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Question of the day

Monday, Jan 12, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your reaction to Gov. Rauner’s inaugural address?

…Adding… If you missed the address, or you want to listen to it again, here’s the raw audio…


  1. - William j Kelly - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:37 pm:

    Why did he insist on taking the oath with his left hand? Is it a gidwitz thing?

  2. - Stuff Happens - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:38 pm:

    I think I counted ’sacrifice’ in there seven times.

  3. - Norseman - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:39 pm:

    Yada, yada, yada.

    Bring on the details.

  4. - anon - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:41 pm:

    I think the Gov Rauner made good points and told it as it is. I think it was a great speech. But, of course, in the past speeches they told how they were not doing patronage, etc. but it still happened. Especially, with Gov. Quinn. I worked for the state 40 years and the same things occurred as with others.

    I hope everything he says comes true and good luck to him! It would be nice to have a change.

  5. - PublicServant - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:42 pm:

    Non-essential spending freeze? Pretty sure the agencies believe all their spending is essential. Just sayin…

  6. - DuPage - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:43 pm:

    He talked about “moral, ethical” state government. At the same time he has set up a fund to pay or not pay legislators to vote his way. If a legislator makes a conscious decision to vote based on money, it is a bribe. “Would you have voted the way you did if you were not offered money?” is the question legislators will be asked.

  7. - Cassiopeia - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:44 pm:

    I think he set a good tone.

  8. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:45 pm:

    Spending freeze translates into hiring freeze, so some of these agencies will continue to lack efficiency for at least a little bit. That said, he gets a break. It’s hard to do or say to much. As an adide, the LG speaks Spanish…I get it.

  9. - spi_chi - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:46 pm:

    nothing glamorous, nothing great, nothing but a bit of bait.

  10. - Gooner - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:48 pm:

    “Business as usual is over” might have been a bit more credible without the Munger and Meeks appointments.

    This sure looks like the exact same business as before.

  11. - regular guy - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:49 pm:

    Quinn is a total baby for not being at this swearing in. He is like the little kid in corner screaming for attention

  12. - Obamas Puppy - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:49 pm:

    Public speaking not a strong suit

  13. - Peoria Guy - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:50 pm:

    Solid speech.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:51 pm:


    He knows he’s the real governor now, right?

    Campaign speeches aren’t helping.

  15. - Black Ivy - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:52 pm:

    I am hanging on those words, “business as usual is over!” Finally! I am energized by now GOVERNOR Rauner’s speech!

  16. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:52 pm:

    What Governor Rauner needs to do is figure out how to lead Illinois mentioning sacrifices. With him suggesting that sacrifices will need to be made, he exposes himself as someone who sees governing as a win-lose situation.

    It shouldn’t be.

    Isn’t he supposed to grow Illinois so that its state tax revenue grows enough to meet today’s and our future needs?

    Isn’t he supposed to reform Illinois taxes so that it will take advantage of growth opportunities?

    He was elected to take us into the future, not decide who he believes deserves a future.

    I’m not impressed.

  17. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:52 pm:

    Sounds like he’s still campaigning.

  18. - Hyperbolic Chamber - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:52 pm:

    He’s gonna be workin’ hard, changin’ Illinois, creatin’ jobs and restorin’ our greatness.

  19. - Dee Lay - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:52 pm:

    Gov. Vagueness didn’t define “freeze non essential spending” so I expect everything to get marked as “Essential for Operations.”

  20. - Mokenavince - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:54 pm:

    I will wait to see what happens after he talk’s it over with Madigan and Cullerton.

  21. - Peloski - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    Mediocre. I’ve heard the same speech a dozen times from a dozen of different politicians: we need to take care of our veterans, we need to cut waste, we need to cut corruption, tax money belongs to the people, we need a better business climate, we need better schools, I want to work in a bi-partisan manner, etc. As always, the devil is in details, and we didn’t get any. My view is that is because he’s still not sure what he is going to do. He’s spent most of his time developing a governing approach and not an actual governing plan.

  22. - 618662dem - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:56 pm:

    Good luck Mr Governor. I just hope he isn’t a hypocrite. Many of the thing he said I can agree with, but boy are some of those sound bites going to sound awesome if he screws up.

  23. - Casual Observer - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:56 pm:

    “Report on every contract signed since November 1″. And then what? He understands a contract is a contract, right?

  24. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:56 pm:

    OW, Lisa didn’t get that memo about “no campaign speeches” either.

  25. - Mcleaniac - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:57 pm:

    Solid, positive and impressive. The road to IL recovery starts today.

  26. - Rockthawk - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:58 pm:


  27. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    Oh - AA -, I’m surprised at you;

    Lisa didn’t have a campaign, but she had to pay for the speeches written, so she rolled it out.

    It was laying around for a year…

  28. - PublicServant - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    Where’s the beef?

  29. - NewWestSuburbanGOP'er - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    So glad to see Lt Governor Sanguinetti’s husband help her off of the podium. I’m sure Governor Rauner was too.

  30. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    It was classy of Gov Rauner to speak kindly of Quinn and recognize him in the opening, even with Quinn pouting in Chicago.

    Pinning the blame for our debt situation on both parties seems to have surprised a few people.

    He also had some strong lines, including those about ==a corrupt bargain== and ==the next generation, not the next election==.

  31. - PublicServant - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:03 pm:

  32. - Johnnie F. - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:03 pm:

    “Every contract since Nov 1″. That should be easy…none. How about looking at every contract that’s pending, delayed or lost in the review process. There you can find dozens in our Dept. alone.

  33. - Sunshine - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:03 pm:

    Good speech. Kept my attention. Now….delivering on promises….that’s the unspoken speech I’ll be listening to!

  34. - John A Logan - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:03 pm:

    It gave me some hope. A small amount, but still some hope.

  35. - Quill - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:05 pm:

    People who get their boats floated by “business as usual is over” need to remember that the devil is in the details. My reaction: let’s have more details.

  36. - Holdingontomywallet - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:11 pm:

    “He understands a contract is a contract, right?”
    If he does, he’s already one step ahead of Quinn.

  37. - Not Rich - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:20 pm:

    I am prepared to see how he starts to GOVERN come Tuesday morning at 8am.. hopefully he will stop with the no detail speeches and actually produce a formative working plan..

  38. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:25 pm:

    Frankly I thought Treasurer Frerichs gave the best speech, but if anyone didn’t almost lose it when Secretary White talked of missing his friend Judy, you don’t have a soul. Overall today is a celebration for six individuals and it should be treated as such. I hope everyone enjoys the afternoon/evening.

  39. - Anonymoiis - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:26 pm:

    Necessarily pointed. To the “Just a campaign speech” reactions: Almost all of these type of speeches, from inaugurals to State of the Union/State addresses sound like campaign talking point speeches if that’s how you’re listening to them. Like a good golf swing, to make it count he’ll need a good follow-through

  40. - 618662dem - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:26 pm:

    I am just hoping the doesn’t Walker or Brownback, that sounds dirtier than it should, us. He could manage to wreck our state more than it is.

  41. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:30 pm:

    Nothing new. Still waiting for some specific proposals. A bit concerned that the “union bosses” rhetoric has returned. It was (and will) interesting to see how Primary Rauner and General Rauner mix it up as Governor Rauner.

  42. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:30 pm:

    Payoff to meeks with an appointment; career state employees jettisoned regardless of quality of work or ability to do job.

    Its 2003 again; rauner is acting a lot like Blago in how he is handling his buisness.

  43. - DuPage Bard - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:33 pm:

    Solid speech, delivering the “details” message everyone is looking for, during his inauguration speech, wouldn’t really do anything. His big speech is the State of the State and the Budget. Don’t expect plans until then.

  44. - Buffalo Gal - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:34 pm:

    I like that he recognized biz and citizens’struggles.
    Pat “everything’s just peachy” Quinn would never have done that. AND he would have sent DCEO’s Pollett out on TV to repeat that fantasy.

  45. - Big Muddy - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:39 pm:

    Well, I’m now a little more understanding of why Quinn wasn’t in the room.

  46. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:40 pm:

    Meh. To quote Clara Peller, “Where’s the beef?”

  47. - Big Muddy - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:43 pm:

    Little help needed if possible. Anyone know the story of the bible he was sworn in on? Is it from his family, State?? Diana looked to have to put some effort into holding that thing up.

  48. - zatoichi - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:44 pm:

    Sounds like virtually every other campaign speech that touches the big topics. Education, business as usual is over, shared sacrifice, business moving away, veterans/police, freeze spending, strong state, jobs, love Illinois, general mismanagement, blah, blah, blah. Standard stuff. I can picture Quinn really squirming on stage or in Chicago.

  49. - Realreporter - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:47 pm:

    Rauner must think Illinois taxpayers are stupid. First, Rauner “$ends himself to Springfield” and now claims to be the enemy of the SPECIAL INTEREST. Don’t get it messed-up…Rauner and his rich buddies (GRIFFEN/UIHLEIN) want nothing more than to pay less tax and have YOU pay more!

  50. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:49 pm:

    Meanwhile == Minutes before Bruce Rauner was sworn in as governor, Governor Pat Quinn released 102 new appointees to state boards and commissions. ==

    smh. Talk about a news dump.

    No wonder he was hiding in Chicago while most of the political media are in Springfield today.

  51. - anonymous - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:50 pm:

    Governor Rauner is gonna issue an Executive Order officially dropping the “g” from “ing”. Going forward, ing must be pronounced “‘in’”. It’s more folksy that way :)

  52. - Makandadawg - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 1:51 pm:

    BR you work for me so take the paycheck and the benefits and contribute your fair share to the pension fund. That action alone makes me not trust you. Also does he mean the freeze on spending only applies to state agencies under his constitutional control?

  53. - D.P.Gumby - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 2:03 pm:

    Not only “where’s the beef?” but “where’s the shake?”

  54. - Jorge - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 2:07 pm:

    Ladies and gentlemen. What else would you expect from the “Robber Baron in Chief?”

  55. - Norseman - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 2:10 pm:

    To those folks rightly pointing out that these speeches are usually devoid of details, I agree. However, I thought this is supposed to be a new era for Springfield. Of course, I know that’s not happening. The same “corrupt” practices he condemns will be repeated under a different name with a creative narrative.

    If you wanted any other reaction, all I can say is he needs to practice his speaking skills.

  56. - MrJM (@MisterJayEm) - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 2:13 pm:

    “To conduct business as we’ve been doing it would be morally corrupt”

    First day on the job and Bruce is already using the royal “we”.

    – MrJM

  57. - walker - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 2:21 pm:

    It actually gave me some comfort that he’s not especially glib. The speech was fine for today.

    It is time for his whole ex-Kirk staff, and Schrimpf especially, to graduate out of campaign mode. Hope they have that capability.

  58. - Yatzi - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 2:35 pm:

    Spending has been frozen so long I don’t think it will ever thaw

  59. - Rowdy Yates - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    I thought it was a fairly decent speech. Granted, these inaugural speeches all sound pretty much the same but it is a little bit unfair to expect Rauner to reinvent the wheel.

    Now that we have got the fluff out of the way, let’s see a little less talk and a lot more action from our new governor. Will he appear to be a race horse coming out of the starting gate in his first week in office or as just another donkey as we in Illinois have all come to expect?
    Stay tuned sports fans and Behold—We will finally get to see “The real Bruce Rauner”.

  60. - Soccertease - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 2:46 pm:

    Good speech. Let’s give him a chance. He will need to pay a lot more attention to detail or MJM and others will eat him alive. For example, what is “essential” training?

  61. - Hon I.G - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 2:58 pm:

    Very Reaganesque tone with the blame on both parties for the fiscal mess.

  62. - Skeptic - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 3:12 pm:

    “…they have a great team but we have the best fans. All the pressure is on them, we’ll just take it one game at a time and give it 110%….”

  63. - Arizona Bob - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 3:16 pm:

    Well, at least we don’t have to worry about him reneging on specific campaign commitments ala Pat Quinn. He didn’t make any!

  64. - sideline watcher - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 3:24 pm:

    “Business as usual ends today. I will not take a paycheck or a pension so you can trust that I’m here for you.”

    On January 1, he just got the biggest tax break of nearly anyone in the state. How much does the roll back from 5 to 3.75% personally give Rauner? His tax break alone is more than most people make over a couple of years so somehow not taking the Gov paycheck doesn’t seem so magnanimous.

    So now if you serve in state government, its supposed to be a volunteer position?

    “No cronyism and sweetheart deals. I’m nobody that nobody sent.”

    Who donated that 20 million? Do those 3 people know that they are nobodys also?

  65. - Commander Norton - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 3:56 pm:

    Here’s what stood out to me:

    “To achieve that will require sacrifice. Sacrifice by all of us… those who pay for government and those who depend on government’s services. Each person here today and all those throughout the state will be called upon to share in the sacrifice so that one day we can again share in Illinois’ prosperity.”

    If somebody like Rauner or one of his rich friends makes a sacrifice for the good of Illinois, maybe that means no seventh vacation home. If somebody on Medicaid makes a sacrifice “for the common good” as Rauner sees it, that could mean living in pain because of restrictions on medications, suffering in a poorly regulated nursing home or even premature death. Big difference.

    Clearly, what he means by “Competitive and Compassionate” is that we’re going to get competitive now by giving business what it wants, and we’ll get around to compassion later once we put our fiscal house in order to the conservatives’ liking.

  66. - zatoichi - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 4:13 pm:

    When he moves to Springfield, maybe he can get the news crew at Channel 20 over to the mansion for lessons on how to use the teleprompter.

    Instead of a long list of faults and problems, he could have had an equally long list of where cooperation could be successful, but no…..

  67. - Cracker Barrel Enthusiast - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 4:15 pm:

    Complete and utter mediocrity.

  68. - Smitty Irving - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 4:17 pm:

    Except for “connected pork and patronage” non-essential spending was gone before Filan left the building.

  69. - Mama - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 4:24 pm:

    Regarding the $20M, I thought it is illegal to buy votes in this state.

  70. - Pink E. Kent - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 4:49 pm:

    He got the Bi-Partisan Mismanagement part right. But I’m not sure how promising to shift all the payolla from community cronies to business cronies is gonna fix the state.

  71. - Rod - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 5:35 pm:

    I assume Governor Rauner will be issuing an executive order relating to the non-essential spending freeze. I am not sure it will be limited to a hiring freeze as Downstate GOP Faithless indicated in a post above.

    I have to assume the Governor’s people have some type of analytics on when each agency’s appropriated budget will be exhausted prior to the end of the fiscal year based on spending rates. So strategically the “non-essential” spending freezes could in theory extend the date when each agency’s budget would be exhausted.

    Ultimately non-essential could be anything except payrolls, federally mandated expenditures, and court ordered expenditures. Clearly it could involve delayed payments to vendors.

  72. - 618662dem - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 6:07 pm:

    I am very impressed, in a completely sarcastic way, that the billionaire was able to forgo his pay check and benefits, in know it is a really burden on him. Give me a break. This guy is really something.

  73. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 6:31 pm:

    == Regarding the $20M, I thought it is illegal to buy votes in this state. ==

    Are Careen Gordon and friends still working in public sector jobs following their votes for the tax increase?

  74. - Just the Facts - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 7:58 pm:

    I noticed that the “union bosses” reference reappeared in the speech. Gloves are off folks . . .

  75. - Holdingontomywallet - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 8:04 pm:

    “I am very impressed, in a completely sarcastic way, that the billionaire was able to forgo his pay check and benefits, in know it is a really burden on him. Give me a break. This guy is really something.”

    And if the “billionaire” would have kept his salary, benefits, and pension you would be saying?????

  76. - Norseman - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 8:10 pm:

    === And if the “billionaire” would have kept his salary, benefits, and pension you would be saying????? ===

    I would say it’s his right since he bought the office. To the winner goes the spoils.

  77. - Holdingontomywallet - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 8:13 pm:

    So if he keeps it you criticize, if he doesn’t you criticize. Got it.

  78. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 8:42 pm:

    - Holdingontomywallet - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 8:13 pm:

    So if he keeps it you criticize, if he doesn’t you criticize. Got it.


  79. - Bemused - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 10:50 pm:

    Been sold that “shared sacrifice” thing before. Seemed like it was the folks at the lower economic levels that did most of the sharing.

  80. - State Employee - Monday, Jan 12, 15 @ 11:53 pm:

    Rich are you suppressing the state employee responses???? Really?????

  81. - RubberNeck - Tuesday, Jan 13, 15 @ 12:03 am:

    Bruce is going to cancel collective bargaining rights for state employees

  82. - Hashem - Tuesday, Jan 13, 15 @ 12:04 am:

    Bruce is going to cancel collective bargaining rights for state employees. Just a matter of when

  83. - vole - Tuesday, Jan 13, 15 @ 6:41 am:

    Sacrifice … where’s mine?

  84. - 618662dem - Tuesday, Jan 13, 15 @ 7:50 am:

    My point is that if he were sincere he would have said nothing about it. He would have just done it.

  85. - Peoria Guy - Tuesday, Jan 13, 15 @ 8:40 am:

    Lord, clearly you are going to simply criticize him for being rich. I am no Rauner fan, but I applaud him for taking no salary or benefits. I am surely not going to condemn him for it. It is an appropriate and generous gesture by the new Governor.

    ======“I am very impressed, in a completely sarcastic way, that the billionaire was able to forgo his pay check and benefits, in know it is a really burden on him. Give me a break. This guy is really something.”======

  86. - Yatzi - Tuesday, Jan 13, 15 @ 8:59 am:

    He can share the $20 m with every SPSA without a raise since 2003 - repeat shared sacrifice 12 times

  87. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Jan 13, 15 @ 9:02 am:

    “Bruce is going to cancel collective bargaining rights for state employees. Just a matter of when ” I’m no legal expert, but reading 5 ILCS 315 makes it sound to me like he can’t do that without the legislature. And if he does, that’s abuse of powers and grounds for impeachment. Section 10, paragraph a(4) [An unfair labor act is] “(4) to refuse to bargain collectively in good faith with a labor organization which is the exclusive representative of public employees”

  88. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jan 13, 15 @ 9:18 am:

    Skeptic, this is one area where I believe Rauner and Madigan will work something out. Some might say that Cullerton wouldn’t allow it, but we’ve seen the prez repeatedly cave to the Speaker.

  89. - Das Kapital - Wednesday, Jan 14, 15 @ 5:27 am:

    Daniels found a way to cancel collective bargaining. Rauner likes Daniels and he hired the same atty Daniels used as Governor. Wait and see.

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