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Question of the day

Monday, Jan 5, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Review

As soon as Governor-Elect Bruce Rauner is sworn in on January 12th, he will be making an unexpected crucial appointment - who will fill the shoes of the late Judy Baar-Topinka as State Comptroller. One of those names now circulating is State Rep. Jil Tracy, whose term will end when the new General Assembly convenes.

Former candidate for governor Adam Andrzejewski confirmed to Illinois Review earlier this week that he’s applied for the appointment, and now Quincy radio station WGEM is reporting that Tracy, who ran for lieutenant governor with Republican Senator Kirk Dillard, is willing to take the job on, too.

WGEM says Tracy told them she hasn’t “sought the position, but would be honored to serve as comptroller.”

Another name being mentioned for the job is Topinka’s longtime chief of staff Nancy Kimme, who was heavily involved in Rauner’s successful campaign for governor.

AA had a super-hostile relationship with Topinka, so I just don’t see that happening. And from what I’ve been told, Kimme doesn’t want the job.

* The Question: Who do you think Rauner should appoint as the next comptroller? Let’s leave aside the two year/four year argument for now, please. And make sure to explain your answer. Thanks!


  1. - Soccermom - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:47 am:

    All I know about Nancy Kimme is what I’ve read on this blog and what I heard at JBT’s memorial. But based on that, she seems like a great choice.

  2. - walker - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:47 am:

    Tracy’s way better than Sanguinetti any day.

    Matt Murphy wants higher office, and just cannot seem to make the right connection for a good run. He would be an outstanding communicator.

    My sleeper, with real professional financial skills, would be Darlene Senger, who shouldn’t not be left hanging after her run for Congress.

  3. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:48 am:

    In the absence of NJK, then Sullivan, Sandack, Tracy, McCommaughay and Brady all make sense. Not sure any actually want the gig, but they’re all good options who, perhaps with the exception of a few Brady poaitions, are good with all parties involved. Outside the box…someone mentioned Ethan Hastert to me this past week. Also outside the box is John noak, Mayor of Romeoville. My preference though would be McConnaughay. She’s smart, reasonable, well versed in state finances and mostly electable in a future run.

  4. - walker - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:50 am:

    Please ignore the double negative 11:47 above Senger would be good.

  5. - Louis Howe - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:53 am:

    Don’t have a clue…but watching Rauner’s early appointments will provide a good indication of whether he really intends to “shake up Springfield.” Bringing someone in from the private sector with high level financial experience would indicate he’s really does mean business.

  6. - Thrilled - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:53 am:

    Jil Tracy would be perfect for the job.

  7. - Langhorne - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:54 am:

    Adam is the character who a few years gave us the discussion of requiring a multi year “forensic audit” of Medicaid, that would magically identify and save millions and millions. Actually, it would have cost millions, taken a ton of time, and likely produced little of value. He would be an attention grabbing, horrible choice.

    Jil Tracy would be an excellent choice.

    If Kimme doesnt want the job, I am sure the Baron will find a good place for her skills.

    Welcome back Rich, I hope you had a great break.

  8. - Arizona Bob - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:54 am:

    AA would be an extraordinary choice. JBT, rest her soul, didn’t appreciate watchdogs “looking over her shoulder” and considered AA to be no more than a gadfly. This office shouldn’t be about politics. It should be about responsibly and accountably taking care of disbursements, and keeping a keen eye out for the taxpayers when spending practices look hinky.

    I can’t imagine anyone doing a better job of advocating for the people in that position than Adam..CERTAINLY not Tracy or any of the Rauner or Dillard campaign crew.

  9. - Tim Snopes - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:55 am:

    All the names suggested so far are cronies. Remember that Bruce said he is going to pick the absolute best possible top quality people. So, none of the names suggested so far seem to meet that standard. Thus, no cronies. Unless Bruce decides to backslide.

  10. - pontoon - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:55 am:

    what is the relationship, if any, between Jil Tracy and Don Tracy, one of Rauner’s financiers?

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:56 am:

    My thoughts on the appointment;

    The choice needs to be a Socially Moderate, Fiscal Conservative, with vast government experience. Someone who, with the experience IN government, will not need a learning curve, and will take the role in the mechanics of government in the spirit of Comptroller Topinka, while being their own person, with their own own personality.

    Rauner’s Crew can release the following statement;

    “It’s important for Illinois to hit the ground running with a Comptroller seasoned in governmental operations. Experience was a top criteria, since this person didn’t even campaign for this position, nor did they look at the Office as something they considered as a position they would want to serve.”

    My personal criteria would be someone lastly that the a Topinka Crew can look at as a person they could support.

    Why? Judy Baar Topinka’s Crew were as much of an extension of her policies and agenda than anything I coujd think of on her own governing.

    So “Who?”

    One of the House/Senate retiring members.

    That would be the “pool” I would pull from, looking for a moderate member, fiscal conservative, whom the Topinka Crew can “see” embodying the best of Judy Baar Topinka.

    That’s who I want.

  12. - Langhorne - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:57 am:

    When do we get any info on key appointments and agency directors? I thought there would be at least a few leaks by now–newbies talking to realtors or something.

  13. - zatoichi - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:58 am:

    This is one department that does not need a huge shake up. Let the existing staff do their job. Just make sure the director can work with multiple groups, really understands the budget, and has the experience/thick skin to handle the politics that will come anyhow. No need for a political animal looking to make points. Tracy would be a great, solid choice.

  14. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 11:59 am:

    Sort of following Walker’s thought earlier, but I’d like to see Rauner appoint Sanguinetti to the Comptroller spot. It does two things: it gives her a real job and the chance to build a record and it keeps her VERY far away from the Governor’s office.

    Then he could appoint Senger, Tracy or just about anyone with some experience, which would be a HUGE improvement over a Lt. Governor “Pray for Rauner’s Health” Evelyn Sanguinetti.

  15. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:05 pm:

    A businessperson - not a politician.
    The incoming governor has shown that he should avoid elevating political people into office. What he should do is elevate a businesswoman who has proven a fiscal skill in the corporate world. If Bruce Rauner wants to make Illinois a bipartisan state, he will need to find a savvy businesswoman who can show the State that there is others as bright as Judy Barr Topinka in the Republican party.

    Rauner should select someone under 40, who can bring Illinois a new take on what works in today’s realities.

    For crying out loud - no politicos!

  16. - Del Clinkton - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:11 pm:

    Isnt Marc Trestman unemployed? ;-)

  17. - Bunson8r - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:14 pm:

    Nice angle, Del Clinkton. I was actually going to suggest Ted Phillips so the Bears can get a football guy in charge of these hirings.

  18. - Soccermom - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:18 pm:

    Pontoon, as I am pretty sure you know, it’s Jil is Don’s sister-in-law. Thanks a lot, Mr. Google!

  19. - Percival - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:20 pm:

    Rutherford. Rauner owes him.

  20. - downstateyp - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:21 pm:

    Tracy would be an excellent choice. She has executive and legislative experience. She has worked well with both sides of the aisles and is an excellent person. Illinois would be well served with Jil Tracy as its Comptroller.

  21. - MrJM (@MisterJayEm) - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:22 pm:

    1. Appoint Evelyn Sanguinetti as new Comptroller.
    2. Appoint new Lieutenant Governor.
    3. Eliminate Comptroller’s office.

    – MrJM

  22. - T.H. - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:22 pm:

    I think Matt Murphy would be really solid. He could serve as a kind of unofficial budgetary attack dog against the GA. He’s a very effective communicator. Might be a little risky for him to take the gig though, if it ends up being a two year term. Tough running “down ballot” as a Republican during a Prez election year.

  23. - Outside the lines - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:24 pm:

    I’m hearing the dark horse is Cook county commissioner Tim Schnieder who is also state party chairman and has the resources needed to get re-elected. Bruce likes him and he would be able to come out of Cook with the numbers needed to hold off the Dem candidate.

  24. - OneMan - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:25 pm:

    2. Appoint new Lieutenant Governor.

    If the Lt Gov office is open, it stays open…

  25. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===If the Lt Gov office is open, it stays open.===

    A vacant office would be an upgrade over Ms. Sanguinetti.

  26. - Siriusly - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:31 pm:

    Matt Murphy would be excellent. An out of the box choice might be Rep. John Anthony.

  27. - Siriusly - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:34 pm:

    Sorry here’s my explanation: when I say excellent, I think that Sen. Murphy would be a great comptroller and a great candidate. He would be tough to beat in 2 or 4 years.

    Rep. Anthony as the only black Republican would a way for Rauner to show he wants a diversity with the statewide officials.

    I think Jil Tracy is rather weak and don’t know why Rauner would pick her.

  28. - Maggie - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:36 pm:

    Jil has a broad base of experience. She understands politics but has the States best interest always behind her decisions. She’s a woman with a solid business sense…she’d be great!

  29. - Casual Observer - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:38 pm:

    Jil Tracy would be a solid choice. The seat should to be filled by a female who has executive and legislative experience. She meets those requirements.

    From a political stand point, Rep. Tracy could serve as a powerful surrogate downstate for Gov. Rauner. Tracy is one of the few who has the ability to successfully launch and win a campaign in 2 or 4 years. She can fundraise, campaign and already has a network throughout the state. And above all, she would never embarrass Gov-elect Rauner.

    If she would agree to do it, she is a tier 1 pick.

  30. - Wordslinger - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:42 pm:

    Anyone not on the international quarter-horse circuit.

  31. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:47 pm:

    I don’t know why anyone in their right mind would want this job, which might be why Adam is putting his name forward.

    Q: How did you get your job?

    A: Topinka died, and I pushed myself to the front of the line by pretending I was drafted.

    Plus, it is a two-year job. Murphy isn’t leaving the Senate for a two-year gig. Kimme would actually have to take a pay cut if she accepted.

    Anthony? Maybe. But he is a police officer with no financial experience.

    A Republican with financial experience who just happens to be gay is more likely than a Republican who just happens to be black.

    Recruiting Sam Yingling or Jack Franks would in fact be genius, but that might be six steps too far ahead for folks.

  32. - AlabamaShake - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    **Tracy is one of the few who has the ability to successfully launch and win a campaign in 2 or 4 years. She can fundraise, campaign and already has a network throughout the state. **

    Is this actually true? When/where has she shown that she can do this?

  33. - Demoralized - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:56 pm:

    It disturbs me that anybody would even suggest AA.

    I think Nancy Kimme would be a good choice if she wanted the job. She understands the office and the way it works which is the most important thing for anybody taking on one of these positions.

  34. - A guy - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:57 pm:

    It’ll never happen, but I’d say Pam Altoff. Why: Because she’s the person in the world who reminds me most of Judy. I’m not guided by logic on this choice, but then again…it’s not up to me to choose.

  35. - Demoralized - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 12:58 pm:

    ==and keeping a keen eye out for the taxpayers when spending practices look hinky==

    That’s already done Bob. There are procedures that must be followed and when they aren’t no checks are issued until the problems are resolved. It’s not the job of the Comptroller to look at checks and determine whether they agree with the spending. They ensure proper procedures are followed. That’s all.

  36. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:05 pm:

    Someone like Jil Tracy would be good for the job if Nancy doesn’t want it. Gov. Rauner would be better served by keeping Nancy close by and listening to everything she says.

  37. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:08 pm:

    ===A Republican with financial experience who just happens to be gay is more likely than a Republican who just happens to be black.===

    So, um, Cory Jobe?

  38. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:18 pm:

    Whenever someone throws around a label like “cronies,” it deserves scrutiny to see if the label really fits. Putting someone in the Comptroller position who Rauner knows and respects is not a good definition of a crony, nor is putting in someone who has experience and is a respected lawmaker on both sides of the aisle. Jil Tracy would be an excellent choice for Comptroller. Remember, this person will eventually have to stand for election. There are those who are willing to campaign, and there are those who don’t find it’s their cup of tea.

  39. - buckle up - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:26 pm:

    Jil Tracy would be a solid choice. She has legislative experience and was a key member of the Attorney General’s office. Plus, she can keep the seat with the GOP in the next election!

  40. - Good One - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:38 pm:

    How about an accountant for a financial office like oh I don’t know Bob Grogan.

  41. - Tommydanger - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:43 pm:

    I understand that there is a wheel-chaired bound graphic artist who is always willing to help Bruce when he is in a jam.

    On the serious side, why not Tom Cross?

  42. - justthefacts - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:48 pm:

    “what is the relationship, if any, between Jil Tracy and Don Tracy, one of Rauner’s financiers? ”

    Jil is married to Don’s brother.

  43. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:56 pm:

    Sheila Simon. We’ve already got the jokes written.

  44. - steve schnorf - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    This is a hard one. Rich, despite your objection, whether it is a 2 or 4 may really make a difference in who should be appointed.

    Right now we don’t have any Jesse Whites on our side of the political spectrum, an office holder who it is hard to find someone willing to run against. And I fear only that kind of candidate would be able to hold the seat 2 years from now in a Presidential election year.

    On the other hand, if it’s a 4, then there are several already named (and other) good potential appointees. 4 years gives someone capable of doing so time to establish a base, a reputation, name recognition, etc.

    2 simply doesn’t. If it’s a 2, I would suggest a good, competent, experienced person who would be supportive of Rauner and who has absolutely no interest in running for election in 2016.

  45. - Arizona Bob - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    =They ensure proper procedures are followed. That’s all.=

    There’s always wiggle room in those procedures, Dem. For example, does the comptrollers office require that work has been completed or materials delivered before paying? Do they require that paperwork be produced that a project has been closed out before final payment, or do they just pay out on invoices, or do they just pay as directed by the managing agency? Who decides which vendors get paid, and which get the rather generous late fees? There’s a lot of room for shennanagans there, Dem. What about payment for contract change order work? Does the comptroller ensure that proper, lawful approvals were given for the work?

    The biggest spot for corruption in the department would seem to be who gets paid, and what vendors get “priority”. I’ve seen very little on this. Maybe it’s not a problem, or maybe there’s some sleazy dealing going on. I’d trust Adam to look at this, not so much Tracy or Stermer.

  46. - Gooner - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:00 pm:

    I don’t think you can leave aside the two year/four year question.

    I don’t see incumbents like Sullivan or Sandack giving up their current post for a position that they are likely to lose in 2016.

    If it is two years, expect somebody who is not currently in government (a failed candidate or a complete outsider).

    If it is a four year then it becomes much more attractive to incumbents.

    Either way, my choice would be Sullivan. He’s got a history of fiscal conservatism and he’s a guy who could hold the office, whether it it 2016 or 2018. He also has a seat that is not at risk if he gives it up to take the office. Still, I just don’t see him taking it for two years. There’s too much risk to a career that is doing well.

    Ron Sandack has been all over social media opposing a Special right now (although he’s vague on the reasons). He might be playing his attack dog role in the leadership but he also might be trying to make sure it is for four years, in which case he also would be a good candidate. Ron is a smart guy but since he took the leadership role he’s been fiercely partisan. If he got the appointment, I don’t think Democrats would be upset, but I don’t see them as warmly embracing the appointment.

    If it is a two year, I would like to see Nancy Kimme reconsider and guide the office through what may be a challenging two years.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:02 pm:

    - Arizona Bob -


    Adam A sued Comptroller Topinka, Rauner has Nancy Kimme advising his transition.

    You have a better chance of being Comptroller than Adam A.

    As for the ghoulish Grogan…

    No way is he getting it, no matter how many tasteless Facebook pages pop up.

    Bad form on Grogan’s “supporters”

    Real bad form.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:05 pm:

    To Sullivan, Sandack, or ANY current GOP GA members being appointed;

    Taking a retiring member as an appointee leaves the current seats within a window of being retained.

    Picking a sitting member could leave a seat vulnerable to spoiling Caucuses makeup that still need more diversity.

    Food for thought.

  49. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:10 pm:

    Cory Jobe makes sense…if it is a 4 year term. Not sure he can get reelected in 2016.

  50. - Soccertease - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:14 pm:

    The Comptroller is the State’s chief fiscal officer and does more than just issue checks. The Comptroller’s Office is responsible for the state’s financial reporting so it seems that accounting knowledge should trump politics. That has never been the case before-think Burris, Hynes, Didrickson, etc. Many other state’s have CPAs overseeing that office.

    Not sure who would have that type of background and be politically acceptable for IL Comptroller.

  51. - J. Johnson - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:18 pm:

    Cory Jobe would be an interesting pick. Rauner should be forward thinking. Why not a gay Republican? How bout a black woman Republican?

  52. - Demoralized - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:29 pm:

    ==For example, does the comptrollers office require that work has been completed or materials delivered before paying?==

    In most cases yes. There are exceptions to the rule depending on what you are paying for.

    ==Do they require that paperwork be produced that a project has been closed out before final payment, or do they just pay out on invoices, or do they just pay as directed by the managing agency? ==

    They pay properly approved invoices. I’m not sure what you are asking. You want the Comptroller to manage each individual agency now?

    ==What about payment for contract change order work? Does the comptroller ensure that proper, lawful approvals were given for the work?==

    If the contract is over $20K it has to be filed with the Comptroller.

    ==The biggest spot for corruption in the department would seem to be who gets paid, and what vendors get “priority”.==

    I’ve never heard that there is anything nefarious or untoward in this process.

    ==I’d trust Adam==

    I wouldn’t trust him any farther than I can throw him. This is the same guy who wanted a “forensic audit” of state government (which by the way is something used in criminal cases so apparently he thinks massive crime is going on). Never mind that agencies are audited by the independent Auditor General’s office. They do a pretty good job pointing out problems.

  53. - Anon - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:38 pm:

    CORY JOBE FOR COMPTROLLER! He knows the office, can raise money and is as likable as them come. He’s also the unconventional pick, which I think would resonate. And nobody can outwork him.

  54. - Deep thought - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    - fair and balanced - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 1:52 pm:

    dark horse is Cook county commissioner Tim Schnieder…

    I think Tim could be a good candidate, he is from Cook County, and in order to win another election in two years..(and make no mistake, depending on whom is selected, there will be another election but with a good democrat candidate this time)
    you are going to need a cook county person in order to deliver the 40%+ cook county vote needed to win and hold the seat.
    I do agree however the only draw back perhaps is that Schneider is not a woman, the optic of appointing a man is not the greatest.

    Tracy… well she is not a good candidate for the same reasons pointed out why Schneider is good, she is from down state and will not carry cook county.

    needs to be someone (preferably female) that can carry Cook County and bring along a certain base of Democrat voters and union support.
    lets not forget…JBT was successful because she carried Cook County support, female voters and a good portion of crossover dems and had good union support. find another to fit mold!

    another possible although male cook candidate could be Jack Dorgan?

  55. - Norseman - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 2:51 pm:

    My pick is Murphy. He’s got the talent to be a good state official for the GOP. Right now, his talent is wasted in the Senate.

  56. - DuPage Worker - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 3:03 pm:

    Shouldn’t someone being considered for the position be capable of passing a basic math exam?
    Have some higher educational background than a C average high school GPA? Those that attended high school with some of the Kane/DuPage legislators mentioned as candidates have concerns. Having a higher educational with strong results should be a consideration here.

  57. - Outside the lines - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    I agree it would be much better if they pick somebody who is a CPA ,has a Masters Degree or PHD in business any of those post graduate degrees helps a lot.

  58. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 5, 15 @ 3:23 pm:

    This post is now closed:

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