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SIUC petition having little impact so far

Monday, Apr 13, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From an online petition

Replace Bruce Rauner as Keynote Speaker for SIU Graduation 2015

SIUC President Randy Dunn stated the impact of Rauner’s proposed budget cuts would slash $62 million from the SIU system, $44 million of which would be cut from SIU Carbondale specifically. Rauner’s budget proposal would set SIU back to funding levels comparable to the 1985-86 school year, and potentially cause up to a 6% increase in tuition. Choosing him as a keynote speaker is a slap in the face to SIU students and faculty who already deal with underfunded programs and facilities.

Graduation should celebrate not only the achievements of students as individuals, but the institution of SIU as a whole. How can anyone be expected to celebrate progress when our keynote speaker is someone who only intends to set us back?

As I write this, 1,850 people have signed the petition.

* The university, however, has no plans to rescind the invite

Despite the petition, university officials and some students say the appearance could end up being a good thing.

“The petition is just one more reason why we should welcome the governor in may.” said SIU spokeswoman Rae Goldsmith on Saturday, “Hopefully we can make an impression on him during his visit, reflecting what the cuts mean to our campus.” […]

“Governor Rauner got put into a tough spot coming in” said SIU student and SIU College of Engineering student government rep. Matt Schmidlin, “it’s a double edged sword, meaning that, I think he does have good intentions coming down and actually wanting to see what’s going on in the university. I really hope when he comes down, he makes the most of his time - if he still decides to still be the commencement speaker for us - and actually take a look at what might be cut here.”

Political analyst David Yepsen has said the Illinois budget has been in need of drastic action since before the governor took office, and even University president Randy Dunn agrees that some cuts will be needed for the benefit of the whole state.


* Related…

* Students organize statewide rally: Friday, 11 ISU students will lead groups from colleges across Illinois in a protest in Springfield against the proposed additional budget cuts


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:10 am:

    Rauner is the Governor of the state of Illinois.

    If the speech reflects the Office, it will be fine.

    If the speech is a campaign rhetorical fiasco, bad on the Rauner Crew and Rauner too.

    It’s not a policy speech crowd, so don’t force the issue.

  2. - Wordslinger - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:13 am:

    Ugh, never been a fan of the sport of some on campuses of trying to prevent people from speaking. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of the university exercise.

    Rather than keeping Rauner from speaking, how about getting busy lining up other speakers during commencement week? Beat him on the merits of your arguments.

  3. - PublicServant - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:18 am:

    It’s like inviting Darth Vadar to the rebel base opening celebration on Yavin.

  4. - Louis G Atsaves - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    Commencement speeches have become extremely political these past few years. Ideas and thoughts once freely exchanged in academic circles, universities, colleges and schools, suddenly find small closed minds protesting any opinions that may be contrary to the majority or minority present.

    I am assuming SIU is not paying a speaker fee to the Governor for the commencement?

  5. - Been There - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    They actually have 3 different ceremonies on the same day for the various colleges along with a different keynote speaker for each. Edgar gets the morning gig, followed by Rauner in the afternoon and Capt Bill Norwood for the early evening group. So not all the graduates will be get to hear Rauner. Too late to change your major obviously and switch times so only probably a third of the graduates will hear him.

  6. - Langhorne - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    The student protests against budget cuts brings back memories. 1972 or 1973 tuition increase proposal. Petition drive w thousands of signatures. Lt gov hartigan opposed, as did senate pres bill harris. Students met w walker. Lo and behold, walker dumped it. He sent a letter to each person who signed.

  7. - VanillaMan - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:32 am:

    It is a state university and he is the governor of the state. Loath him all you want, but every single graduate graduated from a state funded university he governs.

    Whining doesn’t change that.

  8. - naperville soccer mom - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:33 am:

    At least speech from Rauner is cheaper than a speech from Hillary Clinton.

  9. - Jerry 101 - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:41 am:

    Let him speak. Organize a protest. Stand and turn your backs to him. Make him uncomfortable.

  10. - steve schnorf - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:46 am:


  11. - relocated - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    One final math lecture. How many years will it take to pay off $40K in student loans after the Rauner middle class eradication agenda? A university of that size can do better than the Governor as a speaker regardless of his politics. That he seems to have an anti higher Ed aganda just makes it even lamer.

  12. - Mama - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 11:06 am:

    I hope they don’t have to pay their governor to speak at their university.

  13. - BlameBruceRauner - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 11:08 am:

    If no one shows up or if everyone is on their mobile devices the whole time it would prove to be a successful protest with lots of media attention. Make him squirm, I say!

  14. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 11:35 am:

    Blame, didn’t your parents raise you right? There are times and places for civil disobedience, but I respectfully submit a University commencement ceremony is not one of them. Blame Rauner outside the hall, before or after. Inside, sit down, put away the Tweeter, and clam up.
    Respect the institution and the office, even if you don’t like the man or his agenda.
    The lucky ones will get Captain Norwood. Fine man and loves that University.

  15. - A guy - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 11:46 am:


  16. - Formerpol - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 12:25 pm:

    People who just whine “don’t cut my program, I am important and need the money” add nothing to the discussion and become irrelevant. Too many young people today just tune out what they don’t want to hear. Dis-inviting the Governor on this basis would be idiotic. If many SIU students want to do just that, then there is good reason to cut the taxpayer subsides to the school. With learning like that, they won’t deserve any money!

  17. - Rusty618 - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 12:25 pm:

    ==I am assuming SIU is not paying a speaker fee to the Governor for the commencement? ==

    Correct. Since this is a state college in the state that he is governor of, he cannot accept a speaking fee. He also cannot accept any gift from them with a value over $50, or be subject of an ethics violation.

  18. - Ghost - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 12:34 pm:

    I dont always agree with the Governor, but this is pertty. To make matters worse this is a university! Students should be challanged to critical thinking, you listen to all viewpoints, and respect the office. Fear of what others have to say is fear of ones self. I always thought it was great that colbert would have O’Reilly, and that O’reilly would shownup. Divergent viewpoints in one place.

  19. - Rapscallion - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 12:52 pm:

    The appropriate thing is for the students to appropriately picket outside the ceremony. The simple questions for the protesters is, “what are you and your parents willing to sacrifice in order to minimize these cuts to SIU? Are you willing to solicit donations to make up the difference?” or how about, “why don’t you and your group spend some time going over SIUs budget to see where the reductions that would least affect the students could be made?”

    Ooops. I forgot. These likely aren’t finance and accounting majors, but my guess is that “political science”, “sociology”, “Women’s and African American Studies” are more than adequately represented in this movement.

    Seriously, publically funded universities are so bloated and overstaffed with non-instructional staff that it’s time for some real grass roots action to drill down into spending practices and challenge administration and Boards of Trustees for prioritizing spending adjustments in the best interests of the students and their families.

    Is any poster out there aware of ANY public U in Illinois where such a process is in process, open to all comers regardless of political bent? I’d LOVE to look at my old alma mater’s (UIUC) mess.

    These groups couldn’t be assigned by administration or pols. Alumni associations may be a good start, and the process should be transparent. You’d have to have people involved who understand how to de-fang the “Delphi” committee manipulation as well.

  20. - Wordslinger - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    Raps, they’re not “protesters,” it’s hardly a “a movement,” it’s an online petition. Geez, read first, then comment.

    I see you’re speculating on the academic majors of some of the signers. Let me give that a try with you:

    – The simple questions for the protesters is….–

    Not English?

  21. - Downstate Illinois - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    Can anyone explain how a public university president can dis-invite the sitting government and it still be good politics?

  22. - Forgottonia Republic - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 1:04 pm:

    It’s almost always beneficial to have a sitting governor speak at your event. If people are mad at him, let him come and see the anger — whether it takes the form of civil disobedience or just conspicuously tepid applause.

  23. - Federalist - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 1:46 pm:

    Political analyst David Yepsen has said the Illinois budget has been in need of drastic action since before the governor took office, and even University president Randy Dunn agrees that some cuts will be needed for the benefit of the whole state.

    True! But notice it is the public universities that have taken by far the biggest cuts. Somewhat made up for by sticking it to the middle class parents whose child goes to college.

    Does Yepsen, who fancies himself a progressive type, really thin the public universities should receive such undue ‘attention.’

  24. - I have a question - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 2:08 pm:

    Hmmm. According to page 32 (table 5) of this link funding for Higher Ed in Illinois is one of the highest in the nation:

    States with lower tuition rates are getting much less funding from their states. Why is that?

  25. - Buzz Fugazi - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 2:15 pm:

    At least Bruce can explain where the inflated compensation for his staffers is coming from.

  26. - Demoralized - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 2:40 pm:

    ==but my guess is that “political science” . . .are more than adequately represented in this movement==

    This political science major is doing pretty well for himself thank you.

  27. - Demoralized - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    I was bored to death at my college commencement and frankly I didn’t pay that much attention to who was speaking. I do remember being angry that the President of the university gave a speech basically asking us to keep giving them money. I would have rather heard a political speech than that crap.

  28. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 3:03 pm:

    Demo, I was so hungover that Jesus coulda rode through my commencement on a unicycle and I wouldn’t have noticed. Be glad you can remember the bad speech.

  29. - Belle - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 3:12 pm:

    It would be great if these students would get off their phones, FB, tumblr, Instagram, etc to protest for 30 mins. I wouldn’t count on it.

    I doubt if they’ll recall the commencement between hangovers and Vine or texting.

  30. - Rapscallion - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 4:22 pm:


    =– The simple questions for the protesters is….–

    Not English?=

    Geez. Just imagine, a blog post that, done by someone who isn’t paid to do “PR” on blogs, used an incorrect plurality.

    I guess those who don’t have intellect or logic to debate must concentrate on grammar and personal insults.

    It seems you’re much better at slinging things other than “Words”, slinger.

  31. - Rapscallion - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 4:26 pm:

    ===but my guess is that “political science” . . .are more than adequately represented in this movement==

    This political science major is doing pretty well for himself thank you.=

    I’m sure you perform exceptionally at your political job, Demoralized. Unless you “retooled” and got a CPA or Finance degree, though, I don’t know that I’d put a lot of faith for you to analyze budgets for operational or budgetary efficiency and productivity, however.

  32. - Wordslinger - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 4:32 pm:

    Raps, I hope you’re not being paid for what you write.

  33. - walker - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 4:48 pm:

    Rapscallion: New comments are welcome, but uninformed attacks on commenters are a waste of our time.

    You might become happy to learn that many of the regular commenters here have financial or accounting backgrounds, many have deep experience with government budgets and lawmaking, many have been successful managers in either or both the private and public sectors. There is also a wide range of claimed ideologies and political loyalties, regardless of the critiques of the day.

    Hopefully this will remain a place to learn, not to assume.

  34. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Apr 13, 15 @ 6:33 pm:

    Rapscallion, you would do well to stick to the issues here and avoid the personal attacks.

    You’ll never win here in a whizzing contest, and you just might miss out on the chance to learn a few things while meeting some kindred spirits in the process.

  35. - Black Ivy - Tuesday, Apr 14, 15 @ 12:06 am:

    Goodness - it is more true here than anywhere! Youth is wasted on the young…

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