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Today’s quotables

Thursday, Mar 26, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From soon to be ex-Congressman Aaron Schock’s final speech on the House floor

I was never more excited than the day I walked into this chamber six years ago. I leave here with sadness and humility.

For those whom I’ve let down, I will work tirelessly to make it up to you. I know that God has a plan for my life. The Good Book tells us that before I formed you in the womb I knew you. I also know that every person faces adversity in life.

Abraham Lincoln held this seat in Congress for one term. But few faced as many defeats in his personal business and public life as he did. His continual perseverance in the face of these trials, never giving up, is something all of us Americans should be inspired by, especially when going through a valley in life.

I believe that through life’s struggles, we learn from our mistakes and we learn more about ourselves. And I know that this is not the end of a story, but rather the beginning of a new chapter.

Thank you for the honor to serve. I look forward to keeping in touch with my friends in this chamber and my friends across the 18th District.

May God continue to bless this awesome institution and the important role that it plays for America and the rest of the world. With that, I yield back the balance of my time.

* And speaking of Schock, we talked earlier this week about longtime Schock fundraiser Lisa Wagner’s odd letter to contributors. Here’s the full text…

You have been on my heart and mind this week. While we don’t know each other well, out of the respect for you and all you have done in the past, I wanted to personally reach out to you regarding Aaron Schock.

You personally and generously supported Aaron in the past and were very kind to him. He deceived us all.

I suspect you are feeling like me: sad, angry, cheated….a wide range of feelings, mostly they are filled with total disgust, disbelief and disappointment.

The last time I saw Aaron was February 8, 2015. I have tried to text, email and call, but with zero response.

Right now, I feel like someone we thought we knew really well died.

As a fundraiser and a professional, it is so important when someone is solicited for funds that the entity or organization they give to must be a good steward of the resources donated. The reports about Aaron seemingly lack of respect for the taxpayers’ dollars and the donors’ investment in his campaign are most disturbing and disappointing.

I believe he should be held accountable for his choices….whatever the consequences be…I have no sympathy for the him right now.

I am, however, thanking God and my guardian angels. I worked for Aaron for 4 years, got paid a modest monthly retainer, but received no bonus, no trips, no gifts, no sporting events or rock concerts, not even a Schock t-shirt. Worked my tail off and played by the rules for him. I guess that is why I was kept out of the loop –until he need something - a fundraiser for Rauner, a fundraiser for him, 15M for the NRCC.

As a mom, I am teaching my kids to act with integrity, follow the rules and do their jobs to the best of their ability. So many people here in Illinois and across the country truly believed in Aaron and in his ability to legislate, to be a voice, to lead, to get things done and help people. What has happened is so very sad and disappointing for everyone, but especially for Aaron.

There have been many articles focusing on his actions. This article is the only one I found that focuses on the why….and the pattern of behavior that demonstrated Aaron’s great success, but also great self-destruction.

For your reference, I have requested any money anyone donated to him in 2015 be returned. The response I received from the person managing his compliance now is that they legally have to return the 2016 general contributions, but not the primary money. My request is that all of it should be returned.

In addition, I went thru and re-read Aaron’s resignation statement and some of his clips. Nowhere in there did I see any kind of mea culpa or acknowledgement of wrongdoing.

So…for what it is worth….I am truly sorry for the pain Aaron’s situation is causing you, me, his friends, supporters, staff, donors, the voters, those who believed in him - everyone. This whole situation hurts everyone.

In closing, thank you for all you do.

With Heartfelt Appreciation for you,



  1. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 12:45 pm:

    ===You have been on my heart and mind this week. While we don’t know each other well, out of the respect for you and all you have done in the past, I wanted to personally reach out to you regarding Aaron Schock.===

    “…She types in a form letter blasted email…”


  2. - Anon - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 12:48 pm:

    I find it highly offensive when degenerate lawbreakers incorporate highly respected American historical figures in their final speeches as public officials. Schock is as like Abraham Lincoln and Blago was like Ghandi. I’ve just about had it with the ego of these disconnected elected officials.

  3. - flea - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 12:48 pm:

    Any mention of Abe and him in the same sentence is an insult to Honest Abe.

  4. - Aschockedobserver - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 12:49 pm:

    Wow quoting the bible and honest abe in his farewell speech for things he brought all upon himself. Some nerve congressman. Stay classy.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 12:50 pm:

    ===I am, however, thanking God and my guardian angels. I worked for Aaron for 4 years, got paid a modest monthly retainer, but received no bonus, no trips, no gifts, no sporting events or rock concerts, not even a Schock t-shirt. Worked my tail off and played by the rules for him. I guess that is why I was kept out of the loop –until he need something - a fundraiser for Rauner, a fundraiser for him, 15M for the NRCC.===

    I kept going back to this paragraph, even for the earlier Post;

    Why would you, in an email, have this paragraph hanging out with a possibility that the Feds may see it as a challenge to them, where they may have let you off the hook, “Let’s call her in now, just to check out her story…”

    The rules are clear here; clam up, lawyer up, fess up, and leave nothing to chance. And if need be, “immune” up.

    Puzzling paragraph.

  6. - Shore - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    g-d and prayer have nothing to do with this.

    good riddance.

  7. - Shore - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 12:58 pm:

    That rambling, way too long email from his fundraiser-where were her friends to help her calm down and write something more professional? reads more like a CMA sos type thing and I’m not sure where she’s at fault to begin with here from what I read.

    Kudos to Sweet-one of the rare nice things I have to say about her, the Washington Post-which first outed his behavior, and Politico which nailed the mileage story. Up to the US attorney down there now to make sure he pays.

    Blagoesque invoking lincoln and g-d.

  8. - Gooner - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:00 pm:

    He went out just like he went in — clueless and self indulgent. The guy never had any idea as to how he was perceived by many of us.

  9. - Illini97 - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    Ms. Wagner, please utilize spell check or an proof reader in the future. It would lend professionalism to your communications.

    But then, as O-W points out, spelling is the least of concerns with that email blast.

  10. - Annon3 - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:03 pm:

    I like the irony that JJJ was released to a halfway house in the day he made his final speech.

  11. - laughs out loud - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:05 pm:

    Lisa Wagnerjust ended her career as a political fundraiser. Rear end covering or Fed head fake, whatever her motivation, this was a bonehead move. Her statements about what she didn’t get from Schock are going to buy her a Fed subpoeana and a very uncomfortable trip to the grand jury. Really not a smart move at all.

  12. - Illini97 - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:05 pm:

    And yes, Schock comparing his own failings to the defeats faced by Abraham Lincoln is a bit much.

    Though I guess there was that improperly reported carriage mileage incident.

  13. - Pepe Silvio - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:08 pm:

    I’ve never been a supporter of Schock. Part of me took satisfaction in his downfall as I have many friends and family that have voted for him over the years. A big part of me wanted to rub it in their faces when he resigned. I find the comparison to Lincoln comical, just like any politician who draws that comparison regardless of party. With all that being said, the man has an exceptional work eithic and is very bright. He will need to work on his ethics and legal compliance. This is the land of second chances and he deserves that second chance, despite what his party believes on that topic. I hope he lands on his feet and remembers his vow to overcome his recent poor decisions on a daily basis.

  14. - ??? - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:08 pm:

    The tone of that weird email sounds more like a jilted girlfriend crying to her friends about her ex-boyfriend than a professional fundraiser reaching out to donors:

    “The last time I saw Aaron was February 8, 2015. I have tried to text, email and call, but with zero response.”

    Then she goes on about all she did for him, never got anything in return, etc.

    Just kind of odd.

  15. - first time - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:09 pm:

    Schock nothing like Lincoln? Who do you think paid for the posh balcony seat for Lincoln and his crew at the theater?

  16. - ??? - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:10 pm:

    Oh, and I agree with those who are rolling their eyes over Schock’s invoking Abraham Lincoln and talking about adversity, as if he had nothing to do with his own downfall. Unbelievable.

  17. - not right - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:18 pm:

    Aaron Schock as Senator Bensten would say you’re no Lincoln.
    Schock using Lincoln was like Nixon using TR.
    Abe and TR were great men and leaders.
    Schock and Nixon are………….

  18. - Stones - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:21 pm:

    It’s amazing how contrition is shown only when one is looking down into the abyss.

    I only feel sorry for the majority, those who choose a life of public service only to have their reputations soiled by the actions of people like Aaron Schock. He earned the scrutiny that he is receiving now, the probable prosecution and jail term that he is looking at. Good riddance Mr. Schock.

  19. - old-pol - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:30 pm:

    Governor McDonald is more like Lincoln. Both of their wives had expensive taxpayer and donor funded habits, and neither husband shut it down.

  20. - MikeMacD - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:32 pm:

    The world will little note nor long remember what he said.

  21. - A guy - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:40 pm:

    I guess for the first time we’re seeing a guy who never acted his age…act his age.

    Maybe no speech at all would have been better. Can’t think of what he could say that wouldn’t attract criticism he had coming. It’s a shame in so many ways.

  22. - Peoria Poll Watcher - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:41 pm:

    I liked how he made sure to point out that HE served 3 terms (6 years), while Abe Lincoln served just one.

  23. - anonemoose' - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:41 pm:

    could the Cuz4Congress site be a reality?
    A Ray of sunshine in this gloomy time..get it Ray

  24. - Wensicia - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:47 pm:

    I can’t figure out who’s the bigger drama queen here, Schock or Wagner.

  25. - Michael Westen - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:49 pm:

    Wasn’t Wagner Rutherford’s fund-raiser also? She must go for the high-character ones, just like the Chicago Bears.

  26. - Streator Curmudgeon - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 1:55 pm:

    First, there’s a big difference between humility and humiliation. Second, if you didn’t know the circumstances, you’d swear Schock was resigning because he’d gotten sick or for some unselfish reason. Finally, while God may still have a plan for Schock’s life, if he’d paid more attention to “the Good Book” in the first place, he wouldn’t have had to make that speech.

  27. - One of the 35 - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 2:07 pm:

    When you get caught sinning, it is a good idea to immediately repent. Just don’t repent before you get caught!

  28. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 2:19 pm:

    Well, we’ve got God, the Good Book, Lincoln, Guardian Angels, Mom….

    You’d think with all that guidance, things would have turned out differently.

    Still, no Reagan, Old Glory or Apple Pie? Make an effort, if you’re going the Sammy Maudlin Show route.

    God indeed may have a plan for Schock.

    But, if I were him, I’d concern myself with the U.S. attorney’s plan for the grand jury.

  29. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 2:29 pm:

    ===First, there’s a big difference between humility and humiliation.===

    LOL. Best line of the day so far.

  30. - Aldyth - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 2:49 pm:

    Wordslinger, once again you have slung the words perfectly.

  31. - JS Mill - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 2:51 pm:

    Good and Bye.

    Hubris has it’s own ending, they will both find out.

  32. - Jogger - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 2:57 pm:

    ==Wordslinger, once again you have slung the words perfectly.==


  33. - Belle - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 3:17 pm:

    Sorry that he turned his ‘excitement’ into such a negative mess.
    Talk about blowing a huge opportunity by using his ego and hiring the wrong people. Did he think he could reply on his appearance?

  34. - Stooges - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 3:20 pm:

    I like MikeMacD’s line, also perfect. Smarmy Schock has brought the best out of you all today.

  35. - Juvenal - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 3:23 pm:

    Blame God and compare yourself to Lincoln?

    I don’t think the word “humble” means what Schock thinks it means.

  36. - Mr. Moto - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 3:29 pm:

    Politics was never about who has the most friends. It’s about who has the least enemies. Godspeed, Rep. Schock.

  37. - haverford - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 3:30 pm:

    It’s all God’s plan! God’s plan just sometimes includes time in a federal penitentiary.

  38. - Concerned - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 4:16 pm:

    MikeMacD, touche on the use of Abe’s words to diss Schock!

  39. - Gone, but not forgotten - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 4:24 pm:

    In his closing line he calls Congress an “awesome institution”—sounds like the child that he is, imho, since I just hate the use of the word, awesome!

  40. - Tibicen - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 4:30 pm:

    I used to work for the state. I received training in 2000 at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia. One of the rules of thumb we were taught was that, when someone is accused of wrongdoing there are two types of responses. The first type of response is the direct denial of wrongdoing (which may be a lie) which frequently means that they didn’t do it. The other type of response is everything else (be it an admission of guilt, a statement about how they won’t dignify the accusation with a response, a refusal to comment, etc) that signals that they did it. When I read Ms. Wagner’s letter, I got the impression that someone had at least asked her if she knew anything about Rep. School’s wrongdoing. Her letter reads like a direct denial in which she wants to be very clear and complete about how she did nothing wrong and had no reason to know about what went on.

  41. - vole - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 4:57 pm:

    Congress was a much greater institution when Bob Michel represented the 18th. Schock is a symbol of just how far it has fallen. So much for God’s plan. Just exclusive.

  42. - Excessively Rabid - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 5:36 pm:

    ==And I know that this is not the end of a story, but rather the beginning of a new chapter.==

    That’s what I was afraid of.

  43. - Just Me - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 6:18 pm:

    While Schock comparing himself to Lincoln is a stretch, it is noteworthy that he compared himself to Congressman Lincoln, and Schock holds the same seat that Lincoln had when he was Congressman, so it isn’t THAT bad.

  44. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 6:28 pm:

    To Lisa the fundraiser: You bet on the wrong horse. Sorry. Good luck in your next career.

    To Schock the politician: Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  45. - Truthteller - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 7:20 pm:

    It is definitively time for Lisa Wagner to get out of political fundraising. She is now toxic and likely going to serve some prison time with Schock. Another person who will likely be investigated and prosecuted is Schocks former chief of staff, Steve Shearer.

  46. - Bemused - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 7:20 pm:

    Never was a Schock Fan. Now it appears he was just another politician who thought he was too slick to be found out.
    What is really going to be interesting is finding out who taught him all the neat stuff he is in hot water over now. I don’t see him as dreaming up some of this on his own.

  47. - Ann - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 8:27 pm:

    Great comments here, but my +1 goes to ??? for the jilted girlfriend comparison.

  48. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Mar 26, 15 @ 9:35 pm:

    My thought on the speech and the letter are best summed up by two of rock-and-roll’s greatest.

    David St. Hubbins: It’s such a fine line between stupid, and uh…
    Nigel Tufnel: Clever.
    David St. Hubbins: Yeah, and clever.

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