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It’s just a bill, part infinity…

Tuesday, Feb 24, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This bill has been getting a lot of play

A measure introduced in the Illinois legislature would make students pay back certain tuition breaks from the state if they leave Illinois within five years of graduation.

The Springfield bureau of Lee Enterprises newspapers reported the legislation would affect the Monetary Award Program, which serves about 140,000 lower income students. It’s part of a package of legislation sponsored by state Sen. Chapin Rose, a Republican from Mahomet.

Under the proposal, students receiving grants through the program would also have to graduate within four years and wouldn’t be able to get a grant the year after they flunk out.

“I hope that it’s not too drastic or draconian,” Rose said. “I hope it would serve as an incentive.”

I dunno. I guess I see the point here, but it seems a bit over the top. Your thoughts?

* Meanwhile

An Illinois State Senator is sponsoring a bill that would tighten the rules for parents who wish to exempt their children from vaccination requirements due to medical reasons or religious beliefs.

State Senator John Mulroe says the legislation is being pushed in response to a recent measles outbreak. Under the measure, parents seeking a medical exemption must file an objection form with the signature of the child’s medical provider.

For parents seeking exemption due to religious beliefs, they must submit an objection form with a religious official’s notarized “religious exemption statement.” Under the state’s current law, parents only need to submit a statement that details their religious objection.

If you’re gonna have a religious exemption, I’m not sure you can require such a statement, but I could be wrong.

* In other news, Sen. Daniel Biss is sponsoring some ACLU legislation. From a press release…

An effort to place modest regulations around the use of powerful automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) in Illinois began with the filing of Senate Bill 1753 by State Senator Daniel Biss. ALPR systems consist of cameras mounted on police cars or a pole, where the cameras scan and “read” the license plate number of every car that passes. The plate number is recorded and stored with the precise location. The plate number is then compared against police and other government databases.

ALPR systems allow police and other government agencies to create a record of where a particular car has been at a particular moment, over an extended period of time. Today, this power is completed unregulated in Illinois.

Currently, there are no regulations governing the use of or retention of data from ALPRs in Illinois. The devices were recently embroiled in controversy when it was revealed that the two federal agencies were working together to gather information about every person who attended (and drove their automobiles) to firearm shows in Arizona. The ACLU of Illinois reported two years ago that the technology was being used in a growing number of communities across Illinois – again, without any regulation.

“ALPRs can play an important role for law enforcement,” said Senator Biss in announcing the filing of the bill. “But like any tool, it must not be used in an unchecked fashion. This measure proposes modest guidelines that will ensure that this law enforcement tool does not evolve into a broad surveillance system.”

Senate Bill 1753 would regulate ALPRS to prevent abuse in the following ways:

    • Limit the purposes for which ALPRs can be used to enforcing the collection of tolls, traffic violations and parking, controlling access to secure areas and conducting on-going criminal investigations;
    • ALPRs also would be allowed for identifying vehicles that are reported stolen, unregistered or relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation, or identifying persons who are missing or the subject of a warrant.
    • Data collected by ALPRs must be destroyed after 30 days unless there is a need to keep the information and it cannot be shared with other government agencies unless there is a court order;
    • Regulates the use of private ALPR data by law enforcement; and,
    • Requires police agencies with ALPR systems to adopt and post policies, notifying the public about how they are working to ensure privacy.

Recent reports indicate that several law enforcement agencies, including the DEA and the ATF, have begun to use ALPRs widely. In response, a number of states have enacted legislation to regulate the use of this technology.

* And…

llinois state senators are being asked to “put patients first,” protecting the health care needs of patients across the State. Senate Bill 1564, sponsored by Senator Daniel Biss, modifies a current Illinois law that permits doctors, nurses and other health care providers to deny information and health care based on the providers’ religious beliefs. A recent poll of Illinois voters reveals that a strong majority want the law to be changed.

“Patients facing an array of health care needs suffer when doctors or hospitals refuse to provide information or health care based on the providers’ religious beliefs,” said Lorie Chaiten with the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois in announcing support for the legislation. “Unfortunately, current state law protects this practice, and it is time for that to change.”

The ACLU notes that the law in question is the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act, a measure adopted in the 1970s. Three years ago, an Illinois appellate court ruled that under this law, the religious beliefs of a health care provider trumped the medical needs of patients. That decision came in the case of a handful of pharmacists who objected to dispensing certain contraceptives on religious grounds. But the law has other, real world consequences.

Religious restrictions that limit patient care are often applied to rape victims in need of emergency contraception, women facing difficult pregnancies and families facing end-of-life decisions. For example, the ACLU has heard from women in Illinois who have sought treatment at religiously-affiliated hospitals while miscarrying. These women are not only denied treatment because of religious restrictions, but are often deprived of the information they need to understand how best to protect their health and future fertility and where they can go to get the care the religious hospital is refusing to provide.

“When I treat my patients, my medical training and ethics require that I put my patients first — not my own views,” said Maura Quinlan, MD, an obstetrician gynecologist in the Chicago suburbs and Chair of the Illinois Section of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. “Denying information based on one’s own religious beliefs turns basic medical ethics on its head. This is very dangerous.” added Dr. Quinlan.

Under Senate Bill 1564, health care providers can assert religious objections to providing care and information, but must put in place protocols designed to ensure that the patient gets the information needed to make an informed medical decision. The protocols must address how the provider will ensure that the patient is informed about their treatment options and where to get the needed care, and that the patient’s health is not impaired as a result of the provider’s objection.

* And speaking of Biss

State Sen. Daniel Biss (D-Evanston) has introduced legislation (SB0037) that would give all state and local candidates in Illinois two hours of free campaign air time in the month before any election on public broadcast and educational channels. Biss told WCIA that “If everyone’s already on TV for a couple of hours, that becomes a baseline that reduces the value of all the other time that’s put in and all the other funds that are raised.”


  1. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:17 am:

    Can’t go along with Rep. Rose’s Freedom Agenda there.

    What’s his beef, anyway? Eastern still banks the MAP money.

  2. - Confused - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:18 am:

    “If everyone’s already on TV for a couple of hours, that becomes a baseline that reduces the value of all the other time that’s put in and all the other funds that are raised.”

    I don’t understand what he means.

  3. - Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:19 am:

    The MAP grant payback penalties make sense, and in the long run it may help the students. Higher Ed “diversity” acceptance criteria has overall been proven to be a disaster, primarily to the students. Underqualified low income students who show little prospect of graduating are often brought into highly competitive universities where they are not prepared for the competition, and their success rate is pretty abysmal. Had they chosen the college appropriate for their academic skill, they might’ve succeeded, but all too often they are just trampled over at a big university like UIUC and they never go back to college because of the painfulness of the experience.

    I hope this makes prospective MAP students think more about attending the best place for their success and not buy some bill of goods from recruiters more interested in improving diversity numbers than the long term benefit of these students.

    Sometimes adding accountability, even to 18 year olds, helps. I certainly hope that is the case here.

  4. - Ghost - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:20 am:

    They should not allow vaccine exceptions for any reason. Short summary, unvaccinated people create stepping stones for super bugs to take hold that can overcome the vaccines. The unvaccinated make it more likely that vaccine tesistant versions of these various diseases will appear and create pandamics. It is mot simu a choice about one person, it represents a danger to us all.

  5. - Midstate Indy - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:21 am:

    Rose proposal isn’t the worst idea ever floated in the GA, but still don’t see it substantially enacted.

    A broader discussion of higher ed funding throughout the state may be more appropriate at this time…just ask any university president…

  6. - Springfield's The Avengers - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    It sounds like Rose’s bill would transform certain state scholarship programs into loan programs.

  7. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:24 am:

    The MAP Payback would be fine ONLY if the state can ensure the students get jobs in the state. With the job climate the way it is, no wonder they are leaving the state. They have to go where they get a job.

  8. - illlinifan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:25 am:

    Repaying MAP make no sense, when a young person graduates they should go where they can get the best job. I agree there should be limitations on how long it is issued except for majors that require more than a 5 year time frame to complete (e.g. some engineering programs).

    The law allowing physicians to deny care based on religious beliefs is not a good one and violates the oath they take. This is especially dangerous if any of these doctors work in trauma units…imagine being in a car accident and being taken to the nearest trauma facility and the doctor providing the care says they won’t provide the care. Scary for me since I as the patient had no ability to explore my options.

  9. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    I went back to college partially subsidized by my employer, and had to sign an agreement to stay employed there for 2 years after graduation or I’d have to pay the assistance back, pro rated over a 2 year period. It was a good trade-off, kinda like getting college aid as part of military enlistment for a set period. One may argue that the 5 years is too long a period, but some form of “skin in the game” for college aid can lead to better outcomes than direct aid with little accountability.

  10. - jogger - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    Exactly how on earth will the state monitor where MAP grant recipients live for five years after graduation? The implementation costs of that monitoring would likely exceed any payback received.

  11. - Cook County Commoner - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:29 am:

    Sen. Rose’s measure appears to telegraph that coercion is required for an educated person to stay in Illinois. Really sends a bad signal about Illinois.

  12. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    Bob, you have no idea what you’re talking about, but you’re racism is showing again. You might want to keep that tucked in.

  13. - Jenny - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    “They never go back to college because of the painfulness of the experience.”

    Man, are we lucky we have Arizona Bob to give us the perspective of underprivileged minority youth. Whether he’s in Palos or the desert, he really has his finger on the pulse of the inner city.

  14. - MrJM - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    From what I see, SB1753 to regulate ALPRS looks like a sensible set of guidelines for law enforcement. Only if we let police know where the line is, can we reasonably expect them to not cross it.

    – MrJM

  15. - Anonymoiis - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:39 am:

    At a time when finding that first job out of college is tougher than ever, they want to limit where a kid can look? Stupid. The four year requirement needs to be thought out more as well. Not every student who doesn’t graduate in 4 years “flunks out.” In fact I’d wager most don’t. Most students end up changing their major at least once. Some transfer for various reasons. And some degrees require 5 years of study to complete. There’s a lot more gray areas as to why people take longer than 4 years than what Chapin’s black and white vision sees.

  16. - RNUG - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:39 am:

    == several law enforcement agencies, including the DEA and the ATF, have begun to use ALPRs widely ==

    I was in NYC this past summer and noticed a number of NYPD cars equipped with them. They were making no secret of it. When I commented to a friend that’s what I thought the cameras on the rear fenders on a parked cruiser were for, my friend point blank asked one of the officers by the car what the cameras were for and the officer confirmed it.

  17. - RNUG - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:41 am:

    == Exactly how on earth will the state monitor where MAP grant recipients live for five years after graduation? ==

    Relatively easy to cross the MAP recipient list with IL tax returns.

  18. - PublicMath - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:42 am:

    How does Illinois know when a former student has left the state? What if they leave for a while and come back? What if they leave because it is the only employment they can get in order to pay their student debt? The bureaucracy that it will take to identify students who have left and collect from them is mind-boggling — and expensive!

  19. - Illini97 - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:43 am:

    SB1753 on ALPR’s is interesting. I wonder, though, how much of the public is engaged enough to read and challenge those local departmental policies when posted. I’d be interested in a similar (stronger, actually) bill regarding the use of stingrays by local departments.

  20. - JoanP - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:44 am:

    Religious exemption should not be permitted.

    First of all, no mainstream religion has doctrinal objections to vaccination.

    But what is really disturbing is how anti-vaccine websites encourage people to distort religious teachings, and even to PRETEND to have religious beliefs, in order to take advantage of these exemptions.

  21. - PO'd Millennial - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:45 am:

    Re. paying back tuition breaks -

    Seems like punishing young adults trying to find a good job where they can. It’s not like this state has watched out for its youngest (it’s spent this generation’s money, perhaps unborn ones, too). If we don’t have the money for MAP grants, don’t give them out…don’t say, “Oh, we’ll you a grant…sike!” It’s my and future generations that will really be stuck with the consequences of reckless spending some (not all, I understand people struggle at all ages) in older generations are really living high off the hog on. Millennials should not be punished for finding a job out-of-state if the state doesn’t have opportunities. How instead of changing the grant rules we work on having good jobs in IL?

  22. - Makandadawg - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:46 am:

    To Sen Rose; My daughter just graduated and it took her an extra semester to meet new and changing teacher certification requirements. She worked hard and did what she needed to do. Now she is looking for a job in southern Illinois and may end up looking of state too. Stop regulating peoples lifes with unnecessary laws and just help them be successful.

  23. - mythoughtis - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:52 am:

    Maybe we should propose a law that says everyone that graduates from a Illinois state college and can’t find a job after 1 year is automatically hired by the state. That makes as much sense as punishing people for find a job out of state. I have a college graduate in the family with a STEM degree who hasn’t found a job yet. He didn’t get any MAP grants so I guess employment help isn’t worthwhile for him?

  24. - langhorne - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    i generally think very highly of sen rose, but this idea is wacko. seems like a version of indentured servitude. it would make more sense to give students an incentive to stay, like a tax credit, to maybe help them with student loans.

  25. - liandro - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:57 am:

    Actually, 47th Ward, Arizona Bob is talking about a known dynamic sometimes referred to as “mismatch”, wherein students are hurt by being accepted into university system that they really aren’t prepared to learn and compete in. It can be an awful, counterproductive experience for them.

    So before you go waving that stupid “racism” card, can you please explain to me why this dynamic isn’t worthy of being discussed on this blog? I care a great deal about eduction, and minority access to education, so I don’t really appreciate attempts to belittle discussion of serious dynamics that are at play.

    Here’s a starting article:

    Btw, athletes can get hit especially hard by this dynamic in my experience. It’s not a racial thing, it’s an education thing. It impacts minorities heavily, though, if minority preference in admissions gets overzealous.

  26. - Parnell - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    The religious exemption is a fraud. Anyone can get one whether religious or not. Why should my grandkids be forced to sit in a class with kids whose parents don’t believe in the science of it, but listen to Jenny McCarthy or Jay Cutler on this subject.

  27. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:22 am:

    Liandro, Bob implied that only low income and minority students suffer from mismatch.

    It’s also not the first questionable comment by Bob.

  28. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:23 am:

    The religious exemption for non-vaccination worked until it became abused by non-religious and disingenuous parents who used it to avoid vaccinating their children because they feared vaccinations. So many anti-vaxx parents abused this exemption something had to be done. The idea that the exemption return to its original intentions by requiring certification from a recognized religious organization is one way of handling it.

    But currently, trying to keep the exemption is proving out to be tougher than necessary. What we have discovered as an inoculated society, is that vaccinations work. All human should have them. We’ve been most fortunate, or as they would say, blessed, that those receiving religious exemptions had not become a source of danger earlier. Now that the non-religious, anti-vaxx parents have created this new public health danger, we need to completely eliminate any exemptions.

    We had a nice balance that worked for almost four generations, but now that these exemptions have been abused - we need to end them, in my opinion.

    We cannot permit our governments to a limitless mountain of personal data. Today, a savvy prosecutor can pull enough circumstantial and coincidental data collected from first rate technological sources, to convict anyone they want to. We must put limits to data collecting.


    Grants should come with strings attached. Nothing is free. If you feel a need to leave Illinois after having received grants which require you remain in Illinois, then that is the deal you made. Welcome to adulthood. Make arrangements with your debtors, just like everyone else has to. What you think thought was free was paid for by your neighbors and not living up to your part of the bargain requires that your good neighbors not be hurt.


    Don’t expect every medical organization to have firewalls between your body, your mind, and your spirit. Even the Cancer Centers of American promote spiritual well-being as a front in battling cancers. Over the past forty years we’ve been seeing a holistic approach to healthcare grow in acceptance. Demanding that some of these medical organizations end a human life within a patient or perform any other treatments they would consider beyond their scope of their medical ethics is unreasonable. No one would be listening to a chain smoker’s complaint that while in a hospital’s care, they couldn’t smoke. No one would be listening to an obese patient’s complaint that while in hospital, they were refused Oreo cookies, right?

    Hospitals are not Burger Kings. If you cannot have it your way, go somewhere else.

  29. - Aldyth - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:25 am:

    The whole notion of restricting graduates to jobs in Illinois is ridiculous. People need to go where the job is. Are you going to tell someone who gets a good job in Illinois who then gets a transfer out of state to pay back their grant? How about someone who goes into the military? The whole thing is just absurd.

  30. - Undergrad Economist - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:32 am:

    ALPR is kind of outrageous and I am glad to see someone is trying to check it.

    If anyone is interested in the issue you should watch this relevant Ted talk;

  31. - Undergrad Economist - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:33 am:


  32. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:33 am:

    I absolutely do not agree with the concept of having to repay money if you leave Illinois. You’re telling them they can only look for jobs in Illinois. While it would be nice if they stayed I don’t think it’s really anybody’s business where you get a job. Why would you take a grant if the state is going to tell you where you have to work after college? Dumb. Idea.

  33. - Beans and Franks - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:33 am:

    What if a student who used MAP funding gets accepted to grad school out of state?

  34. - Aldyth - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:34 am:

    How about a law that restricts candidates for any office to two hours of free campaign time on television?

    I know, I know. Totally unconstitutional, but it would make the world a more pleasant place.

  35. - 1776 - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:35 am:

    While well intentioned, Chapin’s bill is a disaster. Students have no clue where they will end up when they are 17 or 18 and starting college. So, they graduate with a degree in marine biology and can’t get a job at Shedd Aquarium. They have to pay back the grant because they’re working on a coast?

  36. - MrJM - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:39 am:

    VanillaMan: “Today, a savvy prosecutor can pull enough circumstantial and coincidental data collected from first rate technological sources, to convict anyone they want to.”

    Cardinal Richelieu (1585–1642): “Give me six lines written by the most honorable of men, and I will find an excuse in them to hang him.”

    The more things change…

    – MrJM

  37. - Beans and Franks - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    What about an ROTC student that serves his or her country outside of Illinois?

  38. - Beans and Franks - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:50 am:

    Why don’t we make Illinois a place where recent college grads want to live and start stealing students from other States? The City of Chicago has been doing this for last 50 years primarily via job opportunities and its arts and culture. This legislation is what happens in States that are flat broke and no one wants to propose a tough cut or revenue increase…or marijuana legalization and Chicago casinos…

  39. - Skeptic Tank - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:52 am:

    According to ISAC, MAP recipients graduate at the same rate as the general college population, so let’s dispense with Bob’s drive by speculation. And to Rose’s bill, any student attending a public university gets a sizable subsidy (no means test) when they walk through the turnstiles, so should we have them repay that if/when they leave the state?

  40. - jogger - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 11:55 am:

    ==What about an ROTC student that serves his or her country outside of Illinois?==

    Yes- or what if a student’s Illinois’ employer transfers them out of state, or what if a student has to relocate out of state to care for an ailing relative. If this ill-advised law should pass, there would likely be numerous exemptions/loopholes and again, the monitoring and enforcement costs would most likely exceed any amounts recovered.

  41. - Anon III - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 12:12 pm:

    Senator Biss is not a lawyer. That may be a positive aspect of his service in the State Senate. However, his “two hours of free campaign air time in the month before any election on public broadcast and educational channels” proposal goes into deep legal water. A very smart guy, he may be out of his field and out of his depth on this proposal.

    The proposal raises issues of permissible / impermissible “government speech” since the TV time is to be paid for by the taxpayers. It implicates First Amendment freedom of association issues when public funds are used to support partisan causes. (Conf. Harris v. Quinn.)

    Is this the “camel’s nose under the tent” for public financing of political campaigns?

  42. - logic not emotion - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 12:49 pm:

    Education: Makes sense. My employer subsidizes employee’s education; but requires that either payback or stay employed here for appropriate period of time.

    Vaccination: Not sure about language; but concept to limit ability to request exemptions is good.

    ALPR restrictions: Sounds great. There should be restrictions.

    ACLU: I find myself agreeing with ACLU. I know that many hospitals are being taken over by religious affiliated hospital chains which impose restrictions upon their staff (including employed providers). It is a real problem that needs addressed.

  43. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 1:11 pm:

    That’s it MrJM -
    I taking my
    “Richelieu for Cardinal” sign off my chalet and going with Gaston, duc d’Orléans!

  44. - liandro - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 1:13 pm:

    I certainly can’t speak for anyone’s past comments; I just get frustrated at how often the race card seems to come out. You’re absolutely right that mismatch isn’t something limited to certain economic or racial factors.

    I’ve actually seen it a bit in the military when recruiters or leadership push someone into a task or job they really aren’t qualified to handle. It ends poorly.

  45. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 2:11 pm:

    ==- Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:19 am:==

    Classic AB, a racist rant that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

    ==- liandro - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 10:57 am:==

    You know Richard Sander is a racist, right? Making it “scientific” doesn’t make it any less racist And that multiple studies have debunked his work.

  46. - Rasselas - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 2:55 pm:

    The analogies to employer-sponsored education repayment plans makes no sense. In those cases, the employee has a job. The better analogy for Rose’s bill would be if an employer paid for your education, then laid you off and asked you to repay the education payments.

  47. - Fedelm - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    My concern with Senator Rose’s proposal is the requirement that MAP grant holders graduate within 4 years. There are SO many reasons why graduating within 4 years can not happen that have nothing to do with grades. In my situation, I was awarded a MAP grant my first year of college, and then my parents stopped signing the FAFSA. Being unable to access financial aid of any sort (as I could not fill out the FAFSA) resulted in me having to not attend classes two non-consecutive semesters. Consequently it took 5 years (8 semesters) to graduate. Having to pay back that grant my senior year would have been impossible.

  48. - EagleScoutMom1994 - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 5:20 pm:

    Long time reader, first time poster so please be gentle….My son is in an engineering program at a private university and when we toured the department his senior year of high school, the head of the department told us that it is not uncommon and is more the norm, for engineering students to take five years to get through the four year civil engineering program. The program is justifiably difficult. We also receive MAP money. If this bill passes as written, we will be short a semester at the minimum, since the progeny is going to be doing a full time internship (with hopes of landing a FT job after graduation) this summer, thus prohibiting more summer classes. Senator Rose is casting an enormous net to catch a flea.

  49. - olddog - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 6:06 pm:

    If Sen. Rose wants to limit access to higher ed to kids whose families are independently wealthy, his bill is a big step toward accomplishing that goal. For all the reasons cited above — also because many college students work 30-plus hours a week and can’t take a full load every semester.

  50. - NoGifts - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 6:12 pm:

    Rose said. “I hope it would serve as an incentive.” What incentive is making people stay in Illinois supposed to provide? The kids’ families pay taxes, the kids pay taxes which go to fund this. What is the indentured servitude supposed to accomplish? And really, how much do we claw back economic incentives provided to attract and retain companies?

  51. - Filmmaker Professor - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 7:11 pm:

    I’d like to add to Rose’s bill that any U of I football or basketball player who doesn’t graduate in four years or doesn’t stay in Illinois for five years after graduation has to pay back the entire value of his scholarship, with interest. Seems fair.

  52. - Liandro - Tuesday, Feb 24, 15 @ 8:39 pm:

    Precint Captain: “You know Richard Sander is a racist, right? Making it “scientific” doesn’t make it any less racist And that multiple studies have debunked his work.”

    Didn’t know much about him until I read your comment, and after a google search I’m not sure what you’re talking about. The only accusations of racism I saw were based on the results of his work. If you could be so kind as to point me to the specific cause of your accusation of racism?

    Anyway, should I assume you are saying that mismatch doesn’t exist as a dynamic, or am I missing your point completely? My own view on it is based on what I’ve seen personally, and that weighs on my mind at least as much as supposedly disproved studies. When put into situations like that, people “sink or swim”. My concern is for the people that sink, and for any dynamic that increases the amount of people that end up on that side of the equation. If you don’t think they exist…well, by all means share your own views and experiences on the topic.

  53. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Feb 25, 15 @ 6:03 am:

    I’ve got a few modifications to this goof’s bill. If, against all odds, a MAP student graduates, and there is no job available that fit’s the graduate’s degree profile, Senator Rose either pays the student’s salary, or doesn’t penalize him for leaving the state in search of opportunity.

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