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Schock’s real estate dealings with contributors examined

Friday, Mar 13, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The AP looks at a different angle on Congressman Aaron Schock

Schock’s business career began early. In high school, he bought 107 acres of farmland near Peoria - property he sold to the local sewage district two years later for more than $100,000 in profit. As a college student, he bought three rental properties across the street from Bradley University, selling them to the school a few years later for a profit of more than $120,000. […]

In 2007, Peoria businessman Samuel Hoerr obtained permits to build a home on a Schock-owned vacant lot in the luxury golf course development called Augusta Estates. Schock and Hoerr - himself a financial contributor - have been both listed as owners in varying local real estate records. Sam Hoerr did not respond to a telephone message left at his business. Members of the Hoerr family - a prominent Peoria family with interests in real estate and construction - have donated nearly $80,000 to Schock’s campaign and supporting political committees since 2007. Schock’s sister and campaign manager, Tania Hoerr, married into the family. […]

His financial records show that Schock also earns between $50,000 and $100,000 each year in rental income from a Peoria apartment complex, once owned by an advocacy group that supports many conservative causes like opposing gay marriage. The National Christian Foundation received the stake in the apartments as a donation from a Schock contributor, then sold the investment to Schock and Hoerr family investments in 2007, according to tax filings reviewed by the AP. The foundation declined to comment on its role in the transaction.

Schock emerged from the deal with a 16 percent stake in the apartments, his share valued at $684,000 based on the purchase price. Financial disclosures show he borrowed more than $500,000 to pay for the apartment investments. Schock then switched that loan to Backlund’s bank as well.

Go read the whole thing.


  1. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 8:42 am:

    Everybody does it, says Schock.

    Let’s get Rodney Davis’s take.

  2. - Politix - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 8:48 am:

    It’s like he was born knowing how to game the system. Impressive.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 8:51 am:

    Let’s take a game reset, shall we?

    The whispers - personal

    The office - Congressional entitlement

    NYC Travel - “Staff Gone Wild”, everybody on the gravy train

    Bears travel - “Perk”, tried to be dismissed as software?

    India Trip - Hubris with a paid camera lens in tow.

    Real Estate - Shady business with a roof over his head?

    This is…

    Rich Miller, yesterday;

    ======One of the most professional, deliberate, well-researched, well-timed and “clean” take-downs I’ve ever seen.===

    What base NOW isn’t covered?

    Lawyer up, everyone. It’s getting worse.

  4. - Illini97 - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:02 am:

    Agreed, OW. Not only are they dropping the info, whoever is behind this knows the rules well enough to point out things like the rules stating travel can be compensated for staff, but the photographer was not technically on staff for the days traveled. This is a very well researched hit.

    Not sure what he did to cross whoever is doing this, but they feel it was pretty awful, that’s apparent.

  5. - Aldyth - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:08 am:

    Is the hole big enough and deep enough to hold a coffin, yet?

  6. - Wordslinger - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:08 am:

    They, whoever “they” are, didn’t leave anything in the bag.

    The apartment stake is curious. A little too neat with the “donation” from a Schock contributor to the foundation, then the foundation’s sale to Schock.

    Did the foundation shop it? Were there other bidders? Or just Schock?

  7. - Wondering Woman - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:09 am:

    It’s like he’s being politically drawn and quartered. Who did he tick off?

  8. - OneMan - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:10 am:

    Anyone think they had this ready in case he ran for governor and someone decided now was the time?

  9. - Illini97 - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:12 am:

    He bought and sold 107 acres in high school? I was more concerned with acne than realty in high school.

  10. - Captain Renault - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:16 am:

    “I am Schocked — Schocked!— to find what is going on here!”

  11. - bwana63 - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:17 am:


    Wonder what tomorrow (or Monday) will bring.

  12. - Wordslinger - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:19 am:

    OneMan, that’s occurred to me. This thing sure has been ready to go, with a new story every day.

    “Someone” spent a lot of money going after Schock last year. We know it wasn’t Rauner, because he said so.

    Schock’s peeps went negative on Rauner if the primary.

  13. - Served - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:19 am:

    I think I may have connected enough dots on this, and have a fairly tidy theory as to who’s behind it. This is a thorough, merciless dismantling of Schock’s career and image.

  14. - Walter Mitty - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:25 am:

    OW… Spot on as always… This is personal and intimate. This is not a partisan take down… This is someone who was in the inner circle. They know where the needle is in all of the haystacks.. Anyone on that staff that does not consider an attorney now, deserves their fate. When he goes down for.. At this point you can pick your possible indictment. Staff can either help with the case or be in it….

  15. - Lakefront Liberal - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:27 am:

    Yes to the above but please let’s not forget … Schock actually did all of these things.

  16. - cdog - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:29 am:

    Mr. Schock, please elaborate at your convenience…

    How did an 18 yr old qualify for a $300,000 loan, 15 years ago? (107 acres x approx $3000 acres in those years) Kind of weird, I look forward to your lesson on this. I know some 18 years olds that would like to do a flip like this and need some pointers. (I am sure there is an acceptable explanation such as an inheritance, or a really solid paper route. What bank was that by the way?)

    What do you think about the lack of taxes paid by the apartment complex donor, because he was able to deduct this as a charitable contribution?

    What do you think about the lack of taxes paid by the National Christian Foundation when they sold the apartment complex to you/business partners because not-for-profit foundations can reap these kind of windfalls tax-free?

    Do you find it ironic that you spend taxpayer dollars without any common sense, yet rely on my tax dollars to live such a Gatsby lifestyle?

    And finally, did the buyer of the house in Augusta Estates ever move in to the house in 2012? (That was a scary spec. 2008 was not the best year to be speculating on spec houses. I am sure your capitol gains were lessened by your carrying costs. I am sure you would have paid the capital gains, or the k-1 pass through, and not have rolled the gain like it was your personal residence, because you are a rule follower.)

    (btw, melatonin does help you sleep better)

    I look forward to your responses.

  17. - Walter Mitty - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    Sun… I really don’t think all the money in the world could get you this information. Whoever was behind this, had to have a very willing participant that WAS in the know.. Furthermore, as a sitting Governor with real problems, there just is not any upside… In 4 years, he won’t need to worry about challengers the way he has started…

  18. - MrJM - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:32 am:

    “Anyone think they had this ready in case he ran for governor and someone decided now was the time?”


    – MrJM

  19. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:32 am:

    ===Whoever was behind this, had to have a very willing participant that WAS in the know===

    I doubt it. Modern opposition research is pretty darned good.

  20. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:34 am:

    The DCCC can barely execute a lunch order. This is way beyond their capabilities. Keep an eye on this real estate stuff. That’s the kind of thing that gets the attention of the guys down the street.

  21. - Arsenal - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:36 am:

    Schock is a phenom. First elected office at 19, elected to Congress at 26, and now this? I mean, it took Rostenkowski decades to get this good at wheeling-dealing!

  22. - Walter Mitty - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:37 am: know better than any of us…I do think this is way too good to be done by just research.. But as you say.. I guess if that is the case, when the office information came out, it forced the timetable up with all of this to come out now… That would make the weird timing way before another election to start the take down…He opened the door of the office and takedown… See what I did there? Opened the door…office… Happy Friday folks!

  23. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:37 am:

    ===The DCCC can barely execute a lunch order===

    Agreed. But they’re most definitely getting some funding out of this mega-project

  24. - MrJM - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:38 am:


    The personnel overlap between the Kirk and Rauner campaign teams is tough to miss. And many of the same folks who didn’t want Schock running for Governor don’t want him running for Senate either.

    It would be tin-foil hat dot connecting, except 1) someone is doing it, and 2) the Dems just aren’t this smooth.

    – MrJM

  25. - Joe Bidenopolous - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:40 am:

    Rich is right. There didn’t have to be an inner circle participant in this, and I doubt there was as well.

    “Anyone think they had this ready in case he ran for governor and someone decided now was the time?”

    Some of the information that’s been dripped resulted from trips and actions long past when Schock said he wasn’t running for Gov. There was definitely a book for that, and that book may have found its way to the folks coordinating these dumps, but I don’t think the people who compiled the book on him back then are the people doing this now.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:46 am:

    The manner this is rolled out, overlapping and actually five tailing, and with the cites of where rules are allegedly broken, and how…

    This isn’t a disgruntled employee/ally airing dirty laundry. This is textbook. Texbook enough, that this is chapter and verse IN the texbook. And clean. And crisp. And…there isn’t ambiguity.

    When pros haven’t seen things this clean…

  27. - Interested Observer - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:47 am:

    I’m interested in hearing about those stock trades that made him so much money while he was still in high school.

  28. - Ambrose Chase - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:48 am:

    Maybe whoever is behind it is whomever “convinced” him not to run for governor.

  29. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:52 am:

    The DCCC is certainly involved, as you’ve reported, and i am certain they are enjoying every minute of this as much as I am. But i think someone outside the DCCC is providing the resources for the attack and spending it via Dem operatives who are all to happy to help.

    The DCCC and its affiliated consultants are being paid, I suspect, by someone who really wants to take down Schock. There is no real hope for a Democrat to win this seat. Even of there was, you’d hold this info until after Schock was renominated. Therefore, there is no return on investment for the DCCC which leads me to believe this is being financed by someone out to get Schock, not someone trying to win the seat.

  30. - GraduatedCollegeStudent - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:54 am:

    ===We know it wasn’t Rauner, because he said so.===

    At this point in time, would you honestly take Rauner at his word on something like this?

  31. - Politix - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 9:59 am:

    == Furthermore, as a sitting Governor with real problems, there just is not any upside… ==

    I don’t think Rauner needs a reason. It’s blood sport. He’s the King. No one will outshine him.

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:05 am:

    ===which leads me to believe this is being financed by someone out to get Schock, not someone trying to win the seat. ===

    On that we both agree.

    The only question is who.

    Rauner? Seriously doubtful. Schock is no longer even a tiny bit of a threat to him, nor to Mark Kirk.

    DCCC? No way. See above. But they are getting money out of this program.

    DSCC? Highly doubtful. See DCCC. But they are involved to a point. Durbin people are connected to this.

    Someone personally scorned? Maybe, but that person has to be seriously wealthy to fund all this research.

    Personal/political payback by a politically sophisticated wealthy person/group who/which happened to hire the right people? Most likely.

  33. - I B Strapped - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:07 am:

    Aldyth=’Is the hole big enough and deep enough to hold a coffin, yet?’

    They’re workin’ on it!

  34. - Team Sleep - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:07 am:

    GCS - I think that Word was being sarcastic.

    One Man’s take is definitely plausible - and dare I say the most likely scenario. I think this is all related to an internal GOP power struggle, which is real given the fact that Congressman Schock is a power player and a threat to both Senator Kirk and Governor Rauner. Rauner wants to put his stamp on everything and is willing to go to the mat for his allies. I would bet that the Rauner team held on to whatever info they had and are leaking it like a gap in a basement wall leaks rainwater. There is a buildup and the dam is about to break.

  35. - A guy - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:09 am:

    The question at this point for me is:

    “Who hates you, I mean HATES you, this much?

  36. - Soccermom - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:23 am:

    A guy —

    Or whom have you really, really done damage to?

  37. - IrishPirate - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    At this point Schock is Dean Wormer sitting on the podium at the end of “Animal House” and the Deathmobile just pulled up:

    “I really hate those guys”.

    “Ramming speed”

  38. - A guy - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:32 am:

    Yep Mom. That hate is deep and it’s coming from a very wounded place.

  39. - Long time listener - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:33 am:

    With the introduction of The National Christian Foundation, religion is now part of the story. When sexual escapades drop, Schock will have pretty much covered it all. Of course his being single should counter this, but I’m not sure. Film at 11?

  40. - OneMan - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    TS –

    I am thinking it isn’t Rauner, I really think it is was either something Rauner had ready and someone just took (someone who spent a lot of time getting it together who wanted to see it in the wild) or some dem who did it in anticipation of a gov run who hates to see it go to waste.

  41. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:38 am:

    OneMan, I’m pretty sure you’re looking in the wrong place for the wrong reasons.

  42. - Demoralized - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:39 am:

    ==In high school, he bought 107 acres of farmland near Peoria==

    I was still begging my parents out of gas and food money in high school.


    This is like a mystery novel. You keep turning the pages faster and faster trying to find out who’s the bad guy. Hope the story doesn’t end like the Gerlado safe cracking episode. Like everyone else, I want to know the “who.”

  43. - Wordslinger - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:43 am:

    Getting a loan for a in 2008 was quite an achievement, no doubt. Viewing such a venture as an investment at that time was counter-intuitive, to say the least.

  44. - Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:44 am:

    What I find fascinating in all this is someone who was smart enough to game the system, gaining a) wealth and b) power at a very young age, but who seems simultaneously dumb enough to allegedly break several rules and think such a high-profile person could get away with it.

  45. - Pelonski - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    $20 million combined with the ability to dredge up a wealth of negative information about them could be very persuasive to the right politicians. While this doesn’t scream Rauner, I can see the advantages if it is his people behind it. Nothing drives the point home like a real world example.

  46. - Casual Observer - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    Has Schock’s mom told him lately that she loves him? Did someone check it out?

  47. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    So many possible oppo dump sources to choose from given the clashes schock has had with fellow republicans: 1. manzullos tea party supporters 2. team rauner and the rga 3. Roskams whip supporters. This is a game of clue.

    The inside takedown angle is interesting after schock had a former cos be a political mercenary to take on rauner. I suppose he could have flipped but I am more intrigued by the idea of someone exacting revenge on schock for his cos doing that.

    One political operative who is very plugged in to DC right wing politics and would have reason to have a ton of schock oppo research is Nick ayers who was a rauner campaign consultant and has experience with gop on gop takedowns in past races like last year’s gop Georgia gubernatorial primary.

  48. - Politix - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    == This is textbook. Texbook enough, that this is chapter and verse IN the texbook. ==

    Whoever is behind this must’ve actually written the textbook.

  49. - Joe Bidenopolous - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    Rich has been dropping all the right breadcrumbs, all you have to do is follow them.

    ===Someone personally scorned? Maybe, but that person has to be seriously wealthy to fund all this research. ===

    ===Personal/political payback by a politically sophisticated wealthy person/group who/which happened to hire the right people? Most likely.===

    ===The only question is who.===

  50. - walker - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 11:11 am:

    Who tipped off Schock or his family that a government entity might be interested in buying this land? How did he know the potential value that the farmer could not? Sad to say but this interplay of insider knowledge, land sales, and resulting profits and political careers, is a major phenomenon across the state. It dwarfs the money involved in grant and contract corruption we always complain about.

    Probably all legal but still despicable. Or maybe Schock is just psychic.

  51. - a drop in - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 11:18 am:

    Is any of this stuff not in the public domain? If it’s public info, a dedicated researcher and a real sophisticated computer program could dig through the data.

  52. - B Rauner, I mean annonymous - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 11:22 am:

    Is this the same guy? Lost in the Tetons?
    2012- Sam Hoerr, age 31, of Dunlap, Ill. mistakenly entered Granite Canyon in the backcountry of Grand Teton National Park. Hoerr sent a text message to his companions at 2:30 p.m. explaining that he intended to follow a creek out of the canyon.

  53. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 11:27 am:

    ===Is any of this stuff not in the public domain?===

    So far, all the info has been accessible to anyone with the capability and the will.

  54. - Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 11:30 am:

    ==Sad to say but this interplay of insider knowledge, land sales, and resulting profits and political careers, is a major phenomenon across the state.==

    Like the time Lincoln bought land at Council Bluffs, Iowa, then when he became president, suggested that the Transcontinental Railroad start at Council Bluffs, Iowa.

  55. - FIRED! up - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    I think the fact that his personal life has yet to be discussed, is a huge sign. That’s going to be the icing on the 10 layer cake in this fiasco.

  56. - JS Mill - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 11:46 am:

    Based on his popularity, here in his district, and the willingness locally to make excuses I think his seat is still very safe. Unless, that is, he is indicted for something and found guilty. THAT would be an issue.

    Otherwise, it seems like this was more of a move to thwart any bigger,national or senatorial, intentions he may have had at one time.

    If he stays out of jail he will continue to be a congressman, albeit with a lower profile.

  57. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 11:57 am:

    Lots of research being done in Peoria land records and newspapers and someone is paying for it. Is the someone an individual or is this an organization footing the bill?

    Does not bode well for Aaron in this district. Heard rumblings at a fundraiser last night for my state rep who is also a Republican. Those who like Aaron are Schocked and those who did not like him are saying “I told you there was something about him!”

  58. - paddyrolingstone - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 11:59 am:

    This reminds me of a great Bob Hoskins movie from 1980 called “The Long Good Friday.” Hoskins plays a powerful London crime lord and bad things begin to happen to him and he has no idea who is behind it or what will come next. It is a great movie. Check it out.

  59. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 12:04 pm:

    Is Cong. Schock aware of Adlai Stevenson’s comment?

    “A funny thing happened to me on the way to the White House.”

    However, with his arrogance his name probably shouldn’t be included with the former classy man from Illinois.

  60. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 12:05 pm:

    Or maybe “firedup” schock’s personal life isn’t coming up because the reporters on this story don’t think it’s theirs or anyone’s business and the people after schock know that attacks on his personal life are likely to backfire and discredit their valid ethics hits on him.

  61. - 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 12:07 pm:

    I second “The Long Good Friday” as required viewing. Early Helen Mirren and Pierce Brosnan as a bonus.

  62. - Charles Wilkins - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 12:10 pm:

    The AP references Woodsage apartments, this is a project also owned by Peoria City Councilman Chuck Weaver and several others that are prominent in Peoria.
    Very thorough research is being done, detailed and accurate

  63. - Aschockedobserver - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 12:15 pm:

    Paddy, ur bob hoskins movie may play well in this situation but i think a more apt title would be Who Framed Roger Rabbit

  64. - FIRED! up - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 12:36 pm:


    These sorts of attacks usually get personal. This is a methodical, deliberate dump with the intention of making the Congressman look terrible. It’s 2015, if they have anything unsavory on him, they’ll use it (remember Jack Ryan?). As a public person, pretty much everything is subject to scrutiny. I’m not saying it’s right…just making the point.

  65. - Responsa - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 12:45 pm:

    I definitely want the truth to be known if there was illegal or sketchy activity related to Aaron’s finances and/or use of tax dollars, etc. I want any and all malfeasance in that regard handled fairly and in a lawful way. But we also should consider what would happen if every other person in congress of both parties–especially the long serving ones– were to be put under the same magnifying glass with the same amount of research and capital expense behind it that is attacking Aaron.
    The microscope he’s under is making people take notice of the sickness and venom and ugliness of the methods and process behind the takedown. Aaron may be arrogant, vain, and many other things. His political career may be over. But he is not the devil incarnate as he is being painted. His mystery accusers whispering to the press–the oppo dumpers who are too cowardly to step forward– disgust me.

  66. - Wordslinger - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 12:57 pm:

    Fired Up, there have been plenty of none-too-subtle personal references, but the money trail is hot now.

  67. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    ===plenty of none-too-subtle personal references===

    Including in today’s story.

  68. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 1:01 pm:

    ==Personal/political payback==

    And then, of course, one asks ==Payback for what?== Who has such dislike for the congressman? Plenty of speculating to come over the weekend.

  69. - Sir Reel - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 1:04 pm:

    Come on folks. You have to admit, he’s a multifaceted guy. Most of us couldn’t do a fraction of this.

  70. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 1:08 pm:

    ==I think the fact that his personal life has yet to be discussed, is a huge sign. That’s going to be the icing on the 10 layer cake in this fiasco==

    They seem too savvy to do that. They will continue hinting at that, but they will not blatantly say anything. The blowback would take this from one of the most sophisticated hits we have seen and turn it into one of the most disgusting. Schock would become a sympathetic figure again.

    Remember, Jack Ryan’s stuff was all public record. As long as they stay within those lines, they are fine. Cross that line, and this explodes in their face.

  71. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 1:13 pm:

    Better to make real estate deals with the in-laws than with Tony Rezko. It’s only a matter of time until he runs for President now. /s

  72. - Billy Dennis - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 1:52 pm:

    You people are fully. Half of the stuff that was reported in today’s AP story was previously reported — on my blog, Peoria Pundit.

    Opposition research from Rauner? It is to laugh.

    I’ll tell you why the media is reporting oon this stuff now. Beqcause they woke up. Schock’s has beena douchbag since age 14. All it took was ONE Washington Post reporter writing about his Downtown Abby office and suddenly everyne w

  73. - Billy Dennis - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 1:53 pm:

    … was digging through his financials.

  74. - Billy Dennis - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 1:53 pm:

    ‘You people are funny.”

  75. - Annon3 - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    The Narional Christian Foundation gosh …As my grandmother used to say “He has no shame…” And there lies some of his downfall.

  76. - GraduatedCollegeStudent - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 2:10 pm:

    Schock’s one declared (so far) primary opponent has stated that he is going to make his personal love of Jesus a big part of his campaign.

    I suspect innuendo would be taken care of by that joker.

  77. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 3:08 pm:

    ==Half of the stuff that was reported in today’s AP story was previously reported==

    by many. Including here, by Rich.

  78. - A guy - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 3:41 pm:

    Billy, does that blog have ads for where to buy a bag to carry around a douch? And is Downton Abbey downtown or on the outskirts of town? That blog must be somethin’.

  79. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 4:14 pm:

    The dog whistles frame quite a bit…but the money aspect is so clean, much is muted.

  80. - Billy Dennis - Friday, Mar 13, 15 @ 4:17 pm:

    My comment was accidentally posted before I could proof it. Sorry.

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