Today’s word: July
Thursday, Apr 9, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From WIFR…
Rauner spoke with concerned taxpayers at Two Men and A Truck on North Alpine. Part of his Illinois turnaround tour. Rauner focused on empowering Rockford saying we need to get rid of unfunded mandates, consolidate government agencies and have local control of collective bargaining. Rauner also addressed Sportscore 2 funding.
“We’re very concerned about local economy and growth and we don’t want to have to make cuts unnecessarily. So what we’re going to try to do is get our agenda of the turnaround done now in the next few months. That will free up resources so some of the cuts don’t have to be as big and some of the other cuts don’t even have to happen at all. So by July we’ll really know. My goal is that by July we’ll know kind of where we’re at,” says Rauner.
Emphasis added for obvious reasons. Yesterday, Rauner told Steve Cochrane that he hoped to wrap things up in June.
* Rauner’s not the only one making this prediction, though…
Lawmakers and Gov. Bruce Rauner may be jawboning well into July to forge a budget compromise that Democrats and Republicans can live with. That’s the word from Sen. Dave Syverson, R-Rockford, and Rep. John Cabello, R-Machesney Park, who stopped by the Editorial Board on Monday.
“House Speaker Michael Madigan has told his caucus not to make vacation plans through July 15,” Cabello told us.
I told subscribers about that several days ago.
* And speaking of the turnaround agenda….
[Sen. Chapin Rose, R-Mahomet] and Sen. Dale Righter, R-Mattoon, championed reforming worker’s compensation and eliminating unfunded mandates in order to offset proposed cuts.
Across the board, officials said worker’s compensation reform would be a welcome change.
“It’s outrageously ridiculous in the state of Illinois. We all suffer from that,” Jensen said. “It is eating up a lot of money, but I don’t think it’s the solution to the entire state problem.”
Sen. Heather Stearns, a democrat from Chicago and the committee’s chairwoman, agreed. Worker’s compensation reform would only begin to mitigate the “devastating cuts” being proposed, she said.
There is no doubt that workers’ comp needs to be addressed here. Costs are too high. Period. And unfunded mandates are also a problem - although most of those mandates passed both chambers with huge majorities.
But most of this “Turnaround” agenda is pie in the sky stuff. And even if it all passed (and it won’t because “pie in the sky”) it wouldn’t free up the money the governor and his legislative pals say it would.
It’s being used as some sort of magical talisman that can solve all of our problems. Most likely, it’s setting the stage for blaming somebody else when other solutions need to be found.
* Then again, let’s revisit something from the Tribune’s earlier coverage…
“Crisis creates opportunity. Crisis creates leverage to change … and we’ve got to use that leverage of the crisis to force structural change,” said Rauner, borrowing from a political philosophy famously coined by his friend Rahm Emanuel that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” […]
Asked how he intended to get a ban on union campaign contributions through a legislature that is heavily backed by organized labor, Rauner pointed to the binders his staff had prepared.
“Read it,” he said. “Change the law … that’s what our proposal is.”
Pressed to explain, Rauner simply said: “Crisis. Crisis creates leverage.”
Dragging this session into July would most definitely create several crises.
- Frenchie Mendoza - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:13 am:
And this is precisely why Rauner plans to force the state into strike or preempt a strike with a lockout.
This is the crisis he’s been planning for for over a year. Only way the workers go back to work? Pass my legislation. Or I’ll fire the workers.
- MrJM - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:15 am:
“Crisis. Crisis creates leverage.”
Yes, but for whom?
– MrJM
- SAP - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:16 am:
Binders!!!!! Why didn’t any previous Governor think of that? If they used binders, each session would last only 6 days.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:16 am:
===Pressed to explain, Rauner simply said: “Crisis. Crisis creates leverage.”===
Governor, you’re going to lecerage yourself out of many bargaining positions.
You own this now, Governor. You do. It’s your crisis, and you are exaserbating your crisis…against MJM and Cullerton…with your word they are now less likely to trust…
Good luck with that…
- Arsenal - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:21 am:
So, we’ve gone from Rauner will release a plan after the primary, to a plan in the fall, to a plan in the debates, to a plan during transition, to a plan after I-Day, to a plan at SOTS, to a plan at the budget address, to June, now to July.
At this rate, he’ll release a legit budget sometime in the middle of Lisa Madigan’s second term.
- dupage dan - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:27 am:
Chuy Garcia is still trying to figure out why his dodge didn’t work and Rauner’s did.
- RNUG - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:27 am:
Here’s Rauner’s secret budget plan:
a continuing resolution that grants him absolute authority over all programs and funding … with 10% held in reserve to defend against all the lawsuits.
- A guy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:30 am:
I rather like Sen. Stearns. At the same time, there’s still vestiges of some outdated thinking there. It’s as if to say at times, “We’ve got so many problems and they’re so overwhelming, that we can’t figure out where to start”. That’s been the problem in Springfield for decades.
The approach of starting to solve expensive problems and keep the line moving is the only process that will create momentum to keep moving toward more responsible fiscal policy. Much of what is “pie in the sky” now, is only because of the crazy budgeting treadmill this government has gotten used to.
Sen. Stearns is a member of the caucus that will be the last one to get the memo that things are moving in a different direction at a different pace. To her credit, she’ll be one of the members of that caucus trying to mitigate the drag.
I’m still optimistic that this doesn’t go until July. It may, but I don’t think so. I think the Speaker is being helpful and strategic in letting his body know that the discomfort starts now. Be prepared to lose half your summer…poof! No one likes that. It’s not just vacation time that’s being affected. That’s campaign time for a lot of nervous members. The Speaker has just provided a little extra motivation. The minority caucuses already know what they need to do. If this comes down to one caucus holding up the whole process, no one will be confused as to who’s preventing progress.
- walker - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:32 am:
Already implying he might be able to back off some cuts with his audiences?
His budget is still $Billions from balancing. If anything he needs more spending cuts, (or taxes) because the funds transfers used in 2015 won’t be available for 2016 fiscal starting in June.
Boy it’s going to be a brutal May-July. Is he hoping the GA will be bailing him out somehow?
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:32 am:
He’s not even trying to string his collection of talking points into a coherent thought.
Seriously, how does this “turnaround agenda” translate into more revenue for FY16?
- Langhorne - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:34 am:
Somebody please show rauner the legislative calendar and the constitution.
Going past may 31 and june 30 will create lots of pressure and crisis points, but they are not going to provide leverage for big changes. On the contrary, missing may 31 ratchets up pressure to do the least required to get out of town, and even that gets much harder to accomplish. Ask any superstar.
- Anon - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:35 am:
>> Frenchie Mendoza
- Anon - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:37 am:
Post didn’t go through.
I tried to say that I agree this prediction is tied to an AFSCME strike or lockout starting July 1. But I thought he couldn’t fire Union workers because of the PLRA. Is that incorrect?
- HappyToaster - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:37 am:
…you know how the ice is, it’s thin where you’re skating… this is no social crisis, just another tricky day for Bruce…
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:37 am:
===I think the Speaker is being helpful and strategic in letting his body know that the discomfort starts now.===
The discomfort that Rauner will double cross everyone as soon as he can?
Rauner needs a budget more than the Dem GA members.
Rauner owns this. Governors own this process. Nothing new.
- Tommydanger - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:39 am:
===Pressed to explain, Rauner simply said: “Crisis. Crisis creates leverage.”===
And Ruffles have Ridges.
Both products are empty in their own way and leave you wanting something more substantial.
- Norseman - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:40 am:
=== I’m still optimistic that this doesn’t go until July. It may, but I don’t think so. ===
Smoking that stuff is still illegal in Illinois. All the indicators are there for a July end, God forbid - if then. We have a Gov. who’s going around trashing everyone he can. We have a Gov. who undercuts the Speaker who has been more willing to work with him. We have a Gov. who has proposed a budget that has a gigantic $2.2 billion hole predicated on a fantasy.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:46 am:
“If this comes down to one caucus holding up the whole process, no one will be confused as to who A Guy will reflexively blame.”
- HappyToaster - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:47 am:
Crisis creates leverage.
He heard that at a management seminar. It was a point of emphasis, so he wrote it down in his binder.
- Anonyin' - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:47 am:
Can someone pass this small factoid to the Crisis Creates Leverage Crowd (CCL) June and July means he will need 24 house D votes for all his whacky stuff…..the FY15 money shuffle took over 2 months to get 14 …..longer ain’t gonna help ya.
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:50 am:
Norse, Rauner undercut every GOP member, too. There has to be a lot of Charley Brown angst among them.
They were all board for his first tough vote. Most of them had never taken a tough vote.
Then, on Good Friday, Gov. Lucy pulled back the ball. I imagine that will be on tneir minds the next time he asks for a tough vote.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 11:56 am:
Whatever leverage Rauner thought he had was lost, Friday, when he cut programs he promised he wouldn’t cut. Nobody will trust or believe any bargain or threat he’ll make going forward.
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 12:11 pm:
How would worker compensation changes “offset budget cuts” or contribute to a more “responsible fiscal policy?”
Guy, you and Sen. Rose seem to have a theory on a relationship between the budget and workers comp law. Perhaps you could expand.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 12:25 pm:
===I rather like Sen. Stearns===
Who’s that? Is she new?
- Louis G Atsaves - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 12:26 pm:
===Rauner needs a budget more than the Dem GA members.===
“Rauner needs a budget just like the GA members do.”
Fixed it for you.
- How Ironic - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 12:27 pm:
Illinois should pass a 50% tax on wishful thinking. Rauner could balance the budget on his contribution by himself.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 12:29 pm:
Nope - Louis G. Atsaves -,
Governors need budgets.
Of course, governors who double-cross legislative leaders and leave members of their own party… “confused and surprised”, they need to regain trust too…
Nope, governors need budgets, and need 60, and need 30, and their word to actually be “good”.
It’s Sonny’s now
- foster brooks - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 12:37 pm:
I’m sure rauners message will be do it my way(PENSION CUTS) or the highway
- bored now - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 12:57 pm:
well, kansas is certainly in crisis, and that’s his model. i had idea the crisis was intended…
- ArchPundit - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 12:58 pm:
=== borrowing from a political philosophy famously coined by his friend Rahm Emanuel that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” […]
Rahm coined it? Sigh…our declining political press. It’s wasn’t Churchill either, but could the Tribune stop reading RWNJ sites and assuming what they say are true?
- Demoralized - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 1:01 pm:
Is the Governor going to get off of his “Turnaround Tour” and actually, you know, do something?
He’s got a “Turnaround Agenda.” Loves to talk about it. Actual language? Not so much.
The Governor is certainly doing an excellent job creating a bunch of boogeymen. He’s forgotten he actually has to govern. Governing is apparently too hard.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 1:02 pm:
It’s “Pi in the sky’. An anti-God phrase used by Commies
- BlameBruceRauner - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 1:21 pm:
Turn around agenda. LOL. Well folks turn around and let me do what ever I want, cause that’s how its goin’ to be.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 1:28 pm:
- That’s campaign time for a lot of nervous members. -
For all those 2015 elections?
- Arsenal - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 1:41 pm:
““Rauner needs a budget just like the GA members do.”
Fixed it for you.”
Not really, though. It’s simply true that Governors own the state budget. Look at FY15- that budget was a disaster- and it was the Governor who signed it that was sent home.
- Buzzie - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 1:43 pm:
A whole lot of posturing while waiting for the Supreme Court decision on pensions.
- Louis G Atsaves - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 1:54 pm:
===““Rauner needs a budget just like the GA members do.”
Fixed it for you.”
Not really, though. It’s simply true that Governors own the state budget. Look at FY15- that budget was a disaster- and it was the Governor who signed it that was sent home.===
What I recall during the campaign was budget arguments including “there will be draconian cuts” (if Rauner is elected). Those draconian cuts came true. Quinn took the easy way out and didn’t veto that budget, and it cost him. Those voting for that failed budget and those refusing to vote the ‘fix’ of last month and their supporters need to reevaluate their stances.
Sorry to rain on everyone’s parade here, but the Governor and the General Assembly both need a budget.
All the posing right now is fun to watch for a political junkie like myself, but reality will bite all the posers pretty hard when the budget deadlines are missed.
- walker - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 1:59 pm:
===Lucy pulled back the ball===
nice summary Slinger
“Lucy” Arduin?
Think her contract will be extended another quarter?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 2:17 pm:
No - Louis G. Atsaves -,
Governors. Own. Budgets.
Governors need 60 votes in the House, Governors need 30 votes in the Senate.
Why do you think Governors are on the House and Senate Floors during budget votes? It’s the Governors’ budgets. Please learn.
=== Those voting for that failed budget and those refusing to vote the ‘fix’ of last month and their supporters need to reevaluate their stances.===
Will they have a $&@# problem? Will Sonny Corleone use his $40 million to defeat them? LOL.
You’re a lawyer for cripes sake - Louis G. Atsaves -, governors propose budgets, it’s how it works. Governors give Budget Addresses…
Rauner owns it.
The structured roll call may be a bit trickier for his Crew, now that Rauner double-crossed the GA, “surprising and confusing” Rep. Brady, but don’t worry, Gov. Rauner, in Hogwarts fashion, dispatched his Owl, Ron Sandack, to set Rep. Brady straight.
Governors own budgets, been that way, is that way, will be that way. Sonny going to the mattresses and lying to MJM won’t help.
- D.P.Gumby - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 2:18 pm:
Everyone keeps trying to find something rational in Brucie when there is no there there. The man is clueless and making it up as he goes. Makes Quinn look organized and Blago look statesman-like.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 2:51 pm:
“Quinn took the easy way out and didn’t veto that budget, and it cost him.”
Yup, my point exactly, I’m glad you agree. TGovernors own budgets.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 2:54 pm:
“Those voting for that failed budget and those refusing to vote the ‘fix’ of last month and their supporters need to reevaluate their stances.”
And of course, your conflation of those two groups proves the other side of the point. See, it’s entirely right two conflate the two groups, because they have a lot of members in common…because the GA wasn’t punished for the FY15 catastrophe. Only Pat Quinn was. Governors own budgets.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 3:17 pm:
- Arsenal -
At “2:51″, nicely done.
- Catrike - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 3:36 pm:
Here in Westmont the park district had a $3.2 million grant rescinded. Guess what it was for? A dance studio. Taxpayer money for a &$@% dance studio. Go Rauner.
- A guy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 3:49 pm:
===47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 12:25 pm:
===I rather like Sen. Stearns===
Who’s that? Is she new?=====
Actually 47, Here’s what the exact text up top reads:
++Sen. Heather Stearns, a democrat from Chicago and the committee’s chairwoman, agreed. Worker’s compensation reform would only begin to mitigate the “devastating cuts” being proposed, she said.++++
So the real culprit of the typo, is the master himself. How bout you lob your petty typo insult at him?
I second guessed myself and then went with what was in the text. You gotta get yourself something else to do. Too much time on your hands. But by all means, correct Mr. Miller on this one.
- A guy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 3:53 pm:
=== Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 2:17 pm:
No - Louis G. Atsaves -,
Governors. Own. Budgets.===
Funny…I can think of two who went without them on a yearly basis.
All this double cross talk from you guys. Interesting that no one who you claim has been “double crossed” is saying that. Just you. Perhaps some of you should be at the table. That’d sure help us reach agreement in a hurry.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 3:57 pm:
===So the real culprit of the typo, is the master himself===
I object. The real culprit is the author of the linked story and that author’s editors.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 3:59 pm:
===Funny…I can think of two who went without them on a yearly basis.===
So that is your benchmark? LOL!
It will be the Rauner Cuts and the Rauner Budget, because governors own budgets. Lump sums aren’t budgets, but “who” took the heat? Even the Owl Sandack knows Quinn took the heat.
You hear very little, but you hear all;
It’s a double-cross, it’s being talked about, and Rep. Brady is “shocked and confused” because of it.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:09 pm:
Lighten up Francis. I was tweaking your comment because you make stuff up, like this self-serving bit o’ clairvoyance:
===To her credit, she’ll be one of the members of that caucus trying to mitigate the drag.===
I wouldn’t hold my breath if I was you. But thanks for your concern.
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:13 pm:
Guy, no one is saying that Rauer broke his promise on these cuts? You live in a fantasy world.
- A guy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:32 pm:
====Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 3:57 pm:
===So the real culprit of the typo, is the master himself===
I object. The real culprit is the author of the linked story and that author’s editors.====
- A guy - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:35 pm:
=== 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:09 pm:
Lighten up Francis. I was tweaking your comment because you make stuff up, like this self-serving bit o’ clairvoyance:
===To her credit, she’ll be one of the members of that caucus trying to mitigate the drag.===
Gentleperson’s wager perhaps is in order. Frame it this way: Who will Heather Stea ns have greater difficulty with? The Governor or the members of her own caucus?
I’ll be over here makin’ stuff up while you contemplate.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Apr 9, 15 @ 4:56 pm:
“Here in Westmont the park district had a $3.2 million grant rescinded. Guess what it was for? A dance studio. ”
You guessed wrong, it was a multipurpose building. Sounds like a great public space, actually, the exact kind of thing the state should invest in.
Although while we’re no the subject, it’s not exactly clear why “taxpayer money” shouldn’t be spent on a dance studio.