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Firing up the Democrats’ base

Thursday, Jan 29, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last summer, I jokingly told Bruce Rauner that his inauguration would likely be himself and 100,000 of his closest “friends” in organized labor. That didn’t come to pass because the unions decided to wait and see what he would actually do. But when Gov. Rauner took off after unions in Decatur Tuesday, some have decided to speak out today in Champaign

Representatives of organized labor will be at the I Hotel Conference Center in Champaign today to demonstrate against Gov. Bruce Rauner after his remarks in Decatur Tuesday that were critical of unions.

Rauner is scheduled to speak to the Champaign County Chamber of Commerce at 1 p.m. today, delivering an address that he says is another preview of Wednesday’s State of the State speech to the Legislature. […]

Matt Kelly, president of the AFL-CIO Central Labor Council in Champaign County, said he believes that Rauner is “trying to destroy unions. That’s really, we feel, what he’s trying to accomplish by doing this stuff. It has nothing to do with making the state better. It has nothing to do with anything other than destroying the unions.”

Kelly said several unions and trades, particularly public sector unions, will be represented at today’s demonstration.

* And, now, on to the Quad Cities

“He’s proposing right-to-work, but what it really means is the right to work for less money,” said Dino Leone, President of Quad City Federation of Labor. “What it basically is, is an attack on workers rights to have a stronger voice in the state of Illinois.”

There are conflicting studies about the impact of right-to-work laws.

The Illinois Policy Institute said they analyzed data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics and found that states with right-to-work laws have higher wages, lower unemployment rates, and higher GDP growth.

However, a similar study done by the University of Illinois in 2014 found the laws actually cut wages by three percent on average.

“It would mean a lot less pay for the middle class and working class for people in the Quad Cities,” said Leone. “We will definitely oppose every measure, every piece of legislation [Gov. Rauner] tries to put out on this.”

…Adding… Also from the QC area

State Sen. Neil Anderson, R-Rock Island, a member of a firefighter union, said he also won’t be joining the governor on the topic.

“The right-to-work legislation has been out there for a long time, and it’s been tried over and over again,” Sen. Anderson said. “I’m against right-to-work. I don’t think it’s right for the state of Illinois.”

* And let’s finish this post with Kurt Erickson’s story

Gov. Bruce Rauner may be looking to the Bluegrass State for inspiration when it comes to bringing right-to-work laws to Illinois.

In Kentucky, where attempts to put a statewide law on the books have stalled, counties have taken the lead in recent weeks by moving forward with their own anti-union laws.

In all, five counties have approved measures that would ban requiring workers to join a union or making membership in a labor organization a condition of employment. […]

In Kentucky, the AFL-CIO is fighting the counties in court — a scenario that likely would occur in Illinois if Rauner is successful in pushing the movement forward.

Sean Stott, director of governmental affairs for the Laborers’ union, said there is ample legal evidence county-level changes could be fought successfully. For example, the new local laws in Kentucky come despite an opinion by the state’s Democratic attorney general, who said local authorities don’t have the power to implement the laws.


  1. - Fed up - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:24 am:

    Illinois has a history of letting Chicago and othe home rule cities enact laws and enforce them as they see fit. Enforcement of laws varies greatly from county to county. maybe Rauner could take a page out of the Dem playbook and just issue executive orders not to enforce laws he dosent like but cant get the legislature to agree with him on. I seem to remeber some guy named Obama choosing to not enforce certain laws. Perhaps the state just wont enforce mandatory union laws.

  2. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:25 am:

    Basically we traded-in Pat Quinn for Billionaire Pat Quinn. He isn’t actually going to do anything, he just wants to take a stand on issues he believes to be important. Thanks Bruce.

  3. - Distant Viewer - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:25 am:

    Guy starts out by insulting the people who work for him and pushing an issue that fires up the opposition’s base. Add, Perot-like misleading charts and graphs and you’ve got a really poor start to his term as governor.

  4. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    Nice to see the DC type rhetoric (on both sides) making its way fully to our fair state.

    I commend Sean Stott for being a voice of reason, which is per usual. Sean is definitely an asset to LIUNA. If he can utilize that calm, level-headed tone & reasoning with his fellow union leaders then perhaps Governor Rauner will be more open-minded and willing to work with a consortium.

  5. - no suprise - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:35 am:

    Are you kidding? Rauner has to be willing to work alongside the unions and attacking them like he has this week is not what we call democracy. He wants it his way!

  6. - Norseman - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:37 am:

    Thus ended the Honeymoon. He couldn’t help himself could he. Someone in his wealthy circle needs to tell him that he’s not going to “never lose” as Governor.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:42 am:

    Raunerites love Rauner getting all lathered up.

    Haven’t heard boo from Radogno or Durkin about the Decatur power point…

    Wonder why?

  8. - Del Clinkton - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:43 am:


    Sure seem to remember some guys named Eisenhower/Nixon/Reagan/Bush I/Bush II who issued Executive Orders whenever they felt like.

    Also, there is no constitutional right for the Chamber of Commerce to collectively bargain for lower wages and benefit for workers.

  9. - foster brooks - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:45 am:

    The question is does cullerton have the guts to hold his ground, he couldn’t do it on pension reductions

  10. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:46 am:

    It is 2015 and we have a budget falling short of billions, yet the new governor decides that he needs to spend everyone’s valuable time fighting unions?

    In what way does this address our situation we are facing NOW? How is he going to fix the budget he inherited and the one he will propose? In what way does union-bashing help?

    If unions magically disappeared, Governor Rauner’s situation would not be different. If the State had a Right to Work law on the books, it would have no effect on the situation we are facing.

    We need a bipartisan solution, yet the Governor decides within his first 30 days in office to publically attack the people who have been holding the State together for the past decade.

    The Governor is not governing. He can’t be considered serious as our new governor when he does not behave seriously. At a time when we need serious leadership, he does this?

    He was elected governor. He needs to act like one now. He needs to lead by bringing us all together to find a solution that will solve our fiscal dilemma in a way all of us, regardless of party, can support.

    He was chosen by voters to shake up Springfield, not burn down the entire state. He was chosen because the last governor, couldn’t govern even with his party in near absolute dominance under the Dome.

    There is no way he will ever be trusted, and trust is vital in the job he just got. Even if he proves out to be more competent than Quinn - the majority of citizens in Illinois have been now put on alert that their new governor doesn’t like them enough to work with them.

    As a GOP solo act in a BLUE state, he began politically in a hole and just dug himself right down to China with Power Point slides.

  11. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:51 am:

    He’s doing a “Scott Walker.” Going after the Unions was Step #1 after Walker took over in WI.
    It seems like a total waste of time to me too, Vanilla. But, he’s got the power so he can waste all of the time he wants.

  12. - Das Kapital - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:53 am:

    Median household income is less than $45,000 in KY, TN, AR. OK, MS, AL and in MO, IN IA MI it is less than $50k, but in IL median income is less than $60k. What happens to income without unions is clear.

  13. - Skeptic - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:53 am:

    “He was chosen by voters to shake up Springfield” I might quibble with that by saying he was chosen by the voters because he wasn’t Pat Quinn.

  14. - A guy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:54 am:

    It might just be firing up everyone, Dems, GOPs and Indies. The discussion isn’t taboo to him. Ultimately, this will prove to be a much better poll or headcount than even an election. One thing he does have in common with Quinn is they have both been protested by public employee unions.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:58 am:

    “As a “light blue” solo act in a state, not as BLUE as I pretend with unnecessary hyperbole, he began politically in a hole and just dug himself right down to China with Power Point slides.”


  16. - truthteller - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:58 am:

    If there are any issues Madigan and Cullerton won’t move on they are right to work and prevailing rate. I suspect Rauner knows it. He is playing to the Koch brothers, hoping to demonstrate to them he is their type of guy and that despite his relative (to the GOP base) moderation on social issues, he is right wing enough to win a Republican Presidential primary, and he would be well-positioned in a general election.And by the way, he is exactly their type.

  17. - Arsenal - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:02 am:

    “He is playing to the Koch brothers”

    You’re probably right, but jeez, why bother? He doesn’t need Koch money.

  18. - Thunder Fred - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:02 am:

    VM- A good doctor treats the disease not the symptoms.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:04 am:

    ===Ultimately, this will prove to be a much better poll or headcount than even an election.===

    What does that mean?

    Also, nothing is better if the goal is to rally support not to polarize.

    The silence of Durkin and Radogno seems for some reason or another…

  20. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:05 am:

    No - he is doing an Arnold Schwarzenegger.
    Illinois is more California, than it is Wisconsin. Voters in California showed the Terminator that he didn’t have the political power to end how things were done in the Golden State.

    Walker had a supportive GOP power base capable of enacting his “reforms”. Schwarzenegger did not, and neither does Rauner.

    Rauner might be thinking Walker, or Daniels as Midwest GOP governors to emulate, but he is wrong. What happened in those states, and what happened in Michigan won’t happen the same way in Illinois. Chicago is not Indianapolis, and it is not Detroit. With Emanuel discovering Chicagoans questioning their support, Rauner cannot expect his friend to help lead the way in shaking up Illinois.

  21. - Realreporter - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:06 am:

    Republicans are already running away Rauner. Take newly minted state Senator Neil Anderson who called Rauner’s plan “a non starter.” When a freshman legislator publicly relives himself on his Governor’s “first big idea” this indicates the plan idea is headed for the outhouse!

  22. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:08 am:

    I understood the attacks on state workers. He’s feeding into the general public’s disdain for state workers (misguided as it may be). I don’t understand this attack on unions in general. He’s creating tremendous ill will among a very large and powerful group in Illinois. Doesn’t seem like the way to get anything done, especially with a Democratic legislature. For a guy who says he wants to work in a bipartisan manner, he sure has a funny way of going about it.

    Union bashing plays to the conservative base. I have no idea why he’s doing it now, though. Who cares what they think now. He’s got to play to that other base called the Democratic legislature.

  23. - Papa2008 - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:09 am:

    There is no common ground in this fight. Both sides are going to have to accept things they don’t want. Severe cuts and increased taxes. Both sides created this, both sides are going to have to own the fix. There is no other way. Sausage making isn’t pretty.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    ===“The right-to-work legislation has been out there for a long time, and it’s been tried over and over again,” Sen. Anderson said. “I’m against right-to-work. I don’t think it’s right for the state of Illinois.”===

    Will Rauner use the $20 million to “educate” the freshman?

    If Anderson is a “red light” that’s another Dem “green light” needed…

    Just saying..,

  25. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:16 am:

    I also agree strongly with VanillaMan, about the focus on unions when the governor should be focusing on our massive fiscal problems.

    BLS union data and government median income data indicate that union jobs pay more than non-union jobs in a vast majority of occupations. This disparity is probably regional, in that it reflects full union states vs. right to work states.

    As some of you point out, do we really need to “go there” with unions when we have other massive problems?

  26. - Das Kapital - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:20 am:

    Echo Vanilla. However Jerry Brown gave state employees a 5% pay it, based on work started by Rauner’s very own Donna Arduin.
    Bruce thinks his Southern IL base isn’t pro-Union!

  27. - Das Kapital - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    A 5% pay cut…..sorry

  28. - A guy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:29 am:

    === Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:04 am:

    ===Ultimately, this will prove to be a much better poll or headcount than even an election.===

    What does that mean?====

    I’m typing slow, I hope it helps. Here you go: A lot of people don’t vote…we agree so far??

    100% of the people have an opinion. Especially when it comes to their own pay.

    Take the “likely voter” provision away and just poll like you would for a consumer product. More participation, better read.

    That help you Wil?

  29. - Abe the Babe - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:31 am:

    Look he’s likely going to cave on the budget and taxes so he has to throw some meat to his base somehow.

    It wont be on social issues nor will it help that his cuts are going to largely hurt GOP areas so he’s got to pick some battles to shore up his conservative bona fides.

    It makes sense. And fits a well explained narrative and shows that he’s fighting those Chicago dems on something…even if it is futile.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    ===I’m typing slow, I hope it helps. Here you go===

    Keep reminding me why I can’t be sold on Rauner because of Rauner’s fan base…

    ===100% of the people have an opinion. Especially when it comes to their own pay.

    Take the “likely voter” provision away and just poll like you would for a consumer product. More participation, better read.===

    The “silent majority” schtick?

    The same schtick the GOP complains that Obama uses?

    Gotta do better than that.

  31. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    He has $600m if you believe him.

    The Kochs have $48 billion.

  32. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:40 am:

    IPI is a laugh riot. How do you constantly twist your noodle into such a knot that the answer to everything is to be more like Mississippi?

    You know, Mississippi might exhibit growth in a year if it gets a couple of new Stuckeys, but that’s because the base was so small to begin with.

    For 2014, according to the Census Bureau, the ten states with the highest poverty rates were all right to work, and have been forever.

    They are: SC, AZ, WV, OK, AR, TX, AL, NM, LA, and perennial champ, MS.

    According to the Bureua of Labor Statistics, for 2012, the states with the lowest per capita GDP, all right to work, except Maine.

    They are: FL, ME, NM, KT, MT, AL, ID, SC, AR, WV, and… I’m sure you can guess the last one.

  33. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:45 am:

    Neil Anderson was in an expensive race; interesting to see his independence so early considering he wasn’t a self-funder.

    $5k from Rauner buddy Ken Griffin didn’t buy much loyalty.

    $42k from Radogno’s committee.

    $800k from Republican State Senate Campaign Committee!

    Of course all these were general election contributions.

  34. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    No Guy, your clarification still doesn’t make sense.

  35. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:52 am:

    Anderson showing one of two things early. Either he is a independent thinker or a not so smart one termer

  36. - pundent - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:58 am:

    Ultimately we’re going to be paying more in taxes, probably a lot more. And when that time comes Rauner wants you to have someone other to blame than Rauner.

  37. - Joh - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:58 am:

    Everybody fails to see the reality: For years the AFL CIO state leadership and their locals put their heads n the sand while the state and various counties, cities failed to make even minimum pension payments year after year. They gave their endorsements, money and people to re-elect year after year the same people who knew the day of days would arrive. It’s here. No more wiggle room. So, the easy way to CYA, blame the Republican!

  38. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:05 am:

    OW, still pretending there is someone or something out there that just might sell you on Rauner? After two years?

    You missed that bus ages ago. Stop whining about it. He is the Governor now.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:11 am:

    ===You missed that bus ages ago. Stop whining about it. He is the Governor now.===

    Oh - Louis G. Atsaves -,

    I wouldn’t put you in charge of growth or outreach or mending fences, lol

    Keep reminding me why I can’t be sold on Rauner because of Rauner’s fan base…

    You won, I guess trying to convince people it’s good that you won isn’t a priority?

    I’m sure the new Legis. Director might look at building a bit different than you.

    Keep pushing me away…

  40. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:14 am:

    “As a “light blue” solo act in a state, not as BLUE…

    Oswego is Indian for “troll”

  41. - PublicServant - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:17 am:

    @Joh - Nice attempt to rewrite history. State employees sued the state to force annual actuarial payments. They weren’t successful, since the constitution, while guaranteeing that the pensions had to be paid when due, was silent on requiring the state to do the right thing, and responsibly fund the pensions annually.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:18 am:

    - VanillaMan -,

    You consistently contradict yourself, sometimes on the same day.

    Which is it, Rauner light blue, red?

    Admit your Dopey light blue jargon was baloney…

  43. - William j Kelly - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:20 am:

    If the AFL-CIO really wants to stop rauner they need to defeat Rahm, cut off the head and the tail dies.

  44. - A guy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:29 am:

    ===The “silent majority” schtick?====

    Who’s being silent these days Willie? Unions? Public Employees? Politicos? Voters? Workers? Commenters here? I don’t think anyone is being silent. I’d say he’s got people talking. To suggest otherwise is kinda silly.

  45. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:34 am:

    ==Haven’t heard boo from Radogno or Durkin about the Decatur power point…Wonder why?===

    Curious whether that is because of their own decision or because of Gov Rauner’s crew telling them to keep quiet while he leads the messaging.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:35 am:

    === I don’t think anyone is being silent. I’d say he’s got people talking. To suggest otherwise is kinda silly.===

    Hmm. I responded to this, by you…

    ===I’m typing slow, I hope it helps. Here you go: A lot of people don’t vote…we agree so far??

    100% of the people have an opinion. Especially when it comes to their own pay.

    Take the “likely voter” provision away and just poll like you would for a consumer product. More participation, better read.===

    Um, I didn’t use the “silent majority” baloney, you did, as I am pointing out again.

    See, pointing out 100% of people have opinions, but not everyone votes…IS the textbook definition of “silent majority”.

    Maybe it’s silly you can’t see you are the one touting it(?)

  47. - A guy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:36 am:

    == Wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    No Guy, your clarification still doesn’t make sense.===

    Sling, learned long ago you can’t make someone understand something they refuse to understand. No worries, everyone else who wants to get it, gets it.

  48. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:40 am:

    == Stop whining about it. He is the Governor now. ==

    Good advice. Let me know how far that “He is Governor now” schtick gets you.

    Yes, he is Governor. It’s time for him to govern. He’s leaving something to be desired so far in my mind, but it’s still early. Let’s see if he gets past his little temper tantrum towards the unions and moves past his little blame game and starts actually doing something constructive.

  49. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:41 am:

    ==you can’t make someone understand something they refuse to understand==

    I find that commentary funny on a blog since this is a place that is full of OPINIONS. Didn’t know there was a right answer. Learn something new every day.

  50. - A guy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    *** Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    ===I’m typing slow, I hope it helps. Here you go===

    Keep reminding me why I can’t be sold on Rauner because of Rauner’s fan base…

    ===100% of the people have an opinion. Especially when it comes to their own pay.

    Take the “likely voter” provision away and just poll like you would for a consumer product. More participation, better read.===

    The “silent majority” schtick?
    The same schtick the GOP complains that Obama uses?
    Gotta do better than that.****

    and then…
    ***Um, I didn’t use the “silent majority” baloney, you did, as I am pointing out again.***

    I beg to differ. It appears you used it, doubled down and used it again, and then denied using it at all. You are one confusing and complex dude. Just don’t know what to do ’bout you. lol

  51. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:49 am:

    Can’t spin a timeline. LOL

    Go follow along. You gave textbook “silent majority” and got called on it.

    As someone in the communications business, you should know wgat you said, when, lol

  52. - Johnny - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 11:59 am:

    Honest question…

    A lot of state employees I know supported Rauner strongly all throughout the campaign. I just wonder if state employees who voted for him are torn in his recent campaigning against state employees salaries and benefits. I’ve yet to hear from anyone who wants their salary and pension cut.

  53. - AnonymousOne - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 12:15 pm:

    Yes, he really does need to get over this temper tantrum over unions and focus on all of the people
    who live in this state. It’s almost embarrassing that someone who claimed to have such robust plans and is such a supposed business professional is bullying working folks who just want to go to work. Move along. If union “bosses” are solely responsible for all the woes in this state, go after those unions “bosses’. Let people live their lives as they struggle to provide for their families.

  54. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 12:16 pm:

    ==- Fed up - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:24 am:==

    Yeah, Obama and his dang executive actions. It’s not he like the guy before him issued signing statements saying, ‘I will not enforce this law.’

    ==You’re probably right, but jeez, why bother? He doesn’t need Koch money.==

    They just announced they’re going to spend nearly a billion dollars on 2016. Rauner would be used up and spending that kind of dough.

  55. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 12:20 pm:

    ===delivering an address that he says is another preview of Wednesday’s State of the State speech to the Legislature.===

    I might have to drive down for this one. Rauner is writing his narrative, and right-to-work seems to be a key plank in his platform. Hardly a surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention. He talked about it a lot during the primary, then smartly shut up about it during the general. And now it’s back and next week we’ll learn a little more about who Rauner wants us to think he is.

    Before the unions and their allies go full Madison, I’d offer some advice: don’t. I think nothing would make Rauner happier or serve his purposes better, than large, loud pro-union rallies around the capitol building.

    Fight any legislation that he introduces, but don’t make him a hero to his right wing supporters.

  56. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 12:35 pm:

    == I just wonder if state employees who voted for him are torn in his recent campaigning against state employees salaries and benefits.==

    Or do they look around the office and think, ==That guy in that cubicle over there and that woman in that office one floor up are just here because of clout, connections and apathy. Thankfully someone is finally here to clean this mess up==?

    That is not how I see it, but some do. They are not scared for their own jobs or salary, but are hoping for the ==fumigation== Pat Quinn promised and never delivered. Office politics at its finest. Right or wrong, it is always the other guy in the office who is the problem.

  57. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 12:48 pm:

    ==I seem to remeber some guy named Obama choosing to not enforce certain laws.==

    No need to go national. We have plenty of local examples, all developing just this past year.

    I seem to remember an Attorney General choosing not to defend certain laws, plus a number of State’s Attorneys choosing not to enforce or defend certain laws. It happened with SSM and then Concealed Carry, so both liberals and conservatives have reason to be wary.

  58. - econ prof - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 12:53 pm:

    10 of the 15 states with the lowest unemployment rates are right to work states. I think it makes sense to localize the issue and allow some of the downstate counties, especially those on the state border, to have the freedom to decide for themselves.

  59. - Kurt in Springfield - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 1:00 pm:

    A Guy,

    While I mostly remain neutral on these things, I agree with OW that while you did not use the term silent majority, you did use the definition of it. The majority of people who don’t vote is the silent majority. I am not sure why you are being so defensive about this.

  60. - William j Kelly - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 1:11 pm:

    I believe good people can agree to disagree on many things but if you have that Rahm and rauner taint on you please, in the name of decency, stay away from honest hard working people.

  61. - Boondocks - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 1:41 pm:

    @ econ prof…I think you got that one just right. Right-To-Work is anti-worker or anti-union, it’s about allowing the worker to decide for him/herself if belonging to the union is a worthwhile endeavor. If unions want to maintain or increase membership, then do a better job selling your product! Right now, it is forced membership regardless of return and all it accomplishes is making the union bosses powerful and wealthy. By making it a local decision, Rauner is actually empowering downstate Illinois voters who have a taken a backseat to Chicago and the collar counties in state wide decisions.

  62. - Sir Reel - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 1:42 pm:

    Rauner has said he wants to increase economic growth which would help with the State budget so there is a connection. He believes right to work will help.

    If people believe right to work won’t improve growth, then suggest an alternative.

  63. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 1:54 pm:

    ==If people believe right to work won’t improve growth, then suggest an alternative.==

    If we’re pinning all of our hopes for economic growth on right to work then we’re screwed.

    I’ve heard many suggestions, including from Rauner’s mouth.

  64. - walker - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 1:59 pm:

    This “right to work” stuff won’t happen in Illinois.

    It only works for Rauner in his quest to leap frog Scott Walker in the national GOP pecking order.

  65. - Das Kapital - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 2:09 pm:

    Right to Work states also have lower performing schools along with overwhelmingly lower median wages. The gap between wealthy and non are equal to 1774 when we had slaves. Why anyone wants people to work for less indicates they are not more than gluttonous hoarders.

  66. - A guy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 2:10 pm:

    Walk, Absolutely agree with the first half of that. On the second half, I just don’t think so. Don’t know. But don’t think so.

  67. - Mama - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 2:25 pm:

    IL voted for something different, and you got it! The voters thoughts they were getting one person (the fixer), but what you got is a person who loves to campaign against the workers & the poor.

  68. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 2:25 pm:

    Willy- What’s your thoughts on Anderson going off the reservation so early? Do you think that the Rauner people now have to be worried about putting Senators or Reps in cabinet spots and having there replacement forget quickly how they got in? With BR trying to cut into both houses majority can they risk it? Rich had a interesting take earlier this week on one such scenario.

  69. - shawneewatch - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 3:03 pm:

    Nice pick on the new IDNR director. Former State Rep who has taken healthy contributions from energy executives, and now hes going to oversee mine permits and regulations. Shake up Springfield huh?? What a clown

  70. - Midwest Mom - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 3:08 pm:

    ==10 of the 15 states with the lowest unemployment rates are right to work states.==

    ==Right to Work states also have lower performing schools along with overwhelmingly lower median wages.==

    @econ, relative unemployment rates in RTW states are meaningless if that employment is too low a wage to sustain the populace. Hence the level of social costs in those states also being much higher than other states. The same set of states continues to fall in a lower quality-of-life category nationwide.

    No one statistic by itself can stand as the basis for a decision. One must triangulate all related metrics.

    “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

  71. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 3:10 pm:

    ===One must triangulate all related metrics===


  72. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 3:18 pm:

    - Anonymous -,

    If you are talking about what was in the Capitolfax earlier this week…

    To keep that for subscribers, I will say to that directly that whomever is picked for whatever seat, the vetting needs to include winnability of a candidate that mirrors the district best.

    To speak to my thoughts on Anderson and he specifically going off the reservation,

    Rauner has to realize an autonomous GOP GA is thwarted by forcing bad votes on members. Anderson, no matter his very specific personal story with unions, that district will not look too kindly on a GOP state Senator supporting Right to Work, let alone Right to Work “zones”…

    Cobbling 60, or in Anderson’s Senate 30, is relying on Raunerite discipline for GOP Members that can’t be shielded by $200 million, let alone $20 million.

    Then there is the absolute of Dem votes needed, period.

    Going off the reservation? You go after Unions, you put Poe, McAuliffe, Moffit, at least in the trick bag.

    Sitting members won’t forget about Rauner helping, but when Rauner is hurting, the past is forgotten easier when votes have no future for members.

    The opposite is Ron Sandack.

    Wity Uhiline and Rauner in cahoots, Sandack has learned to heel to Rauner, no matter how he looks.

    It’s early, but Anderson won’t be the last to say “no” to Rauner, but how heavy will the sledgehammer fall on those who understand the politics of their district and serving them…over serving Rauner…despite how it will hurt them.

    Thus all the LLs under the Legis. Director and that inportance in counting to 60 and 30.

    Members who mirror districts have a better shot than those that mirror Rauner, no matter the district(?)

    That’s the $20 million question.

  73. - Norseman - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 3:27 pm:

    Yes, right to work is all about choice and not lowering worker wage and benefit cuts. LOL

  74. - Harold Hill - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 3:28 pm:

    Did anybody from the Quad Cities think to ask IPI how they managed to get statistics that are the opposite of what everybody else is seeing? Does anybody EVER ask IPI how and where they come up with their material?

  75. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 4:20 pm:

    Front page story today in today’s WSJ on the reality of what it calls the “Two-Tier Economy,” in which the top five percent have money to burn and the other 95 percent are stuck in the ditch.

    “The Demand Divide.” That’s the Wall Street Journal, folks, not Pravda.

    Give it a read and then explain again how you grow a healthy economy and society when all but the wealthiest have less money to spend.

  76. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 7:16 pm:

    Y’all mind if I just sit back and enjoy the show?

  77. - Norseman - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 7:22 pm:

    === Y’all mind if I just sit back and enjoy the show? ===

    No, but let us know you’re still kicking now and then.

  78. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 7:29 pm:

    Look, I am prepared to concede that I and most of the folks on this site are, by defn., “insiders.”

    As such, we probably are not Governor Rauner’s intended audience.

    Emphasis on “intended.”

    Because for the State of the State, whether you intend it or not, the most important audience is the General Assembly, followed by those who lobby the General Assembly and the administration, followed by everybody else.

    How they react and whether they choose to follow your leadership or strike out on their own will define the whole session.

  79. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 7:30 pm:

    - YDD - & - Norseman,

    Raunerites want to go alone, so - Louis G. Atsaves - tells me…

    Sooner or later, Rahner and his words and minions might be just that, alone.

    …and my email is still empty of news…

  80. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 7:37 pm:

    …and well said…

    ===How they react and whether they choose to follow your leadership or strike out on their own will define the whole session.===

  81. - Norseman - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 8:36 pm:

    This expected story will help stoke the fire.

  82. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 8:43 pm:

    - Norseman -

    In that report, the one line response by Trover says more than having no comment.

    Don’t worry, I’m not. The - Louis G. Atsaves -s, the “silent majority”s, the - A Guy -s, will rally the Raunerbots. This will be squashed, ’cause Bruce ain’t no hypocrite, no sir, that’s baloney.

    They want it to be “us vs, them”, Raunerite versus all, ok.

    Welp, passes are going to be fewer…if it has to be…

  83. - Raunerbot - Thursday, Jan 29, 15 @ 9:32 pm:

    Huge demonstration, I heard 150 people showed up.

    Unions had their day, and taxpayers have sympathy for them, except those in the unions of course.

    Not the taxpayers problem is what most feel, and I can’t blame them. Unfortunately, many union members voted for Bruce Rauner because they viewed Quinn as no option at all. There will be some injustices occurring in the Rauner administration for sure, but the overall success of his ideas and plans will be long lasting and that is what I predict Illinoisans will remember most.

  84. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Jan 30, 15 @ 7:51 am:

    OW, where did I say anything about going it alone? Dope.

    Try to not attribute false statements to me or fellow Rauner supporters.

  85. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 30, 15 @ 8:15 am:

    ===Try to not attribute false statements to me or fellow Rauner supporters.===

    I’ll leave the false statements to your Raunerbot talking points.

    I guess your forgot this;

    ===You missed that bus ages ago.===

    I guess if you weren’t on the bus, you can’t be supportive. Got it! Amazingly unaware Rauberbots are.

    Keep reminding me why I can’t be sold on Rauner because of Rauner’s fan base…

  86. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Jan 30, 15 @ 9:03 am:

    OW, there is a huge difference between “going it alone” and YOU refusing to get on the bus. Dope!

    Keep complaining you are standing at the bus stop. Keep complaining that when the bus pulls up to the stop, you refuse to get on.

    Remain part of the loyal opposition to Rauner. That isn’t the issue. Just stop pretending that you can be “sold” on Rauner after two years. No one believes you.

    Try again not to attribute false statements to me or fellow Rauner supporters.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 30, 15 @ 9:17 am:

    Oh - Louis G. Atsaves -, stop playing the victim.

    ===Remain part of the loyal opposition to Rauner. That isn’t the issue. Just stop pretending that you can be “sold” on Rauner after two years. No one believes you.===


    I tried to be supportive of the hires, of trying to reach out to legislators, but where you are missing the mark and play victim again is …

    ===Just stop pretending that you can be “sold” on Rauner after two years. No one believes you.===

    The election, it’s over. Usually that’s about mending fences. You seem more intent on keeping score. You want people who weren’t with Bruce to stay there…ok…got it. Not good for building, but…got it.

    Holding grudges… Ok. I get it.

    ===Try again not to attribute false statements to me or fellow Rauner supporters===

    I don’t have to, like I proved above, lemmings don’t read what they write, they play victim.

    You’re a master at “the victim”, lol

    Your thoughts make it utterly comical when Bruce needs at the least 23 Dem votes… Some have spent millions against Bruce, but Bruce knows building is better…your lemming ego refuses to see that. “You weren’t there!” lol


    I wouldn’t put you out there for outreach or mending fences, that is 100% for sure, lol

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