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Before the battle, Rauner tries a little tenderness

Tuesday, Jan 20, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Crain’s Chicago Business column

Gov. Bruce Rauner did something the other day that I’ve never before seen: He attended a half-dozen inauguration parties for members of the Illinois General Assembly.

This just doesn’t happen in Springfield. Governors tend to avoid afterhours playtime, when lobbyists and politicians might use a social setting to inappropriately corner the state’s chief executive on some issue or another.

But Rauner has pledged to get to know legislators, and they were clearly impressed when he showed up at their events—particularly Democrats. In a way, his attendance validated them.

After hitting the party circuit, Rauner took four rank-and-file GOP legislators out to dinner at Augie’s Front Burner, across the street from the Old State Capitol. None of them has much power, so imagine their surprise at the invitation.

Legislating is about more than just what is in a bill. It’s also about building personal relationships with the players. A “soft” opponent to a bill often can be turned around if he or she has a relationship with a sponsor. Even a “hard” opponent sometimes can be moved based on a personal plea.

So, attending some parties and taking some low-level lawmakers out to dinner might not sound like much to outsiders, but Rauner scored some major Brownie points with legislators. It looks as though he will keep on doing it.

Go read the whole thing before commenting, please. Thanks.


  1. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 8:27 am:

    Attendance could also be a way for Bruce to communicate the fact that they’re on his radar, and being closely watched.

    But we don’t need gestures, however calculated they might be. We need Rauner to lead and present workable solutions to the state’s structural deficit. So,

    Where’s the beef?

  2. - Stones - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 8:34 am:

    Excellent article. I personally didn’t know Blago but was always told that he wasn’t a likable guy when he was a Member of Congress or Governor. I think Rauner if nothing else seems to be personable which will get him some points. If nothing else I think there will be a good likelihood of an AFSCME strike looming down the line if the demanded cutbacks will be as deep as I anticipate them to be.

  3. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 8:36 am:

    ===But we don’t need gestures, however calculated they might be===

    …said someone who apparently knows little about legislating.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 8:36 am:

    ===The governor appointed state Rep. Wayne Rosenthal, R-Morrison-ville, to head the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Rosenthal chaired the Downstate GOP Caucus, and most downstate Republicans weren’t with Rauner during the 2014 GOP primary.===

    Wise move to make one of the first legislators that Rauner brings in to the Administration isn’t just from a pool of longtime cheerleaders.

    Going to all the events as Rauner did, and taking out rank and file legislators needs to continue as that $20 million is still parked waiting for its use.

    To this, speaking to animosity;

    ===Hopefully, it will be confined to issues and not personalities, which is what ended up dooming Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s relationship with House Speaker Michael Madigan.===

    The Press Shop has to focus on pointed language that points to issues, not “career politicians” or “corrupt”. The more we all hear those two pointed personal buzz word(s), the closer they are to Blago, and farther away from the groundwork Rauner himself is personally trying to lay down.

    Don’t insult the Leaders just to “do it”, don’t lie to the Leaders just for soundbites, and don’t fail to deliver to the Leaders and think they will see you as a partner.

    If the recipe is personal contact served with strong Legislative Liaisons and a Press message that compliments the first two ingredients, the Budget and legislative agenda is on a solid path for possible success for all, as “We” wins.

  5. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 8:45 am:

    Big Jim was a schmoozer. Been a while since then.

    Rauner is a self-described salesman, and obviously a pretty good one.

    But he’s no babe in the woods when it comes to really selling it in Illinois politics, as his years of big-time political contributions and personal gubernatorial rewards PAC attest.

    A smile and a shoeshine is nice; but closers know a check, or a job, or a grant, is even better.

  6. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 8:50 am:

    Its early, but his performance on many levels is such that optimism isn’t out of the question. How’s that for caution?

  7. - Ray del Camino - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:03 am:

    He also has anupcoming battle with an intractable foe that can’t be charmed: Budget math.

  8. - paddyrollingstone - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:28 am:

    Would never vote for him but what he is doing here is exactly right. I have never understood why more powerful people do not act this way. Pick up a check, buy someone a drink, pat someone on the back. Show some respect. its easy and its relatively cheap. You keep doing things like this and pretty soon people are saying that you are a great guy.

  9. - The Captain - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:32 am:

    There is an early evening social circuit that every constitutional officer should do when they’re in town, it’s literally the easiest way to build goodwill in Springfield. Swing through every reception from 5:30 - 7:00 and say hello and then walk through a restaurant or two. You’re done by 8:30, it really is the best thing you can do with your time.

    The late night social circuit is a different story, experts only.

  10. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:32 am:

    ===experts only===

    Yeah, and nothing good happens after 10.

  11. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:41 am:

    ===…said someone who apparently knows little about legislating.===

    I don’t know a lot about sausage-making either, and I’m proud of that. What I do know is whether the result is good when I eat it. I guess you have to report on something, because nothing substantive has been proffered yet, but don’t expect people to see Rauner as a great statesman, if all he’s doing is glad-handing. Developing a personal relationship with legislators is a good thing, but one appearance does not a personal relationship make either. Let’s see if he engages with the legislature for substantive input to his policy goals, and whether those goals are pragmatic as opposed to ideological in nature.

  12. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:42 am:

    ===and I’m proud of that===

    Good for you. Always glad to see people revel in their ignorance.


    Just sayin…

  13. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:48 am:

    Woody Allen said “80% of success is showing up.”

    Very true, and Rauner is following this adage.

    ==There is an early evening social circuit that every constitutional officer should do when they’re in town==

    The key, of course, is “when they’re in town.” To keep this up, Rauner will need to be in town during session. Time will tell if this was a convenient gesture or a trademark that will be backed up with frequent repetition.

  14. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:48 am:

    When Aldo DeAngelis was brand new he took several young staffers out for drinks and a steak dinner, to the surprise of other senators who invited him to join them. He asked for advice. What did he get in return? Just undying loyalty and effort.

    It’s a smart way to start.

  15. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:53 am:

    It’s early, but “engaged” will usually get you further than “disengaged.”

  16. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:54 am:

    Yeah well legislative sausage-making is complicated, and I appreciate your efforts at explaining it to those of us who are less than expert on its machinations. That being said…

    I’m still waiting for our governor to explain how he’s going to solve our state’s many problems.

  17. - In the Middle - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:55 am:

    Give him some credit. The man’s laying the ground work. You just can’t overstate the value of building relationships around here.

  18. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 9:56 am:

    Really good article that captures the tone of what is going on. If you are observing closely, you can see he’s going through the effort and legislators are acknowledging his extra effort. He was everywhere after the swearing in ceremonies. Dems and GOPers alike were happy to see him and openly gushed at his appearances. It may be just me, but it seemed to me that there were plenty of members letting their “moderate” selves out for a little air last week. Even in interviews, you can see and hear it. Rauner knows it’s about addition now and it will be tougher in a partisan atmosphere. He’s using every advantage and tool he has to set up the playing field before the big stuff comes out. Good for him. Article is really good Rich.

  19. - anon. - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:06 am:

    When Reagan was elected governor of CA he made it a point to have every legislator (of both parties) to the mansion for dinner and drinks and to get acquainted.

  20. - Leroy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:07 am:

    == I appreciate your efforts at explaining it to those of us who are less than expert on its machinations. That being said…==

    Keep digging, man….

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:12 am:

    ===He’s using every advantage and tool he has to set up the playing field before the big stuff comes out.===

    “..,before the big stuff comes out.”

    That must be the $20 million to create Raunerites?

    “Before the battle, Rauner tries a little tenderness”

    Exactly right…

  22. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    Wow, public servant, you just don’t quit. The dance over policy will play out in due course, not according to your wishes.

    Rich and others have explained that Rauners gestures may seem minor, but are important in the long run, and a change from recent failures. We are all of one flippin week into this.

  23. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:19 am:

    === Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:12 am:

    ===He’s using every advantage and tool he has to set up the playing field before the big stuff comes out.===

    “..,before the big stuff comes out.”

    That must be the $20 million to create Raunerites?===

    Silly Willy, $20M is pocket change to him and his crew of financial guys. There’s plenty more where that came from. MAD= Mutually Assured Destruction; that’s a tool the GOP has been lacking for years and it’s cost them any shot at being close to or in a majority. This puts the fight back on the ground and takes it out of the air. It’s an advantage and a tool. And everyone knows it’s there and only a token of what could be there.

    He’s smarter than you ever thought. Amazing, huh?

  24. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:23 am:

    ===He’s smarter than you ever thought. Amazing, huh===


    I think I called the Raunerite thing a while back.

    If you think primaring GOP legislators that don’t vote Raunerite is “smart”, how smart will it then be when the general election comes and that $20 million is used to protect Democrats from the House and Senate GOP?

    If you think this is about a GOP agenda and not about co-opting the Legislative GOP, you aren’t paying attention.

  25. - Peoria Guy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    Rauner is simply being smart. This is a good thing.

  26. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:41 am:

    Governor Bruce Rauner - aspiring to become the LBJ of Illinois politics.

  27. - The Captain - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:41 am:

    == Yeah, and nothing good happens after 10. ==

    Disagree, all the best stories come from after 10. But that’s for another time.

  28. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    === Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 10:23 am:===

    You didn’t call anything. You assumed…and still do. When you assume…

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 11:03 am:

    Oh - A Guy… -,

    It appears following what Rauner says led me to believe him, called the Raunerite agenda, and Rauner is acting on his words…

    Assuming would me not reading or listening to Rauner and not paying attention.

    Didn’t you just today say Rauner is doing what he said he would do? No assumption there.

  30. - Biliary Sludge - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 11:15 am:

    What’s so mysterious? Since we learned how to cook, humans have found that breaking bread with others leads to greater cooperation and understanding.

  31. - walker - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 11:19 am:

    Actually Rauner’s been all over the place with generalities on just what the $20M will be used for. His lack of clarity leads us to assume the worst or best, depending on our previous perspectives. I’m waiting to see who gets what money for what.

    Same with government restructure and budget. Only the broadest hints, plus obvious national talking points so far.

    Appointments seem pretty good signals so far.

  32. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 11:37 am:

    Willy, you have and have had a predisposition for over 2 years now. It clouds everything in your thinking process. This, despite your predictions being well south of Jimmy the Greek who always bet on “intangibles”. Keep it up. It’s now a baseline reason to believe the opposite.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 11:46 am:

    - A Guy… -,

    When you try to make it about me, I know you have no argument anymore.

    Governing is difficult. Rauner has really good people helping him. You don’t like what is being discussed and turning on commenters isn’t helping them…

  34. - Raunerbot - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 12:07 pm:

    Bruce Rauner is the ultimate salesman…he will give you the option of which way to work with him. Choose incorrectly and it will be your mistake…not his.

    Republican “social conservatives” loathe him, but “fiscal conservative” Republicans, Independents, and moderate Democrats are cheering him on.

    Bruce Rauner has been successful in his career because he respects people, builds relationships, and delivers what he promises. However, from what friends have told me, that have worked with him in the business world, cross him and he will go for the jugular. No need for any of that…not his preference.

  35. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 12:11 pm:

    Willy, I’m enjoying (most of) this discussion. The only one who makes it about you…is you. That ain’t news. If you ignore your self aggrandizing remarks and read this thread, you’ll discover a very thoughtful discussion going on.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 12:17 pm:

    - A Guy… -,

    You need to read your own stuff;

    ===Willy, you have and have had a predisposition for over 2 years now. It clouds everything in your thinking process. This, despite your predictions being well south of Jimmy the Greek who always bet on “intangibles”. Keep it up. It’s now a baseline reason to believe the opposite.===

    To the Post,

    === However, from what friends have told me, that have worked with him in the business world, cross him and he will go for the jugular. No need for any of that…not his preference.===

    Sounds threatening.

    In good government, you can’t win all the time. Heck 50%, Yiu win at that clip, in divided government, you’re doing great.

    So, will Rauner becabke to handle losing sometimes?

    That might be the big question.

  37. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 2:30 pm:

    I will bet you he can. It’s not about winning and losing for him and keeping a score sheet per se. I think it’s about getting a bigger portion of the loaf on everything. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but always an improvement. That’s what I think. Time will tell.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 3:49 pm:

    - A Guy… -,

    ===It’s not about winning and losing for him and keeping a score sheet per se. I think it’s about getting a bigger portion of the loaf on everything. ===

    Hmm. I dunno…

    “I’m a competitive guy. I don’t lose.” - Bruce Rauner

  39. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 3:50 pm:

    ==Bruce Rauner has been successful in his career because he respects people==

    “I will bury her.”

  40. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 3:53 pm:

    PC, it seems a judge already dealt with that one. But it still works for you. Always will I’m sure. You’ve had a tough day. I don’t want to pile on. lol.

  41. - Harry - Tuesday, Jan 20, 15 @ 4:07 pm:

    Seems like after 6 years of a psychotic followed by 6 of a neurotic, some people have a hard time recognizing normal human behavior in the Governor’s office.

    I have no idea where it all winds up, but so far he’s setting the right tone.

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