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Everything old is new again

Wednesday, Jan 28, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a January, 2013 op-ed by not yet declared gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner

A worker shouldn’t be under a union boss’ thumb any more than under a business boss’ thumb. Increasingly, employers are relocating to these pro-employment freedom states, and are looking only at those states when considering job expansion decisions. […]

Illinois need not adopt the exact reforms found in Wisconsin, Indiana or Michigan. But we sure need to move in that direction if we are going to compete for jobs.

One creative solution is available to us that has not been tried elsewhere. Under federal labor law, states may authorize their local communities to decide for themselves whether to embrace right-to-work. Why not empower Sangamon County, or Effingham County, or any of our other local governments to decide for themselves if they would like to compete for the jobs that come with new manufacturing plants or transportation facilities built by the many hundreds of companies that will consider expanding only in flexible work areas?

* From a fall 2013 appearance on Roe Conn’s WLS Radio show when asked about right to work

“I think we’ve got a lot of challenges, I don’t think that’s at the top of our list… Labor regulations are one small piece of [improving the state’s business climate], I don’t think that’s in the top few.”

* From a January 2014 appearance on Robert Rees’ Bloomington Cities 92.9FM show

“I am not anti-union, that’s a false statement by my opponents”

…Adding… From just before the election in October, 2014

[Rauner] says “right-to-work” laws aren’t his focus.

“Pushing any specific labor regulation is not my priority at all,” Rauner said.

Yet, now it’s suddenly a first-year priority.

* By the way, I told subscribers today about an interesting quote I missed earlier this month which appeared in the Tribune

Experts say it is unlikely Illinois will become a right-to-work state because the General Assembly is controlled by Democrats backed by unions that provide campaign contributions and volunteers. While Gov.-elect Bruce Rauner supports right-to-work zones, he is unlikely to tackle the issue as he faces larger issues such as a shortfall, pension obligations and a slow economic recovery.

“Illinois doesn’t need right to work (laws) to compete with its neighbors,” said [Illinois Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Todd Maisch].

Maisch said the state should focus on measures that would move the economy forward, such as a bill to fund upgrades to the state’s infrastructure. On that issue, he said, the chamber will work closely with labor to push lawmakers at the state and federal level to act on proposals.

“Business and labor do have joint agendas,” Maisch said.


  1. - Stones - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:13 am:

    I’d call yesterday a “pivot to the right”.

  2. - PMcP - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:20 am:

    I am absolutely impressed by the comment from Maisch. Not even a talking point, just a statement of fact and where priorities can align.

  3. - jerry 101 - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:25 am:

    In Bruce’s world, you don’t have the right to earn a decent living.

  4. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:25 am:

    Rauner can babble and generate bogus charts all he wants…where’s the beef, err bills?

    Oh and once he gets some schmo to sponsor a bill, when will there be a floor vote? Details, Details. Can’t wait till the SotS.

  5. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    “Pushing any specific labor regulation is not my priority at all,” Rauner was quoted in regards to right-to-work, Illinois Radio Network, 10-17-14.

  6. - Ahoy! - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    Rauner needs to focus on issues that can actually be addressed and not waste political capital on issues that will not change. Focus on workers compensation and unemployment insurance (outside of the budget) would be the best route to making Illinois more competitive for jobs. In fact, those two issues would do more for job growth than right-to-work.

  7. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    IMO Rauner would bring a lot more to growing business in this state if he would just tackle these three issues:

    workman’s comp - specifically causation

    tort reform - the deep pockets provision

    a stable revenue plan - unless it is really excessive, business cares more about knowing exactly what they will pay than how much; the current uncertainty about future taxes is paralyzing

  8. - Uncle Buck - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    This is typical hypocritcal talk. It’s ok for Bruce and his rich friends to make millions but, not the common worker. We all know what right to work means. It’s to get rid of unions so, these companies can pay their employees pennies so, there buddies on wall st can make millions. I just wish these politicians would just come out and say it. They always like to hide behind the truth. Nothing but a bunch of crooks if you ask me. You wait one day the people of this country will turn on these people when their wages are so low they feel like they are living in a third world country.

  9. - walker - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:33 am:

    “Right to Work” will be a political slogan for him, appealing to out of state national funders. His goal could become Washington.

    He will use it, along with it’s cousin: “I will freeze your property taxes. Period.”

    Neither will actually occur, but they will continue to attract political support.

  10. - Mouthy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    The Governors’ doing a big favor for The Speaker who will probably just sit back and let that labor money roll in..

  11. - Bill White - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    workman’s comp - specifically causation

    Is “causation” truly a more significant issue that higher med pay rates for comp than for general health insurance?

    For example, I’ve heard that the workers comp reimbursement rate for a knee replacement is much higher than what ordinary health insurance would pay.

    With universal health insurance, we can reduce the med pay costs carried by comp insurers and thus lower comp premiums.

    Also, I was taught in school that expansive comp liability rules arose from a widespread lack of general health insurance. If everyone has basic health insurance we can scale back workers comp coverage for marginal cases.

  12. - out of touch - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:38 am:

    “IMO Rauner would bring a lot more to growing business in this state if he would just tackle these three issues:

    workman’s comp - specifically causation

    tort reform - the deep pockets provision”

    You’re entitled to your opinion. Got any facts?

  13. - Hit or Miss - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:39 am:

    I for one cannot see where Rauners’ frequent references to “corrupt union bosses” during the recent election campaign are anything but anti-union. These references were made not by his opponents but by Rauner himself.

  14. - Beans and Franks - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:39 am:

    So I guess there won’t be a “look for the union label” campaign for medical marihuana?

  15. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:42 am:

    Walk, if nothing else, Griff and Uiehlein are getting some rhetoric for their membership in the $20 Million for Starters Club.

  16. - Gooner - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:43 am:

    “Right to work” is wonderful if the goal is to create high employment numbers with jobs paying so low that many more working people are on food stamps.

    Nearly all the right to work states have extremely high numbers of people on food stamps.

  17. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:45 am:

    ==“I will freeze your property taxes. Period.”==

    No property tax ==rebate==? Where is Pat Quinn when we need him? /s

  18. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:46 am:

    - out of touch -

    Those are the issues businesses constantly cite, so let’s deal with them. Then business will have to come up with a new excuse for no growth.

  19. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    ==You’re entitled to your opinion. Got any facts?==

    Umm, the businesses in the state who are saying the same thing. If they are using those factors in making decisions about their business then it becomes a “fact.”

  20. - facts are stubborn things - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    divide and conquer.

  21. - Gooner - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    I agree with RNUG, in that if Gov. Rauner wants to be pro-business, the focus should be on workers’ comp and on stability with regard to taxes (I don’t see tort reform as a priority since I don’t think our system gets verdicts noticeably worse than in other areas).

    The Gov. needs to keep his eye on the ball. WC really matters. Union shops? It is just not that big of a deal, particularly in states like Illinois where for the wages you pay you also tend to get a pretty high quality work force. Companies are OK paying more for wages where you also reduce turnover costs. Better paid people tend to stick around.

  22. - scott aster - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:50 am:

    BR is just loading up the cart with all his fav issues….and then he will go for the workers comp like AHOY says But he should go BIG at the start because you can always back away.

  23. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:50 am:

    Why is it that those who propose right to work “employee empowerment zones,” or whatever they’re called, are not employees themselves? These zones are proposed by the likes of Rauner, Heritage, ALEC and other organizations that promote the interests of super-wealthy.

  24. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    What I dislike about his recent presentation in Decatur is just how politically tone-deaf it is. He spent millions trying to wash away the effects of his anti-union comments to win the General Election, then this?

    He has been in the Office for a few weeks and has a lot to learn. Yet, the very people he has fired up with his Power Point presentation are not only the ones who know more about Illinois government than he, Bruce Rauner somehow thinks they are going to work with him in the end.

    Worse - his ridiculous kicking of the union hornet’s nest won’t solve the primary problems he is facing this year. Even if he got his way, and magically turned every Illinoisan into a happy Hoosier - it won’t solve the economic woes he is facing as our governor.

    He is saying the wrong things at the wrong time to reach a goal that cannot be determined as beneficial to our state. He is sinking and wrecking the political future of the Illinois Republican party, which I couldn’t imagine sinking or being wrecked further.

    Illinois Republican governors during my lifetime were known for being competent and moderate enough to remain elected in Illinois. Rauner was elected riding partially on that image.

    Throw all that away if Governor Rauner continues talking like this.

  25. - pundent - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    Somebody needs to be demonized here and it’s not going to be Rauner. Anybody that’s surprised by any of this hasn’t been paying attention. He softened the rhetoric a bit in the fall because he knew that it wouldn’t do him any favors beyond the primary. But all of these comments are directly out of Rauner’s playbook.

  26. - B.C. - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:02 am:

    My guess is Rauner’s renewed union-bashing is the product of one of the following:

    a) It’s simply a case of him stating exactly how he feels and not part of any overarching political strategy.

    b) He’s falling back to his successful primary scheme of throwing red meat to the right wing in order to distract them from his moderate views on social issues. Only now, instead of trying to win the nomination, he’s laying the mattresses for a soon-to-be-unveiled budget that includes some tax increases.

    Maybe the modus operandi of the Rauner administration will be: talk like a conservative, govern like a moderate. We’ll know when he signs a budget into law this summer.

  27. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:04 am:

    The unions that Bruce Rauner is fighting against have been tamed. In the past there were more radical labor organizations.

    The system that evolved out of the 1930s thru 1950s worked pretty well. Workers made more money. Rich people made more money. The Elites got a National Security State that allowed them to meddle around the world. Everyone was content (obviously Civil Rights Movement drew attention to lingering injustices).

    But then JFK cut taxes on Elites. And they started investing in the infrastructure to dismantle a system that worked.

  28. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    I always assumed there was at least a 50% chance that Rauner would start running for POTUS by courting “Conservative” ideologues.

    Mitt Romney only needed one term as Governor of Massachusetts. Why would Rauner debase himself by making deals to provide effective governance to Illinois when he could do simple stuff that courts Right Wing zealots?

  29. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:09 am:

    BC, if someone is trying to knock down the pay of social classes of citizens, I’d characterize it as a social agenda.

    And coming from someone self-described in the .01 percent, you might even call it Class Warfare.

  30. - lib dem67 - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:15 am:

    Illinois wages (largely due to organized labor) are higher than surrounding states. Since work comp costs are driven in large part by the lost wages of the injured employee it becomes a given that our costs will be higher than those states with lower average wages.
    Rauner sees higher wages for workers versus surrounding states as an impediment to the “job creators”. He simply does not believe better wages for either skilled or unskilled labor is an economic benefit.
    Recall his initial comments regarding the minimum wage. Welcome to the venture capitalist method of governing.

  31. - Mouthy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:18 am:

    Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 10:50 am:

    Why is it that those who propose right to work “employee empowerment zones,” or whatever they’re called, are not employees themselves? These zones are proposed by the likes of Rauner, Heritage, ALEC and other organizations that promote the interests of super-wealthy.

    Best point I’ve seen.

  32. - B.C. - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:21 am:

    Wordslinger — I agree with you…I’m no Rauner supporter. I’m just wondering if there is an actual political strategy here? He can’t think “right to work” is going to pass the GA. So is he just spouting his beliefs for the heck of it? Is he laying the groundwork for a presidential run? Or is there an actual Illinois political/governing strategy here?

  33. - Del Clinkton - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:31 am:


    That is the hypocrisy of it all. Heritage and ALEC have the Freedom to Associate and form a Union to Collectively Bargain for lower wages.

    Yet employees are quickly losing their right to do the opposite.

  34. - Linda - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:39 am:

    BC, I hope the answer to your question is (b) but I fear it is (a).

  35. - Toure's Latte - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 11:53 am:

    Another chip to play. Just stacking them up so Madigan and Cullerton know what’s on the table.

  36. - A guy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:04 pm:

    He’s hearing from all quarters here. He knows who elected him and how high their frustration is. All of this turf will be battled over on a hundred yard field, where only 10 yards of it is in play. You can’t please everyone completely, but you can talk to everyone.

    He won with an unusual coalition of supporters. They all need to hear something from him. That being said, I believe RNUG hit the nail on the head for what’s likely to occur. Scroll up, he’s pretty close if not precisely correct.

  37. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:08 pm:

    I’m not sure that I see the chip to play. Right to work isn’t a new concept in Illinois. The reason it hasnt gone anywhere here is that both public and private sector unions have built relationships with lawmakers across the political spectrum.

    The national talking points really don’t apply here. But Griff and Uiehlein deserve a little red meat for their money.

    And unless he’s Blago delusional, Rauner’s not considering running for president. But I’m sure he likes to hear his name mentioned.

  38. - Rod - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:19 pm:

    The Rauner statement that Rich noted “Pushing any specific labor regulation is not my priority at all,” was assumed to be deceptive by the labor movement in Illinois. There is no surprise in his current stance at all and if any unionized worker in the state voted for Mr. Rauner based on that statement then unfortunately they were fools.

    Todd Maisch would take a totally different stance on the right-to-work zone proposal being floated by Rauner if the Republicans had majorities in the Assembly. So now he looks reasonable right?

  39. - Quiet Sage - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:22 pm:

    B.C. @11:02 am


  40. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:33 pm:

    Guy, if Gov. Rauner is listening to all quarters here, I guess he’s choosing to disregard the voice of Candidate Rauner who said any type of labor legislation was not a priority at all.

  41. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:38 pm:

    I don’t understand why anyone is surprised by this.

  42. - Peoria Guy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:44 pm:

    Worker’s compensation is a huge issue in the manufacturing and distribution businesses. Talk to any business owner. Much bigger than taxes. It is out of control. The IL WC reforms from a couple of years ago are a drop in the Pacific.

  43. - A guy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:47 pm:

    === Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:33 pm:

    Guy, if Gov. Rauner is listening to all quarters here, I guess he’s choosing to disregard the voice of Candidate Rauner who said any type of labor legislation was not a priority at all.===

    I’m sure he heard him too Sling. lol. Just as I’m sure he’s paying attention to reaction and support from the Decatur visit. Government is stew. Everything goes in. Some stuff evaporates, other stuff dominates the taste. Wait until you taste a spoonful. They see if you want more. Or not.

  44. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    Guy, for some reason, I think you’re missing the point that what Candidate Rauner insisted for a year was not a priority at all is now a top priority for Gov. Rauner.

    Some might question the sincerity or truthiness of one of those fellas.

    I don’t understand your stew analogy, but I do know the difference between chicken salad and chicken stuff.

  45. - ZC - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    If Rauner really thinks that he can -change- public opinion on right-to-work in Illinois, through giving a lot of speeches and Powerpoints, then he’s got some reality problems.

    There is a whole bunch of social science research he should consult here, before he goes much further down this road. By squishy social science standards it’s a very very strong finding.

    If you’ve got a sympathetic legislature you might be able to quickly run all kinds of things through - practically speaking, a strike on RTW laws will politically devastate a lot of unions (see Wisconsin). But … see Democrats, Springfield.

    There’s just no way Rauner is going to be able to “rally the public” to pressure Madigan / Cullerton to act here.

    To paraphrase Blago, “What’s he thinking?”

  46. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:03 pm:

    He’s hearing from all quarters here. He knows who elected him and how high their frustration is.

    No. No he isn’t.
    No. No he does not.

  47. - J. Bradley -retired - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:33 pm:

    Rauner has zero respect for the people in this State that make a living wage. Without a Union the employer will decide any benefits, wages, working conditions. Does any sane person want to put all their eggs in that basket? People like him want to see a race to the bottom for wages. He likes to say things for shock value but wake this lion up I’m thinking he will get bit.

  48. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:35 pm:

    What A Guy is trying to say is that Rauner’s recent rhetoric is part of the act. It’s schtick.

    Anybody think prevailing wage is going away? Does anyone really believe a bill will pass ending project labor agreements? Can he find enough votes to pass “enterprise zones?” Not. A. Chance.

    I know it. Rauner knows it. Some people here know it too. This is all an act designed to make Rauner look like the great compromiser when “all” he gets is WC reform, an AFSCME contract with no raises and an end to compounded COLAs in the pensions.

    Along the way, this part of the script pleases many people who supported Rauner. Shhhh, don’t tell them Rauner doesn’t really believe any of this stuff. Let’s keep that between us. He can point to all of these stories after he signs the tax hike to say, “See? I tried.”

    Pretty much all of this rhetoric is as genuine as a Carhartt jacket, an old beat-up van and a $20 watch. Don’t over-react to what he’s saying, wait until he does something.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:45 pm:

    Man, - 47th Ward -…

    Spot on. Well said.

    Rauner can’t publicly be a pragmatist, but he has to know that is the only way he can govern, given his hand, the GA, the Four Tops, the Constitution, and the budget and money constraints present.

    Great take - 47th Ward -.

  50. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:47 pm:

    47, I’m not so sure. He ran away from it during the campaign, so I don’t that he’s pleasing any bloc of voters by bringing it back.

    I also don’t think its a bargaining chip. If he can find someone to sponsor legislation like this, I could see it getting a vote and being disposed of rather quickly.

    Seriously, how many GOP right-to-work votes are there in the GA, much less Dem votes?

  51. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:49 pm:

    I agree with Wordslinger. A bargaining chip has to have some meaning. This one doesn’t.

  52. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:53 pm:

    Even if your take is a better one, 47 - he is damaging himself with this driveling nonsense. He just flushed away any honeymoon he could have had with the State.

    Your take requires that he be a lot smarter than that. He hasn’t shown to me that he is that nuanced.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:58 pm:

    ===I agree with Wordslinger. A bargaining chip has to have some meaning. This one doesn’t.===

    Rich, I’m trying real hard to balance this idea of what Rauner is saying and believing, and the realities Rauner is facing, and a Crew that is really good at understanding governing thriugh the politics.

    If this is the real Rauner (I waver), then the duality of his rhetoric is alarming, almost Blagovian in lacking realities.

    The $20 million is a Blago move, now realized.

    Rhetorical grandstanding “I’m right!”

    Speaking of/to MJM and Cullerton with contradictory messaging(?)

    That’s “scary” stuff. If the Decatur presentation the true Rauner governing, he needs a Devil’s Advocate to point out some pitfalls here…

    I agree, still do, with - 47th Ward -, but married to pragmatic beliefs as an anchor to stop the ship from hitting the rocks…

  54. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 1:59 pm:

    I don’t think it’s a bargaining chip, and it isn’t about pleasing a bloc of voters. He’s pleasing a bloc of donors. The rhetoric is him “delivering” on whatever it was he told them he was going to do. When it dies a slow death in the GA (as enterprise zones surely will), he can say he fought hard for it but…

    It’s not a bargaining chip, it’s subterfuge. And the target isn’t labor or even the Democrats, it’s his pals and donors.

    He went to Decatur, Mike Carrigan’s home town, for that speech. That was aimed at Carrigan. It was aimed at the right-wingers in the business world who eat that stuff up. That speech was for their benefit, not Carrigan’s. That makes them feel better about backing a fellow plutocrat, even one who was kind of squishy on other issues.

    It’s not about bargaining. It’s about acting. He is trying to stay in character.

  55. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 2:00 pm:

    ===That was aimed at Carrigan===

    Wasn’t. Was not aimed at Carrigan.

    Again, watch what he does, not what he says.

  56. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 2:09 pm:

    I agree with 47th. Rauners’s talking to past and potential wealthy donors.

  57. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 2:14 pm:

    47, playing to the donors makes some sense. Like I said, Uiehlein should at least get some red meat for his money. If that’s all it takes to tap his millions, he’s an easy mark.

    I really dont know what Rauner is all about, what he plans to do about anything. The messages have been conflicting or even contradictory.

    Sometimes I get the impression he’s like Ron Burgundy and will just read whatever is put in front of him (careful with that).

    Sometimes I think the red meat stuff is what he really believes and he will go to the wall for it, based on his rhetoric.

    Eventually, we’ll find out, I think. Where that $20 million and counting goes will be instructive.

  58. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 2:24 pm:

    ===I really dont know what Rauner is all about, what he plans to do about anything.===

    No one does. It was that kind of campaign. And, more importantly, he hasn’t done anything yet. When he does something, we’ll get some idea of what his intentions are.

    There are almost no votes for right-to-work and that isn’t going to change no matter how many speeches he gives. But there are some votes to be had to give AFSCME a zero growth contract. There might be some votes for more WC reform, especially if the doctors eat most of it. There are plenty of votes to end compounded COLAs. If he got all of that, don’t you think he’d spike the football and sign the tax hike?

    I do.

  59. - walker - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 2:30 pm:

    It’s for big donors and their captive minions. 47th spot on. I’d go further and say the key audience is out of state. This is not about policy in Illinois at all.

  60. - SAP - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 2:37 pm:

    ===designed to make Rauner look like the great compromiser when “all” he gets is WC reform, an AFSCME contract with no raises and an end to compounded COLAs in the pensions=== If Rauner gets one of those 3, he’ll be doing pretty well. And he isn’t getting the last 2.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 2:47 pm:

    If Rauner does belie call this, to the pint of governing like this (you can believe, and know you can’t govern that way), how does Rauner think this will “fly”?

    I can’t see legislative avenues, and I can’t see EOs that can go far enough.

    Is it an act, or is it being delusional?

  62. - Eastern Illinois - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 2:53 pm:

    An end to compounded COLA`s for future retirees is what you said was it not?

  63. - Mason born - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 2:59 pm:


    I wouldn’t be so sure on Rauner not getting a full slate. Provided of course we are talking of no compound cola for new hires, pesky constitution.

    Do you really see AFSCME striking for raises when the budget deficit is close to 9 bil??

  64. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 3:28 pm:

    I am not convinced Team Rauner knew that Carrigan is from Decatur.

  65. - Roscoe Tom - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 4:00 pm:

    Looks like a Gov. Walker wannabe in installments - this will be Rauner inhaling the blow dart gun he is bringing to a gun fight - not a photo op and will be ugly.

  66. - A guy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 4:25 pm:

    Can we all quit talking about a Honeymoon? In a race like that and a state like this, you’re lucky to get a wedding night. And he barely got that with griping about ticket prices, etc.

    I almost completely agree with 47. He’s not going to walk into any negotiation in this state on defense. The people who supported him expect him to be on offense. Does some of this go too far??

    Of course it does here and elsewhere. It doesn’t go far enough in other places. We’re going to land somewhere in between on a whole variety of these things. There won’t be Right to Work. I bet you couldn’t get 30 votes in both chambers combined for that.

    Worker’s Comp is very much in play. GOP has some making up to do in that arena. They’ll come home for that I bet (in the House, the Senate was already there). COLAs are definitely in play.

  67. - anon - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 4:32 pm:

    If Rauner wants to be pro-business, then he needs to tackle worker’s comp and property taxes. Even when a business loses money, it still has to pay the high property taxes in IL. Serious reform of property taxes would not be a freeze that won’t happen. It would be shifting primary funding of public schools from property taxes to state taxes.

  68. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 5:20 pm:

    Rauner’s nose growing ?

  69. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 5:56 pm:

    Brucey will fire all State workers on July 31st and hire new workers for half the salary

  70. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 5:59 pm:

    - A Guy -,

    Note: Rauner hasn’t proposed a single bill…crafted a budget, or… seen how his legislative agenda will be received or accepted…

    But you know it will be somewhere in the middle?

    Based on what?

    No one knows how all this will go, that’s another point.

  71. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 6:39 pm:

    Greg Hinz notes in Crains online today that Illinois had the fifth most manufacturing jobs in the country at the end of 2012.

    California has the most, by far, followed by Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois, then Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, New York and North Carolina.

    Of the Top Ten states for manufacturing jobs, two (TX and NC) were right-to-work states. Two (IN and MI) have since passed right to work laws.

  72. - DuPage Dave - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 7:25 pm:

    Sometimes people talk just to talk. Perhaps Rauner just wanted everyone to know, once and for all, how much he hates unions.

    Does he have a plan to bring about a right to work law in Illinois? Of course not. Does he think he has a chance to pass one? Not if he’s as smart as advertised.

    As someone on this blog pointed out during the campaign, guys like Rauner are never contradicted in the course of their normal business day. He can opine on any topic and everyone agrees or at least keeps silent. Perhaps he thinks everybody hates unions as much as he does.

  73. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 7:51 pm:

    ===Colas are definitely in play.===

    How so? Please elaborate…for once.

  74. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Jan 28, 15 @ 9:47 pm:

    Can’t wait to see all the GOP members pushing green buttons on this one. Gonna be awesome. Welcome back folks.
    All I’ll say is it will probably get more votes than Rod’s GRT in the House.

  75. - Anthony - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 6:28 am:

    I am a retired Illinois State employee and the Dept. I retired from did not have union bosses. Many years ago I filled a non-union position for a short time and was forced to work uncompensated overtime because my non-union bosses could force me to do so without any union repercussions. Without a contract there are no rules!

  76. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 8:34 am:

    I agree with the comments that his goal is the White House. I think he’s trying to put on a show for the Koch Beothers and their like. But I’ve been told he’s not a viable Repub candidate because he’s pro-choice.

  77. - Peoria Guy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 8:42 am:

    There actually are rules. The Dept of Labor has a bunch of them and they enforce them.

    Without a contract there are no rules!

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