The campaign for Rahm Emanuel released the following statement and facts about Chuy Garcia’s misleading attack ad.
“It’s sad that Chuy chose to go negative in his first commercial. Instead of offering Chicagoans a concrete plan to keep creating jobs, improving our graduation rates and reducing violence, Chuy resorted to the same failed politics that drove Chicago to the brink.”
Garcia’s attack ad has numerous problems, especially his claim that Rahm gave away $100 million in corporate tax breaks – which is both untrue and unsupported – and Garcia’s refusal to acknowledge the fact that Chicago taxpayers are still paying the $80 million in higher property taxes that he voted for as alderman, imposing the largest property tax increase in Chicago history. In addition, Garcia didn’t answer Mayor Emanuel’s question at last night’s debate about why he collected an illegal property tax break for eight years.
Maybe Chuy should explain his vision instead of attacking.
Here are the facts:
FACT: Rahm ended more than $45 million in corporate tax giveaways.
Since taking office, Rahm has closed tax loopholes for cable companies, luxury skyboxes at sporting events, and airlines and other companies that used to get tax breaks for buying gasoline and other items in the suburbs.
FACT: Chicago does not provide tax credits to corporations.
Garcia is simply wrong on the facts. The City does not provide tax credits to companies.
FACT: Garcia voted for to give Motorola $5 million in tax credits and $30 million in infrastructure improvements.
When Motorola was considering moving, Garcia voted for a package to give Motorola a “special tax break” worth $5 million in tax credits and $30 million in infrastructure.
Package to Keep Motorola in IL Included Tens of Millions: “In the end, this is the financial package to which state and Motorola officials agreed: $30 million in infrastructure improvements, $5 million in tax credits and exemptions and $1 million in job training assistance in the form of a grant. State agency officials are unsure exactly how those funds will be used.” [Chicago Tribune, 04/20/1994]
Senate President Philip Described the Package as a “special tax break” on the floor. “May I have your attention, please. I — with leave, I’d like to go to 3rd Reading to pick up — to pass two bills today. The first bill is 1191, which deals with a special tax break for Motorola we need to do, so that hopefully we’ll keep Motorola in Illinois.” [Illinois State Senate Floor Transcript 3/30/94, Pg. 4]
Garcia voted in favor of Senate Bill no. 1191. [Senate Journal 1994, vol 1, 3/30/94, page 432]
FACT: Chicago taxpayers are still paying the $80 million in higher property taxes that Chuy voted for as alderman, imposing the largest property tax increase in Chicago history.
Garcia Voted for the Largest Property Tax Hike in Chicago History: Garcia voted for the Evans motion, which increased property taxes $79,928,811. [Chicago City Council Journal of Proceedings, 9/24/86, Pg. 34106, Passed 26-24]
In 2014 dollars, that is a $173 million property tax hike. [BLS Inflation Calculator]
FACT: Rahm has gone toe-to-toe with the NRA and worked on commonsense gun control for decades, earning him the support of local and national gun control advocates.
When the local Gun Prevention PAC endorsed Rahm this week, the group’s Executive Director Kathleen Sances said: “Rahm is the only candidate with a 20-year record of taking on the NRA, passing meaningful gun legislation and putting together a plan to reduce gun violence in all our neighborhoods. It was an easy decision for us – Rahm has worked for his entire career to reduce gun violence, and he’s been at the forefront of some of our biggest victories, a steadfast ally as we to push for change, and an innovator who overcomes obstacles.”
FACT: Crime rates in Little Village have fallen.
In his ad, Garcia implies that crime in Little Village has gotten worse. Garcia’s claim is at odds with his public remarks that crime in Little Village has fallen. Though much work remains to be done, crime has dropped in Little Village over the past four years. In 2014 compared to 2010, Little Village experienced a 25 percent drop in overall crime and a 23 percent drop in serious index crimes that include offenses like assault, battery and rape. Rahm will continue his focus on community policing and expanding summer jobs and after school opportunities in Little Village and neighborhoods across the city.
FACT: The Emanuel administration led a return to community policing, put more officers in high crime areas, increased investments in prevention programming and built trust with community leaders and residents.
Developing higher levels of trust between communities and police has been a major priority for this administration. Soon after taking office, Rahm moved community policing staff and resources from the headquarters to police districts – where they belong. CPD created and implemented training for police officers to teach fairness and respect – also called “procedural justice.” To date, more than 10,000 Chicago police personnel have completed this training. By the summer of 2015, CPD will double the size of its bike patrols from 200 to 400, allowing for a more direct connection between officers and the communities they serve. And this year CPD will launch a body camera pilot that will start in the 14th police district. In other cities, patrol officers’ use of body cameras has been associated with a nearly 60 percent reduction in use of force and an 80 percent reduction in complaints filed against officers. These efforts in Chicago build upon a life of supporting community policing, starting with his successful push on behalf of President Clinton to pass the COPS initiative in 1994, which put 100,000 additional cops on the street to engage in community policing.
FACT: Garcia has no plan to pay for additional police officers and even opposed hiring additional police officers as alderman.
First, Garcia has been widely criticized for failing to offer a realistic plan to pay for adding additional patrol officers on the street. Additionally, when Garcia was on the City Council, he actually claimed that “knee-jerk” calls to add more police officers won’t solve the problem of gang violence.
In Endorsing Rahm, Chicago Tribune Questioned How Opponents Would Make the ‘Math Work’: “Yet all four challengers are talking about making these holes deeper. How would they make the math work? […] The not-Rahm candidates are reluctant to offer genuine answers for all of that.” [Chicago Tribune, 2/6/15]
Garcia Blasts “Knee-jerk” Call for “More Police”: “The city agency created to steer youngsters away from street gang violence should be abolished and its $5 million budget spent on putting more police officers into neighborhoods plagued by gang crime, Ald. Juan Soliz (25th) said Thursday. In calling for the elimination of the Chicago Intervention Network, Soliz said, ‘They’re totally invisible, and they’re not part of a constructive effort to solve gang crime in Chicago. We need gang specialists who can go in with arrest power.’ Chicago Intervention Network director Robert Martin, Police Supt. LeRoy Martin, and Ald. Jesus Garcia (22d), immediately challenged Soliz’s remarks. Garcia dismissed the idea as “a knee-jerk” reaction to gang violence.” [Chicago Tribune, 9/9/88]
Garcia Voted to Close 209 Vacant Police Jobs:
Garcia voted for the 1993 Budget [Chicago City Council Journal of Proceedings, 12/15/92, 26808, Passed 33-9]
“Chicagoans face a $ 28.7 million property tax increase next year and higher taxes on soda pop and tickets to entertainment events under a budget compromise approved Tuesday that also eliminates 209 vacant police jobs.” [Chicago Sun Times, 12/16/92]
FACT: The vast majority of TIF funds – almost 75 percent – are used for schools, libraries, parks, transportation and neighborhood improvements.
The City has rejected TIF proposals from nearly every big corporation that has asked for public support and have instead used TIF to bring companies like Method to Pullman, Coyote Logistics to Logan Square and Whole Foods to Englewood. Rahm has used TIF to support public projects including new libraries in Chinatown, Albany Park, and at Back of the Yards High School, a new El station near McCormick Place on Cermak, and at our schools including new classrooms at Coonley Elementary school, new pre-K classrooms and a parent resource center at Burke Elementary, and a new athletic field at Benito Juarez Academy.
- A guy - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 10:55 am:
He’s reading. The whole time. It doesn’t matter how good the script is when your guy can’t pull it off. The message is lost. No inflection. No emotion. No reason to listen beyond 5 seconds.
Wish it weren’t so, but this is a poorly executed ad. Not likely to be on Don Rose’s reel for future clients.
A rare “fail”. It’s not good enough to be average or won’t hurt. It’s counterproductive.
- anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:00 am:
Good - Chuy is finally saying what the media hogs kissing up to Rahmbo won’t.
- Stones - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:01 am:
1,000 new cops on the street? Seems like a very tall order.
- Pen Name - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:02 am:
Fairly strong message. But you can’t tell where “right here” is, and you never get shots of the streets or families or a sense that it is indeed not safe. Delivery is stilted, and the quick cuts between close up and wide angle are distracting. I’d give it a C-.
- Under Further Review - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:03 am:
It is a solid commercial that addresses a key issue in the campaign. Emanuel is all about downtown and the financial district while many formerly middle class and working class residential districts are struggling.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:08 am:
===He’s reading. The whole time.===
He apparently didn’t have enough in the budget to do more takes.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:10 am:
well, i’d believe him if not for his criminal cop hating son whose legal woes were handled courtesy of Mayer Brown!
- better days - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:17 am:
Rhambo amasses 30 million dollars war chest .. If he wins more than 50 % in mayors race he will run in the 2020 presidential election..
- Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:18 am:
Is there evidence that more cops reduces crime?
It’s also a little weird to hit Emanuel on public safety. With the exception of some problem neighborhoods, Chicago is as safe as its ever been.
I doubt the “more cops” message is going to energize Black voters who read on social media about police misconduct.
It’s weird that even among even the Black candidates for aldermen who are ID’d as “progressive”, they are very reticent to criticize cops on the campaign trail.
It’s like politicians assume that the Black voters are all the church goers and the people with family members with government jobs.
For Black voters who don’t have family members who are cops and don’t identify with the authoritarian perspective of the church, what’s the reason to vote?
Chuy is making his play for older White homeowners who have some reason to dislike Rahm but need assurances before voting for a person of color. These ain’t Harold Washington voters.
This is a turnout election.
My calculation is that the anti-Rahm candidates need 347,861 votes in the first round to make it unlikely Rahm prevails in the second round.
But what’s the positive message that gets an extra 50-80,000 voters to the polls?
Fioretti’s technocratic policy prescriptions aren’t inspiring people.
Chuy feels like he needs the cop vote and the Black vote. That’s sorta the 7-10 split in bowling. John Kennedy got the votes of Southern White segregationists and Blacks who supported MLK.
- Louis G Atsaves - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:30 am:
Strong ad. Good presentation. The positive is he didn’t go over the top with his message. The negative is he comes across as being bland.
- Carhart Representative - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:30 am:
Chicago is as safe as it’s ever been if you just reclassify murders as a bullet recycling program.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:36 am:
Sad, unprofessional, unimpressive effort at an ad from a person who wants to be the mayor of the nation’s third largest city.
- William j Kelly - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:42 am:
Commissioner Garcia comes across as sincere in this add and that is what the real people of Chicago want in a mayor. I predict Garcia gets Rahm in a run off.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:44 am:
==If he wins more than 50 % in mayors race he will run in the 2020 presidential election..==
You know, I don’t think even with all his self-regard Rahm believes he’s presidential material. So I wouldn’t worry too much about 2020.
- William j Kelly - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 11:55 am:
Rahmsponsa, your attempt to be a Rahm spin doctor isn’t very good. For example, the fact that Rahm wants to run for president in 2020 is a good enough reason for 99% of voters in Chicago to vote against him now and stop him in 2015.
- Gooner - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 12:09 pm:
I suspect that Chuy is not aiming at Rahm as much as he’s aiming at the other dwarfs.
He needs to put a small dent in Rahm to keep Rahm under 50%, and as importantly, he needs to make sure he beats Bob.
No way Chuy gets to 50% +1, but if he gets to a run-off, he has a chance.
In that context, this ad is pretty good. It gets his name out there and it makes him look like the serious challenger.
It is not a work of art — as others have noted, it seems to be made on the cheap — but I think it does his job.
I give this a B.
- Carhart Representative - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 12:18 pm:
I think Chuy does have serious name recognition as the Emanuel campaign keeps sending glossy pictures of him to my house and the houses of most other Chicago voters. It definitely helps get his name out.
- William j Kelly - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 12:32 pm:
Btw, the more I watch this add the more I like it and Garcia. Also, there is nothing negative about this add, Garcia is just telling the truth.
- anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 12:41 pm:
Anybody but Rahm. Anybody but Rahm. Anybody but Rahm….
- Chris - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 12:43 pm:
“I’ll put one thousand new cops on the street”
Same promise Rahm made, and couldn’t fund. Show us the math on paying that $100m+/year nut, and then maybe we can credit it. Otherwise, it’s as credible as saying “I’ll give every Chicago resident a crisp $50 bill every year”.
“and get the guns off.”
How? What’s the plan that won’t mire the city in fruitless litigation over gun control?
Chuy has a foolproof plan that NO ONE else has every thought of, and he hasn’t–in his roles as an Alderman, and as a County Commissioner–ever publicized before. Seems like having such a great plan, and keeping it secret while an elected official, means that the blood is on his hands, too.
- Chris - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 12:44 pm:
“Anybody but Rahm”
You don’t get Anybody but Rahm–that guy ain’t running. You have to choose among the dudes who are on the ballot–Who is your pick, and why?
If you can’t articulate a reason to vote *for* one of them, then Rahm’s going to win.
- The Historian - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 12:55 pm:
I read all the comments here *before* I watched it, and it’s a much more solid performance than the majority of comments led me to expect. Chuy’s been a superior figure for 25+ years, & I’d love to see a runoff!
- From the 'Dale to HP - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 1:00 pm:
Close, but not enough. The reading hurts the ad in the end. Strong message, though not sure where right here is, not sure this is going to get it done: C+
As for the Rahm spinsters here a little advise: your guy’s ads (save the Red Line one) have been much much worse than Chuy’s flawed ad here.
- LizPhairTax - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 1:12 pm:
FACT: We’ve been getting paid this whole campaign and haven’t had much to do so here is everything we’ve got.
I’m sure everyone remembers how tight Chuy and Pate were. Always scheming to help Motorola, those two.
- William j Kelly - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 1:25 pm:
Wow Rahm is worried! And he should be! Face it, NOBODY is happy to have Rahm as mayor except for possibly Ken griffin and Rauner, and I doubt either of them really enjoy Rahm’s company.
- Gooner - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 1:29 pm:
People who live in your neighborhood are pretty happy with him, Bill.
Construction cranes have been everywhere the past four years. In addition, with the construction and improving conditions generally, we are getting an influx of new businesses.
Maybe you are just not one of us, Bill. That may explain why you finished fourth in that Commmitteeman race.
- pundent - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 1:40 pm:
It remains to be seen whether or not Emanuel will get to the 50% +1 needed to avoid a runoff. But whether this is resolved next week or later this little doubt who will be mayor when it’s all said and done
- A guy - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 2:00 pm:
To the update:
Wow. It’s a lousy ad. Few will pay 10 seconds of attention to it, if that. You just swatted a fly with a sledgehammer. You have a reputation for having thin skin. You just codified that. It’s not in the zone, don’t swing.
- William j Kelly - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 2:02 pm:
Gooner, ‘not one of us,’ thank God, you just made my day!
- Gooner - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 2:08 pm:
Glad I could be of assistance, since your fourth place finish continues to be such a wonderful statement about your neighbors.
I’m glad your happy, since with your continued electoral failures, we sure are.
- Mr. Moto - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 2:33 pm:
Gooner: more like the last two years, maybe. Where’s the money coming from is what inquiring minds want to know.
- Gooner - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 2:50 pm:
Mr. Moto,
You may be right as to two years rather than longer.
Within a few blocks of Kelly’s residence, you have the Lowes Hotel on Illinois, an apartment/office building at McClurg and Grand, apartments at Peshtigo/Illinois, the RIC at McClurg/Ontario, a Northwestern Hosp. builing a block west of that one and then you have two buildings that are newly approved, one a condo highrise at Peshtigo/Grand and then another Northwestern office high rise on Superior.
In addition to those we here Related Midwest is in serious discussion about plans for the Spire location.
Beyond that construction, a long list of new stores and restaurants have opened (including somewhat appropriately, two donut shops right across the street for NU’s ER).
So at least near Kelly’s residence, construction workers have been extremely busy. Things are definitely moving in the right direction.
- Gooner - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 3:16 pm:
For those of you mentioning Chuy’s kid(s) –
They are not running for office. They are not at issue.
Show some class and keep the kids out of it.
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 3:25 pm:
Who are the Emanuel people quoting up top? Was the identity of the mystery person being quoted the one thing that was not in the kitchen sink?
I imagine Pate is sitting somewhere wondering how he got dragged into this.
- William j Kelly - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 4:59 pm:
Rahm still hasn’t answered the crime question.
- Raunerbot - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 10:03 pm:
This race will be determined by who counts the votes, and who was most successful in stuffing the ballot box, not to mention who is fearful of losing their jobs. My money is on the Godfather. He will make offers others cannot refuse.
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 10:14 pm:
Rbot, want to know where that line is when you go from troll to kinda crazy? Look behind you.
- Raunerbot - Wednesday, Feb 11, 15 @ 10:22 pm:
Per the latest Chicago population breakdown:
32.9% Black or African American.
31.7% White alone, not Hispanic or Latino.
28.9% Hispanic or Latino.
Rahm has been running professional non-stop campaign adds on Univision, and Telemundo stations.