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Redefining Darin

Friday, Apr 17, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The headline on this John Fund article in the National Review is “The Establishment and the Tea Party Face Off in Illinois”

This year’s first big confrontation between the GOP establishment and the party’s restless grassroots will be held this summer in an Illinois special-election primary. The smart money is betting on the establishment’s choice, but dissatisfaction with attempts to force-feed that choice on voters, together with the performance of the new GOP Congress in fighting President Obama, could give an insurgent a real shot. […]

LaHood is about as establishment a choice as one could imagine. He is the son of Representative Ray LaHood, the very moderate Republican who represented about half of the current district in Congress until 2009. He then left office to become President Obama’s Transportation Secretary, where he promoted pork-barrel spending and dubious high-speed-rail projects. His son’s supporters say his politics are distinct from those of his father, but clearly the LaHood name will be a mixed blessing in a primary. On the one hand, it brings strong name identification for Darin LaHood. But on the other, it leaves many of the district’s conservatives looking for a fresh, non–status quo alternative.

Mike Flynn plans to be that alternative. A 47-year-old political activist, he played a major role in exposing the scandals that brought down the leftist group ACORN and went on to edit the Big Government website founded by the late Andrew Breitbart. The site has been a go-to source of stories exposing the politically correct obsessions of liberals and the non-confrontational habits of Republican leaders.

C’mon, man.

* Except for the stuff about wanting to kick out the US House Speaker, Darin LaHood is every bit as “tea party” as Flynn. I did a quick Google search of “Darin LaHood” and “tea party” and here are just a few of the results

* Marion County TEA Party: See what Senator Darin Lahood said about the bill to issue driver’s licenses to illegals. This is excellent:

* Peoria Patriots: Darin was great! He talked to us like he is one of us. He was eager to answer any and all of our questions. Illinois could sure use more like him. I hope he will be able to bring change to this corrupt state, but he will need our help in educating the voters to the issues so they can vote wisely and elect more like Darin.

* Area tea party calls out detractors: “Friends, I think it is time for us to return to being a godly nation. We should not be ashamed of ‘One Nation Under God,’” [Rick Welty, president of Galesburg District 205 Board of Education] said. “This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principals and we have been pushed away from those and I think it is time we return to them.” Welty introduced State Sen. Darin LaHood. “Our state is in a real mess. We just put the largest tax increase in our history,” LaHood said. “We have $8 billion in debt. Companies like Caterpillar are thinking about leaving the state, and four of last eight governors are convicted felons. That’s our state. It is not heading in the right direction.

* Homer/Lockport Tea Party: LaHood seeks solution to ‘Common Core’ problems

* Tea Party members rally in Galesburg: Ill. State Senator Darin LaHood, one of the event speakers, proposed some ways to fix the government, with encouraging cheers from the audience.

* And, maybe I’m wrong, but I think it’ll be tough finding anything in Sen. LaHood’s voting record to make him out to be a hated moderate. The only thing they really have is LaHood’s dad. They have to turn the younger LaHood into a “legacy” candidate and an “insider”

“People don’t think politics should be a family business, handing over seats like an inheritance,” [Flynn] told me. “Darin LaHood lost a state’s attorney race, was appointed to a safe state senate seat, and has been just waiting to run for Congress. Conservatives can do better and send someone who has already proven they want to challenge Washington’s ways.”

First, Flynn has to get on the ballot. Then, he has to raise a bunch of cash. The jury is still out on both counts.


  1. - Demoralized - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 11:05 am:

    I’m convinced that there is really a third party out there disguising themselves as members of the Republican Party. They are absolutist in their views and have no concept of reality. They are more concerned about ideological purity than anything else. They don’t care the least little bit about governing. Their only mission in politics is to be against anything and everything and then to champion themselves as defenders of the Republic.

  2. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 11:09 am:

    John Fund just showed us how little he knows, didn’t he?

  3. - walker - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 11:10 am:

    National Review readers enjoy pie in the sky visions.

  4. - vole - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 11:24 am:

    Matters little. Whoever gets elected in this district is gonna sway with the tide of Republicans in Congress who basically caved to the T party line.

    Just wish some of the old man’s pork barrel would have spilled out on to the roads in District 18. Dang, these roads out here are terrible! Gotta be impaired, I mean enhanced, to drive them.

  5. - Wordslinger - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 11:24 am:

    It’s just part of the Obama Derangement Syndrome.

    The theory is that your old man, a solid Midwestern GOP conservative, is a traitor to the “cause” for serving in the cabinet of a commie, fascist, liberal, Kenyan, Muslim, anti-Semite, effiminate bully who is simultaneously weak and a dictator who wants Iran to blow up the world real good (black, in shorthand).

    So you must be a traitor to the “cause,” too. The “cause” itself is a rancid stew of the John Birch Society, Sons of the Confederacy and Wesboro Baptist Church.

    Darin, with friends like that…..

  6. - Sir Reel - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 11:26 am:

    What happened to a district that was represented by Bob Michael and Ray Lahood? Now we’re discussing how Tea Party the candidate is. Sad.

  7. - Soccermom - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 11:29 am:

    Good lord. If I ever run for office, I hope they don’t look at my father’s political beliefs. They’ll think I’m a member of the John Birch Society. “The Trilateral Commission stands for one world government, little girl…”

  8. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 11:38 am:

    There is a third party called the “Tea Party.” They tend to cluster in the GOP, although they despite it. They get angry when GOP candidates who do not belong to the “Tea Party” win elections. They get angry when their candidates lose elections, and blame “The Establishment” and everyone else for the failures of their candidates. They brand those candidates who are not in the “Tea Party” as RINO (Republican in Name Only), Liberals or Moderates who refuse to adhere lockstep to the “platform.” They get angry with candidates and office holders in the GOP who fail to appear at “Tea Party” meetings.

    They rejoiced when Tom Cross lost his election for State Treasurer. They mourned when the late Judy Baar Topinka won as Comptroller. They grumbled when Congressman Robert Dold retook the seat he lost two years earlier. They groused when Bruce Rauner was elected Governor. To immediately make them explode, walk up to any of them and whisper in their ear: “Mark Kirk.”

    The big news of the last election is that Rauner opened the door for the silent majority of Republicans who are fiscally conservative and socially moderate to retake the Illinois GOP. This has given the “Tea Party” members “The Willies” (sorry OW).

    Interesting times in Illinois politics these days.

  9. - Cheswick - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 11:56 am:

    Isn’t the Tea Party platform really just the Koch Bros. platform, and what good has that gotten anyone, except for making the Kochs richer?

  10. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:10 pm:

    - Louis G. Atsaves -,

    We’re all good here. “Tea Party, you’re not helping.”

    To the Post,

    Darin is not his father, it doesn’t take long to figure that out, and given the name ID and Darin’s own record, this could be a waste of time and resources, if Darin faces a challenger, as Rich pointed out the “challenges” with that inofitself.

  11. - countyline - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:18 pm:

    fiscally conservative and socially moderate-

    The 18th isn’t the Chicago burbs, looeee. It takes more than being a tightwad to win here.

  12. - 47th Ward - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:19 pm:

    ===There is a third party called the “Tea Party.” They tend to cluster in the GOP===

    No, there is no third party. The Tea Party is taking over the Republican Party. The establishment Republicans helped create the Tea Party and now they’ve lost control of it. You should blame Roger Ailes, Grover Norquist and Dick Armey, stalwarts of the establishment GOP for creating this monster in their laboratory.

  13. - A guy - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:22 pm:

    Might turn into “Redefining the Tea Party” before it’s over. The purists are always in search of somewhere to go. The ideas gotta win. Not the personalities. Plenty of very rational TPs out there. Plenty more who agree with many/most of their positions. They’ll never admit it, but they’re moderating. This election will help keep that trend moving.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:26 pm:

    - 47th Ward -,

    That’s probably as true as I would want to admit, but true all the same…

    …especially in Primaries, where most of the damage is seen.

    Well said.

  15. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:36 pm:

    A 47-year-old political activist…

    Stop right there.
    We don’t want, or need, a political activist representing any congressional district. There are very few citizens in this district who would be represented well by a political activist, regardless of political stand.

    A problem seems to be a complete lack of appreciation for what it is a congressman does. We don’t need a nationalized political figure. We need an empathetic, talented, humble and mature individual who will listen to everyone regardless of politics or party, and do their best. We don’t want a crook. We don’t want a shirtless showboat. We need an adult.

    Mr. Flynn is not suitable for this office. It doesn’t matter his stand on the issues. He is unqualified. Go away and stop wasting money.

  16. - independent - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:43 pm:

    Being from this district it makes me sad, this tea party BS is going to do nothing to help ensure we have a rep who actually wants to govern in a responsible manner and is looking out for our future.

  17. - vole - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:44 pm:

    countyline: “It takes more than being a tightwad to win here.”

    for Schock, 32 got him in, 44D got him out …
    well, kinda like that

  18. - Team Sleep - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:44 pm:

    Sorry to burst people’s bubbles here, but primaries in Illinois and most states are purity tests. I seem to recall the Dem primary after 3J’s resignation being a litmus test on who was best equipped to push President Obama’s agenda; who had a better rating from groups like the Sierra Club and Emily’s List; who was more anti-NRA; and who was most opposed to Speaker Boehner’s “radical” legislative priorities. Senator Hutchison - who is an awesome person and would have made a great Congresswoman - was viewed with distaste by many because of “A” rating from the NRA. I also seem to remember the race to replace Rahm in Congress to include overtones as to who was better equipped to serve during the last 1.5 years of President Bush’s term and who would be best to help then Senator Obama if he were to win the White House.

    So please spare me the anger over the Republican “race to the bottom” or “oh, how we long for the day of Bob Michel and Ray LaHood”.

    And really - Ray LaHood was not exactly a moderate, either. He happened to be fairly skilled at deal making and was a key person in the crafting at the most recent long-term transportation bill, so I supposed people on the right are angry that Ray LaHood helped shape public policy and secure funding for roads, bridges and rail.

  19. - Amuzing Myself - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:57 pm:

    This is ridiculous. It was tried just last cycle. Her name was Erica Herald. This is going to go the same way, probably with a much larger margin.

  20. - train111 - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 12:58 pm:

    Let’s see

    The tea party gets their undies in a tight ball over Obama because he was a ‘community activist’


    their pushing this guy who is a ‘47 year old political activist’

    Exactly what is the difference?

  21. - vole - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 1:34 pm:

    train: because the great mind of the intellectual, Sarah Palin, made political hay with the community activist spiel? Actually, I think it was community organizer.

  22. - PoliticalPro - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 2:29 pm:

    Best qoute of the campaign season thus far…

    “Darin LaHood’s father was a chief of staff in Congress forever, and then was in Congress forever, and now he wants his boy to be in Congress forever. It’s like LaHood lives in the political world without any connection to the real world.”

    - Mike Flynn

  23. - Matt Jones - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 2:49 pm:

    I’ve lived and voted in the 18th my entire adult life and keep track of the goings on at the capital (because of my job) more than probably any other constituent. Darin’s votes and positions are as conservative as you can be, short of those who would gleefully drive us over the fiscal cliff, withdraw from the UN, and eliminate all foreign aid. Accusations to the contrary are simply ridiculous and contemptible. And hopefully, ineffective. I’m generally no fan of “legacy” candidates, but Darin has earned whatever he achieves. The one true similarity with his father, he is a tireless traveler throughout the district. His wife, like his mother, is the patron saint of political widows and their family commitment to public service ought to be lauded, not mocked. Mr. Flynn, I love libby, but can do without your misdirection and sanctimony.

  24. - Federalist - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 3:59 pm:

    Sometimes I agree with the “Tea party” sometimes I don’t.

    Biggest problem is that too many (not all) just have to stick religion in the issue.

    Interesting that while the liberal/left love to beat up on the Tea Party they seem to forget their counterpart protesters such as the WTO and Wall Street protesters. And I even agree with them on some issues as I am very concerned about corporate and political elites from around the world dominating our lives. However, too often they are a nasty group who leaves violence and garbage wherever they go. At least the Tea partiers are more respectful.

    Yea, I know a lot of people on this site will be very upset with my comments. So be it. Does not bother me.

  25. - PoliticalPro - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 4:51 pm:

    Most self-serving quote of the campaign thus far…

    “His wife (Darin LaHood’s), like his mother, is patron saint of political widows…”
    - Matt Jones

  26. - Joe John - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 5:50 pm:

    Disappointed in John Fund. He’s usually spot on. He could have avoided this shotty story by simply calling Darin. Or maybe just doing what Rich Miller did and google Darin’s involvement with the tea party.

    Let’s be clear. Flynn isn’t tea party. He’s libertarian. There are big differences on life, marriage, marijuana, and especially foreign policy.

    Flynn should realize that there is a reason that Ray got elected over and over again…because voters liked him. Attacking Ray and demonizing Darin because of his father might play in Quincy, but it doesn’t play in Peoria.

  27. - Tea Party Dave - Friday, Apr 17, 15 @ 6:40 pm:

    Mr. Fund’s lack of in-depth investigation is astounding! Tea Party leaders are always available to speak on Darin’s actual record in the State Senate. The fact that Darin is Ray’s son is the only thing that drives negativity regarding Darin. God save us from these professional journalists that take a fact of birth and take it to the convential wisdom “He must be like his father”. No way! Darin is his own man!

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