Flynn stumbles out of the gate
Thursday, Apr 9, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* If Mike Flynn is really running to succeed Aaron Schock, he should do two things right away: 1) Put that mandatory FEC disclaimer on his website; and 2) Add a “contribute” button. Sheesh…
Conservative activist Mike Flynn has joined the race for Congress in the 18th Congressional District of Illinois.
For more than two decades, Mike has been a national leader in moving the conservative agenda forward. In 2009, as Editor in Chief of Andrew Breitbart’s BigGovernment website, Mike published the ACORN videos, ushering in the demise of this government funded liberal advocacy group.
But Mike hasn’t reserved his attacks to liberals. Just last year, he took on the Republican leadership for passing the omnibus spending bill that funded the government until September of this year, including full funding for Obamacare and Executive Amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Mike will lead the charge for change in DC. He’ll vote against John Boehner for Speaker of the House. He’ll sponsor and work for term limits. He’ll lead the fight against executive overreach. Mike will take on big special interests, both labor and business, that set the agenda in DC through political contributions and back room deals.
Mike believes that deal making shouldn’t decide who is our next Congressman from the 18th District. Mike doesn’t believe that we should hand our voice in Washington to someone whose principal accomplishment is having a father who worked for Barack Obama and was instrumental in passing the stimulus bill.
I suppose in some minds the attack on Sen. LaHood’s dad is fair game. But anybody who has ever talked with Darin LaHood for more than 30 seconds knows that Darin’s politics and Ray’s politics are light-years apart. What Darin does have is his dad’s last name, and that’ll play well.
Still, it’s gonna be a very low-turnout race. And the far Right tends to dominate those sorts of primary races.
Flynn has no name ID, hasn’t lived in the district in 20 years, hasn’t yet raised any money, but he’s a hardcore conservative with bigtime tea party connections and some campaign chops, so let’s see what he can do.
Then again, this could very well turn out to be a vanity campaign.
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:23 pm:
Voting against the sitting Speaker is the dumbest thing to do. I know that people on the right think it’s chic, but voting for the Speaker does two things. First - it keeps the MOC relevant and ensures the Speaker won’t “forget to remember” you. Mike Bost got some flack for it, but he’s gonna need Speaker Boehner’s help in 2016 and he’s smart enough to realize that. Second - and perhaps more important - it shows a unified front. It shows strength and solidarity. Sure, there will always been an MOC like Ron Paul or Justin Amash or Louie Gohmert who seem to often be contrarian for no real reason, but as a whole a caucus needs to stick together.
- Norseman - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:26 pm:
- Cable Line Beer Gardener - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:27 pm:
Gee I thought being a Representative in DC was supposed to be a representative for the constituents in their district. It appears Mike is only going to DC to represent his interests. Joe Walsh wanna be?
- Adam Smith - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:28 pm:
This district, since, well, forever, has been mainstream Republican all the way. Guys like Flynn have a visceral hatred for the likes of Bob Michel, but this district is much more aligned with that type of thinking than the greade-throwing far-right.
And aside from an ill-conceived vote against John Boehner, where, exactly will Flynn differentiate with Darrin? Abortion? Guns? Immigration?
Expect wild character attacks from Flynn. It is his only hope and it is the way he operates. His attack on Ray may be popular in the halls of the Heritage Foundation and on Fox, but they won’t slow Darrin down.
Total vanity project.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:33 pm:
===This district, since, well, forever, has been mainstream Republican all the way===
It used to be. Those old boundaries are long gone.
And, as myself and others have pointed out, Darin is no Bob Michel moderate.
- 1776 - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:46 pm:
Mike Flynn makes Joe Walsh and Alan Keyes look normal!!
- A guy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:53 pm:
Or, it could be a little reminder lesson to the GOP about being open to a more Center Right philosophy. You can only drive on the shoulder for so long. The right lane is right enough.
- A guy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:54 pm:
i.e. it helps Mark Kirk.
- Downstate GOP Faithless - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 5:56 pm:
He talked to a few of my GOP operative friends and they all had the same thought…well meaning guy, who is smart, but much better suited to talk about why our politicians are all terrible than actually be able to understand the complications of governing.
- LiveFromRussianHill - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 11:05 pm:
For someone who isn’t supposed to be a serious candidate, it looks like this article has attracted quite a few trolls interested in discrediting Mr. Flynn.
I no longer live in the district, but on my recent visits (to Quincy), I did indeed see Mr. Flynn. He’s very much connected with the folks and would make an excellent legislator for their interests, as well as the conservative movement at large.
BTW, nobody fondly reminisces about the days of Bob Michel…