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Cuts have consequences

Wednesday, Apr 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller


A week and a half after The Autism Program in Rockford found out it would no longer be receiving state funding, 13 News has learned that it will be closing this Friday.

TAP is one of more than 25 grant-funded organizations that got letters earlier this month from the Department of Human Services and Department of Public Health notifying them they would have to stop spending any further grant money.

A number of local organizations were impacted, including the Teen Reach Program and the Epilepsy Foundation.

* And more cuts are on the way

A top aide for Gov. Bruce Rauner said grant freezes could continue for the rest of the current fiscal year as the administration tries to balance the budget.

Tim Nuding, Rauner’s budget director, said at a Tuesday hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee that grant suspensions like the $26 million announced last week for the Department of Human Services would likely continue until the new fiscal year begins in July. The recent freeze has adversely affected several programs, including funding for The Autism Program. […]

Several Democrats said they felt the Rauner administration misled them. Sen. Dan Kotowski of Park Ridge said he gave his vote for the budget fix thinking autism care would be funded.

“You know I felt pretty good that we were moving forward,” he said. “Then for all these agencies to get a letter on April 3 — Good Friday and Passover — was a real kick in the gut.”

Nuding and Bassi said they were completely forthcoming in their discussions with lawmakers.

* More from the AP

The budget chief said reviews of the state’s major agencies already have been completed. He said funding limits set by lawmakers in the deal would determine where places in the state budget would run out of money and face more grant

He also rejected suggestions he didn’t make lawmakers aware of the possibility of potential changes to the funding for grants and said that the budget deal legislation was always meant to be part of the fix on top of an ongoing examination of state expenses following Rauner’s executive order in January to freeze nonessential spending.

Democrats attempted to pick apart the methods and thinking used by officials in the budget office, the Department of Public Health and Department of Human Services. Nonprofit organizations across the state received letters on Good Friday notifying them of an immediate and indefinite suspension of funding for the current fiscal year.

Sen. Dan Kotowski said he believed lawmakers were assured that certain programs and services would not be touched by cuts as part of the budget deal.

If lawmakers knew the $26 million in grant suspensions would have been a part of budget deal, “I would not have voted for the bill,” Kotowksi said.

* And

While Tuesday’s political sniping was focused on the current year’s budget, the hearing offered a glimpse into the tough negotiations ahead for the next fiscal year’s spending plan. Republican Rauner has proposed a blueprint that would cut spending on universities, Medicaid, Amtrak and a host of other programs.

Republicans contend Democrats caused the problem when they approved a budget last spring that was based on the temporary income tax increase not expiring Jan. 1. Once that happened, however, it left Rauner, who took over for Democrat Pat Quinn on Jan. 12, with no choice but to look for ways to balance spending.

“I’m struggling to understand what the point of this meeting is,” said state Sen. Matt Murphy, R-Palatine “This experience right now is like watching an arsonist criticize the fireman for the manner in which he put out the arsonist’s fire. This is ludicrous.”

* Meanwhile…

* Roe Conn hosted an interesting discussion about yesterday’s hearing, with a prime focus on autism funding…

* Roe’s guest was Patti Vasquez, who describes herself as a “Comic, WGN Radio Show Host, Special Needs Mom.” She led a group of similarly situated moms to Springfield this week…

WGN Radio has just been all over this issue lately.

* Related…

* Rauner’s planned cuts to mental health care could raise costs, critics say

* Stop cuts, Black Caucus says

* Evanston residents, NU students discuss budget cuts at sixth annual Lobby Day

* UI professor pay near top in Big Ten


  1. - White Denim - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:08 am:

    A classic case of the arsonist dragging the homeowner to the scene to show them what a bad job the firefighters did putting out the blaze.

  2. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:10 am:

    Several Democrats said they felt the Rauner administration misled them.

    No - that isn’t a feeling. They were misled, just like everyone else who was misled right up into the voting booth.

    That is the problem with being a salesman, like Bruce. They can’t stop enhancing their stories and end up liars - anything for a sale.

  3. - x ace - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:24 am:

    Busload of Elderly Persons , all wearing green t- shirts made Pit Stop at I 55 Exit 52 at approx 8:30a.m. Said they were heading North to ” See the Governor”. (Don’t think they plan to Wish Him Well)

  4. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    In these days of painful shared sacrifice, thank goodness Capitol One, EBay and CDW were spared from the budget ax.

    I shudder to think what would happen to these multi-billion-dollar corporations if they didn’t get their Illinois taxpayer money.

  5. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:31 am:

    “A classic case of the arsonist dragging the homeowner to the scene to show them what a bad job the firefighters did putting out the blaze.”

    Yeah, well, when the house burned down…

    Listen, the point is not to have a balanced budget at any cost. If that’s what you want, we’ll just set the income tax at 99% and go home.

    The problem is- the problem *as Rauner identified it*- is that debt eventually crowds out other worthy programs. So his solution is to…cut worthy programs.

    Rauner didn’t solve the crisis. By his own terms, he surrendered to it.

  6. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:33 am:

    The gov’t giveth - the gov’t taketh away. Just as long as the new guy can be blamed for the bipartisan failures of the past generation, we can all walk away with our self-righteousness intact. And Rauner is making that easy, ain’t he?

  7. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:37 am:

    Our regular education transportation funding has been reduced to 21% of what we were supposed to receive from the state. As a rural district this is a huge blow and is far below what is being reported. We cover roughly 180 square miles so transportation is expensive. Will will loose almost $800,000 in state funding this year alone. We are all getting blasted even as the state mandates continue to roll in.

    And god forbid we actually look for more efficient ways of doing business. The ISBE is a continual roadblock in that process.

    I feel for these agencies and what is happening to kids. We have fund balances and with stand maybe two more years of this before becoming a shadow of a school after three years of major reductions in expenditures- staff, admin, equipment- across the board.

  8. - walker - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:40 am:

    Sen. Kotowski is no fool, and a very serious and honest player. Among his areas of expertise are mental health and epilepsy-related services. He was also the main mover behind whatever progress was made in Budgeting for Results in Illinois.

    For Nuding to tell Mautino and one committee meeting, apparently did not get the required job of communications done. Nuding’s solid and straightforward; but communications to key legislators is a team job way beyond him.

  9. - Formerpol - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:40 am:

    Kudos to Sen. Murphy for his “arsonist” metaphor!
    Groups whining about being cut add nothing to the budget debate. Everybody gets cut: your state funds in the past were phantasy, borrowed money and were not sustainable. The state cannot afford a social program for every human problem. That is not the role of government. Families with issues will have to do more; charities and religious organizations will have to do more.
    Raising taxes did not solve the problem. Deal with it, and have a ‘plan B’ ready to absorb the inevitable cuts!

  10. - Not it - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:41 am:

    I can’t help but wonder if the legislators heard what they wanted to hear.

  11. - Stuff Happens - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:44 am:

    Does that UI professor pay include professors from the UIC College of Medicine?

    I’d rather see median pay than average pay.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:44 am:


    “Double-Cross” - 0

    “Misunderstanding” - 1

    Funny thing about all this misunderstanding; seems like many who misunderstood, would have been “red lights”.

    They may not make the same mistake again.

  13. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:44 am:

    ==Deal with it,==

    Your compassion is overwhelming. Disgusting.

  14. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:45 am:

    ” Everybody gets cut”

    “Everybody”, as defined to exclude Capitol One, EBay, CDW…

    “Raising taxes did not solve the problem.”

    But cutting them sure helped cause the problem.

  15. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:46 am:

    DD, this government is giving to profitable corporations while taking away from citizens in need.

    Government is about priorities and Rauner is making his own choices that have nothing to do with the past or anyone else.

    The amounts in question aren’t rounding errors of rounding errors. They are ideological, not fiscal, choices,

  16. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:46 am:

    Senator Cullerton thinks it is not smart to cut the 26 million this year. It is much smarter to kick it into next year. That pretty much sums up the attitude of most of the legislators in this state. I will gladly pay you on Tuesday for the hamburger I eat today. What I mean by that a Tuesday sometime 6 months from now. The condescension and lecturing about how responsible he is and how Rauner doesn’t know anything is a bit much.

  17. - Crispy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:47 am:


    Formerpol–vulnerable kids are “whining” because the governor elected to oppose renewal of the temporary tax increase (thereby mainly benefiting his wealthy cronies), then yanked the kids’ services to make up the shortfall? Really? None of this would have been necessary without that irresponsible move.

    This is as heartbreaking as it is outrageous.

  18. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    Imagine the governor’s surprise when he learns that cutting funding for autism programs doesn’t mean autism goes away.

  19. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    “Senator Cullerton thinks it is not smart to cut the 26 million this year. It is much smarter to kick it into next year.”

    Yes, and he’s right. Putting these cuts through the normal budgeting process might give the people who depend on them time to plan to make up for the shortfall. Cancelling grants in the middle of the year leaves them holding the bag.

  20. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    So, -formerpol- you say, “Everybody gets cut: your state funds in the past were phantasy, borrowed money and were not sustainable. The state cannot afford a social program for every human problem.”

    Yet, this: “Illinois’ Cycle Rider Safety Training Program, which provides free lessons for motorcycle owners and operates a public safety campaign, would get an extra $633,000 under the 2016 budget. The program was allocated $11.2 million in 2015 but is expected to use only $3.6 million this year. Next year’s allocation would be $11.9 million. […]”

    Makes perfect sense, huh?

  21. - walker - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:57 am:

    Kudos to Senator Murphy for changing the subject?

    Murphy is the master at avoiding any issue and somehow making his political opponents wrong.

    The subject is a perceived broken deal, through betrayal or miscommunication.

  22. - Jocko - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:59 am:

    I think Bruce took TAP literally…turning it on and off at will. I hope Tim Nuding and Greg Bassi can look themselves in the mirror, especially making statements like “…(being) completely forthcoming.”

    By the way, where’s Bruce? I recall his readiness to take the arrows.

  23. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 11:00 am:

    Senator Cullerton also thinks Rauner’s unconscionable budget is not balanced. He does not have a problem with 2015 budget that he was involved in as well as the several previous years were not balanced. Consistency is not his strong suit nor is following the constitutional requirement that we balance our budget by kicking this years expenditures into next year.

  24. - Carhartt Representative - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 11:21 am:

    Illinois’s biggest problem is that we want programs like a blue state while paying taxes like a red state. Do we seriously expect to have the kind of lifestyle and services they have in Minnesota, with a top income tax that far below Indiana? Keeping lifestyle and low taxes is unsustainable.

  25. - Serve the people - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 11:22 am:

    Hey “Formerpol” and other fellow Raunerites,
    Re: “That is not the role of government.”

    Umm, duh, yes it is. Concern and real help for “people with needs” is the paramount role of state government.

    The Preamble of the Illinois Constitution:

    “We, the People of the State of Illinois - grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessing upon our endeavors - in order to provide for the health,
    safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representative and orderly government; eliminate poverty and inequality; assure legal, social and economic justice; provide opportunity for the fullest development of the individual;
    insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves and our posterity - do ordain and establish this Constitution for the State of Illinois.

  26. - Dr X - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 11:24 am:

    Maybe I am missing something - the Autism money was already allocated - but Rauner cuts it unilaterally with an exec order. The ILCON says orders pertain to Agency reorgs. Under Section 8 - Supreme Ex Power from the Annotated Constitution for Legislators, the Gov has executive power but he cannot “establish new legal requirements by executive order.” So legally, how can he cut this?

  27. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 11:41 am:

    Illinois does not pay taxes like a Red State. We have second highest property tax burden with the 10th worst return on investment for taxpayer dollars. You missed the nail on the head by a mile Carhartt Representative.

  28. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    @Formerpol- Our “plan B” that you asked for-

    Reduce educational programs to math, reading, science, social studies, and PE.

    Eliminate: electives, activities, athletics, non-core curricula

    School day- 8:00am - 1:00pm.

    After 1:00pm they are “your” problem. Enjoy addressing the social issues created by the additional time out of school with few, if any, programs or activities to occupy their time.

    I am sure ALL of their parents will step up.

    I am sure there will be no inconvenience to you./snark

    Maybe then you will view the “problem” differently.

  29. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    “We have second highest property tax burden”

    Which is only one aspect of taxes.

  30. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 11:50 am:

    Arsenal you are correct it is one aspect of taxes. The proper measure would be total tax burden. By any measure Illinois is not a low tax or Red state nor should we be. It would be nice if we could improve the efficiency of how those taxes are spent so we would not have to hurt the most vulnerable in this state.

  31. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:01 pm:

    – so we would not have to hurt the most vulnerable in this state –

    LOL, have to? That’s where he started, they were at the top of the list! He HAD to start with them?

    No, that was a choice.

    Capitol One, EBay, CDW and other highly profitable corporations made bank on the taxpayers to the tune of $100 million just last week.

    At least you admit that Rauner is choosing as a first resort to hurt the most vulnerable in the state.

    His priorities, his choices.

  32. - Challengerrt - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:09 pm:

    So this is how it works, you pass bills that you don’t read and you don’t know what’s in them? Looks like the responsibility for the cuts falls on the legislators too!

  33. - A guy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:10 pm:

    ===Nuding and Bassi said they were completely forthcoming in their discussions with lawmakers.===

    I’m sure this is true. And, I’m sure it was comprehensive. The shock expressed (even by the serious Kotowski) is politically expedient. Not disingenuous, just doing what he feels he needs to do.

    Every cut at this point is heart-breaking. Some of the agencies that aren’t screaming out loud hedged their bets a bit more in watching their spending more closely and not buying the “Quinn will restore them with a quick tax increase when he wins” line. The Dems were irresponsible in this (no sane person disagrees), but the agencies had some opportunity to mitigate some of this. Some did. Some didn’t. Some had less choice.

    No one said it would be easy. It isn’t. Pushing it into next year is a non-starter from Jump St. John C. even sounds goofy saying that.

    Nuding did what he had to do. So is Kotowski. One’s policy, one’s political. Genuineness has different scales.

  34. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:11 pm:

    ” The proper measure would be total tax burden.”

    And if you measure that, you find that we’re behind similarly large/cosmopolitan states like NY and PA, as well as our neighbors like WI and MN.

    That being said, I agree that I’d like to find a way to deliver the services we have promised within the confines of the tax burden we have (or had, as of six months ago, perhaps). But that’s not what we’re doing right now.

  35. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:14 pm:

    So the previous governor made those commitments to those companies so they won’t leave our state and take the jobs with them correct? I guess that also might explain another problem our state has. We are not competitive so we have to pay them to stay. I would hate to be a small business without lobbyists

  36. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:17 pm:

    If we were really like a red state, we’d be getting more federal money back than our residents pay in federal income taxes.

  37. - Crispy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:19 pm:

    As others point out, the neediest and most vulnerable should be the very last to have services cut, not the very first. Lucky Pierre, a lot of Illinois’ property tax imbalance is a result of districts trying to make up the shortfall because the state chronically skimps on state aid to schools. It kind of does go back to too-low taxes at the statewide level.

    On another topic, can anyone here with legal expertise address Dr. X’s point?

  38. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:27 pm:

    LP, what are you talking about “leave the state?” Where did you get that? What do you mean by that?

    Quinn’s not the governor. Obviously, Rauner doesn’t care what Quinn had in the pipeline.

    It’s Rauner’s choice to give $100 million to profitable corporations while cutting $26 million from programs for neediest citizens. He’s the one and only governor.

  39. - nona - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:30 pm:

    Let’s hope Kotowski and other Democrats who believed Rauner’s assurances don’t fall for that again.

    === it left Rauner with no choice but to look for ways to balance spending.===

    That’s correct. Rauner had a choice about gradually reducing the income tax, as the Civic Committee recommended. But he rejected that option, preferring to can the Autism program.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:31 pm:

    ===Nuding did what he had to do. So is Kotowski. One’s policy, one’s political. Genuineness has different scales.===

    lol, Ok.

    Keep in mind; 60 and 30, “betrayed”, and those saying they would never hace voted for the “fix”…”had they known…”

    Not a good way to run a railroad.

  41. - A guy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:33 pm:

    Nona, it’s one among many programs serving families dealing with Autism. It’s tragic. I hope it gets an appropriation restored, but Autism as a condition has not been completely abandoned, not by a long shot. Thank God.

  42. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:38 pm:

    Maybe those that were “betrayed” if you really believe that should ask why the leaders of the GA did not tell them. Senator Cullerton confirmed the Governor did not break his word. As usual it is much easier to pile on Rauner than deal with the facts

  43. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:39 pm:

    –Autism as a condition hasn’t been completely abandoned–

    But it is fhe first thing to get whacked and doesn’t rate as a priority as much as giving money to corporations that made billions in profits last year.

    Thank Bruce.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:44 pm:

    ===Maybe those that were “betrayed” if you really believe that should ask why the leaders of the GA did not tell them.===

    I believe that, some felt betrayed, and maybe those who gave that impression might exptess that… when the time is right, like when counting noses.

    I feel very comfortable in my thoughts.

    ===As usual it is much easier to pile on Rauner than deal with the facts===

    Sounded like many would not have been “green” had this “misunderstanding” was made clearer.


    It’s not up to you if you think you slighted another, it’s how your reaction is seen as a slight. Same goes here.

  45. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:47 pm:

    It was Rauner’s choice to honor the previous commitments the Governor Quinn made to these companies-True

    Our state does give tax subsidies to all kinds of big businesses so they don’t leave the State. What do you think the point is? Just because they are nice guys? I can’t think of any other reason, we obviously pay businesses to stay here.

  46. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    LP, governors give money to big businesses because it provides “job creation” press releases. Big businesses take it, because governors want those releases. The amount is relative chump change to them.

    ADM didn’t get their tax credits. They moved corporate to Chicago, anyway.

    You’re missing the point on priorities and choices, willfully, I suspect.

  47. - Ghost - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    Voters, this is what you asked for :)

  48. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    Not missing the point Wordslinger I take Rauner at his word he wants to be compassionate and competitive. The timing is terrible but it would send the wrong message to these businesses to cancel their subsidy after it was already promised. Without at least an average climate for business we will not have the money to fund the worthy social programs. If we can get the economy moving again and streamline government the money will be restored.

  49. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:04 pm:


    All states use tax incentives and other methods to attract business or keep them to stay. ALL STATES. But you keep up with the Illinois is bad for business talking point.

  50. - MrJM - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:10 pm:

    “it would send the wrong message to these businesses to cancel their subsidy after it was already promised.”

    As opposed to the message Rauner has sent to the Illinois families that relied on those Autism programs…

    – MrJM

  51. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:12 pm:


    Rauner’s message has been pretty consistent in that regard. Unless I’ve missed it he hasn’t said one word about sacrifice from his rich buddies or from the business community. Not. One. Word.

  52. - BlameBruceRauner - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:20 pm:

    Lucky Pierre
    What about all the communities that were to receive OLSAD grants that were “committed too” then pulled? Your logic fails there. I take people for their word too, but when they flat out lie about “sharing the sacrifice”, my faith is lost.

  53. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:35 pm:

    LP, Capitol One and EBay made billions in net income last year, CDW over $100 million.

    They do business in Illinois because they make money. That’s why Illinois has the fifth highest GDP among the states, while Chicago metro has the fourth largest GDP in the world.

    These grants benefit governors as “job creator” propaganda.

    You can spin yourself silly, but the scoreboard says highly profitable corporations +$100 million, services for neediest citizens, –$26 million.

  54. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:35 pm:

    The corporate tax rate LY was 9.5% LY 3rd highest

    Now it is 7.75%. Only 6 or 7 states are higher not to mention the other burdens. We have a ways to go if we are going to be in the middle as far as being competitive. Those are the facts also known as talking points by those who think Illinois is friendly to business. Maybe our unemployment rate would come down if we’re had more employers here.

  55. - Huh? - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:42 pm:

    Mentioning property taxes relative to the State General Revenue Fund is a red herring. Our property taxes stay local, they don’t ever get to Springfield.

    Subsidy cuts such as the autism grant came out of the general revenue fund, not our property taxes.

    When the timex watch says that it is wrong to cancel a subsidy to a business after it was promised, what about the promise to pay a bill in a timely manner? What about the promise to the kid that is getting ready to age out of foster care?

    The shared sacrifice that the crappy van is spouting about is only to be spread around the not for profit companies because only the for profit companies mean something to our blood sucking wall street vulture capitalist governor.

  56. - Formerpol - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:47 pm:

    So none of you smart critics have a solution; just “don’t cut anything”. I have great compassion - what I don’t have is more tax dollars for an irresponsible state legislature which only knows how to create new programs and spend. I am very active for several charities, and I take care of my own disabled family members (never thought to ask the taxpayers to help me there!).
    Too many posters here are present or former state employees, I think! So what would you cut? That would be a more helpful post.

  57. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:50 pm:

    ===I have great compassion===

    Sure, you do. Your comment was simply drenched in it.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:53 pm:

    - Formerpol -,

    Rauner is the governor.

    Rauner is choosing his priorities. That’s the ball game.

    Suggestions are made here all the time, read any pension post, read and budgetary number-crunching post.

    This post is talking about consequences, any and all, with these specific cuts. The discussion is about the present, and the cuts that are.

  59. - CharlieKratos - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    Raunerbots have time to post, but they don’t have time to read. Otherwise, they would have seen that many good suggestions have already been made on this blog.

  60. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 2:03 pm:

    LP, really, the corporate income tax rate?

    Two-thirds of Illinois corporations pay no income taxes. Of those that do, they’re taxed only on income based on Illinois sales.

  61. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 2:09 pm:

    Maybe corporate tax reform should be on the table if we infact have only 1/3 of the companies paying one of the highest rates out there. I would guess the 2/3 number is another Red Herring including my Grandmother’s eBay resale business in those numbers. Why are we refunding the 100 million to companies that pay nothing?

  62. - Rod - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 2:12 pm:

    I am glad Senator Cullerton has clarified that the Governor did not lie to the leadership about taking any additional cuts off the table if the Assembly passed the $1.6 billion in reductions contained in HBs 317 and 318. I have no idea where many Democrats got the idea that there was a deal made relating to the Executive Order related to the passage of the $1.6 billion in cuts.

    As I have posted many time now the Democrats are going to have to get much more confrontational with the Governor in order to protect the programs they want to continue. They are going to have to force the Governor to define “non-essential” in advance.

    Senator Cullerton in the interview Rich linked to states he believes the $26 million in additional cuts “could have been saved through negotiations rather than these arbitrary cuts.” I don’t agree with the Senator that those $26 million in additional cuts were actually arbitrary in the least - they represented the Governor’s team’s vision of non-essential. Young children with Autism and intervention services for them are not effectively essential services based on the Governor’s methodology.

    So President Cullerton is avoiding the root of the problem in his comments and in order to get the Governor to define what is or is not non-essential the Democratic leadership is going to have to get forceful and have some fights. Or else the budget that is passed will mean very little and significant appropriations could over the course of FY 16 be declared to be non-essential.

  63. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 2:21 pm:

    LP, feel free to do some research on your own. The information is easy to find.

    But it’s a very good question as to why companies that pay no income tax are getting EDGE credits.

    EDGE credits, if you’re not familiar, are the state giving to corporations in the form of tax credits the personal income tax withheld from its employees.

    The employees still pay taxes, the state just gives it to their employer.

  64. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 2:21 pm:

    === Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:46 am:

    DD, this government is giving to profitable corporations while taking away from citizens in need.

    Government is about priorities and Rauner is making his own choices that have nothing to do with the past or anyone else.

    The amounts in question aren’t rounding errors of rounding errors. They are ideological, not fiscal, choices ===

    I don’t disagree with that at all - I don’t like the idea of gov’t picking winners and losers. The ones who have the governor’s ear get the nod. But, if you throw your lot with the gov’t you are entering that realm. One should do so with a very jaundiced eye.

  65. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 2:24 pm:

    “Maybe our unemployment rate would come down if we’re had more employers here.”

    The unemployment rate has dropped like a stone over the last 18 months…

    “Too many posters here are present or former state employees, I think!”

    If only that mattered! But sorry, their opinions count just as much as yours and mine…

  66. - Buzzie - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 2:28 pm:

    Since the state requires students to take the Common Core test, perhaps all elected officials should be required to take a Common Sense test.

  67. - Archiesmom - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 2:29 pm:

    =Imagine the governor’s surprise when he learns that cutting funding for autism programs doesn’t mean autism goes away. =

    Just drop the mic and walk away. Your work here is done.

  68. - BlameBruceRauner - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 2:51 pm:

    Just wait till he gets a grandchild with Autism. Then it will become essential.

  69. - A guy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 3:20 pm:

    === Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 12:39 pm:

    –Autism as a condition hasn’t been completely abandoned–

    But it is fhe first thing to get whacked and doesn’t rate as a priority as much as giving money to corporations that made billions in profits last year.===

    It was far from the “first” whack. The second half of your thesis doesn’t spell out who provided those corporate goodies in the first place. But, it’s sure working for you, isn’t it?

    So keep calling every heart breaking cut the first whack and keep shifting blame for at least a decade of horrible corporate welfare where it doesn’t belong. Cause you’re smart and people half as smart will believe you.

  70. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 3:35 pm:

    Guy, the governor signed off on the $100 million corporate handouts last week. That was his choice and no one else’s.

  71. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 3:40 pm:

    @A guy:

    Tell me one time - ONE TIME - the Governor has made mention of doing ANYTHING that might impact the rich or big business. Show me one action he has taken to do anything about corporate welfare. JUST ONE.


    And yet he seems to be able to whack the crap out of services provided to the poor and disabled and you sit idly by defending every action that the guy takes and don’t have the least bit of problem with what he has done. Amazing.

  72. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 3:42 pm:

    /end rant/

  73. - walker - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 3:43 pm:

    A Guy: always with respect

    You’re overarguing it. Previous administrations made all these commitments. Rauner is reviewing all those he can impact. Some he is choosing to pay. Some he is choosing not to pay. Of course that’s some signof his priorities.

  74. - Modest Proposal - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 4:55 pm:

    When it comes to the federal government, when someone says they want to cut taxes - the question that follows is what program do you want to cut.

    Well, the Governor has to keep a balanced budget, and when interest groups complain that something they hold dear is being cut they should be saying what should be cut instead. Or else they should be saying that they want to raise revenues the amount they are losing.

  75. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 5:14 pm:

    If Rauner really wanted to help big business maybe he could become a property tax appeal lawyer like Madigan and Cullerton and actually make money on the side helping his buddies

  76. - PoolGuy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 7:42 pm:

    if Gov Rauner focused on some spending cuts, new revenues, tax reform such as a progressive tax or service tax. get corporate taxes in line so companies actually pay them even if that means lowing the rate. pass meaningful workers comp reforms. make the pension payments. all that would go along way to calming down business concerns, better our credit rating and show the middle class and poor that its leader is not out to bury them.

    all this other stuff, zombie economic development, union bashing, fair share fees, pension reform thats probably unconstitutional, property tax freezes, tort reform, term limits, prevailing wages, campaign contributions from unions and trial lawyers, a corrupt justice system, and so on. to me this is not shaking up Springfield. its divisive and short-sighted. i don’t think we to burn our society to the ground in order to build it back up again.

  77. - Catrike - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 8:10 pm:

    “Cullerton says the $26 mil in cuts could’ve been pushed to FY16, & didn’t have to go right now.”

    Yeah, always push the problem off to the future and never deal with it.

  78. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 8:27 pm:

    ===Yeah, always push the problem off to the future and never deal with it.===

    You miss the whole point;

    It’s April, weeks away, and Rauner saves $26 million?

    Further, it was done on a holiday weekend, these cuts were done in hopes no one would notice.

    Finally, if we all believe Cullerton, I do, that Rauner didn’t go back on his word, why the…

    ===“Cullerton says the $26 mil in cuts could’ve been pushed to FY16, & didn’t have to go right now.”===

    Which implies confusion as to the “why” still isn’t satisfied.

    Please keep up.

  79. - A modest proposal - Wednesday, Apr 15, 15 @ 10:27 pm:

    ====Yeah, always push the problem off to the future and never deal with it.====

    We can always address those problems tomorrow.

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