* Kerry Lester…
Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget chief apologized to a House oversight panel Tuesday for the confusion caused by the suspension of $26 million in social service and public health grants – a move that that surprised some lawmakers, who thought they had already plugged a $1.6 billion budget gap.
Tim Nuding, director of the governor’s office of management and budget, told the committee, specially formed by House Speaker Michael Madigan last week, that he intended to “do a better job communicating” and would do so as Rauner’s office works with the legislature on a budget for the fiscal year beginning next July to fill a much larger $6 billion hole.
“I feel like I communicated through all the proper channels about my intentions,” Nuding said. “I apologize if there was a misunderstanding. … I believe I’m a trustworthy person. I know that I have credibility. I hope to establish that with you. It troubles me greatly that we have had miscommunications on that issue.”
* Nuding is a class act. Top notch. The governor, for his part has been blaming the communication problem on the legislative leaders…
Rauner on Friday said his budget office was “clear” with legislative leaders about the possibility of further cuts. But he also acknowledged the message may not have been made clear to rank-and-file lawmakers, saying “unfortunately within some of the caucuses there was a failure to communicate that fact.”
Yes, because throwing Madigan et al under the bus is always a great idea.
When this fight finally breaks out - and it will - it’s gonna be a doozy.
* But let’s get to the real news of the day by going back to Kerry’s piece…
The House panel’s meeting came the same day as a state senator introduced legislation to restore $26 million in grant cuts. Democratic state Sen. Dan Kotowski of Park Ridge cited a “shared concern” for funding programs that support vulnerable Illinois residents.
But it was unclear late Tuesday whether the legislation had enough support to pass.
* Monique Garcia has more…
Rauner suggested last week that legislators could consider diverting more money from special earmarked funds to help ease the budget crunch, saying there’s about $300 million in unused funds that could be tapped into.
In response, the Senate on Tuesday heard testimony on a proposal that would allow Rauner to shift $26 million in special funds to help restore grant cuts. But it’s unclear if the idea will ultimately make it to the governor’s desk amid concerns in the House about giving Rauner the authority to spend more money.
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- walker - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:04 am:
Don’t fully know what games are being played by Rauner and other leaders here.
Do know that Kotowski’s concern for these people and the services for them, is personal and legitimate.
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:07 am:
Emanuel and Byrd-Bennett yesterday, legislative leaders today.
The man does not flinch at tossing people under the bus. I suspect that could make for some problematic working relationships.
- Tommydanger - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:08 am:
I think the Governor fancies himself a Frank Underwood in the making; sowing seeds of discontent among the ranks by suggesting the leadership is failing to communicate with its members.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:10 am:
The offer of a beverage for Nuding still stands. OW.
In corporate America, you can lie to board members, throw board members under the bus, undercut them, berate them, and on the rarest of occasions, the public funds out.
That’s NOT…how it works in government.
Y’all are co-equal. Y’all are stuck wit’ each utter for a while, and ya better trust dose ya makin deals wit’.
(I went “folksy” to help the Governor, or, let’s be honest, whomever is suppose to tell the governor the news, but…I digress…)
These cuts, the “Rauner Cuts” (hey @statehousechick!) are now a tool of s high powered game of chicken.
When the cuts bare your name, it’s on you. The Rauner Cuts will haunt Rauner longer than the GA. Governors own cuts, budgets, appointments, grants, anything they do, they own.
Rauner needs a Rauner Budget, with Rauner Revenues, to stop Rauner Cuts.
That’s the ball game. The Speaker might be saying that too(?)
Trust(?)…”23 = 10 + 13″… “67″, … and “leverage”
Not the best way to run a railroad.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:13 am:
Wait, I thought the Guv and the Speaker were poised to become a dynamic duo and it was that mean old Senate that was going to wreck it all?
- Crispy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:23 am:
“Rauner Cuts”: But…in the Amanda Vinicky interview, the governor said, “These cuts are not part of a negotiating tactic.” Lol.
- MrJM - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:27 am:
Makes sense. If Rauner wasn’t being open and honest about those cuts, he’d have surprised everyone with an announcement on Good Friday or something.
– MrJM
- tch02 - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:35 am:
If there’s $300 mil in untapped funds, maybe they could put it against the pension deficit. .. or the backlog of bills to be paid….or backpay from 2011?
- Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:36 am:
Tim is taking one for the team. That’s too bad. He is a class act. The problem is the leader of the team.
- Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:43 am:
=== But…in the Amanda Vinicky interview, the governor said, “These cuts are not part of a negotiating tactic.” ===
I agree with Crispy, but my problem is that I can’t get to the new WUIS site to read/listen to Amanda’s good stuff.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:48 am:
Norseman, clear your cache, quit and relaunch your browser and try again. They’re having some problems.
- D.P.Gumby - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:20 am:
It has now been established that Brucie has all the credibility that Blago had…here come the MOUs.
- DuPage - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:35 am:
Another day, another person gets thrown under the bus.
- Anonin' - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:02 pm:
it seens clear that the “communications problms”
BVR & Crew are lamenting is that they thought they could leverage parents of autistic children for the Turnaround Agenda in exchange for cuts to the services they receive.
Turns out they were wrong …sgain…still. Now they need to do this tap dance to cover over their “communications problem”
- Wensicia - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:12 pm:
Nuding’s class act further emphasizes Rauner’s crass act by comparison.
- Cassandra - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:14 pm:
Well, there is the argument that our esteemed legislators maybe should have asked a few more questions. But let it be. Mr. Nuding did the right thing. And the availability of those still-rich special funds ($300 million per news reports) makes this an easy decision, because the Admin doesn’t have to cut somebody else to make up the $26 mil. Plus, they really need to start working on 2016.