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Schock’s former fundraiser piles on

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Oy

Rep. Aaron Schock’s longtime fundraiser sent an email to the Illinois Republican’s donors, saying she feels “sad, angry, cheated” and filled with “total disgust, disbelief and disappointment” at the congressman’s alleged misspending of taxpayer and campaign dollars.

Lisa Wagner is an Illinois-based GOP fundraiser who worked for Schock for the past four years, helping to catapult him to the top tier of the Republican money world.

Wagner’s email offers a window into the sudden fallout and acute anger in Schock’s world from the scandal that brought down the fourth-term congressman, who announced his resignation last week effective March 31. Schock is now under investigation by the Justice Department. Schock aides have been called to testify before a federal grand jury next month in Springfield, Illinois.

“You personally and generously supported Aaron in the past and were very kind to him,” Wagner wrote in an email, obtained by POLITICO. “He deceived us all.” […]

“I believe he should be held accountable for his choices…. whatever the consequences [may] be…I have no sympathy for the him right now,” she wrote.

Go read the whole thing. To some folks I’ve talked with, her letter almost seemed like a note to the G that she was completely innocent. Others, however, saw it as a perhaps unintentional likely dangerous beacon for the feds. And to others, it appeared to be a way of shoring up her place in Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign.

I talked with Wagner on Monday. She called me about my own subscriber commentary on Schock and said writing her letter was “therapeutic” for her. She was genuinely saddened by this turn of events and seemed to be quite concerned about him. But she long ago went out of her way to alienate candidate Bruce Rauner when Schock was considering a gubernatorial bid, so she is most definitely out of favor these days.

By the way, she also told Politico that she’d since spoken with Schock and “started to separate the sin from the sinner.”

* Meanwhile, from a Jil Tracy press release…

“There have been reports that I am running for Congress in the 18th District, that I am not running, or that I am seeking a different office. All of that is flattering and I appreciate all of the encouragement and pledges of support. My career spans private business, legal practice, and public service, and I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to serve. I loved my time in the legislature and I miss working on solutions to serious problems and finding ways to make living in this country better for people who want to raise a family, build a career, and enjoy the freedom and opportunities that have made our country, and our state, great.

“To clarify, I am exploring the possibility of running but I believe that making any formal announcement is premature. I will continue my discussions and exploring the practicality of running until Governor Rauner announces the timetable for the special election. At that time I will take a final look at the electoral numbers, cost, and logistical realities of running and will then make a public announcement about what I intend to do.

Whether I decide to run, or to support another candidate and look for a different way to serve, I will continue doing my best to make sure that our region continues to be a place where we fight government overreach and wasteful spending, embrace fiscal responsibility, support the family, promote education, agribusiness, and commerce, and are unwavering in defense of our constitutional rights.”

* And from Ed Brady…

“I am looking at this race very seriously and will not make a final decision on becoming a candidate until Governor Rauner announces the timeline for the special primary and general elections. It appears I could be the only viable candidate in the race who is outside the political system.

“Washington needs someone with common-sense business experience, with conservative values and with practical experience working with issues that impact our district. We need pro-business legislation and less government regulation to help create jobs, stabilize employment and improve our economy in Illinois and the 18th District.

“I believe I could bring that perspective to Congress. I am continuing to assess the race and reach out throughout the district. Once Governor Rauner issues the election schedule, my wife, family and I, along with advice from my political allies, will decide whether running is the right thing for me to do at this time.

“It has been reassuring, when making calls throughout the district, that the voters have an open mind to someone new. I look forward to listening to their challenges and working toward solutions as we work for a better district, state and country.”

Rep. Dan Brady told me much the same thing yesterday.

The governor can’t formally set the election dates until Schock officially leaves office at the end of the month. Stay tuned.

* And in other news

Kent Gray didn’t join the formal press conference at Saturday’s dinner, but said he’s also considering Schock’s seat. Gray said that as a Lincoln Land trustee, he represents seven on the 19 counties in the 18th Congressional District. He also remarked that 22 years ago he worked for Bob Michel, a former Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

“I think if you talk to all the Republicans who end getting in this race, we’re gong to be very similar on our positions on pretty much everything,” Gray said. “My issues basically are government waste, cutting taxes and trying to get a hand on spending.”
Gray also said he’s focused on agriculture and free trade issues.


  1. - anonin' - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:08 am:

    Cuz$Congress lookin’ better all the time. 33% undecided. Chance of endorsin’ Cruz (another U person)should get a chunk of the Us.
    BTW memo to staffer: blastin’ off in public not a good move for long term career prospects unless you are yearnin’ to be a Capt Fax intern.

  2. - Belle - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:08 am:

    Ms Wagner doth protest too much?
    She seems to be wiggling away as fast as she can from Schock. I can imagine maintaining employment and staying away from prison are her primary goals no matter what her involvement might or might not be.

  3. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:08 am:

    The letter’s motivation seems to me to be in total self-interest. Therapeutic, my #$#%@!

    Summarized, it’s “Hey, I had no idea, and I’m outraged just like you. So, you can continue to give me your money in my future endeavors and trust in my judgement, er, from here on out, anyway…

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:15 am:

    To Schock,

    From Politico;

    ===(Wagner, quoted) “Worked my tail off and played by the rules for him,” she wrote. “I guess that is why I was kept out of the loop — until he [needs] something - a fundraiser for [Illinois Gov. Bruce] Rauner, a fundraiser for him, 15M for the [National Republican Congressional Committee].”===


    “I do great work, FBI, but my work is above board, ams not part of a *cough* RICO *cough* conspiracy. I’m as stunned as anyone!”

    The other shoe? Again, from Politico;

    ===Wagner added, “The last time I saw Aaron was February 8, 2015. I have tried to text, email and call, but with zero response. Right now, I feel like someone we thought we knew really well died.”

    “I believe he should be held accountable for his choices…. whatever the consequences [may] be…I have no sympathy for the him right now,” she wrote.===


    “Aaron, I can’t believe it was you. You broke my heart.”

    Schock went full “bunker mode”. If Schock’s Dad was confused as to what is going on, Staff and Crew are probably all shut out.

    Wagner covered the bases; hurt, upset, angry, accept, and…”it wasn’t me, FBI”

    The article was an insight into the gray, and I found out it was just dark, pitch black, and people are looking for bus seats too(?)

  5. - A guy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:23 am:

    OW, I’m sure it was all of those things. It also strikes me that more important than anything is the money in front of her, not the money behind her.

    She wants a firewall between her efforts for Schock and for Jeb Bush. Politicians get very edgy and quick on the trigger finger at the hint of any trouble. The Jeb Bush gig is probably a great one financially. Those are the eggs she’s sitting on in my opinion.

  6. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:36 am:

    “Schocked, Schocked, to find hinky spending going on here.”

    I read it as she’s trying to save her career as a fundraiser. If she’s sideways with Rauner, on top of her Schock relationship…. good luck with that.

  7. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:40 am:

    Kent Gray? I would think his persistent losing would cool his jets on running for anything, but once in the blood I guess. At this point, what do you have to lose. Go for it Ambition Man!

  8. - Roamin' Numeral - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:45 am:

    ==we’re gong to be very similar on our positions on pretty much everything,” Gray said. “My issues basically are government waste, cutting taxes and trying to get a hand on spending.”==

    I see the Head Proofreader took the day off.

  9. - Shore - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:48 am:

    I don’t know why LaHood is getting a free pass. His father pushed out peter fitzgerald and has been a star of the Obama administration constantly slamming Republicans and used as a validator of their attacks on the party. Where is the conservative movement?

    That email was awful, of course she knew what was going on with Schock and his apparatus and his spending and probably other things. We’re not talking about a major bureaucracy here spanning time zones. I’m also slightly disturbed at how my party and its members now always have to say “they are praying for people”. Someone has a health issue, ok, but this guy and this situation? No.

    My party seems to have learned very little from its George Ryan wilderness journey. New cast, same old play.

  10. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:50 am:

    ==To some folks I’ve talked with, her letter almost seemed like a note to the G==

    Those people need to get some air or eat a Snickers.

    Trust is a fundraiser’s currency. She felt misled like many others and said so to some of her larger ==customers==.

  11. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:51 am:

    ===I don’t know why LaHood is getting a free pass. His father===

    What about his father?

    C’mon. Do you control your dad? I sure as heck don’t. I try sometimes, but usually fail.

    Darin LaHood is way to the right of his dad. Way.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:53 am:

    ===She wants a firewall between her efforts for Schock and for Jeb Bush. Politicians get very edgy and quick on the trigger finger at the hint of any trouble. The Jeb Bush gig is probably a great one financially. Those are the eggs she’s sitting on in my opinion.===

    My thoughts?

    “She wants a firewall between her efforts for Schock and the FBI and US Attorney. Possible witnesses get very edgy and quick on the trigger finger at the hint of any trouble from investigators. Staying out of the investigators’ crosshairs is probably a great idea about now. Those are the eggs she’s sitting on in my opinion.”

    Can’t have a job if you’re “under investigation” too, even if you did nothing. That should be the concern. Today.

  13. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:55 am:

    ==“Schocked, Schocked, to find hinky spending going on here.”==

    Though I find this a recurring thought. No one noticed what was going on with Schock? Not from the magazine covers or the pictures he was posting on Instagram? And then no one said something to him or gave him some ==adult== advice?

    That is hard to believe, even if most of this stuff turns out to be legal some how.

  14. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 9:57 am:

    ==I try sometimes, but usually fail.==

    Welcome to the club, lol. Mom, too.

  15. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:03 am:

    Just as John Boehner jumped off the sinking Schock ship, now all the other rats are departing as well. As long as Schock was a successful fundraiser, his antics were overlooked by everyone. Now that the FBI is involved, the Golden Boy has become a leper.

    Every “man” for himself!

  16. - A guy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:04 am:

    ==I try sometimes, but usually fail.==

    Been a long time since I could try, but I sure did. Always failed. What I’d give to be able to try now…

  17. - A guy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:06 am:

    OW, she may get an interview in this process, but his foibles focused on spending more than raising, specifically the raising she was doing. She’s an experienced pro with a Blue Chip resume of clients. I’m betting she’s worried more about the Blue Chips than the Red Office. JMO

  18. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:14 am:

    Kent Gray has won five elections…LaHood only one, and it was uncontested. Everybody in politics is ambitious.

  19. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:19 am:

    What’s the sin of LaHood being in Obama’s cabinet, anyway? Is that some dictate from some juvenile radio or cable yakker?

    All presidents have members of the other party in their cabinet. Why wouldn’t LaHood serve? Is Obama “the enemy?”

  20. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    ===…but his foibles focused on spending more than raising, specifically the raising she was doing.===

    No one knows what the G is looking for. Wagner distanced herself, so she is, rightfully so, worried.

    You never know how things play out. We don’t even know if she is, expects to be, or won’t, be subpoenaed.

    ===I’m betting she’s worried more about the Blue Chips than the Red Office.===

    Those who don’t worry about “the guys down the street” are the ones naive to how they operate.

    You find yourself anywhere near a federal, criminal, investigation, in any way, that’s your worry.

  21. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    This is a CYA statement.

  22. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    @A guy - Sorry to hear that. Sometimes it helps to draw on some great memories and smile, if only for a moment.

  23. - walker - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    Or just maybe she’s a good human being, surprised and saddened, who is apologizing to donors.

    Just because you’re associated with politics, and money, doesn’t mean either one is your overriding personal driver.

  24. - A guy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:35 am:

    FKA, Thanks. Do it everyday. Can’t help it. Feel a bit guilty since this loss is hardly recent. But the memories, yep, they’re constant! Peace brother.

  25. - A guy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    True Walk. And there really is something to saying “I’m Sorry” before inevitably going to the same well in the future too.

  26. - Kane Conservative - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:41 am:

    Not that she needs my help, but I have known Lisa Wagner for going on 20 years, since she transitioned into full time fundraiser from teacher. I do not pretend we are great friends (in fact our professional disagreements are many), but I do know her well enough to realize her reaction is pretty genuine. Say what you will, but situations like this usually do not involve a large number of people, but destroy a lot of reputations. I would be everything I had she had no knowledge of wrong doing, but this will unfairly hurt her well earned reputation.

  27. - Kane Conservative - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:42 am:

    *I would bet everything

  28. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 10:42 am:

    Just like Karen in Goodfellas, don’t give us the babe in the woods routine.

  29. - That's the way the dollar rolls - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 11:04 am:

    Lisa Wagner should have known what the Congressman was up to. If she’d been working with him for four years, she’d built a good relationship with him and his handlers. I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. She’s covering her behind and trying to save a reputation that was making a slow, downhill spiral. She had to know how he was spending his money. Shame on her for staying with a man that showed no ethics, morals or values.

  30. - ??? - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 11:13 am:

    From the article:

    ==In her earlier email to donors, Wagner wrote that she worked for Schock for four years, “got paid a modest monthly retainer, but received no bonus, no trips, no gifts, no sporting events or rock concerts, not even a Schock t-shirt.”

    “Worked my tail off and played by the rules for him,” she wrote. “I guess that is why I was kept out of the loop — until he [needs] something - a fundraiser for [Illinois Gov. Bruce] Rauner, a fundraiser for him, 15M for the [National Republican Congressional Committee].”==

    I’m certainly no apologist for Aaron Schock, and I understand Ms. Wagner feeling this way, but to put all of that in an email to donors comes off as super whiny, defensive, and unprofessional. Sounds like something you’d confide when speaking to your closest friends, not people you’ve just worked with professionally.

  31. - Ben Around - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 11:17 am:

    Gray has rarely seen an elected position that he did not want to run for. But being a community college trustee just does not convey the gravitas that is needed here. Tracy… well, at least she’s one family member who hasn’t changed political parties to fit the opportunities… and I’m sure she’s quite bored there in Mt. Sterling, counting the family fortune. Frankly, La Hood’s the guy with the name recognition and if his father throws behind this and can assemble some of the old campaign staff — there’s the new congresscritter.

  32. - DuPage - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 11:19 am:

    Did anyone figure out exactly who dropped the dime on him, and why?

  33. - Vivian Bagley - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 11:32 am:

    @Anonymous: Kent Gray has won five elections…LaHood only one, and that was uncontested.

    That was before Kent burnt his bridges with the Sangamon County GOP. Nobody cares that he’s on the sleepy LLCC board no pay, no patronage), so he can keep that. He found out just how popular he was when he ran against Judge Madonia. Swamped.

  34. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 11:47 am:

    ==Did anyone figure out exactly who dropped the dime on him, and why?==

    The reporters receiving these nuggets and story ==suggestions== know the sources who were calling and emailing them. Schock should know, and some others probably have a good idea by now. It will show up eventually, if not in the media then on personal blogs. Being the first to ==scoop== a nationwide story like this is irresistible.

  35. - GraduatedCollegeStudent - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 11:50 am:

    ===His father pushed out peter fitzgerald===

    Wouldn’t Conservatives see this as a reason to LIKE LaHood?

  36. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 12:56 pm:

    ===Schock’s longtime fundraiser sent an email to the Illinois Republican’s donors, saying she feels “sad, angry, cheated” and filled with “total disgust, disbelief and disappointment” at the congressman’s alleged misspending of taxpayer and campaign dollars.===

    Thank you for that statement Ms. Wagner. Now, please tell the grand jury how long you were a fundraiser for Mr. Schock? Can you tell us a little bit about what a fundraiser does, the day to day work? Did you arrange meetings for Mr. Schock? What about travel arrangements? Did Mr. Schock personally arrange to travel on the private planes of his friends, or were you sometimes involved with making his travel arrangements? Did he ever share with you his preferences for hotels or restaurants? Did you ever coordinate his fundraising schedule with his official schedule?

    Etc. etc.

    I’d advise Ms. Wagner to retain counsel and to expect a subpeona. Whoever said she painted a giant target on her back was spot-on. Her testimony is going to be relevant.

  37. - Down the Middle - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 12:56 pm:

    Anyone who knows Lisa Wagner understands how truly distraught she was when she learned about Schock’s spending habits. She is arguably this state’s most successful GOP fundraiser with an impressive resume and track record. Anyone who thinks she was being whiney is really missing the big picture.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 1:00 pm:

    ===Anyone who thinks she was being whiney is really missing the big picture.===

    The big picture is the man who hired her is involved in an ongoing, federal, criminal investigation revolving around monies, all types of monies, minies we might not even kbiw about, but the Feds do. And they’ll ask, maybe ever her, all about it.

    That’s the big picture.

  39. - Just Me - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 1:03 pm:

    I can give most staff a pass for the work of their boss, but not a COS, Press Secretary, or in this case a fundraiser. C’mon, you had to know what was going on at this level of abuse, and if you did and you stayed, then you’re just as politically if not also legally guilty.

  40. - Annon3 - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 1:05 pm:

    47th is spot on and her donors cannot be happy.

  41. - A guy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 1:16 pm:

    That being said, I do think she’ll get a personal visit and an invitation with the mandatory RSVP.

    Feds cast a wide net.

  42. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 1:32 pm:

    Ms Wagner is now “separating the sin from the sinner”……whew, she must live in a lofty, lofty place to bestow such redemption. Whoa, wait, she’s a political fundraiser. Yikes.

  43. - Matt Darmian - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 1:32 pm:

    I think Kent Gray would be an outstanding choice. He brings a lot of Federal, as well as local, political experience. He’s as well qualified as any other candidate for Congress you can find.

    If Jil Tracy gets in, I think it’s her race to lose, even with all the LaHood hype…

  44. - Matt Darmian - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 1:34 pm:

    Oh, and the Lisa Wagner thing is just strange. After what she did to Darlene Senger and now this, who would hire her?!

  45. - dixiechick - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 1:51 pm:

    She executed the ultimate selfie!
    Self- serving- self-agrandizing, self-protecetive

  46. - Truthteller - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 2:11 pm:

    Lisa Wagner knew what Sckock was all about. You can’t be that involved with his fundraising and be in the dark. Steve Shearer, Schocks former chief of staff also needs to be looked into by the FBI.

  47. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    Word - the rhetoric from the right about Congressman/Secretary Ray LaHood is pretty…colorful. I have heard him called a turncoat, and plenty of TEA Party types who came out of the woodwork in 2010 to help out candidates like Bobby Schilling and Adam Kinziger were downright awful when speaking about him. They did view him as going to work for “the enemy” and more than person who I knew and volunteered for other Republican candidates acted as though he had made a deal with Satan. Some people just cannot rationalize or compartmentalize anything.

  48. - A guy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 4:02 pm:

    ===who would hire her?!====

    Jeb Bush.

  49. - Kent Gray - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 4:56 pm:

    Matt - Thanks for the kind words!

    To the other posts - as someone that has worked on both Illinois House and Senate GOP staffs…I don’t think the Lincoln Land board is quite as “sleepy” as the super-minority caucus of those two bodies…;)

  50. - Responsa - Wednesday, Mar 25, 15 @ 6:30 pm:

    Wow. That letter of Lisa’s is really weird. Just like pretty much everything else associated with this horrible mess.

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