Finally, some coverage
Wednesday, Apr 1, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Tribune…
Amid a standing-room-only crowd, Oswego village trustees Tuesday night took no vote on first-term Gov. Bruce Rauner’s “Turnaround Agenda” resolution.
Rauner’s office has asked cities and villages across the state to support his initiatives aimed to “get the house in order” by changing how Illinois does business. One of the changes Rauner wants involves letting local communities enact “right-to-work” zones, which would allow voters to decide whether or not employees should be forced to join a union as a condition of employment.
Organized labor unions packed Oswego Village Hall Tuesday night, with many union members urging the Village Board to reject the resolution. […]
Village President Brian LeClercq said the governor’s resolution was placed on the agenda for information purposes and there was no intention to bring it to a vote.
LeClercq suggested village trustees review Rauner’s agenda for the sheer reason of how much has been packed into the proposal.
* ABC 7…
Earlier this month, Attorney General Lisa Madigan said the governor’s proposal violated federal and state law. She said right-to-work laws could only be enacted state-wide, not in individual counties or cities. The issue is likely to be settled by the courts.
“This is not a local issue. So, one, why do we have it?” said Pam Parr, an Oswego village trustee.
Oswego Village President Brian LeClercq said he was asked by the governor’s office to put the issue before the board and the community.
“I think we need an adequate amount of time to digest information and then see if there’s anything we do agree on that we can take back to the governor,” LeClercq said.
* According to “Only Oswego,” it doesn’t look like this has a great post-election future…
While the board did not discuss right-to-work zones after its public comment, Village President candidates Tony Giles and Gail Johnson did address the matter after the meeting.
“I believe this is a state issue, and I believe in the Attorney General’s ruling. We need to address this as a state,” Johnson said. “I don’t think Oswego should be a test case for this. I think we’ve gone down the road before of trying to go around state statute with a resolution, and we lost. We spent too much money. I don’t want Oswego known as a place for test cases to fight state law.”
Giles also said a right-to-work zone isn’t appropriate for Oswego.
“I’m a proud member of the Illinois Education Association and the Oswego Education Association,” Giles said. “I don’t see anything in what I’ve been presented so far that a right-to-work area for Oswego would be a good idea. The legalities also have to be worked out. … But I think if it’s something the Village Board wants to discuss, it’s something we should discuss just like any other issue.”
- x ace - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:00 pm:
Sounds like current Village Pres. was used as a “Shill” by Rauner
- AC - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:06 pm:
If not Oswego, then which fine community will step forward to do their part for uncle Bruce?
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:06 pm:
Oswego? Hmmm, wonder if a certain commenter here had a hand in that one.
- Anonin' - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:07 pm:
Soundin’ like the Oswegians were failin’ to do the Turnaround TwoStep. We are sure BVR will understand….
BTW anyone askin’ BVR and the spox about the ban on travel to or thru IN? z
- How Ironic - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:08 pm:
But, But, But….what about the ‘grassroots’ push? I thought local gov was clamoring to pass this.
Sure hope Rauner doesn’t find out…Oswego might have a problem…
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:10 pm:
The “Only Oswego” snippet is really dead-on as to where all this is, and the local politics at play here.
It’s now out there, so,…
… the thought I have had is that this is no different than lame-duck legislation, not knowing after the election if it has the “support”
- A guy - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:15 pm:
Hey Willy, the battle appears to be….coming to you in Oswego. It ain’t the statehouse in Madison, but I guess in will do. Hope the local restaurants and shops benefit from the traffic.
- Ryan Kauffman - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:16 pm:
As a candidate for Oswego Trustee, I can say if I get elected on April 7th I would strongly be against this.
-Ryan Kauffman
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:21 pm:
Great! If - Anonin’ - gets enough masks, or we all go “Mr. Orange”…
There are great bars in downtown Oswego too..,
- jerry 101 - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:34 pm:
The losses keep piling up for the governor.
Couldn’t happen to a better guy.
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:45 pm:
I saw the video clip of the meeting this morning and was proud of the union support.
I hope that Gov. Rauner starts backing off of his union attacks and instead takes a more conciliatory and moderate approach. I would urge him to give negotiations a chance. I understand that politics can get real nasty, but I hope there’s a path toward moderation.
- Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 12:52 pm:
Willy, looks like the south end of the valley got it right.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 1:22 pm:
It appears so, - Norseman -.
Round 1 of … as many rounds till the Governor “learns”(?)
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 1:35 pm:
- Chicago Cynic -,
Real world “OW” may have opinion or thoughts or even connections of what is at play…
“Oswego Willy” will try to keep the very detailed and specific aspects out of the lenses here.
How’s that? lol
- Juvenal - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 1:47 pm:
- Buzzie - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 2:05 pm:
Was the issue identified as an “action item” on the posted agenda?
- Sir Reel - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 3:40 pm:
Rauner’s Quixotic quest for right to work is sad
There’s so much that the State could do to make Illinois attractive to business.
- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 4:05 pm:
Bill Foster was even there last night.
- Sonny - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 4:18 pm:
Meanwhile in the village of East Dundee …
- BlameBruceRauner - Wednesday, Apr 1, 15 @ 5:12 pm:
The empowerment movement will go nowhere, and I believe its just Bruce beating his chest leading up to the AFSME negotiations. He wants less job titles in the union, period.
- Anon - Thursday, Apr 2, 15 @ 8:47 am:
Sounds like a great event. I hope he keeps trying in other cities and gets the same results.