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Rauner sits for a revealing portrait

Monday, Mar 9, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Bruce Rauner sat down with the Wall Street Journal for a wide-ranging and highly flattering profile

Mr. Rauner, a self-made multimillionaire, offered to raise private money for the renovation, but he was told that donations could not be accepted for a state building. “I said, ‘I’m trying to save the taxpayers millions of dollars,’ ” he tells me. “ ‘Why can’t I put in some money? The roof, the basement, the elevator—I’ll fix it.’ They said no.” By the same token, when Mr. Rauner informed the bureaucrats in Springfield upon his election that he didn’t intend to take a salary as governor, he says he was told, “we have to send you a salary, and you can send it back.”

OK, first of all, I’m not sure why he was told that they couldn’t use private money to fix up the mansion. They handle private money at the mansion all the time. Maybe I’m wrong here, but it puzzles me.

Secondly, the “bureaucrats” aren’t responsible for this salary thing. It’s in the Constitution. Emphasis added

Officers of the Executive Branch shall be paid salaries established by law and shall receive no other compensation for their services. Changes in the salaries of these officers elected or appointed for stated terms shall not take effect during the stated terms.

* Back to the story

When we meet, the governor is coming off his Feb. 18 budget address, in which he laid out a slate of tough-love reforms: cuts to state transfers to local governments, adjustments to government employees’ health plans, and structural changes to public-union pensions. The howling from Democrats has been fierce, but Mr. Rauner isn’t backing down. “I’ve been involved in a lot of turnarounds,” he says. “A key lesson in a turnaround is go big, go strong, go fast early. You don’t wait around; you don’t think about it; you don’t wonder.”

The governor was sworn in on January 12th. Today is the 57th day of his administration. Other than the budget, which is chock full of holes and gimmicks, and despite all his big talk about right to work laws, he has yet to propose and then publicly get behind a single piece of legislation.

* Onward

(T)hough Illinois is a deep-blue state, Mr. Rauner feels he has a mandate.

I’ll let you discuss that point.

* And

This month justices will hear arguments on whether a 2013 law cutting retirees’ annual cost-of-living adjustments passes constitutional muster. Whatever the justices decide, Mr. Rauner says, his plan will go forward, even if he has to pass a constitutional amendment by referendum to allow the changes. “I don’t have a Plan B,” he says. “I have a Plan A.”

He’s amazingly confident in his abilities, isn’t he? He thinks he can get three-fifths majorities in both chambers to put an amendment on the ballot? Wow. Rep. Elaine Nekritz, by the way, told Rick Pearson over the weekend that she could only make it about half way through the article, and the “I don’t have a Plan B” was a big reason for that.

* No surprise

“Everywhere I look inside state government, the unions have been running the process, dictating the terms, setting the work rules and setting the agenda inside government,” Mr. Rauner says. “The taxpayers, school children, businesses, homeowners, small business owners have been abused and left out of the process.”

* And finally

As the state’s annual budget debate gets under way, Democrats are pushing for tax hikes. Some of the legislators want higher fuel taxes. Michael Madigan, speaker of the state House of Representatives, is pushing for a 3% surcharge on millionaires. “Talk about a flow of job creators leaving the state if they put that in,” Mr. Rauner says.

The governor is most definitely a supply sider. He’s got the lingo down pat.


  1. - Good Grief - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:36 am:

    Of course private money can be used on almost ANY state project. It happens frequently and there is mechanism for it. Of course there are rules that govern it. That is probably the part he doesn’t like.

  2. - LizPhairTax - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:39 am:

    Who are the ‘they’ that told him no, and why was this the only time in his 100% successful life that he took no for an answer.

    Maybe this is what he talked to Madigan and Cullerton about on election night.

    Rod Blagojevich with money. Same detachment from reality.

  3. - Anonymous - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:40 am:

    Is there a word of truth in Rauner’s remarks? He is a total demagogue. He’s giving Blago a run for his money. I think he even outstrips Elvis

  4. - Anonymous - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:42 am:

    Yes, Rich, he does supply the b.s.,no doubt about that

  5. - Concerned - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:45 am:

    Where is the flattering part?

  6. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:46 am:

    ==I’ve been involved in a lot of turnarounds==

    Not in government you haven’t. BIG DIFFERENCE and that difference is something I don’t think the Governor has yet grasped. You can’t bark orders and expect them to be simply carried out. Doesn’t work that way.

    ==Mr. Rauner feels he has a mandate==

    Mandate? Yeah, right. Illinois citizens gave him such a mandate that they kept the Democrats overwhelming majorities in the General Assembly.

    == Mr. Rauner says, his plan will go forward==

    Man this guy is arrogant. But then again, he hasn’t been too concerned with legal limitations to date. He’s king after all.

    ==have been abused==

    Oh spare me. This constant attack on the working person is getting old really fast. It’s insulting to have some rich guy attack others for their “generous” salaries and benefits. His words are amusing given the guy made $60M last year. Speaking of overpaid . . .

    Also, did you take a look at the budget you introduced Governor? You “abused” a lot of people in that budget (though you managed to spare your rich friends from any “abuse.”)

  7. - Levi - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:47 am:

    There is no such thing as a “self-made” anything. People with that mentality are the most ungrateful lot in existence, not realizing all the ingredients their country, their communities, their schools, their families, and pure old luck have given them so they can “make” themselves.

  8. - Concerned - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:49 am:

    P.S. How do we know if Gov. Rauner really gave that interview? I see the letter “g” at the end of every word that ends in “g” so perhaps Gov. Rauner’s non-condescending stunt double gave the interview.

  9. - MrJM - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:52 am:

    “you don’t think about it”

    Can somebody get this man a Mission Accomplished banner?

    – MrJM

  10. - Sue - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:53 am:

    Rauner has done nothing to create Illinois’ fiscal problems. Why not reserve your pique for the mopes that created today’s crisis and g
    Have left illinois with the worst state credit rating and most underfunded pension system. Rauner is proposing unpopular and drastic reforms because he doesn’t have a choice.

  11. - Nick Naylor - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:55 am:

    =Rod Blagojevich with money. Same detachment from reality.=

    Yes, you are correct in that Rauner has more money, a lot more, than Rod did. But if you don’t think Rod was all about the money, you fail to understand what brought him down in the end.

  12. - Dan Johnson - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:56 am:

    The 3% surcharge is fully tax-deductible from federal income taxes. We pay almost a 40% federal rate on income over a million, so it’s really a 1.8% increase in taxes for income above a million. But all the money stays in Illinois (flowing to schools on a per capita basis).

    This is basically like a federal match. The more the state taxes high income, the more it is effectively subsidized by the feds.

    It takes a bit to get your arms around it, but once you see it, it’s like getting a Medicaid match. You know how people rightfully complain that Illinois doesn’t get enough of a return on our federal taxes? One good way to improve that return is to tax high incomes more, because those taxes are subsidized (while taxes on working people like sales taxes generally are not).

    And since high income people paid the bulk of the 1.25% income tax increase (from 3.75% to 5%), that actual tax paid was reduced by 40% but it all stayed in the state. To pay for pensions, but it stayed in Illinois. So one consequence of the tax cut is less of a federal match / a worse return of federal money coming back to IL.

    I’m not making the case very eloquently, but I think it doesn’t get enough attention when debating tax policy. The federal write-off is a really valuable tool we should be maximizing. The millionaire amendment is ideal for that. And raising the flat income tax does quite a bit.

  13. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:57 am:

    ==Rauner has done nothing to create Illinois’ fiscal problems.==

    And your point? He’s the Governor now.

    ==Why not reserve your pique for the mopes that created today’s crisis==

    Again, what’s your point. How’s the blame game working out for you as far as solving any problems. Blame games have to end now. It’s his ballgame.

  14. - How Ironic - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:57 am:

    @ Mike Madigan:

    ” Some of the legislators want higher fuel taxes. Michael Madigan, speaker of the state House of Representatives, is pushing for a 3% surcharge on millionaires. “Talk about a flow of job creators leaving the state if they put that in,” Mr. Rauner says.”

    Please pass a 5% millionaire surcharge. If 3% is enough to get them to consider leaving Il, 5% ought to just about shove Rauner over to Indiana or Wisconsin where he apparently really would like to live.

    All of Illinois.

  15. - Pius - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:59 am:

    I think MrJM just won the Comment of the Week, and it is only Monday morning!!

  16. - Norseman - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:59 am:

    === “you don’t think about it” ===

    That’s the problem!

  17. - Dan Johnson - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:00 am:

    That was all a reaction to the “talk about a flow of job creators leaving the state if they put that in” comment. I really don’t think people leave the state over a 1.8% increase in real taxes paid.

    Because if you believe supply siders, the last two months should have been an absolute boom in economic activity since we just implemented the biggest income tax cut in Illinois history (h/t President Cullerton).

    Rich people from the Midwest should be fleeing the oppressive 6% and 8% marginal tax rates into the tax haven of Illinois with our 3.75% top marginal tax rate. Hundreds of thousands of new jobs should be getting created because of our Laffer-like tax policy and revenues should be increasing from our tax cut!


  18. - lakecounty - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:00 am:

    Can’t Rauner just start and fund a not for profit to fix up the governor’s mansion? I’m failing to see the problem.

  19. - Central Scrutinizer - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:01 am:

    Looks like all the BVR quotes have “g’s” at the end of the words that require them. I wonder if the reporter added them or if he spoke like an educated person during the interview.

  20. - Cassandra - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:01 am:

    A millionaire’s tax in a flat tax state? Sounds like “pension reform,” and about as likely. Isn’t it time to start talking about “closing corporate loopholes” too. Spring is around the corner.

  21. - Sue - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:01 am:

    Actually it’s not his ball game now. No matter what Rauner would like to do- Cullerton and Madigan control the legislatiure.. Unlike the famous Obama phone and pen-Rauner has a number two pencil in terms of achieving much on the budget

  22. - JoanP - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:02 am:

    I don’t even know where to begin. This guy is delusional.

  23. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:04 am:


    He’s the Governor. The Democrats aren’t going to do anything without the Republicans. That’s just the way it is. Your comments indicate you are clueless about the politics here.

  24. - Angry Chicagoan - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:04 am:

    Rauner’s mandate — half a point over 50 percent and the weakest coattails of any gubernatorial winner in the country.

    The Democrats’ mandate — supermajority control of both houses of the legislature.

    I think Rauner should excise the “m” word from his vocabulary. But humility obviously isn’t his strong suit.

  25. - VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:04 am:

    “I don’t have a Plan B,”

    Rauner is saying that he doesn’t expect to compromise with anyone. He is a lone GOP elected statewide official and expects to rule the state. This attitude is going to be a fiasco in any government. No one rules in a democracy, even the guy with the most money. Everyone in a leadership position learns to compromise, or they fail. Perhaps he thinks he has more than one way to reach the goals of his “plan A”, but telling everyone that he doesn’t have a plan B, is also quite clearly telling everyone with a modicum in power here in Illinois - that while governor, Bruce Rauner doesn’t need to hear from you.

    That message is going to ruin his administration. This is perhaps one of the reasons he is failing.

    Mandate? He got selected to replace a governor voters considered not up to the job. There is no mandate for a governor who fails to get legislators elected. Especially after dropping $25 million and failing.

    Perhaps he has no sense of marketing, but if you spend dozens of millions of dollars and don’t sell one item to the public - there is a deep seated reason for the failure, above and beyond messaging. Why doesn’t he understand that?

    It will be too easy to watch Governor Rauner fail. Michael J. Madigan can just sit back while Rauner’s Plan A dies, leaving behind zilch. Either Governor Rauner learns to compromise, craft a workable Plan B. Then a workable Plan C. Then a workable plan named after every other alphabetical letter - Bruce Rauner is wasting everyone’s time.

    He not only gets his facts wrong, he doesn’t understand what governing is about, what democracies are about, and how to make a real friend.

    Bruce Rauner is failing as governor.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:06 am:

    - Sue -,

    It’s Rauner’s budget.

    It’s “The Rauner Cuts”

    You are either delusional of your Raunerbot talking point to blame everyone sounds swell to you and you don’t have a clue how government of caucus governing works.

    It’s going to be Rauner’s. Rauner won. It was in all the papers.

  27. - Truthteller - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:07 am:

    Sue,the biggest contributing factor to the current fiscal crisis is the rollback of the temporary income tax increase, something that Rauner insisted upon.
    Remember his attempt to elicit a promise from Quinn that he wouldn’t extend the tax during the veto session?
    Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.

  28. - walker - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:07 am:

    So he’s backing away from the only thing many assumed he could do — fix the governor’s house without taxpayer money.

    He was speaking like a business CEO talking to the investment community. I really hope he knows that attitude is for a select audience, and will be limiting success in his current job.

  29. - Ahoy! - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:10 am:

    Beating Pat Quinn does not give you a mandate, it just means you were able to beat a very bad governor and bad governor’s can be beat, there is a lesson here.

  30. - Arsenal - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:10 am:

    “Rauner has done nothing to create Illinois’ fiscal problems. ”

    Nor anything to solve them. THAT is the problem.

    Listen, it depends on who you think “caused” Illinois’ fiscal problems, but they’ve all been judged one way or the other. Walker, Thompson, etc.- long out of office. Blago is in prison. Pat Quinn just got kicked out of office. Madigan and Cullerton? Well, okay, that’s where it gets interesting, but they (and/or their caucuses) have faced the voters twice from 2012-2014, and came out okay. I’m not sure who’s left to “punish”, or at least who’s left that’s prominent enough that their punishment should be prioritized over thoroughly frisking the proposed “solutions” of the newcomers.

  31. - Jorge - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:11 am:

    No wonder why he can’t provide specifics. He lives in “Right Wing Wonderland.”

  32. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:11 am:

    ***“I’ve been involved in a lot of turnarounds,” he says. “A key lesson in a turnaround is go big, go strong, go fast early. You don’t wait around; you don’t think about it; you don’t wonder.”***

    Reckless and dangerous. Rauner doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions? Who benefited from the “turnarounds,” and why couldn’t Rauner name one job he created on the debate stage?

    ***”Everywhere I look inside state government, the unions have been running the process, dictating the terms, setting the work rules and setting the agenda inside government,” Mr. Rauner says.***

    Right. That’s why unions are so often in court these days, trying to undo the damage management has done, such as pension reform that was found illegal to this point, and the failure to pay back-wages.

    Then there’s the Maximus deal with privatizing parts of state workers’ jobs that backfired on the state.

  33. - VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:13 am:

    Rauner has done nothing to create Illinois’ fiscal problems.

    That is simply untrue. Since his inauguration, he has making our fiscal situation worse. Say you get a flat tire and are towed into a garage. The mechanic tells you that the real problem is you can’t afford the car you were driving. Your credit is shot, you are unemployed, yet you are driving an expensive car. He solves your flat tire problem by calling credit agencies, contacts the unemployment office to tell them you are trying to get around in an expensive new car, and then starts calling banks to find out how you got a loan.

    Bruce Rauner has not fixed one thing in Illinois, but his approach to governing has made things worse. Since his inauguration, he has been wasting everyone’s time chasing after superfluous issues which does nothing to help. Instead of governing, he is satisfying himself and his supporters by finger pointing and bloviating about how bad Illinois is fiscally.

    Every day Bruce Rauner spends not finding real solutions to our state’s fiscal problems is a day he makes our situation worse.

    Don’t be coddled by telling us that he didn’t create our problems when he wastes everyone’s time failing to even address any of them.

  34. - LizPhairTax - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:13 am:

    Nick Naylor 8:55

    I understand what brought RRB down. My point is that BVR is showing himself to be similar.

    I would be able to do this if THEY would let me.

    It’s just that “government union bosses” have replaced “lobbyist who eat fancy steaks and shuffle around in gucci loafers” so far.

    Neither of them stand up to scrutiny. But yes, I doubt that BVR will go down trying to sell a senate seat for a job at SEIU. I also doubt he’ll fall for the Derrick Smith trick either.

  35. - Casual Observer - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:14 am:

    “go big, go strong, go fast early. ”
    Not. Gonna. Happen.
    The legislative process is slow, for good reason. Any good Governor knows his end game and is willing to take the little steps along the way to get there. Saying “all or nothing” to the legislature is like telling Mike Madigan “I dont need you”. I’m afraid this Governor is in for some tough love.

  36. - JS Mill - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:14 am:

    =“Talk about a flow of job creators leaving the state if they put that in,”=

    Governor, please don’t let the facts get in the way of any of your talking points. See Minnesota if you would please.

    P.S. Folks like you are not “job creators”. See June 2014 edition of the Harvard Business Review.

  37. - Arizona Bob - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:18 am:


    =It’s going to be Rauner’s. Rauner won. It was in all the papers.=

    And the veto proof majorities were given to Madigan and Cullerton. Rauner can’t pass legislation. He can only propose and veto. Madigan and Cullerton have the power to pass legislation and override.

    The only ones with the power to get things done in Springfield are MJM and “Pinky”.

    It was in all the papers. I guess you should’ve read a little bit further down on the page…..

  38. - Nick Naylor - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:20 am:

    =I would be able to do this if THEY would let me.=

    Liz, we are in agreement with that statement. But, not to counter what you posted, isn’t that the general theme of Rauner’s campaign? Elect me and I will shake them up and change Illinois?

    It’s a little early for Rauner to be saying: they won’t let me”.

  39. - LizPhairTax - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:26 am:

    Yes Nick. Especially when “THEY” will.

    Let’s all send a check to the Illinois Executive Mansion Association and see if any of them are returned uncashed.

    When the truth conflicts with the narrative, Bruce sticks with the narrative every time.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:26 am:

    ===Rauner can’t pass legislation. He can only propose and veto. Madigan and Cullerton have the power to pass legislation and override.===

    That must make them “Co-Equal”.

    You know, checks and balances, none over the other?

    ===The only ones with the power to get things done in Springfield are MJM and “Pinky”.===

    It has to be tough be a victim 24/7.

    Rauner won. It’s Rauner’s budget, it’s the “Rauner Cuts”, and no “legislative body” controlled by the opposite party of the Executive is going to NOT let that governor off the hook.

    If you ever had became a state Rep., you’d never would have had a clue for governing, caucus politics, and even simple structuring votes for negotiated budgets.

    That is either willfully done, or you refuse to see things that run counter to what you hope is true.

  41. - Arsenal - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:28 am:

    “Rauner can’t pass legislation.”

    Maybe, maybe not, and if not, it’s his problem.

    Listen, he ran on the assumption that he’d be facing Speaker Madigan and President Cullerton. This was not a surprise to him, nor did he indicate that it was an unwelcome burden. His strategy for dealing with them was either some “aw shucks” bromides about working together or a vague promise to “shake them up”, but in either case, his candidacy, and the markers he laid out for himself, were not predicated on having a legislature more attuned to his desires than one run by Madigan and Cullerton. He assured us that, despite Madigan and Cullerton- or maybe BECAUSE of them!- he would still be able to get his policies through, and his policies would improve the state. The failure of either is, by Rauner’s own terms, a failure on his part. Post hoc whining about the conditions of the state, conditions that Rauner acknowledged and embraced during the campaign, is just making an excuse. And it’s extremely odd because Rauner’s policies haven’t even been put up to a vote yet.

  42. - How Ironic - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:28 am:

    @Arizona Bob:

    “The only ones with the power to get things done in Springfield are MJM and “Pinky”.”

    Wow, victim much? So how is it that Rauner who is actually the Gov…is a victim again?

    He won the mansion remember?

    So now, it’s all about ‘the other guys’ when Rauner can’t pull his head out of it’s hiding hole, and actually govern?

    It’s going to be a long 4 years Bob, constantly crying about how ineffectual Rauner is. Quite a platform for re-election. Vote Rauner, even though he couldn’t get anything done. Ever.

  43. - Triple A - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:30 am:

    Not only will it be hard to get a pension altering amendment through the G.A., don’t forget that an amendment to make it harded to expand pension benefits failed when it was on the ballot in 2012. If that couldn’t win voter approval, how do you think a ballot measure to actually reduce existing benefits will do?

  44. - Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    I think ego strokes like this are what have motivated Rauner from the get-go.

    You don’t get the perks and publicity of being a governor when you’re another bust-out private equity guy. The woods are crawling with those.

    Still, I’m not sure that Rauner wanted to do quite that much whining in the WSJ. You’ve got the job, dude, get to it.

    If Rauner is serious about spending his money to fixing up the mansion, I’m sure any and all obstacles can be overcome.

    He’s the governor, for crying out loud. It’s a very powerful position, despite what the chronic victims are saying here.

  45. - AnonymousOne - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:33 am:

    He seems to thrive on divisiveness. He cannot get enough of demonizing anyone who serves the state and wants everyone to join him in punishing them their good deeds. Great guy. Great leader, he is. No wonder Illinois is in the shape it’s in. Everyone’s po’d at everyone else and just likes to point fingers while nothing happens other than rage.

  46. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:50 am:

    “Rauner has done nothing to create Illinois’ fiscal problems.”

    Rauner managed public employee pensions, the same pensions he likened to tumors and says are now crushing taxpayers, or something like that.

  47. - Mouthy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:52 am:

    I have a friend that’s selling $300 tickets for a fancy meal at the Dana Thomas House that’s a fundraiser for buying artifacts and stuff for the house that the state cannot afford. Are they in the wrong?

  48. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:52 am:

    ==The only ones with the power to get things done in Springfield are MJM and “Pinky”.==

    Bob, he’s the Governor now. You can continue to play this dopey little game and continue to try and pretend that the Republicans still have no power but you are simply full of it. You know as well as the next guy the political realities and those realities are that Republicans - including the Governor - will now have to participate.

    Also, what’s with this continuous “Pinky” nonsense. Dope.

  49. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:53 am:

    And yes I know what you are referencing. Doesn’t make it any less dopey

  50. - A guy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:53 am:

    This is the predictable response to this kind of piece.

    The strategy right or wrong, is to speak over these responses and the folks who feel this way and speak directly to the voters and residents of the state.

    He’s looking to create pressure from the electorate and he’s going to them as “bosses” of the legislature to find some common ground in which to put pressure on the legislature from that side of the equation.

    He’s going over their heads. This kind of approach worked for Ronald Reagan. We’ll see what it does for this Governor.

  51. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:54 am:


    Also, I seem to recall you giving Quinn a lot of grief. He was in the same boat as Rauner if you want to continue with your dopey analysis of the situation.

  52. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:56 am:

    A guy:

    Oh please. You are smarter than what you just wrote. This isn’t anything like Reagan and to suggest it is asinine. Rauner is being incredibly arrogant right now. Reagan may have been arrogant but he certainly didn’t come across that way. Enough with the defending at all costs. Grow a pair and provide some useful analysis once in a while.

  53. - Pelonski - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:56 am:

    With regards to his mandate, the Governor fails to understand any supposed “mandate” from the voters is not based on what he was planning to do, but on what he said he was going to do. My recollection of his message was that he was going to keep the tax rollback, freeze property taxes, increase spending on education, and eliminate waste and corruption in government. He did not outline a plan that included any cuts of any substance. That’s the basic snake oil politicians in both parties have been selling for years, and it is what the voters have continued to say they wanted through their votes.

  54. - Rod - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:58 am:

    Rich I have to say your comments reflect a deep disappointment with Governor Rauner. In general your perspectives on governance of our state have been pretty non-partisan and have supported what could be called a search for pragmatic solutions to our problems. For Rauner to alienate, at least for the moment, a guy like you so early on represents a significant political problem.

    Rep Jack Franks, a very conservative Democrat who opposed emphatically raising the income tax rate back up would be exactly the type of legislator Governor Rauner needed to win over in order to implement even parts of his agenda. Could even a conservative Democrat like Franks really support the politics and agenda of Governor Rauner right now?

  55. - Juice - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 9:58 am:

    Guy, you may be right, but I’m pretty sure the Wall Street Journal is not the right venue for that.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:02 am:

    ===He’s looking to create pressure from the electorate and he’s going to them as “bosses” of the legislature to find some common ground in which to put pressure on the legislature from that side of the equation.===

    How do “they” counter to the voters?

    Call them what they are;

    “The Rauner Cuts”, “the Rauner budget”

    Rauner wants no new revenue. He said that. Even after the “Thompson Pivot.”

    Trying to…bully…the GA through the WSJ…that ain’t gettin’ 30, it ain’t gettin’ 60, and the WSJ ain’t makin’ Rauner anything like Ronald Reagan.

  57. - Arsenal - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:08 am:

    “speak directly to the voters and residents of the state”

    …by going to a NYC newspaper to whine.

  58. - A guy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:08 am:

    Demo, it’s an observation, not a judgement. Reagan was the only Reagan I’ve ever seen, especially on the GOP side.

    Rauner’s definitely taking a populist approach to this. He’s told every individual and every group he’s spoken to, the very same thing. Legislators may be nervous, antsy, privately griping, whatever…What’s not in question is what message they’ve heard. And he’s using every media and PR vehicle out there to get the “uncut” version out to the public as a whole. I have no idea whether it will be effective or not. I’m just offering you the observation of what I see happening. I sincerely doubt any commentary here is having any effect on his strategy.

    He’s speaking directly to the populace.

  59. - Gov. Turned Around - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:09 am:

    As a former private equity guy, the new Guv unfortunately has it 100-percent bass-ackwards: he thinks he owns the state and doesn’t own the problem. To the contrary, he certainly doesn’t own the state, and now as the incumbent Guv after his slash-and-burn style campaign with “trust my never-fail Midas-touch” promises, he certainly owns the problem.

    The Bully and Blame game is so very last year. The new Guv IS failing, the clock is ticking, and it is not in his favor. The time for proposing reality-based compromises and solutions is right now.

    Or was his campaign simply an angry mega-million-dollar ego and hype machine leading up to nothing but an empty trickle-down economics sound-bite tape player with just a “blame the Democrats” end game?

  60. - A guy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:10 am:

    === Arsenal - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:08 am:

    “speak directly to the voters and residents of the state”

    …by going to a NYC newspaper to whine.===’

    With respect my friend, you read it.

  61. - walker - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:12 am:

    A Guy: Rauner went “over their heads” to talk directly to the investor/donor community. Thus the WSJ. For that audience, his tone and substance were perfect.

  62. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    A guy:

    Do you agree the guy is being incredibly arrogant?

    Also, if you’re right I’ve lost all faith in the populace.

  63. - VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    Ronald Reagan was president 34 years ago. Whatever example or model someone might want to create out of Ronald Reagan needs to know that it is as dated as a Chevy Chevette.

    Rauner is not Ronald Reagan and Illinois in 2015 is not the US in 1981. Who is Rauner supposedly appealing to here in Illinois with this fluff piece? His voters? Or his wealthy friends?

    Rauner didn’t win in November - Quinn got fired.

  64. - Skeptic - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    “to get the “uncut” version out to the public” If that’s what he’s trying to do, he’s not doing a very good job of it. All we have heard so far is “Madigan/Cullerton bad, Trust me, Unions bad, Shake Up Springfield”

  65. - Pelonski - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:27 am:

    If Rauner believes his so called “populist approach” is going to make a difference, he is in the wrong state. Illinois voters like low taxes, but not cuts in services. That’s why we have our current problems.

  66. - A guy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:29 am:

    Demo, not trying to use semantics here, but I would agree that he’s being assertive and speaking with confidence. Misplace confidence will be construed as “arrogance” and that’s certainly how you have interpreted this. You’re entitled to that feeling, as is anyone else who perceives it this way.

    He’s speaking to the 52% of folks who voted for him in a reasonably high turn-out election. The only thing that really confuses me here is when people make the statement that the Governor is “dumb, or an idiot, or any of those kinds of assessments”. That clearly isn’t true.

    The time for measured responses has passed in his assessment. He needs to be bolder and more assertive or we are in a world of hurt in this state. Is it the best way that he’s pursuing?

    I honestly don’t know. I do think he believes it’s the best way for him to proceed and he’s operating through his strengths. He’s never been popular on this blog. The crew here isn’t his audience for the most part. If you support him at all, you will face a certain amount of ridicule. Most folks will shy away from that.

    People will follow a guy they believe is competent even if they don’t feel warmth from him. He’s tough medicine for a lot of people who think it’s just what we need. We’ll see how it all plays out, but I do think he’s using the approach he feels most confident in.

    Hope that answers the question.

  67. - A guy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:31 am:

    ===Skeptic - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    “to get the “uncut” version out to the public” If that’s what he’s trying to do, he’s not doing a very good job of it. All we have heard so far is “Madigan/Cullerton bad, Trust me, Unions bad, Shake Up Springfield”===

    Then the message is getting out. Just observing..

  68. - Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    Rauner’s not appealing to anything here but his own ego. A WSJ edit page profile is a stroke money can’t buy, but whiny reactionary politics can.

    And geez, enough with the Reagan comparisons already. It’s embarrassing. Should be like Godwins Law or something.

  69. - Arsenal - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 11:00 am:

    “Rauner’s definitely taking a populist approach to this.”

    …by going to the WALL STREET JOURNAL.

    “He’s speaking directly to the populace.”

    So long as they read the WALL STREET JOURNAL.

    “With respect my friend, you read it.”

    I flat out guarantee Rauner isn’t relying on reaching ME to get his agenda passed. I am by no means representative of the “voters and residents of Illinois”. I didn’t even vote like most of ‘em in the last Gubernatorial election!

  70. - Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 11:00 am:

    “I’ve been involved in a lot of turnarounds….”

    Huh. Yet he didn’t cite one during two years of campaigning. Not even when he was asked directly to do so during a debate.

    Not one.

    Yet there were plenty of bust outs, bankruptcies, wrongful deaths suits, Medicaid fraud…..

  71. - 47th Ward - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 11:03 am:

    I scanned the headline and the mental image that immediately popped into my head was this:

  72. - Skeptic - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 11:08 am:

    Rich: Completely aside…but the time stamps on the posts are still on Standard time.

  73. - MrJM - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 11:19 am:

    Bruce Rauner is exactly like Ronald Reagan, i.e. both are incapable of governing in 2015.

    – MrJM

  74. - Arizona Bob - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 11:28 am:


    =Also, I seem to recall you giving Quinn a lot of grief. He was in the same boat as Rauner if you want to continue with your dopey analysis of the situation.=

    I guess only a dyed in the wool Dem would call a Dem Governor with decades of political patronage and corruption experience, with supermajorities in a Dem dominated House and Senate the “same boat” as a GOP Governor a couple months in office with superminorities ( and justifiably so, given who the leaders are) from his own party in the GA. Talk about DOPEY!

    Are you serious, or did you start a “liquid lunch” a bit early today?LOL

    The simple fact is that Rauner was elected to get solutions to this budget disaster proposed, and moving forward if those with power let it. MJM and Pinky have shown no interest in dealing with this problem. They’ll block every reasonable solution unless they can force the blame on someone else. If they wanted to fix it, they had six years to do so with Quinn. They rightly thought they wouldn’t be held accountable for running up the obligations of the state while they were buying votes and campaign workers with money the state didn’t have. They borrowed to pander to the majority of Illinois voters who want fat benefits while having “somebody else” pay for their generosity.

    Quinn, MJM and Pinky did exactly what the voters of Illinois wanted them to. The fault is on the voters as much as the crooked pols.

  75. - ChiTownSeven - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 12:01 pm:

    This interview only shows what we’ve seen for some time — Rauner is a lunatic. Or, as some might put it more kindly, he is mentally and psychologically disabled. Speaking of which: “If the Governor is unable to serve because of [a mental or psychological] disability, the office of Governor shall be filled by
    the officer next in line of succession for the remainder of the term or until the disability is removed.”

  76. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 12:08 pm:

    ==Are you serious==

    Actually, yes I am. Your argument is that Cullerton and Madigan have all the power. Therefore, it really shouldn’t matter who is Governor using your logic should it?

    ==I guess only a dyed in the wool Dem ==

    Why is it Bob that when somebody says anything you don’t agree with that they are automatically a Dem? Stop being such a hyper partisan hack and realize people actually do have independent thoughts. I know it’s difficult for you but you can meet me half way here.

  77. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 12:10 pm:

    ==The simple fact is that Rauner was elected to get solutions to this budget disaster proposed==

    I call BS on that one. Rauner was elected because he wasn’t Quinn. I know you are smarter than your comment are giving you credit for today Bob.

  78. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 12:17 pm:

    ===…in a reasonably high turn-out election.===

    I don’t think that’s…right.

  79. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 12:20 pm:

    === He’s never been popular on this blog. The crew here isn’t his audience for the most part. If you support him at all, you will face a certain amount of ridicule. Most folks will shy away from that.====

    Please stop making Rauner a victim.

    If you want to discuss the critiques or criticisms on the merits, please, have at it.

  80. - Skeptic - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 12:48 pm:

    “They’ll block every reasonable solution” Such as…?

  81. - VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 12:53 pm:

    He’s never been popular on this blog.

    Rich Miller was right there when Rauner began showing an interest in running. Rich gave Bruce a lot of fair coverage. The fact that Rauner showed up here at all is due to Mr. Miller. Bruce Rauner never made any statements to win anyone over who is a regular contributor to this blog.

    I’m conservative. Rauner never won me over. Quinn didn’t deserve reelection, but Rauner didn’t go beyond prairie chickens and shake ups, so we were all left in the dark.

    He has been a rotten governor so far. He hasn’t tried to fix our problems, just blame other people. Instead of being bipartisan, he has been bipolar. He ran one way during the campaign, then did a 180 after the inauguration. Instead of giving us a budget that could be worked with, he gave us what he gave us during the campaign - sans chickens. So far, this governor has blown every opportunity to establish a modicum of credibility.

    He is failing as a governor. While he might be scoring points as a politician nationally, he is failing as a governor. Unlike Chris Christie he has slammed all the doors opened to him. Unlike Governors Walker or former Governor Daniels, he has no political support within the legislature. That hasn’t kept him from speaking like he just got elected a governor from Kentucky, instead of Illinois.

    He squandered any political honeymoon, even within his own party. Even after shoveling out millions to it. He showed voters he is a liar willing to say one thing during a campaign, then flipping immediately after being inaugurated. He has failed to demonstrate an understanding of Illinois politics. He has shown no respect to anyone he has to work with to build a bipartisan government here in Illinois.

    He has never been popular on this blog?

    It is because he has so far earned every bit of scorn his critics have written about him since he announced. He has been an absolute disaster so far.

  82. - Arsenal - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 12:57 pm:

    “The crew here isn’t his audience for the most part.”

    “With respect my friend, you read it.”

    Circles, you have talked yourself into, Guy.

  83. - Skeptic - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 1:09 pm:

    A Guy: Um…ok so a his entire uncut message is a bunch of cliches? That’s it? And you’re saying that’s a good thing?

  84. - Pelonski - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 1:21 pm:

    I agree 100% with VanillaMan. I had high hopes that Rauner would bring a new approach that would responsibly address Illinois’ problems. Instead, we’ve gotten attacks on unions, an unbalanced budget proposal, the hiring of political cronies, and no plans to make government run better.

  85. - Roadiepig - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 1:47 pm:

    Well said VanillaMan- only thing I would add to your critique of A Guy’s cheerleading is that (for the most part) the audience here is not heavily slanted to the Dem side (no matter how many times he or Az Bob say so). It’s just that quite a few of the people who were at least nominally supporting the Rauner candidacy last fall have now seen who he really is and how he plans on “runnin’” things, and are either being very quiet, or are outright upset with the first 57 days. Some are even pointing out where they disagree with how Rauner has been stuck in campaign mode instead of actually working together with the GA to get things started. He has burned through his political good will with the “citizens of this state” that are the most attuned to what is going on in Springfield (hint- those folks are the readers of this valuable website). It’s a matter of time before the nominally interested citizens figure out what he is up to. Puff pieces in the Wall Street Journal won’t be changing any of their minds once when we are deep into overtime, with a governor who doesn’t think he has to work with his co-equal branch of government.

  86. - jogger - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 2:01 pm:

    Yes, very well said VanillaMan!

  87. - A guy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 2:47 pm:

    ====It’s just that quite a few of the people who were at least nominally supporting the Rauner candidacy last fall have now seen who he really is and how he plans on “runnin’” things, and are either being very quiet, or are outright upset with the first 57 days.====

    Roadie, as a regular (pretty much daily) reader of this blog, I can tell you that your observation here is utterly wrong.

    If someone did a survey of comments or commenters here, you would see that Rauner has never enjoyed a tremendous, or even nominal amount of support here.

    I’m not complaining. Doesn’t matter to me, and it ‘really’ doesn’t seem to matter to him. It just is what it is.

    Frankly, he sees 52-48. For vs. Against. My guess is that he thinks both of those groups are equally passionate. That would mean the 52 are pulling hard for him and the 48 are calling him the lousiest governor ever. There’s not much you can do when people are that convinced you’re there to cause them discomfort.

    A lot of the good (and I mean “good”) folks here are part of the 48. That means, most days on the blog are going to be a lot like today. Lot of anti, a few pragmatists, and even fewer pro Rauner comments.

    If the small number who are willing to have the argument weren’t around to rebut or debate, you’d all just agree. Is that better?

    You gotta be up for it to visit here a lot of days. On balance, I’d still say it’s always worth it.

  88. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 2:51 pm:

    ==Everywhere I look inside state government, the unions have been running the process, dictating the terms, setting the work rules and setting the agenda inside government,” Mr. Rauner says. “The taxpayers, school children, businesses, homeowners, small business owners have been abused and left out of the process.” ==

    What is he? A modern day Joe McCarthy?

    The last I checked, millionaires and businesses dumped as much, if not more money on the campaigns last fall than organized Labor. Last I checked a couple of very wealthy men set up a $20 million campaign fund and threatened every member of the GA with it.

    Do the Unions go the Springfield to ask for and receive things? Yes. But so does every other interest group in they state, including rich businessmen who blackmail the GA with threats of closing businesses and moving jobs out of the state. Where those folks mentioned in the WSJ article?

    The man’s hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  89. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 2:56 pm:

    ==Everywhere I look inside state government, the unions have been running the process, dictating the terms, setting the work rules and setting the agenda inside government,” Mr. Rauner says. “The taxpayers, school children, businesses, homeowners, small business owners have been abused and left out of the process.” ==

    What is he? A modern day Joe McCarthy?

    The last I checked, millionaires and businesses dumped as much, if not more money on the campaigns last fall than organized Labor. Last I checked a couple of very wealthy men set up a $20 million campaign fund and threatened every member of the GA with it.

    Do the Unions go the Springfield to ask for and receive things? Yes. But so does every other interest group in they state, including rich businessmen who blackmail the GA with threats of closing businesses and moving jobs out of the state. Where those folks mentioned in the WSJ article?

    The man’s hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  90. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 2:56 pm:

    ===I’m not complaining.===

    Then why bring it up, except to complain that Rauner isn’t whatever you - A Guy - think he should be in others’ eyes here.

    ===Doesn’t matter to me,…===

    Then why even bring it up as a point.

    I’m just confused why how Rauner “polls” here have to do with the facts, issues, or politics sbd governing have to do with Rauner being a victim here on Rich’s Blog.

  91. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 3:00 pm:

    Apologies for the double post. Glitch on my computer.

  92. - Arsenal - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 3:04 pm:

    “I’m not complaining.”

    Of course you’re not, it allows you to dismiss any criticism of Rauner as “predictable” and elect to muse about what’s going on in his head rather than engage with the idea that what he’s doing may not be working.

  93. - Roadiepig - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 3:12 pm:

    A guy- Only thing I would say about your belief those posting comments being largely Dem-leaning is absolutely correct. For some reason, maybe those who lean that way are more likely to speak up?

    But from last fall’s election, it sure seamed that any poll (taken here by Rich) that involved Rauner was won towards his favor, many times by wide margins. Doesn’t that say that there are a large number of Right-leaning readers out there too? Maybe more from the Right-leaning side could come to the message boards here and abashedly stand up for their new Governor, so you and Az. Bob don’t have to feel like you are all alone. No snark intended. I think it’s always best to hear both sides, instead of only talking to others who are only like-minded souls.

  94. - Arsenal - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 3:51 pm:

    I must have completely missed the part where Rauner fans were told they’re not welcomed to post.

  95. - A guy - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 3:54 pm:

    Roadie, Az Bob occupies space well to the right of where I am. I don’t discount his views, there are plenty out there who would agree with him. I’ve heard them when canvassing. There are more who lean right, but not quite as far.

    People who come here have to be willing to spend some time and defend their positions. Sometimes that will induce a chorus of “quit being a victim”. Silly, but it happens.

    The sociology of it is that Rich is a hero to the folks here. Heck, I get it. I’m a fan of his too. I don’t always agree, but I love the debate he offers to pound or feather his view. It’s actually masterful some days.

    When he gets frustrated, he’s the one who coins the phrases “Bite Me”, Don’t feed trolls, Don’t be a victim, etc. Then, in their angst to be like him, they drop these phrases out of context or incorrectly. That makes them trite. Less effective.

    I do enjoy the give and take. As a precinct captain, I get a lot of input. I can tell pretty fast when the prevailing wisdom here is “just here” or if it’s reflective out there in the world. I don’t know if more GOPers will come around or not. There are probably plenty here.

  96. - Demoralized - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 3:54 pm:

    ==If the small number who are willing to have the argument weren’t around to rebut or debate,==

    I’m all for that. I start to ignore somebody, however, when they defend everything (and I don’t care who they are defending; this ain’t Rauner specific for me).

  97. - JS Mill - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 4:27 pm:

    @ A guy= then you would agree that to denigrate an entire group of people simply because of their chosen line of work is trite, silly, and not effective?

  98. - Emily Booth - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 4:41 pm:

    Snap back to reality Oh there goes gravity.

  99. - Hawkeye in Illinois - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 4:42 pm:

    The Illinois Executive Mansion Association is a tax exempt organization and contributions to it are fully deductible on federal income taxes which would seem to be appealing to someone in the Governor’s tax bracket

  100. - Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 4:58 pm:

    – The sociology is Rich is a folk hero here. Heck, I get it, I’m a fan of his too.. I don’t always agree, but.I love the debate he offers to pound or feather his view. It’s actually masterful some days.

    –When he gets frustrated, he’s the one who coins the phrases, “Bite Me, don’t feed the trolls, dont be a victim, etc.Then, in their angst, they drop these phrases out of context or incorrectly. That makes the trite. Less effective.–

    What are you talking about, with the “sociology?” What’s your point, about anything?

    Dude, your postings are those of a shallow, willfully ignorant hack.

    You’re a willfully ignorant hack. That’s what you do.

  101. - Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 5:02 pm:

    Guy, you know that AB is a gag, don’t you? Makes stuff up, half truths, the issue doesn’t matter, it’s all about yanking the chain so a lonely dude can get some attention?

    That’s the definition of a troll.

  102. - Wordslinger - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 5:20 pm:

    Hawkeye, Rauner stepped on it when he claimed in the WSJ that his money is no good to fix up the mansion.

    I imagine the SJR might have a follow up.


    It was just so much fun getting all that WSJ attention, I guess he lost his head on the truthiness of what he was saying.

  103. - 2nd Ward - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 7:38 pm:

    The mansion nonsense reminds me of when he said he was the “only Republican” at the Greek Independence Day Parade. The problem was, Mark Kirk was there too with a lot of his GOP friends. Rauner knows how to tell a tall tale.

  104. - Down Here - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 7:42 pm:

    Geez. Four more years of Rauner? It makes my head hurt.
    The only good thing about four more years of the Rauner admin is how this excellent blog and its commenters have–and most certainly will–continue to step up their games as they already have in the last month. (My vote for commenter of the day is VanillaMan. He clearly ate his healthy breakfast to start the day on a roll.)
    I was never a big fan, believe me, but Rauner is already making me miss Quinn. Yes, PQ was a supreme stumbler and bumbler, but it seemed that his heart was in the right place and his intentions–for the most part–seemed to be in the right place too. Rauner? He’s proving to be big time scary in just the last 30 days.

  105. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 7:44 pm:

    ==Mark Kirk was there too with a lot of his GOP friends==

    Whom the Gov. subsequently hired away. So, he must realize they are Republicans.

  106. - Jorge - Monday, Mar 9, 15 @ 8:06 pm:

    “People who come here have to be willing to spend some time and defend their positions. Sometimes that will induce a chorus of “quit being a victim”. Silly, but it happens.”

    That sounds like most of your posts guy. You claim to be a moderate but are blinded by your own demagoguery. At least you are willing to get your Carharrt dirty.

  107. - A guy - Tuesday, Mar 10, 15 @ 4:12 pm:

    ===You’re a willfully ignorant hack. That’s what you do.===

    You’re a smug, unhappy dude with alot of talent, a lot of time, and even more anger. Peace.

  108. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 8:58 pm:

    guv Ruiner is a one trick pony, Unions are Bad. really old really fast. but hey its a republican. what can be expected

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