Two more problems for Aaron Schock
Monday, Mar 2, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Lynn Sweet has the latest in an ever-continuing drip, drip drip campaign…
Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., used taxpayer money to pay for a private plane to travel from Peoria to Chicago for the Bears-Vikings game on Nov. 16, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned.
And a Sun-Times examination of House disbursement records and campaign finance reports suggests that Schock used taxpayer money to help underwrite a September trip to New York, where a political action committee he controls spent $3,000 for Global Citizen Festival concert tickets.
The use of $20,855 in taxpayer money for the Chicago and New York trips will raise more legal and ethical issues for Schock. […]
Schock chartered an aircraft to take him from Manassas Regional Airport in Virginia, about 30 miles from the Capitol, to Peoria on Friday, Nov. 14. The return trip to Reagan National Airport was set for the next Monday. The side trip to Chicago was tucked in between, on Sunday, according to the pilot who flew the plane.
The newest official House disbursement records show a November payment of $10,802 to pilot Keith Siilats for “commercial transportation.”
Siilats told me in an interview on Sunday, “That whole weekend was paid by the government.” The only invoice Siilats said he submitted was for government payment.
Go read the whole thing.
- Steve - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 9:29 am:
You would think Aaron Schock would have a better sense of how things “appear to voters in his district.”
- Just Observing - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 9:29 am:
Not good.
- x ace - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 9:30 am:
Gov.Ryan went to Bulls Game and it didn’t end well.
- Nick Naylor - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 9:39 am:
This seems to be a case of a death by a thousand cuts. I wonder if this seriously could end his career as a congressman?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 9:40 am:
This is turning into more about hubris and entitlement than just poor decisions and “on the taxpayers’ dime”
The narrative that this dripping shows is a Congressman that feels whatever he wants, whenever he wants it is ok, and I’ll document it an Instagram or Selfie somewhere along the way to seal the hubris of his entitlement.
This isn’t just one bad “decision” after another. The culture Schock has going on in his office has been continued, apparently unchecked, as Staff finds thenselves in these stories too.
That’s why I dinged Staff as late as Friday. Staff must own at least a 1/3 of this. Why? They are willing participants in the arrogance and smirking smiles of the social media mocking of the voters.
Schock needs to clean house a bit, get a “bad cop contrarian” in there that will be there to at least…question… what Schock and his “trusted Staff” seem oblivious to when seen in the light of day.
To the continued stories being dripped,
I commented this Friday, and this story “fits”;
===If this is a person/group upset at the duality of Schock’s career and votes and his personal choices and life, I can understand if the premise as an alleged hypocrisy.
It doesn’t, however, make this campaign against him in that personal realm any less shady or distasteful.
The Daily Show take, and the Jon Stewart rant/mocking is focusing on the failures of the Staff and Schock in understanding rules and optics matter, no matter who we are talking about.
The Politico take, with dog-whistles hidden in plain sight, isn’t about driving the facts of the story. It is about glossing the facts with a shiny coat of “wink and nod”
Those pushing the Politico path must be pleased The Daily Show is helping with the “facts” of what is up, so when hit pieces continue to drop out, the undercurrent is “justified” because it’s “really about” the miscues and not about the unspoken rationale.===
More “facts”, with the undercurrent of “why” or “intent” not needed when the tact is on the facts.
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:03 am:
I’d have to say Ms. Sweet’s column(s) today are more than a drip. Whatever’s happening here; she’s all in.
- Interested Observer - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:04 am:
There are many other politicians bending the rules as badly as Schock. They’re just not stupid enough to rub it in our faces on social media. His problem is he’s just too good looking and charming to be a politician. He’s better suited for Hollywood. People naturally fawn all over him, and it feeds his sense of entitlement and invincibility.
- Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:05 am:
Now there’s some bad judgement. To THAT Bears/Vikings game?
In their two previous games, the Bears were historically humiliated 51-23 by the Patriots and 55-14 by the Packers.
I bleed burnt orange and navy, but I wouldn’t have taken a free sky box and limo ride to watch that hot mess.
- MrJM - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:07 am:
Geez, such terrible judgment.
What comes out next?
A Schock selfie with Cutler and Cavallari?
– MrJM
- Streator Curmudgeon - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:09 am:
This goes beyond sloppy bookkeeping. Unless Schock’s constituents have a “my Congressman right or wrong” attitude, they have to be wondering about his decision-making capabilities.
The big question: Will there be a House ethics investigation and a censure?
- facts are stubborn things - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:12 am:
republicans tend to eat their own, and I doubt if this will be any different.
- Team Sleep - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:15 am:
Willy - hence why I’ve typed many times before on this site (and explained to friends and family in person) that his exodus of top staff over the last years has REALLY hurt him. The replacements for said staff have not really panned out.
It’s not easy telling an elected official to stop risky behavior or to reconsider a potentially damaging vote. There’s only so much a staffer can do. But you at least have to try. My one theory on the staff portion of this bizarre tale is that maybe Congressman Schock went “rogue” and did some of this stuff without consulting his top staff. Stranger things have happened. I’ve spent enough time around MOCs and Senators to know that some of them rarely listen to staff and many of them take actions or say things that make staff want to hide under the nearest dessert table.
- Belle - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:17 am:
It’s unfortunate for Mr Schock that this has become such a prefect storm; so quickly. I can agree with Interested Observer that others might be doing worse but perhaps playing it closer to the vest. It makes me wonder if he didn’t annoy ’someone’ with his hubris to get this mess rolling.
- Westward - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:19 am:
What a jerk. How can you vote for someone (and I didn’t, he’s in my district) who doesn’t respresent the people who live in his district? I fly coach. I expect the guy I vote for to fly the same from his district to anywhere. It’s so disrespectful to the common folks who gave him money. It sickens me. Problem is, it should sicken him and it doesnt.
Hey, I could go on about the culture of other politicians who do and have done the same. It seems hopeless.
- Tim Snopes - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:21 am:
It’s amazing how many people want to defend this guy in the face of unethical actions and rules violations.
He should resign immediately.
What has he done for anyone but himself and a small group of partisan supporters?
- John A Logan - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:33 am:
Kid Icarus flew too close to the Sun.
- wndycty - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:33 am:
I forget the exact charges that Jesse Jackson Jr. faced but what, if any, is the distinction between JJJ’s spending habits and the Schock’s spending habits as it relates to ethics and potential charges.
- Skeptic - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:38 am:
“they have to be wondering about his decision-making capabilities.” Even during his first campaign, some had to wonder. He made a remark about selling nukes to Taiwan, and later said it was “in jest.” So I’d say head-scratching moments are nothing new for him.
- Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:39 am:
Geez, wndycty, try the google and draw your own conclusions.
- wndycty - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:43 am:
My own conclusions are cynical, a legal opinion is preferred and would be respected.
- Undergrad Economist - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:43 am:
Can we just stop wasting everyone’s time and call these events what they are? A culture Schock.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:45 am:
- Team Sleep -,
I get ya. There is two major problems Schock faces with these Dopey decisions;
Schock hired people whose opinions really don’t matter or factor into his own decisions
Those hired by Schock aren’t “in it” to help or assist or even look at what is in front if them. That Crew is “in it” for them, as much as Schock’s decisions seems to be about what’s in it for him.
These type of stories, regardless of the “why” or the undercurrents, really show how critical having good people around you is.
To your point, - Team Sleep -, about Staff cringing and hiding due to decisions;
It appears, on at least this occasion, Staff might be considered a co-conspirator to the hubris. Why say “no” when you can benefit too(?)
- LizPhairTax - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:50 am:
Flying to Chicago to see the Bears play the Vikings after giving up 50 in back-to-back weeks is the dumbest thing Schock has done.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:54 am:
When I worked for a member of Congress, this sort of improper spending of taxpayer funds was the third rail of politics. It was always the most-feared attack largely because it was always self-inflicted. We had a office protocol that examined every penny to be sure we could defend spending it before any travel decision was made.
Voters used to go crazy when politicians misused their office budgets, especially to travel like a big shot. When did that change?
- Nick Naylor - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:54 am:
At some point, his constituency is going to think “I never:
traveled to Patagonia;
tangoed in Brazil;
attended a Katy Perry concert;
rode on a private plane;
went to a Bears’ game;
traveled to London;
had dinner at Buckingham Palace;
had dinner at Windsor Castle,
etc, etc, etc.
They’ll ask themselves, “whose interests is he representing, exactly?”
- VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 10:58 am:
Paging Senator Darin LaHood!
Senator LaHood?
Chairman Priebus would like to speak with you!
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:04 am:
Schock’s biggest supporters in the district are farmers who’ve long been accustomed to funding their lavish lifestyles with taxpayer dollars. I think he’s just following their lead.
- HL - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:06 am:
Didn’t Dan Rostenkowski go under for (among other Things) purchasing postage stamps on the taxpayer’s dime? If this were twitter I would hashtag myself #oldman!
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:08 am:
His quote “haters gonna hate” is turning out to be very prophetic. There’s some pretty intense hate out there.
- MrJM - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:17 am:
“There’s some pretty intense hate out there.”
“Scorn” should not be conflated with “hatred”.
– MrJM
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:29 am:
MrJM, which is more personal? Whatever the answer is to that is what’s at play here.
-A Guy
- 47th Ward - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:34 am:
===There’s some pretty intense hate out there.===
Lynn Sweet wrote about Schock’s official House office budget and how he was spending it. Since when does that constitute “hate?”
This is a legit attack. It might be motivated by someone with another reason to want Schock punished, but on its face, this was a dumb move by Schock and he’s rightfully taking heat for it.
Haters are gonna hate, and reporters are gonna report.
- Nick Naylor - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:34 am:
@A guy, if this were a Democrat Congressman, I suspect you would be howling at the range of abuse committed by said congressman.
Why is it “personal” when the media reports the fragrant abuses of the rules (and law) by a high-ranking member of the Republican House Caucus?
- And I Approved This Message - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:41 am:
Nick Naylor - I know it’s a typo but “the fragrant abuse of power” is the best concept on the blog today! Thanks for the chuckle.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:41 am:
- A Guy -,
Congressman Schock is writing checks back to cover…those things that people are hating..,only because they’re gonna hate?
Yeah, I didn’t think so either.
- Norseman - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:44 am:
It would have been OK if it was a Packers game! (s/)
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:51 am:
NN, I’m an equal opportunity person when it comes to these kinds of things. They all need to be held to an ethical standard. If someone else is being investigated and reported on at this level, please share. I’m not defending any fiscal impropriety at all. He needs to “even up” here and do some serious atonement. And do it honestly.
JJJ had some very different kinds of issues. I personally liked him too.
I liked Rosty. He was guilty of stuff that used to be OK and wasn’t anymore, according to how the House viewed things then.
What these 3 all have in common was that they were pretty exceptional Congressmen. It’s more sad than anything.
This all gets worse for Schock daily, steadily, methodically, in regular increments. Let’s do 434 more of these and see where we come out.
47, Lynn is not the cause of what’s happening here, but she’s all in. She has willingly picked up a torch. Hey, they’re her 800 words to do with as she and her editor want. It’s a bit sudden for her and she isn’t wasting any of those 800 words on anything complimentary. Her Saturday article was much more generous to Schock. Saturday articles are the “boneyard” of Journalism. She buttered the pan before she fried him. Few saw the butter.
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:54 am:
===Norseman - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 11:44 am:
It would have been OK if it was a Packers game! (s/)===
Hope you would root for the Staleys!
- MrJM - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:01 pm:
“I’m an equal opportunity person when it comes to these kinds of things.”
Of course you are.
– MrJM
- siriusly - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:04 pm:
This is not “haters” - this is what the end of a political career looks like.
If he does not get indicted or formally sanctioned by the House Ethics Committee, someone will take him out in 2016.
He may be good looking, but he’s toast.
- QCLib - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:07 pm:
A few controversial congressmen have been forced to resign after they made themselves into targets like this. I wonder if this will turn into that? One thing is for sure: someone is out for blood with Schock.
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:10 pm:
I’m not in favor of anyone misusing funds or acting inappropriately with the public trust. I don’t think it’s unfair to say the GOP has been harder on it’s own than the other party has. Our party has been exceedingly self-righteous in campaigns for a long time. When one of ours fails to live up to ethical standards, it’s always a huge feeding frenzy. I’m not for lowering the standards.
Schock is in the barrel now and every day sucks for him. Who’s to blame? He is. He’s doing a lot of reimbursing and a lot of explaining. When you literally “dare” people to look at you…they do. I wish it weren’t happening, but it is. That doesn’t mean that there’s not forces out there making this as painful as it can be. There are.
I’m not sure I’ve tried to impugn your integrity. I apologize if I did. Sincerely. Not sure why your gratuitous one line shot felt necessary.
- Norseman - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:11 pm:
A Guy, not a chance. I’m a part owner and bleed Green and Gold. (Miniscule part owner. Blade of grass according to my wife.)
- DuPage Dave - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:13 pm:
It seems to me that Schock is being told that his hopes of higher office are over. The good folks of Peoria have a history of keeping the same Congressman in office for very long terms and will likely keep Schock as long as they like. But he’s reached the apex of his career.
- Fred - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:24 pm:
It’s time to trot out his secret weapon in Democrat circles, City Clerk Mendoza. He could use a little tenderness about now.
- Walter Mitty - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:26 pm:
The narrative that some want to continue about “bad staff” has got to end by now. Nobody paints your office, books private planes, vacations, and etc…. If indeed it’s bad staff, at the end of the day, you are on the ballot. Either way, it’s all on him. Somebody soon, will let him know it’s time to resign…The same folks last month that wanted him out front of the party I am sure will be the ones to ask him to go..quickly. He serves no purpose anymore.
- BrianG - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:28 pm:
Let’s all throw the staffers under the bus.
Jeez! Aaron Schock has a long history of ethical lapses long before he was elected to Congress. He knowingly notarized backdated documents for his parents’ off shore tax shelter. When it surfaced in 2008, Schock blamed it on the Democrats. Then he claimed it was a clerical error. In fact, a certain Rich Miller called it a kitchen sink defense and noted how the Peoria media lapped it all up in spite of the fact Congressman Schock’s excused were contradicted by his father’s sworn testimony in a tax fraud trial.
Retired Journal Star columnist wrote a piece several years ago about how “lucky” Schock has been in his many land deals leading up to his election to Congress. Every land speculation he undertook led to several hundred percent profit.
We have Congressman Schock’s roll in soliciting and distributing an illegal campaign contribution to Adam Kinzinger’s primary campaign to unseat incumbent Don Manzullo. In that case, his entire staff was declared to be “non-cooperating witnesses” and refused to answer questions from the office of Congressional ethics.
We also have his close friends, members of his church, and large campaign supporters, Darren and Rebecca Frye involved in a “donor swapping” scheme with recently convicted felon, Michael Grimm (R-Staten Island.)
I think Schock’s long time pattern of ethical lapses should put to rest any further attempts to spin the allegations that Schock is a victim of some sort of partisan campaign.
- Larry the Cable Guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:29 pm:
Next up, we need to know who bought the tickets. Now that there will give us some more insight.
- MrJM - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:31 pm:
“I’m not in favor of anyone misusing funds or acting inappropriately with the public trust.”
Then why are we still waiting for you to poke your head up in either the SLASHED breast cancer screenings thread or the FREE motorcycle lessons thread?
– MrJM
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:38 pm:
===When it surfaced in 2008,…===
- BrianG -,
There seems to be enough over the last 2 years, plus the Instagram Dopiness, going back to 2008 only seems petty and missing the point of The Daily Show stuff, and what is being scrutinized now.
===I think Schock’s long time pattern of ethical lapses should put to rest any further attempts to spin the allegations that Schock is a victim of some sort of partisan campaign.===
It’s not what are Schock’s problems, it IS about who is behind all this, and why, and why the undercurrent when there is no need.
You stay in 2008, we will deal with today…
- Federalist - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:40 pm:
Hope all other members of Congress are investigated as thoroughly as Schock.
But not holding my breath.
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:42 pm:
=== MrJM - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:31 pm:
“I’m not in favor of anyone misusing funds or acting inappropriately with the public trust.”
Then why are we still waiting for you to poke your head up in either the SLASHED breast cancer screenings thread or the FREE motorcycle lessons thread?
– MrJM ===
Well, I’m sure not defending them. As you might be able to tell, the GOP reflections are considerably outnumbered on this site. That’s not unfair, just a statement of fact.
On the motorcycles, I’d encourage a strong review of that policy. This is a perfect place to sweep funds to a more appropriate area of need. Whoever was reviewing “motorcycles” should switch papers with whoever was reviewing “mass transit”. My guess is that these are being reviewed by committee and it’s time for the individuals to “meet” and exchange research and ideas.
On Cancer Screenings, I’m for them. If Obamacare is the law of the land, it should be the vehicle for healthcare for these vital tests. Subjecting it to the process it’s in now is not how serious tests of prevention should be handled. They should be done and they shouldn’t be in doubt. And it should extend beyond just Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer, as was suggested. It needs to be sorted out. It’s not pretty, but this is how the sort occurs.
I skip a lot of topics MrJM, so as not to be completely thought of as a shill. If I don’t agree with something, I’m not going to jump on and defend it. It’s that simple.
That doesn’t mean I need to jump on and criticize either. To the extent I can in my capacity as a GOP precinct captain and participator, I try to work my thoughts up the channel to find a better solution.
There, you have my thoughts.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:52 pm:
===I skip a lot of topics MrJM, so as not to be completely thought of as a shill.===
Too late(?) Did you type that with a straight face?
A good way not to be seen as a shill, actually stand up and say when things are indeed wrong.
===That doesn’t mean I need to jump on and criticize either.===
Being silent, that isn’t helping finding a solution too.
- Nick Naylor - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 12:56 pm:
@And I Approved This Message
Oddly, “fragrant” works in this context, too! I suppose “pungent” abuse of power doesn’t work either. Sorry for the typo, you are correct, I meant to write “flagrant”.
- vole - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:46 pm:
Slick Schock is well rehearsed in excuses for all of this stuff. My guess, given his gift for fundraising, he gets a standing ovation at the next GOP congressional caucus, and that he skates. He’s got the winning stuff. And like it or not, lots of cheaters win in the racket that has become D.C.
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:53 pm:
== OW- Too late(?) Did you type that with a straight face?===
I did.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 2:00 pm:
===- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 1:53 pm
== OW- Too late(?) Did you type that with a straight face?===
I did.===
I guess Raunerbot programming really does eliminate the “irony” senses. lol
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 2:18 pm:
You oughtta see my face when I read your posts. I can’t keep it straight. (chuckle)
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 2:22 pm:
===You oughtta see my face when I read your posts. I can’t keep it straight. (chuckle)===
That “irony” thing you lost, works with reading too I see…
- A guy - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 2:35 pm:
Willy, I just can’t keep up with you. When Spock left us, all the logic belonged to you.
- Shemp - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 4:33 pm:
Ugh, so much for the next generation of Illinois pols. Hope he decides to bow out gracefully or that the GOP ensures he does.
- PoliticalOutsider1 - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 7:43 pm:
About Schock’s staff-I hope a reporter or blogger looks into the turnover in staff. Carol Merna, who worked for Bob Michel, Ray LaHood, and Schock left his office and now works for a non-profit organization. I believe other staffers have also left, upset by some of the antics Schock was up to which are only now seeing the light of day.
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Mar 2, 15 @ 8:38 pm:
The only guy in Central IL who had a worse week than Schock was Vince DeMentri.