board. I see it as two very different events with different players, different governments and different turmoil.

    Just work it out. We’re talking comptroller, not a future president being replaced for the US Senate by a FBI wired future gubernatorial felon.

  19. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:17 am:

    ===At what point does the appointment need to be made===

    I’ve heard an argument that it could wait until January 12th.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:18 am:

    - Mason born -,

    It’s “on me”. I was making a point that can easily read out as promoting an urgency that is not there, while trying to make the point of just the duties.

    My bad.

  21. - Mouthy - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:19 am:

    My retirement check is in the bank so if you’ll excuse me I have presents to wrap..

  22. - ??? - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:21 am:

    I heard on the local news (CBS) last night that Quinn was going to be announcing an appointment today, a non-political person to keep things going through the end of the current Comptroller’s term. However, since I haven’t heard or read that anywhere else, especially here, I’m not putting too much faith in that (or any, really).

  23. - Weltschmerz - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:22 am:

    Rich; “No state is ever that broke.”. Is that your proposal for the new state motto to replace the old one, “We’re not last, we’re 49th.”?

  24. - Mouthy - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:23 am:

    “I’ve heard an argument that it could wait until January 12th.”

    As long as they have the authority to take care of business and they don’t run out of authorized checks there is no reason that you couldn’t.

  25. - A guy... - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:27 am:

    All this screwing around and nuttiness may only serve the purpose of running out the clock on a Governor who has lost almost any sense of real purpose. If, vendors and state employees (especially the latter) see this affect their pay period at this time of the year, Quinn’s legacy will forever be that issue. He’s just not thinking right. It’s time for him to coast to the end and let the new guy pick up the yoke. Just do what you absolutely have to do (one very short term appointment) and exit gracefully. This is all about stubbornness and resentment now.

  26. - Wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:28 am:

    SS, anyone’s name can be loaded into the auto pen. This dust up is just petty politics about who gets the gig and a few jobs.

    Or do you see some important policy and governance questions at stake here that impact people’s lives?

  27. - Bill White - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:28 am:

    I’ve read the suggestion that legislation for a special election needs to be enacted before an appointee takes office for a special election to occur in 2016.

    If Quinn appoints someone before special election legislation is passed, the opportunity for a special election might be lost.

    I’m not sure I agree with that legal analysis but I can’t conclusively say I disagree with it either.

  28. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:30 am:

    The Trib editorial writers are never reluctant to drop an “Illiana bomb” into anything they write. They are starting to remind me of former Trib writer Bob Greene, who sent readers’ eyes darting off to the next page when he covered the “Baby Richard” case ad nauseum.

  29. - John Bambenek - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:32 am:

    The opposition to a special election here should say one thing and one things only… we either should have special elections in all cases or not at all. We do not support special election just in this one particular case for this one particular office because one party things they can benefit more than another.

    We either do special elections for all state level vacancies over a certain duration, or we should admit this isn’t about democracy, it’s about partisan advantage.

  30. - Bill White - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:38 am:


    That is why we need a statute to cover vacancies and appointees to constitutional offices.

    My suggestion is that if there are more than 30 months remaining in a term when the vacancy occurs there is a special election at the next November in an even numbered year.

    An appointee should never serve more than 2 1/2 years without a special election.

    In some circumstances, might need a summer primary for a November general but the current gap between March primaries and the November general is far too large already.

  31. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:49 am:

    I fully expect a Quinn appointment to be dropped late today. Fits his M.O.

    As for the special session, I am in Rich’s camp. I agree with the interpretation that a four-year appointment would be valid as the law stands, but if there is sufficient push to change it before 1/12, so be it. I don’t think a change after 1/12 would be on very sound legal footing, so to be safe it should be done before then.

  32. - Norseman - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:50 am:

    Petulance is a perfect description of a lot of behavior here in Springfield. This is the latest sad chapter.

  33. - Jaded - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:52 am:

    Quinn should appoint Kimme and then go to Madigan and say “look I’ve done what Rauner asked me to do and he can point whoever the hell he wants in January, now let’s pass a special election bill so we take the office back in 2016.”

    That would be a tough argument for Madigan (the state party leader) to oppose and Quinn goes out on a high note. Why is this so tough?

  34. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:52 am:

    ==Or do you see some important policy and governance questions at stake here that impact people’s lives?==

    Word, are you really that dense into what the responsibility of the Comptroller’s office is? You’ve seem to gone off of the rails lately with your comments.

  35. - Wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:56 am:

    Demo, by all means, enlighten me.

  36. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 9:56 am:

    @Bill White, I agree with you except that I feel a constitutional amendment for all offices should be in order on this topic. I also favor a constitutional amendment merging the two offices.

    Other states manage primaries as late as August. That one doesn’t require a constitutional change, but just a willingness on both sides to do the right thing. That would include streamlining and fixing the wacky, wild laws on petition challenges and the numbers required to file to seek nomination for office.

    But our most recent legacy in Illinois, thanks to those in power, were two elections on the same day for U.S. Senate by court order, one to fill a vacancy, the other for the new term of office, and now an appointment to fill a vacancy until 1/12/15, then an appointment, for 2 or 4 years, and if a special election, 4 comptrollers from 11/15 through 11/18?

    That all sound crazy? Well, let’s be honest here. It is!

  37. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 10:15 am:

    Louis G Atsaves

    New York State has September primaries.

  38. - Chris - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 10:26 am:

    “I’m shocked by Quinn’s classless behavior. I think it’s not like him at all.”

    I’m shocked that anyone can say that about PQ with a straight face.

  39. - Arizona Bob - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 10:31 am:

    Anyone know how many patronage jobs and crony contracts we’re talking about here? I saw there are about 20 “directors” of various departments, and assume they’re mostly patronage jobs, but perhaps a few managers are just so good at their jobs (Kimme?) that keeping them is more important than political corruption.

    I think Rauner could make some real points here by placing a really competent CPA type to run the office for two years, then let the patronage and ego driven GOP folks fight out who will run for the spot in 2016.

    It seems with all the budgetary, corruption and incompetence issues in Illinois government(DCFS, IDOT, etc.)to be addressed, this battle isn’t worth Rauner using up much political capital to get his way.

    Just like Sam Houston picking San Jacinto for the spot to nail Santa Anna, you’ve gotta pick your spots to fight if you want to win the “war”. The comptroller office, considering the emotional loss of a popular politician associated with it, would seem more of a “Waterloo” than “San Jacinto” for Rauner in this case.

  40. - Wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 10:32 am:

    Demo, while you work on that list of the impactful responsibilities regarding policy and governance of the elected comptroller, bear in mind that the only person to serve as both comptroller and treasurer thought that one person could do both gigs pretty easily.

    The professionals in the office manage the accounts and do the fiscal reporting very well. They did so under JBT, they did so under the great Roland Burris, and will continue to do so no matter who the politican is that gets the gig.

  41. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 10:37 am:

    Arizona Bob -
    Jim Edgar, in settling the Rutan case, said for 60,000+ state employees he needed 3,000 Rutan exempt (i.e., patronage) employees. Roughly the same number (after excluding board and ceremonial positions) the President has for 1 million civilian employees.

  42. - walker - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 10:50 am:

    Such chaos and upset!

    The job is pretty simple, but the office is politically important for the ambitious party animals.

    Madigan, pater, just watches and waits.

    No matter how he tries to stay out of it, the ball in the end, will be in his hands. This would be a slam dunk for his caucus, if he wants to have a big issue with Rauner so early. He might well pass.

  43. - PublicServant - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    I get that Madigan want the executive branch, both current and future, to work it out. That doesn’t look like its going to happen. Seeing that his sage advice is not being heeded, could the chess player decide not to just gavel in and out during the special session?

  44. - Anonymoiis - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 11:08 am:


    Actually wasn’t there a controversy regarding how past comptrollers lagged in certain areas, specifically with regard to cemetery regulations that the comptrollers office was responsible for? It’s not all as simple as just writing some checks.

  45. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 11:27 am:

    That’s all right…just keep fighting and drag out the Illinois Constitution where it says the governor elect must appoint……..Wait! The Constitution can be ignored and we all can do anything we darn well please to suit our fancy (or those “other” important people) It means nothing right? The Constitutional clause protecting state pensions has been trashed…why not this? Use it as you please, right?

  46. - Amalia - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 11:29 am:

    can Quinn deal with the Bears during the Special Session?

  47. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 11:32 am:


    You see the Comptroller as a figure head. With that viewpoint it stands to reason that you would think that the person who take the position is unimportant. I can’t argue against that mindset so I won’t even try. I disagree that the person is merely a figurehead. I’ll leave it at that.

  48. - DuPage - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 11:35 am:

    Is lack of a comptroller going to stop pensions, state paychecks, gas credit cards for state vehicles, and other payments that are due right away? I heard from a state police officer I know that the state credit cards have previously been refused by vendors awaiting payment. The state police don’t like using their own money to buy gas and then have to wait a year or more to be reimbursed. They try to make sure they have enough to make it back to the state pumps. So much for a smooth transition.

  49. - Loop Lady - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 11:36 am:

    Just when I thought it was over, Quinn pulls them back in…Merry Christmas everyone ;)

  50. - downstate commissioner - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 11:39 am:

    @Public Servant: Your wording is confusing. Did you mean that he could gavel in and out with no action, throwing the whole mess back into Quinn and Rauner’s hands? That’s what I would expect him to do; why should he play ball with either of them at this point in time?

  51. - Wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 11:45 am:

    No, Demo, you argued that I was dense because I didn’t understand the impactful responsibilities of policy and governance related to the office.

    I was just curious as to what those were.

  52. - PublicServant - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 12:09 pm:

    === why should he play ball with either of them at this point in time? ===

    dc, he wouldn’t be playing ball with either one. He’d be doing what he usually does and passing a special election law that would call for a special election of a comptroller in 2016, and, oh, helping his party at the same time. I’m wondering why he wouldn’t do that frankly, regardless of whether it makes neither, either or both of them look good.

  53. - A guy... - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 12:21 pm:

    === Wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 11:45 am:

    No, Demo, you argued that I was dense because I didn’t understand the impactful responsibilities of policy and governance related to the office.

    I was just curious as to what those were.===

    I’d argue that you’re “dense” only when you want to be. What I wonder is why a pretty smart person would ever do that?

    The Comptroller is much more than an ink jet. Can both jobs (Comptroller and Treasurer) be done by one person? Obviously they can, because it’s been done. Should we just slap together a policy for political expediency? I don’t think so. For once, let’s think it out.

    If we’ve been taught anything this year, it should be how many serious voids there were in the Con Con that have left all of us to do far too much interpreting. It relies on too much “good faith”. Just ain’t enough of that around here in 2014. I don’t remember there being quite enough in 1970 either. But, it sure was better than now.

  54. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 12:26 pm:

    I’m not trying to pick nits, or fights, with anyone here, but I just don’t see how much longer the State can cut checks or make payments with a JBT signature. Certainly she had staff authorized to sign in her absence but every signature authorization I ever filed (with the Comptroller, btw) was clear that the authorizations expired with the departure of the authorizing party.

  55. - SpringfieldDem - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 12:26 pm:

    When we talk about “petulant”, keep in mind — this is the same Quinn who fired his top staff as he went out the door as Treasurer, and then lied to the media about it. His petulance has no boundaries. See article below from 1995:

    January 7, 1995
    Section: LOCAL
    Edition: M1,M2
    Page: 1


    Incoming Republican Attorney General Jim Ryan Friday fired 50 workers in the attorney general’s office, giving them until noon Monday to clear out
    their desks.
    Several top employees of state Treasurer Pat Quinn also worked their last day Friday, amid conflicting reports about whether they were fired by Quinn or left voluntarily.

    But incoming Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka said Friday afternoon that all of Quinn’s employees are welcome to come into work Monday — at least temporarily. Topinka said she plans to start interviewing employees Tuesday and only then will decide who to keep and who to fire.
    Ryan began notifying some employees at 5 p.m. Thursday that they would be out of work Monday, said Al Manning, spokesman for outgoing Attorney General Roland Burris. However, most of the workers were not notified until 11 a.m. Friday, Manning said.
    Ryan will become the state’s new attorney general at noon Monday.
    “It’s caused considerable trauma among some employees,” Manning said. “Some of those employees have been there up to nine years and do not consider themselves policy-makers or political appointees.”
    The U.S. Supreme Court has said most state employees cannot be fired strictly for political reasons. However, the court did say workers in policy-making posts and other politically sensitive positions can be dismissed without cause.
    None of the 50 fired workers had civil service protection, nor were they union members, Manning said. None of them were among the 250 lawyers on the attorney general’s 750-member staff.
    Manning said some of the employees were in “tremendous shock.” “Nothing was said to them (about being fired),” he said. “The word that was passed along was to stay in place.”
    Many of the dismissed employees planned to be at work over the weekend so they could have their belongings cleared out by noon Monday, Manning said.
    Ryan spokesman John Hoffman acknowledged that the employees were given no warning that they might be fired. Most are being allowed to reapply to work in the attorney general’s office, although not in their previous jobs, he added.
    Hoffman also said that, while the workers must be out of the office by Monday, they will get two weeks’ severance pay.
    However, Manning said the short notice may complicate the processing of paperwork for the departing workers, including payments for their unused sick leave and vacation time.
    “It’s not possible to process the paper that fast,” he said.
    Conflicting reports emerged Friday about whether Quinn fired about a dozen of his own workers before Topinka could take over.
    Quinn denied Friday that he pink-slipped anyone, although he said a number of people were working their last day Friday.
    “I wouldn’t call it (firing),” Quinn said. “There are a number of people moving on just because they want to leave.”
    Quinn described the employees as “part of my personal staff” who would not likely be retained by Topinka after she assumes office.
    However, Topinka said some of Quinn’s employees called her Friday, saying they had been fired. One, whom she declined to identify, will probably be rehired once she takes over, Topinka said.
    All of Quinn’s employees should report to work Monday, Topinka said, even if their stay will be only temporary. She said she wants to interview all of them before deciding if they should stay or be fired.
    Quinn could not be reached Friday for further comment.
    Topinka has said she thinks the treasurer’s office staff is bloated at 150 employees and she will cut it by one-third to one-half. However, she said she wants to be the one who decides which employees remain on board.

    Copyright (c) 1995 The State Journal-Register (Springfield, IL)

  56. - Wensicia - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 12:28 pm:

    Both Rauner and Quinn act as if the election hasn’t happened yet. There’s no way they’ll come to an amicable compromise on this matter. I expect nothing effecting change will be accomplished until after Quinn leaves office. Just name a temp and be done with it.

  57. - Del Clinkton - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 12:39 pm:

    Combining this thread with the Bears open thread to spread holiday joy! ;-)

  58. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 12:54 pm:

    ==No, Demo, you argued that I was dense because I didn’t understand the impactful responsibilities of policy and governance related to the office.==

    I have zero idea what you are talking about.

    From your statement you either:

    1. Believe the Comptroller is a figure head
    2. Believe the office of inconsequential

    From your statements I honestly have no idea what you believe. With that said, no matter which one it is you are wrong.

    As soon as you can enlighten me as to what the heck you believe I’ll be happy to respond because so far you are clear as mud.

  59. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 12:54 pm:

    “is” inconsequential

  60. - Wordslinger - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 1:08 pm:

    Demo, if you’re confused, I’d suggest you read your post at 9:52 to get you back on track.

    I contend that the office is administrative in nature and does not have a policy or governance role that has an impact on people’s lives.

    The professionals in the office do their job very well.Who the politician is in charge is not a big deal.

    You disagree. Perhaps you could point out some impactful milestones from the long Roland Burris era.

  61. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 1:13 pm:

    ==I contend that the office is administrative in nature and does not have a policy or governance role that has an impact on people’s lives==

    I consider it to have a great deal of impact on people’s lives when that is the office that issues all of the state checks. That’s a pretty big governance role in my book. So, I have a big disagreement with you on that point.

    ==Who the politician is in charge is not a big deal.==

    I get your contention that the person doesn’t matter. I disagree if only because the top person can have a big impact on the way an office runs if they so choose (and I mostly mean that in a negative way).

  62. - Black Ivy - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 1:15 pm:

    From my vantage point, Governor Quinn is the primary source of petulence. Governor-Elect Rauner is simply trying to stop any bleeding and stay all actions that might impact his administration in less than three weeks. That’s called being proactive in my book.

  63. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 1:21 pm:

    @Black Ivy:

    Sometimes I get dizzy from your spin.

    They have both had a less than stellar performance. If you had an honest bone in your body you’d acknowledge that. From what I’ve seen you lack that, though, so I won’t be too disappointed if you don’t.

  64. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 1:25 pm:

    ==Governor-Elect Rauner is simply trying to stop any bleeding and stay all actions==

    By the way, he ain’t Governor yet. If I were the Governor I would tell him to bite me too. When Rauner is Governor he can do what he wants. I’ll defend his right to do the same things Quinn is doing when he reaches that point.

  65. - logic not emotion - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 1:40 pm:

    I’ve read lots of Quinn bashing and feel much of it is deserved; but he should at least be recognized as the only Illinois Governor in many years not immediately headed to prison after office. Apparently, that is quite an accomplishment in Illinois! :-)

  66. - Fight Fair - Friday, Dec 19, 14 @ 3:30 pm:

    Re wanting a special election for U.S. senator but not comptroller: From Tuesday’s Tribune editorial –
    (Lisa) Madigan wants to see voters elect a comptroller in the 2016 general election to serve the last two years of that term. And Senate President John Cullerton went so far as to declare: “We need a special session to immediately consider legislation for a special election.”
    If this were a major office — say, U.S. senator — we’d agree. But this is an office that shouldn’t even exist. Judy Baar Topinka would throw a fit over wasting taxpayer money on a special legislative session to resolve an insignificant issue that lawmakers can address … next month.

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