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Know your audience

Wednesday, Mar 11, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Erickson

In a speech Tuesday, Rauner used the backdrop of a convention of road builders to again call for a massive effort to upgrade highways and create construction jobs.

“We are going to put more money in our infrastructure in the next four years than ever been done in Illinois,” Rauner said, garnering applause from members of the Illinois Asphalt Pavement Association. […]

But, the only hint of a plan to pay for billions of dollars in highway upgrades came during a recitation of his pro-business platform.

Rauner, a former venture capitalist, suggested that the state could free up money for more road building projects if he and lawmakers can fix the state’s under-funded pension systems, lower prevailing wage costs and reduce participation in unions at a local level.

“It’s going to free up huge resources,” Rauner said.

As subscribers know, that’s not what he intended to say about capital funding.

* But here’s the thing about groups like the Asphalt Pavers. They may not love unions, but they’re smart enough to know that they need the active participation of the construction trade unions to pass capital bills. They also know that project labor agreements keep labor peace. And prevailing wage laws mean that their playing field is level with out of state contractors. They may grumble about it, rightly believing that lower employee wages would mean more money in their pockets, but there’s also a fairness issue here.

So, check out this raw audio of the governor’s speech. When Rauner praised “right to work” zones and trashed PLAs and prevailing wage laws and repeatedly asked the Pavers to help him pass his legislative agenda, not a single attendee applauded…

* I also found it kinda hilarious that the governor slammed the influence of “special interest groups” during his speech.

Um, OK.

The Pavers are a major Statehouse “special interest.” Nothing wrong with that, of course. Just sayin…


  1. - phocion - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:00 am:

    == They also know that project labor agreements keep labor peace (remember that big road union strike a couple years ago?).==

    Except the Tollway PLA didn’t work during that strike.

  2. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:01 am:

    ==lower prevailing wage costs and reduce participation in unions at a local level.==

    This quest to cut worker wages is getting old really fast. I still find it insulting when a guy who probably has a half a billion dollars tells other people that they make too much. Bite me Governor.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:03 am:

    ===The Pavers are a major Statehouse “special interest.” Nothing wrong with that, of course. Just sayin…===


    That’s an unforced error.

    If you don’t know how the game is being played, and who is playing, how do ya intend to shake and hammer anything.

    At some point it’s going to wear so thin, it won’t be silence, Rauner will finally hear boos.

  4. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:04 am:

    “It’s going to free up huge resources,”

    Huge I tells ya just massively gargantuan. Big, really just very big.

    How about a number there Governor? I am sick of this garbage as well.

  5. - Abe the Babe - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    The Guv has proved time and time again, through actions and rhetoric, that he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.

    It’s an annoying trait in a legislator. It’s straight up dangerous in a governor.

  6. - Illini97 - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    Did he have a brief out of body experience and forget who he was talking to? Pretty soon he’ll be speaking to empty chairs in conference centers across the state.

  7. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:08 am:

    “The Pavers are a major Statehouse “special interest.””

    Yeah, but they don’t see themselves that way. A “special interest” is the OTHER guy’s lobbyist.

    At any rate, the lack of enthusiastic support for the Governor’s plan is quite something. There’s just no one who he can count on to have his back on these things.

  8. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:08 am:

    Well, there’s IPI, I guess.

  9. - walker - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:10 am:

    ==The Pavers are a major statehouse “special interest.”==

    Which is why he chose to speak to their convention.

    Please will somebody help him edit out the talking point phrases that worked in the campaign, but not in these kinds of speeches as governor. He still looks lost in the outfield.

  10. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:13 am:

    How many times is he going to spend those phony pension savings?

    Can anyone in his crew tell him the campaign is over, he got the gig and it’s time to get to work?

  11. - AC - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:16 am:

    Governor Rauner really needs to work on self and situational awareness.

  12. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:17 am:

    The Gov is turning into that Uncle that corners you at the Christmas party, and just. wont. shut. up. about how things are ‘pretty tight this year’, after giving glowing reviews to his new car, boat, multiple trips to warm islands, kids private school (and tuition!), and wraps it up complaining that his house cleaner had the nerve to ask for an additional $5/week (that’s $260! A YEAR).

    Then looks surprised that you don’t share in his disdain for the working public.

    He’s blown way past ‘novelty’ and now is just nutty.

  13. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:19 am:

    In other ways, Rauner is a little like a Warden walking down convict row, and shocked that the inmates don’t actually want to help him pick out ‘a new rope’.

  14. - Stones - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:24 am:

    Rauner needs to quit campaignin’ and do a little more governin’

  15. - Norseman - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:27 am:

    News Flash: Governor to speak to Sunday School kids about the benefits of empowerment zones to rid them of the corrupt union bosses who are getting milk inspectors get paid too much. Without this corrupt practice, the Sunday School kids could have twice as much milk and cookies. Also, the pension savings would permit longer vacation bible schools.

  16. - the Patriot - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:28 am:

    Rhetoric matters. We are used to Governor’s doing nothing in Jan-April. Quinn was basically non existent as far as pushing an agenda statewide.

    Rauner is lathering up is supporters and the opposition. Let the guys behind you know what you have in mind that will help them. When the legislature does not go along, it gives you good reason they need to after legislators in 2016.

    He is also setting up his opposition for victory. If he wants 100 things and gets the 6 bills Rich mentioned yesterday, his opponents get to brag about 94 wins. It is ok to let the other guy win, but you need as much mileage as possible out of it. The victories give them cover for the 6 times he needs a few to go along.

    Regardless of what side you are on. You should appreciate that Madigan, for the first time since Edgar, has a formidable opponent. Madigan was playing chess while Quinn was playing checkers. Now we at least have a game.

  17. - econ prof - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:35 am:

    I think he comments were perfectly suited for this audience. There’s not a single contractor in the trades that enjoys working with the unions.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:36 am:

    ===When the legislature does not go along, it gives you good reason they need to after legislators in 2016.===

    That’s the fear of the ILGOP GA, not the Dems.

    ===Regardless of what side you are on. You should appreciate that Madigan, for the first time since Edgar, has a formidable opponent.===


    Rauner had done little to be seen as formitable yet.

    MJM is giving Rauner loads of rope, and options that include the disnantling of the GOP GA with votes that will lead to GOP legislative losses.

    If anything, Rauner is an “ally” in keeping the GOP GA in the Minority for a very long time.

    But, if this makes you sleep well..,

  19. - econ prof - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:37 am:

    ==The Pavers are a major Statehouse “special interest.”==

    They may be, but no one thinks of themselves as a “special interest group”…it’s always someone else.

  20. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:39 am:

    It’s feeling like Rauner is this state’s alien overlord or something.

  21. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:41 am:

    ===I think he comments were perfectly suited for this audience.===

    If they were, he would’ve been interrupted multiple times by standing ovations.

    Instead… crickets.

  22. - Old Shepherd - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:42 am:

    ==There’s not a single contractor in the trades that enjoys working with the unions.==

    I don’t agree with this blanket statement. There are a lot of contractors who have developed a good working relationship with trade unions, and have thrived as a result.

  23. - Huh? - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:44 am:

    “Madigan was playing chess while Quinn was playing checkers.”

    Should be revised to read “Madigan is playing chess while Rauner is playing Chinese checkers.”

    Different games on different boards. At least Quinn was playing a game on a similar board.

  24. - Aldyth - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:47 am:

    Blago was better at bluffing his way through being governor than Rauner. There were periods of time when he acted the part of competent very well. It was completely fake, but he did it. Rauner can’t even fake it.

  25. - Jorge - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:47 am:

    The Raunerbots aren’t doing so well today.

  26. - SAP - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:48 am:

    I don’t think the Governor realizes that the term “special interest” includes groups that support him. (Or used to support him.)

  27. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:52 am:

    “You should appreciate that Madigan, for the first time since Edgar, has a formidable opponent.”

    It’s by no means clear that he does, yet. So far, the only real thing that Rauner has “done” to Madigan is create the space for a pretty absolute reset between Dems and labor. I’m sure the Dems appreciate it.

  28. - D.P.Gumby - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:54 am:

    At what point will Brucie become as irrelevant as Quinn became?

  29. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:54 am:

    It is like we elected Michael Scott from The Office as governor. Who else could convince himself that he was the only sane person in a room and give a presentation as cringe-worthy?

  30. - williams - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:55 am:

    Mr. Rauner, you have done well defining hypocrisy. I guess threatening legislators while dangling 20 million over their head. How about you buying all of the votes. So I guess it is okay for you to use money to get favorable decisions, but its not okay for working people. The people of Illinois better wake up, before it is too late.

  31. - MrJM - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:55 am:

    For some reason, I felt compelled to share this:

    – MrJM

  32. - Politix - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:57 am:

    Hello?! Why’s he talking so fast? That was less a speech, more a laundry list of personal issues laid out at warp speed.

  33. - chi - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 11:58 am:

    =There’s not a single contractor in the trades that enjoys working with the unions.=

    This is so wrong it’s a joke.

  34. - MrJM - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 12:00 pm:

    “At what point will Brucie become as irrelevant as Quinn became?”

    It was right around Valentines Day.

    – MrJM

  35. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 12:03 pm:

    ===I think he comments were perfectly suited for this audience===

    If you want to hear a more receptive audience, check out this raw audio from today’s speech to the Prairie Farmer Awards Ceremony

    Unlike the Pavers, they actually laughed at some of his jokes.

  36. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 12:06 pm:

    ==Why’s he talking so fast? That was less a speech, more a laundry list of personal issues laid out at warp speed.==

    When you’re before an unappreciative audience it’s best to fast-forward through the speech.

  37. - pundent - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 12:16 pm:

    ===At what point will Brucie become as irrelevant as Quinn became?===

    I think this needs to be the next Capitol Fax poll question.

  38. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 12:26 pm:

    ===At what point will Brucie become as irrelevant as Quinn became?===

    For various reasons, mainly the GOP legislative leaders backing Rauner, that will never happen.

  39. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 12:42 pm:

    “Can anyone in his crew tell him the campaign is over, he got the gig and it’s time to get to work?”

    I’m afraid the campaign won’t stop, because of Rauner’s stances on unions and fair share fees. This is Rauner’s crusade, and I fear that this won’t stop until someone is utterly defeated. I want to hold out hope that some compromise can be reached, but based on what I’ve seen and heard, I’m doubtful.

    In our times of extreme income inequality, all this downward pressure on wages is unwarranted and bad policy. What we should realize is that if we as a country continue doing this, we can reach an economic tipping point from which recovery may call for more radical solutions. We were there already, before unions, and we should be wary not to return there.

  40. - anon - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 12:44 pm:

    === the governor slammed the influence of “special interest groups” during his speech. ===

    In Raunerspeak, special interests are bad only when they represent labor.

  41. - tominchicago - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 1:19 pm:

    - Arsenal -
    “At any rate, the lack of enthusiastic support for the Governor’s plan is quite something. There’s just no one who he can count on to have his back on these things.”

    There’s always Ken Griffin.

  42. - Emily Booth - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 1:24 pm:

    Rauner’s campaigning for a national platform. That’s who he’s really speaking to. He’s riding that Scott Walker wave.

  43. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 1:41 pm:

    MrJM: That sounds like the correlary to “If you know you’re crazy, you’re not too far gone.”

  44. - vole - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 2:19 pm:

    The asphalt pavers have one of the best rackets in the state. Special interest indeed.

  45. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 3:09 pm:

    - There’s not a single contractor in the trades that enjoys working with the unions. -

    What would you know about contractors, teach? Do much construction?

    Plenty of contractors proudly advertise being union shops, and many prefer union workers because they’re well trained and more dependable.

    But by all means, keep expounding on that which you know nothing about.

  46. - pundent - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    Rich - I’m not hearing a lot of GOP legislative leaders backing Rauner. I’m hearing a lot of crickets. While I don’t expect that they’ll publicly break with Rauner, it remains to be seen how many we’ll get behind his proposals. A lot of these folks have been in the game a long time and they can read the tea leaves better than Rauner seems to be able to. I also suspect that they don’t subscribe to Rauner’s scorched earth approach and would like to hang on to those seats. I guess a lot of it depends on how that $20M is doled out.

  47. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    pundent- it’s also worth pointing out that most Republican legislators haven’t had to take a stand on anything for 12 years. They may be rusty at it.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 3:21 pm:

    - pundent -,

    What can the ILGOP GA day?

    Rauner owns the Caucuses, at the “freight” of $20 million.

    I think Ron Sandack’s lemming ways is as telling as the silence is with the others.

    Fear is going through the ranks. Some more fearful than others.

  49. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 3:52 pm:

    EB, Rauner seems to be playing to a national audience, but what’s the point, besides the ego stroke? He can’t be so delusional as to think he’s Veep material, can he?

    If someone’s in the market for a Midwestern GOP governor, there are a number who’ve actually governed for a while, and don’t have the private equity and big-time Dem financial contributor baggage.

  50. - Mitch59 - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 5:10 pm:

    I still can’t believe this guy got elected!

  51. - anonin' - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 5:28 pm:

    Someone should buzz up the hospitals and airports in Peoria…they hired some out-of-state, scab firms a few years back. The repairs, performed b a local firm using union workers, costs nearly as much as initial contracts.

  52. - cimry90 - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 6:14 pm:

    Not sure if any heard that in the asphalt pavers speech he talked about billions for infrastructure but to the farmers he said tens of billions.

  53. - L/M ONE - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 7:31 pm:


  54. - NewWestSuburbanGOP'er - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 9:00 pm:

    When will Illinois voters finally wake up and admit they made a mistake last November?

  55. - NewWestSuburbanGOP'er - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 9:01 pm:

    Governor Rauner, just who are these union bosses you keep talking about? Please name some GD names already? Or are you just full of baloney?

  56. - Finally Out (and now very glad to be) - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 9:15 pm:

    Not all voters made a mistake, slightly over 50% of them did.

  57. - Norseman - Wednesday, Mar 11, 15 @ 9:41 pm:

    NewWestSuburbanGOP’er, one was my son’s high school teacher. She didn’t look like a demon to me.

  58. - sparks - Thursday, Mar 12, 15 @ 7:59 am:

    Go to Texas now,and stay there.

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