Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Motorcycle safety spending up while mass transit, Amtrak and DNR cut
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Motorcycle safety spending up while mass transit, Amtrak and DNR cut

Monday, Mar 2, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Daily Herald looks at more proposed budget cuts and, in one case, an increase

• Illinois’ Cycle Rider Safety Training Program, which provides free lessons for motorcycle owners and operates a public safety campaign, would get an extra $633,000 under the 2016 budget. The program was allocated $11.2 million in 2015 but is expected to use only $3.6 million this year. Next year’s allocation would be $11.9 million. […]

“Why protect those things and cut services for the disabled?” asked state Rep. Elaine Nekritz, a Northbrook Democrat. “To me, that’s not the right balancing act.” […]

• As the senior population grows, so does the demand for paratransit, the transit service for seniors and people with disabilities. Pace, which runs paratransit in the region, estimates ridership will jump about 5 percent a year. Rauner’s budget recommends dropping $8.5 million from paratransit, but that action is also subject to General Assembly consent. […]

• In 2008, Gov. Rod Blagojevich implemented a free-fares-for-seniors program. Transit agencies sounded the alarm after costs soared. It was scaled back to low-income seniors and disabled riders, and the state kicked in a reimbursement worth about $34 million to Metra, Pace and the CTA in 2014. The subsidy was scaled back to about half that in 2015, and under Rauner’s plan, the remaining $17.5 million would be eliminated in 2016.

The governor is an avid motorcyclist. I could be wrong, but I kinda doubt he’s an avid public transit rider.

* And speaking of transportation

Gov. Bruce Rauner’s proposed state budget would cut 40 percent from Illinois’ funding for Amtrak trains during a time when ridership has been climbing.

Passenger numbers and ticket revenue have grown during the past five years.

The Lincoln Service train between St. Louis and Chicago, for example, saw more than 633,000 passengers during the most recent federal fiscal year. That’s a 25 percent increase from five years earlier.

Ridership on the Illini-Saluki line between Carbondale and Chicago went up 22 percent to nearly 316,000 passengers during the same period. The Illinois Zephyr between Quincy and Chicago saw nearly 215,000 riders in the most recent year, up 6.2 percent from five years earlier.

* And speaking of cuts

Illinois hunters and outdoors enthusiasts see Gov. Bruce Rauner as a potential new ally in Springfield as they eye legislation this session that includes measures to ban the use of drones to track wildlife, allow silencers at gun ranges, expand coyote hunting to crossbows and resurrect a bobcat hunting season.

They’re hoping Rauner, a hunter and fisherman who frequently touts his love of the outdoors, will bring a friendly perspective to natural resource issues and dozens of proposed new laws related to guns and hunting. […]

At the same time, the sportsmen fear the state’s budget crisis will cast a cloud over the management of state parks and agencies that regulate their activities. They are banking on promises they say Rauner made to address problems at the Department of Natural Resources, encouraged by his appointment of former state Rep. Wayne Rosenthal, a fellow hunter and sportsman from Morrisonville, as the new DNR chief.

Under Rauner’s proposed budget for the coming year, the DNR’s operations budget would be reduced by $8 million, with most of the savings coming from managing staffing levels. The budget for conservation police would be reduced by $3 million. Grants that help pay for forest stewardship would drop by $2.1 million.


  1. - How Ironic - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:40 am:

    Now if they could only find a way to run children’s ventilators off the motorcycle.

    Seriously…we can’t find money to help the destitute keep the heat on…but we can scratch together enough cash to maintain free motorcycle training classes?

    Is this guy for real? Could he write worse headlines for himself?

  2. - Motorcycle Rider - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    One thing to remember…the Illinois’ Cycle Rider Safety Training Program is funded through motorcycle registration fees.

  3. - Concerned - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    As someone said in another thread, Rauner must read Onion headlines and decide to make them reality. Just unbelievable.

  4. - UIC Guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    I disagree with a lot a about Rauner’s budget proposal, but with this it seems to go beyond normal political disagreement. This guy wants to cut programs which help the neediest, help people get screened for cancer, and so on and on—but he likes riding motorcycles so he’s not cutting that program? Doesn’t he know that he’s meant to at least put on a plausible show of governing in the interests of the state as a whole, rather than of his own hobby-horse?

    I find myself wishing that Madigan and Cullerton would essentially just govern for him and without him, though I know it’s not that easy.

  5. - Central Scrutinizer - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    In BVR-land everyone has a Harley and a Carhartt.

  6. - Northsider - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    None of this is unbelievable. None of this should be a shock or a surprise.

    He is a Republican who said during the campaign that he hopes to emulate Govs. Scott Walker, John Kasich, Rick Scott, and Sam Brownback. He then hired a budget consultant who is a disciple of Arthur Laffer and who, from her known comments, exhibits what is at best a callous indifference to the less fortunate among us.

    So, fellow voters, just what the hell did you think Bruce Rauner was going to do?

  7. - Jimmy CrackCorn - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    Quit your whining about train cuts to Chicago, and go out and buy yourself a $200k parking spot

  8. - Demise - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    Motorcycle Rider - and heat assistance is paid by a fee on utility bills. He wants to divert those funds to the state, but not motorcycle training. Priorities, man.

  9. - Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    ===is funded through motorcycle registration fees===

    Plenty of other fees would be swept by the governor’s proposed budget.

  10. - Angry Chicagoan - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:09 am:

    Talk about self serving.

    It’s not helping on the passenger rail front that the wire services and Chicago Tribune have mis-reported the Amtrak subsidy as indicating the state’s share is 85 percent. It’s clear both from reading the article and the reader comments that everything thinks it means 85 percent of the total cost. The reality is actually 85 percent of the subsidy with the feds picking up the remaining 15 percent of the subsidy.

  11. - See the forest - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:10 am:

    Rauner to seniors and public transit users:
    All for me, and none for thee.

    His venality and callousness is boundless. I have to wonder if the man is capable of empathy, let alone governing.

  12. - MrJM - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:10 am:

    “None of this is unbelievable. None of this should be a shock or a surprise.”

    This is 100% correct — and sickening.

    – MrJM

  13. - See the forest - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:10 am:

    Worth repeating:

    Rauner to seniors and public transit users:
    All for me, and none for thee.

    His venality and callousness is boundless. I have to wonder if the man is capable of empathy, let alone governing.

  14. - See the forest - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:12 am:

    The only purpose Rauner has for public transportation is to keep the buses running long enough to throw all of us under them!

  15. - Illini97 - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:15 am:

    ==The program was allocated $11.2 million in 2015 but is expected to use only $3.6 million this year. Next year’s allocation would be $11.9 million.==

    What? Why would anyone increase a line item for a program that isn’t even close to spending past allocations?

  16. - Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:16 am:

    Again, this term paper was written on the school bus the day it was due. In crayon.

    Seriously, how else can you explain a bump for free motorcycle lessons in the midst of severe cuts to the most vulnerable? Any of the Brain Trust want to try?


  17. - MrJM - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:26 am:

    “Seriously, how else can you explain a bump for free motorcycle lessons in the midst of severe cuts to the most vulnerable?”

    Let those who ride decide how sacrifice is shared.

    – MrJM

  18. - Just Me - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:40 am:

    The funding for paratransit is required by federal law, so if the state cuts the funds then the money will come from RTA, CTA, Metra, and/or Pace’s budget. As such, those disabled riders are not in jeopardy of losing their service.

  19. - Bluefish - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:42 am:

    To slightly paraphrase:
    Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.
    Benjamin (Bruce): Yes, sir.
    Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
    Benjamin (Bruce): Yes, I am.
    Mr. McGuire: Optics.
    Benjamin (Bruce): Exactly how do you mean?

  20. - Norseman - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:42 am:

    Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:55 am said it well. We just talked about the consumer paid LIHEAP money. Motorcycle training over heating. This is a prime example of the priorities of our Governor .01%.

  21. - Ducati Rules - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:44 am:

    The governor is much like a Harley Davidson: All show, no dough. No reason why motorcycle safety courses should be free. Do we provide free driver’s ed courses? Sure, the program is paid for out of motorcycle registration fees. Fine. Do what it takes to keep registration fees where they are and put the money into public transportation. Maybe then some of these deaf, dumb and blind little old ladies who bounce between median and fog line in their Oldsmobiles with no warning at all will start riding the bus. And that will make things much safer for all motorcycle riders.

  22. - crazybleedingheart - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:55 am:

    The plane, Boss, the plane!

  23. - anon. - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:04 pm:

    So-o-o-o predictable. Every group who is seeing the budget knife is screaming. “Don’t cut me! I’m more important. The GA will have to make the tough choices. Gov. Rauner may not have all the choices right but the conversation has started & he will hold the GA (both sides in both houses) to making those choices.

  24. - How Ironic - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:11 pm:

    “The GA will have to make the tough choices. Gov. Rauner may not have all the choices right but the conversation has started & he will hold the GA (both sides in both houses) to making those choices.”

    Actually, the GOV is ‘making the choices’. Remember…it’s his budget. He is the one proposing throwing the poor off heating assistance, kids of vents, and now poor women from their breast cancer screenings.

    But if it’s got 2 wheels, you are GOLDEN, and get FREE lessons.

    Priorities. And you’re right that he’s not gotten the choices right. Up to now…none of his ‘choices’ have been right. None.

  25. - Federalist - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:36 pm:

    Obviously the motorcycle lobby is extremely powerful in this state.

    I have even seen huge banners on police facilities saying Start Seeing Motorcycles. The state Police have even joined on this little campaign. While it is certainly true that we should see motorcycles we should be seeing all vehicles- and the motorcycles should be seeing and ‘hearing’ other vehicles as well.

    I wish big trucks would ’see’ me as they pull out into my lane at the last second.

    But in this case, if the funding is entirely from fees collected by the licenses of riders then it is fine. If other tax money is used then it is not.

  26. - How Ironic - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:48 pm:

    “But in this case, if the funding is entirely from fees collected by the licenses of riders then it is fine. If other tax money is used then it is not.”

    The LIHEAP funding is from citizens who asked that extra money be deposited in a ’special fund’ for the specific purpose of being used for low income customers that can’t pay their bills.

    Rauner is ’sweeping’ ALL of that money into GRF for general spending.

    And yet, not only is he leaving free motorcycle training fund alone…he’s INCREASING the state funding portion by $600K.

    Technically, he’s taking poor, indigent peoples heating assistance money, to increase FREE Motorcycle training.

    And you’re ‘ok’ with that? Really?

  27. - vole - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:49 pm:

    I think there is a $20.00 registration fee that is collected before enrolling in these “free” safety lessons.

  28. - Federalist - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    @How Ironic,

    Obviously, IF he is increasing the state funding by $600K then I am not OK with it.

    And, as I have stated on this site many times in the past, I am never in favor of ’sweeping’ money. It is a horrendous policy.

    Do you not read and think clearly about my statements or are you just intent on picking a fight? Either way you do yourself no service.

  29. - Jocko - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    What’s next, making Napa wine club memberships tax deductible?

  30. - vole - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:00 pm:

    And on the DNR front, why expand activities that would entail increased enforcement and then cut the Conservation Police budget? Why carry out the goofy ATV park proposal and leave several of your districts without biologists or having one biologist cover 2 or 3 districts? Heads need to get together and decide what the DNR’s mission really is.

  31. - vole - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:11 pm:

    The Trib article states Rauner owns 23,000 acres in Montana. Just in case you missed that in the campaign. I did.

  32. - How Ironic - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:13 pm:


    “Illinois’ Cycle Rider Safety Training Program, which provides free lessons for motorcycle owners and operates a public safety campaign, would get an extra $633,000 under the 2016 budget.”

    Well, there you have it. A $633,000 increase, when the Gov is sweeping funds from LIHEAP. And cutting funding for low income women to assist with their breast cancer screening deductibles.

    “The program was allocated $11.2 million in 2015 but is expected to use only $3.6 million this year. Next year’s allocation would be $11.9 million.”

    So a program that doesn’t even spend 33% of last years appropriation, receives an additional $633,000.

    “Do you not read and think clearly about my statements or are you just intent on picking a fight?”

    Maybe it’s Gov Rauner that doesn’t think very clearly about his appropriations actions. Sounds like he’s picking a fight with the whole state.

  33. - Anonymous - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:46 pm:

    Cycle rider training is funded by the motorcyclist we use our money to educate our riders if other groups would do the same the state wouldn’t be broke the money for cycle rider training is a grant set up by bikers and the money comes from the sale of motorcycles part of the title and license fees we the bikers dont mouch off of anyone so wake up and check the facts before passing judgment

  34. - Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:47 pm:

    ===if other groups would do the same the state wouldn’t be broke===

    You mean like utility customers?

  35. - One of the 35 - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:49 pm:

    The proposed Amtrak cuts will particularly hard on downstaters. Business travelers, and low and moderate income people who have come to rely on trains, will be greatly affected. I know, “we all have to share in the pain.”

  36. - Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:53 pm:

    Anon 1:46, too bad that money wasn’t available to fund English classes when you went to school.

  37. - How Ironic - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:58 pm:

    “we use our money to educate our riders if other groups would do the same the state wouldn’t be broke”

    Yes, you sure do. So do a lot of other groups in the state. And Gov Rauner has decreed that he’ll be ’sweeping’ all of their set aside funding for general operations.

    Except for the little motorcycle club funds…those he’ll leave alone PLUS throw in an ‘extra’ $633,000.

    “…so wake up and check the facts before passing judgment”

    Yes, perhaps it would be best if you rolled out of bed, before posting. Wake up, and keep up. Rauner is taking money from women that can’t afford breast cancer screenings, kids on ventilators, and people that can’t afford to pay to keep the heat on.

    Enjoy your free training. Maybe you can ask them to throw in a few (free) lessons in using punctuation.

  38. - Anonymous - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:58 pm:

    Here we go again someone running their mouth not knowing the facts the off-road riders are willing to pay to use state ground not only that they have no state ground to ride on yet everyone else gets to use state ground are you willing to pay to use state ground

  39. - How Ironic - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 2:09 pm:


    I’m willing to pay you to use punctuation.

    The issue isn’t the special funds. It’s that Rauner is raiding all the special funds. Taking all the set aside money, and putting it in general funds.

    Except for free motorcycle training. And then throwing an extra $633,000 into their budget.

    Get it? He’s taking money from other special funds, but not motorcycle fund.

    What makes your fund more special than LIHEAP, or Cancer screenings?

  40. - Arsenal - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 2:10 pm:

    ” they have no state ground to ride on yet everyone else gets to use state ground”

    Everyone gets to use state ground, just not for every purpose.

  41. - Jimmy CrackCorn - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 2:25 pm:

    ==the off-road riders are willing to pay to use state ground not only that they have no state ground to ride on yet everyone else gets to use state ground are you willing to pay to use state ground==

    Thoughts and prayers are with the “Boys with Toys” demographic during this difficult time.

  42. - vole - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 2:41 pm:

    “where’s mine?” does not translate well to “where’s my sacrifice?”

  43. - Central Scrutinizer - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 3:14 pm:

    BVR: “What do you mean, the poor can’t afford to take the bus? Let them ride motorcycles!”

  44. - Anonymous - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    You guys are looking at this wrong. As a motorcycle enthusiast, Bruce knows the stress relieving value they bring you.

    If these folks could just hit the open road and feel the wind in their hair, they’ll forget all about the lack of transportation options and how they can’t heat their homes.

  45. - vole - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 4:32 pm:

    more riders, more dealers, more service, more medical expenditures, more economic activity, more growth

    sounds like a Rauner stimulus plan to me

  46. - walker - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 5:20 pm:

    This was a first draft thrown together more quickly than it needed to be. These cuts deserve criticism and review, which will happen in the coming weeks. I seriously doubt Rauner personally went through each line item with a fine comb.

    His proposals so far at least uncovered the wound and started the detailed review and tradeoffs required to cure it. It also showed that even with extreme and probably unwise cuts, we still cannot balance without more taxes. There is some value in that.

  47. - Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 7:07 pm:

    Walk, the problem with that analysis is he proposed all these cuts to the most vulnerable while maintaining at least another $3 billion in spending through phony “savngs” assumptions.

    The strategy is neither fish nor fowl.

    Unless the GA lets him short the pension contribution, he’ll need to come up with billions in new revenues and you’ll still see cuts like this.

    It’s a terrible way to start the discussion. He’s not being honest about the real cuts that would need to be made under existing revenues, or what revenues would be needed just to maintain current spending.

    Remember all that talk of “waste, fraud and corruption?” $200 million in “operational efficiencies” in a $32 billion proposal.

    That Quin must have run a tight ship.

  48. - Wronger Rauner - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 7:30 pm:

    I can’t believe that so many people are shocked and dismayed at our new Governor’s choices.

    Before he was elected, the new Governor of his “Great State” had a proven track record of unscrupulous business transactions with millions of dollars of fines for those unethical business transactions, never once showing compassion for those he squashed in his greed for wealth.

    The people of Illinois spoke by (blindly)electing him with his tarnished unethical business record and without his giving the voters any information as to what his plans were. It’s easy to see how Blago got re-elected. Too many uninformed voters eager to follow the “Pied Piper”.

    Blago has legitimate competition now.

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