Credit Unions: Member Driven, Built for Main Street
Tuesday, Mar 10, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Locally-owned credit unions return their earnings as a benefit to their members through services like free ATMs, better rates and lower fees. When credit unions exceed expectations, their members – including Illinois working-class families – share even more in those benefits. Illinois credit unions gave back to their members in a big way during 2014. From CEFCU in Peoria, which delivered a record dividend more than three times the one it issued the previous year; to Gas & Electric CU in Moline; NuMark CU in suburban Chicagoland; and Catholic & Community CU and Scott CU in downstate Metro East – in the aggregate, nearly $43 million in bonus dividends alone. This success is due in no small part to the continued loyalty of credit union member-owners – and can occur because credit unions are structured as not-for-profit, member-centric financial cooperatives. Overall, Illinois’ Main Street credit unions annually return $205 million in direct financial benefits to the savings accounts of almost three million members – your local constituents – not to the pockets of a select few Wall Street investors. No matter how much each credit union may return individually, there is one theme the movement agrees upon collectively: It’s all about members! That’s the credit union difference.